"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
I like making soups. I want to make them all the time for dinner. It’s just like how my mom does for almost any and every dinner.

Tonight was miso, mushroom, barley soup - a very comforting combination of flavors.

I got the idea from Mark Bittman’s book, The Kitchen Matrix. There’s a section in the front for quick and easy broths. I followed the one for the mushroom broth. Then threw in the one for miso as well. Two for the price of one.

It’s one pound of mushrooms in six cups of water. Bring it to a boil then simmer. He recommends that these easy broths be done in about 5 to 10 minutes. I let it simmer for about 15 minutes.

The mushrooms I used were white buttosn, brown criminis, and shiitakes. I could’ve done without the shiitakes as they don't boil very well. But I chopped about 1 1/4 lbs of mushrooms and threw them in the pot.

I seasoned with 2 pinches of salt. Maybe I shouldn’t have as the miso would take care of the sodium content later, but I figured that would make the mushrooms at least a bit tasty.

In a separate and smaller pot, I threw in 1/4 cup of barley. Then when the broth was done, I added 2-3 cups of the mushroom broth. I didn’t add mushrooms at that time, although if some had gotten into the broth when I scooped it, I let them go into the soup.

I boiled and simmered this mixture again for 10 minutes. I assume that, like rice, barley takes about that long to cook. Of course, YMMV but I was also going for a slightly al dente feel to the barley.

Finally, I added 2 tablespoons of white miso and chopped scallions into the simmer, stirred it around, then let it sit for another couple of minutes.

When I put it into a bowl, I added mushrooms and some black pepper. Mmm.

It made about 3 servings.

I was full on the 2nd.

Don’t have coke with this combo. Have tea instead.

The miso was purchased from South River Miso, a Vermont farm making organic miso. I bought the sampler. Their white miso is sublime.


Sunday, April 17, 2016
Macross. That word warms my little otaku heart. I remember like it was yesterday. It came as the Robotech in the United States. Yet, there was more to it once you become an anime otaku. It's got mecha. It's got space. It's got idols. It's got music. It's got a love triangle. You couldn't beat it. And every other iteration features the same. Why can't we get it in the States in its pure unadulterated form?


I remember love...


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Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Vote early. Vote often.

Vote for a Sanrio character. I'm thinking of backing Chococat this year. I like how he's going make those Mexicans pay...

...for chocolate.

He's got a good platform. Of chocolate!

But there's too many cute ones to vote for.

Vote daily.


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Friday, April 08, 2016
Contrary to what some say, for all intents and purposes, there is no Natty Boh' at Camden Yards.

I was at the game last night, the start of my season tickets, and I had a few drinks. Three to be precise. The first was a Blue Moon for $8.75. Not the greatest, but that was the best choice I thought from the Lites that were in this vendors box. Around the sixth inning, I felt like more beer and wanted to get my choice, Natty Boh'. I went looking...

And looking...

And looking...

It's out behind left field. The one lonely stall selling Natty Boh'. The lady was closing up shop but I had her pour me a draft.

Now there was supposedly cans being sold at certain vendors, but I didn't find them. It was nothing but beer 'ritas. Not sure why anyone would drink such a thing. I can't even imagine how they brew that up.

Anyhow, there is no Boh' there. Like it was when Camden Yards first opened.

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Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is the type of film you get when you believe super heroes should be gritty. While not and bad as reviewers say, it's only bad because they know that by liking The Dark Knight, that this is what they deserve. Thanks, Christopher Nolan!

Is Zack Snyder the second most hated director in Hollywood after Michael Bay? Maybe. He's made a few movies that rub people the wrong way, but needless to say he makes movies which regular shmoes like. I think he needs some mental help though. His is a too cynical take on life. Dark. Grim. Dank. Dour. That's all I can say of his style. There is no light in his world.

It's a tale which tries to set up the DC Cinematic Universe. I'm not a DC fan, so I could care less.

Make mine Marvel.

3 of 5 stars.

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10 Cloverfield Lane was several movies in one.

It started out like a horror film -- the tortured, imprisoned girl. Is her captor a savior or someone else quite menacing?

Then it turned into a slice of life in the bomb shelter. What to do when the world has collapsed?

Then it returned to horror. Dear god, this guy really is crazy and he did imprison and kill some other girls. I'd rather go out into the mist.

Finally, it became a science fiction film where she had to defeat alien invaders. ALIEN INVADERS! Like a crazy War of the Worlds.

It was alright. A good experiment, but one you quite soon forget. I started this two weeks ago and had to finish it up because I need to talk about Batman and Superman.

3 of 5 stars.

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