"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Sunday, February 28, 2016
I thought Zoolander 2 would be an enjoyable fun time at the theatre watching a dumb movie. Instead it was the suck. So was the movie.

Zoolander 2 finds Ben Stiller reprising his role from a decade ago. Unfortunately, it wasn't as funny the second time around.

Do not watch until they show it on Comedy Central...

1 of 5 stars.

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The Tech Oscars. Almost forgot. And this year they included a guy to help host. Jason Seigel. Olivia Munn the obligatory hottie.


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Friday, February 26, 2016

Will I come to love this song as much as their last?

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Sunday, February 21, 2016
#乃木坂46時間TV 46 Hour Viewing Setup

This is how I've been watching Nogizaka46 4th Anniversary 46 Hour Marathon. I've been on my couch for 2 days. It is almost to the end. I don't want it to be. Which fansubbers are going to get the English sub for all 46 hours?

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Saturday, February 20, 2016
I'm trying my hand at slow cooker pulled pork. This is the first time I've done this so we'll have to see how it goes. First off, I referenced these two pulled pork recipes: Shutterbean's slow cooker pulled pork and the easy oven pulled pork. I pulled the slow cooker style from shutter bean but went with the flavoring found at serious eats.

It's cooking right now on low. I'm going to check on it in 4 hours, then flip it over and maybe cook it for another 4... overnight.

I made a rub for it. Cumin, garlic powder, paprika, white sugar, fresh ground pepper, kosher salt. I rubbed this on a 2 pound pork shoulder/butte. I bought this cut of meat in a 5 pound version with the bone in it. That was the original size, but it doesn't fit in my slow cooker. So I butchered it down to 2 pounds without the bone. I did that this morning and rubbed it down also with salt and pepper before refrigerating for the afternoon.

So, after I applied the light rub, I decided to sear it just like the serious eats version. I did this on my stovetop in my trusty dutch oven. I only took it to 2-3 minutes a side until they developed some cover.

I prepped the slow cooker. I chopped up an 1 1/2 onions and laid some in the slow cooker. My slow cooker is taller than it is wide. I also chopped up some garlic. I threw it in the slow cooker like the onions and turned the cooker on high to begin the slow, slow heating up.

When the meat was slightly seared, I transferred it to the slow cooker. I poured in about 16 oz of store bought, low sodium chicken broth enough to cover half the meat. I then poured a little more into my dutch oven to deglaze whatever was burnt onto it. I poured this liquid onto the meat in the slow cooker. I then added 1/2 teaspoon of some liquid smoke and 3 bay leaves. The bay leaves I put in because if bay leaves are good enough for pork adobo it should be good enough for pulled pork. I finally covered the rest of the meat with a little more onions and garlic.

Cross your fingers that this turns out edible.

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乃木坂46 on ShowRoom App strange乃木坂46 on ShowRoom App strange乃木坂46 on Showroom app乃木坂46 on Showroom app乃木坂46 on Showroom app

In order to catch Nogizaka46's 46 hour marathon of their 4th Anniversary, I downloaded the ShowRoom app from the app store. It is very Japanese. There's avatars of everyone watching. Then they're throwing stars. I have no idea why. They just are. I threw all my stars and I'm all out. I wish I had more because throwing stars was fun. Then everyone is commenting in Japanese. I also commented in Japanese, but also in their weird shorthand: '8888' ==> clapping, "wwwwww" ==> laughing. I hope that is correct. Anyhow, I'm still using the app to watch it because the other streaming services are either blocked in the US (YouTube), laggy on my connection (Amebafresh.tv), for premium customers (nico nico douga). I will eventually run up against ATT's unlimited slow down, but damn it. I want my NogiTV!

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Thursday, February 18, 2016
The Coen brothers have made 17 movies. Hail, Caesar! is another one.

It deals with a man buffeted by fate as he navigates a tricky world to do what is right and correct the wrongs of injustice which had been done against him or his family.

No this isn't Raising Arizona. No this isn't No Country For Old Men. No this isn't A Serious Man. No this isn't Barton Fink.

This isn't one of those which are much better films than this one. Although I would argue that it does kind of remind me of A Serious Man. Not the best, not the worst. It fits right into the Coen oeuvre.

3 of 5 stars.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Forty-six is not enough. Forty-six is too much. Forty-six is going to be a marathon. Forty-six. Nogizaka46.

They are going to do a 46 hour web cast marathon for their fourth birthday special. You can watch it for free this weekend by following one of the streaming sites on today's link. I suggest you bookmark it, and then watch it with me starting Friday evening.

I am so psyched.


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Sunday, February 07, 2016

Embedding for posterity. Or at least until YouTube takes it down.

This is the A and B sides to Nogizaka46's last single from last year: Ima, Hanashitai Dereka Ga Iru (今、話したい誰かがいる). The first song is the title song. The senbatsu members are all very, very pretty in this. It is also a very pretty, pretty song. The second song is the Under Girl's song: Shitto no Kenri (嫉妬の権利). It has the most passionate performance by the members ever. In fact both sides do their song with feeling which is usually hard to find in idol music.

After listening over and over, I think this is a very fine single and can't wait for the next Nogi release.


Spotlight is one of the nominees for best picture of the year. I am not sure why though. It is at best a good example of investigative journalism like The Insider, but it lacks any dramatic elements to make it seem important. Yes, given the subject matter it is an important story to tell, but it doesn't carry the weight of a best picture nominee. It looks as if the Academy was needing to put substantive films into that category and just grabbed for whatever is out there.

Spotlight is the story of the investigative news team of the Boston Globe that published the infamous Catholic Church sexual predator priest coverup. This is important in the sense that they made the Church acknowledge its problems; but they couldn't make the Church pay for its actions. The Church is still run by dudes who would wish away evil than confront it, and is still supported by millions of followers that want to believe that the goodness the Church does outweighs the fact that it still harbors and abets sexual predators.

The major problem with the movie I had is that their is no drama. There may be characters that search deep in their soul for a way to rectify the good Church and the bad priests, but that all seemed to be rote -- needed to establish that good Christians struggle with faith, too. There definitely wasn't any drama in terms of where the story was heading as this is all old news. There could've been drama in the way the reporters, all relapsed Catholics, approached their loss in faith, but they didn't really touch too much on that.

The actors were fine. I'm glad to see Racheal McAdams in movies again. Ruffalo was excellent, but his character was the least interesting -- a relapsed Catholic abhors the Church because of its penchant for hiding its sins?

The best that this can be is a nice TCM diversion during its annual 31 days of Oscars. That's where I would catch it.

3 of 5 stars.

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Wednesday, February 03, 2016

This will break the internet!


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