"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Friday, January 29, 2016
Snowmageddon Selfie.

Snow-pocalypse! That shit was coming down. We need one of these blizzards every three years. And we need some snow every winter. Fudge global warming.


Carol continues director Todd Haynes's turn as a latter day Douglas Sirk. In Carol, he explores the suppressed sexual desires between a young counter clerk and an older woman. In this though, the clerk is a young woman. It is a movie based on a Patricia Highsmith novel, The Price of Salt, which was a formative novel for the gay and lesbian community.

In this film as in the book, the love that blossoms between the women is meant to be normal. It attempts to have a happy ending, but it was still ambiguous. It attempts to make the young lady realize her growing desire. It attempts to make the older woman less of a vamp and more of a tortured soul. They are or may be right together.

As with Sirk, Haynes deals with the sublimated ugliness within American culture of the 50s. The way the husband whispered in quiet tones about his wife's dalliances. The way the boyfriends desperately pleaded with the young one for some semblance of hetero love. The discreet glances, the touches, all had to be held back in a more repressive society.

There is a scene of lovemaking in this movie. It was tasteful to say the least. Somewhat titillating showing the love made physical. It was there to remind us that there was still sex at that time.

I really wanted to like this film, but it was too smooth for me. I can see how it has won accolades with the acting by both Kate Blanchett and Rooney Mara. Both actresses were very good effectively portraying the strain in their psyche as they fought society, their desires, and their commitments. It may have been a good movie but not for me.

3 of 5 stars.

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Friday, January 22, 2016
Sorry about those offline videos, but that's what happens when you link to them from YouTube and their Japanese rights owners complain and revoke the accounts. I wish I could still bring you awesome Nogizaka46 videos, but YouTube takes too much.


Friday, January 15, 2016

They have never been more prettier than in this performance.

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Everything about this song fucking rulez!

The intro, the verses, the choruses... ROCKING!

The senbatsu, the hachi-fukujin + 1, the center, the 2nd generation... GREAT CHOICES!

The dance choreograph, the lyrics, the girls, seifuku... NICE!

The covers of the albums... COOL!

I love this song. I can play it on the guitar. I sing it most every day. Play this at my funeral!

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Thursday, January 07, 2016
Fukagawa Mai announced her graduation from Nogizaka46 today. I am sad again.

But it's not like she's one of my favorites. I love 'em all. If forced to order, MaiMai would not make my top 10. From reading others, she is beloved by the fans, therefore she's beloved by me.

She is the oldest currently of the group. It was expected that she would want to graduate soon. I wasn't expecting anyone from the group to announce so soon after their triumph at Kouhaku. Yet, it had to happen.

The olds are leaving and the news must rise to the challenge. Will Nogizaka46 be the same?

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Friday, January 01, 2016
Here's the year end list of the best movies I saw live in the theatre for 2015. "Best" means I gave it greater than or equal to 4 stars (4 or 5).

4 stars. Star Wars: The Force Awakens -- I can't wait to find out what happens to Rey. I hope she becomes a real good character if they write her correctly.
4 stars. Perfect Blue -- An old anime, but seen for the first time, Satoshi Kon's first film makes me miss him more.
5 stars. Mad Max: Fury Road -- AWESOME!
4 stars. While We're Young -- Kylo Ren is emo.
4 stars. Selma -- Should've won best picture last year.

These were the films I loved after walking out of the movie theatre. That's not a lot considering I think I saw at least 20. There are a few I wish I loved more, but they didn't make the grade. Maybe sometime later they will, but for now these will suffice.

What were your favorites from last year?

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