Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) had opened in my neck of the woods last October/November. It was only playing in 2 or 3 places around town; down at the arty theatre and its off shoot, the slightly well to do theatre uptown. Then it was showing at the whitey mall in the suburbs near me. I was planning to catch a viewing when I took the day before Thanksgiving off. When I checked the listing on that Wednesday morning, the film was gone. I was unable to catch it. I believe it played for only a week there, and I was unable to catch it.
It won the Oscar for Best Picture last month.
Now its on BluRay and DVD, but I had to watch it in theatre. In the last few weeks, its been playing right next door in its victory lap. I went this past weekend. I was finally able to catch it.
The film revolves around an actor whose starred in a trilogy of superhero films about Birdman some years ago. He wants to be a more legitimate actor, so he writes, stars, and directs an adaptation of a Raymond Carver story on Broadway. Except his past haunts him as well as the present difficulties in staging the play. His cast gains a "ACTOR." His show is lacking funding. The critics are readying to rip the show to shreds. And he's only hearing Birdman egg him on. Is he crazy?
Maybe, he was. The story suggests it isn't reality, but a figment of the lead's imagination. The Birdman follows him around. He floats in the air in his tight-whiteys. He exhibits telekinesis. He was crazy!
This one winning the Best Picture fits the trend of 'meh' that the last few have been. It doesn't knock you out as a film. It doesn't scream classic. Let's give it another few years and re-evluate if it is any good. Maybe in a decade.
All I know is I saw 2 of the 8 Best Picture nominees and this was the worst of the two.
3 of 5 stars.
Labels: movies, review