"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Plenty of birthdays in October. While in the bookstore, I bought cards. A couple of birthday cards. And a Halloween card. One for the nephew. One for the sister-in-law. One for the niece. Nice.

Also, an issue of Monocle.

Monocle Issue 107
Halloween Card for the niece

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I had some kimchi in my fridge. It's been in there for little bit more than a month.

I had some Brussel sprouts in my fridge. They've been in there for the better part of a week.

Looking for some dinner tonight, I decided to forgo eating takeout and decided to make a Frankenstein's monster of a dish: Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Kimchi.

First, I quartered the Brussel sprouts before tossing them in olive oil with salt and fresh ground pepper. It wasn't a whole bag, but six or seven tiny heads of them. I threw them in my toaster oven broiler for about 10 minutes. Not that long really more like 8 minutes. I didn't want to overcook them and start smelling the stink. I was just looking for a little browning on their edges.

With the kimchi, I just chopped it into smaller pieces, the better to eat them. When the sprouts were done, I just tossed both in a bowl along with left over fried tofu.

That's it. It's alright. I know that I should've put it on top of some fresh rice. That would've been even better.

I'll still have some sprouts in the fridge.


Thursday, October 26, 2017
The Foreigner was advertised (if one had seen its commercial) as a vehicle for an old Jackie Chan to become the Chinese Liam Neeson -- old man out for revenge on those who took his child. The reality is that it was a political action thriller about the Irish IRA.


Jackie Chan did kick butt, but it was mainly Pierce Brosnan trying to terrorize the U.K. for the sake of ancient Irish grudges.


All I'm trying to say is that it must've been a bait and switch on Jackie Chan, too.

Anyway. Meh. I've seen worst.

3 of 5 stars.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017
I'm giving Blade Runner 2049 a decent star count because I love the first one from the 80s. I watch that one and know that every anime derives from that film. Yes, even K-ON! LOL!

Anyhow, this version hews very close to the Philip K. Dick story, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" It's a sadder L.A. A more empty place where those who got off world did. And those left in the detritus of the world. Dark and somber.

The film didn't make any money like its predecessor. So in 10 years, we'll look back and call it genius.

4 of 5 stars.

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Sunday, October 22, 2017
American Made stars Tom Cruise and was directed by Doug Liman. They look to be a combination that's up and coming. I wonder if Liman can work well with Cruise. They seem to like each other as this is their second go the first being Live, Die, Repeat.

3 of 5 stars.

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Kingsman: The Golden Circle is a fine followup to the first movie. A little too much Eggsy's life and not enough Channing Tatum.

3 of 5 stars.

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Saturday, October 21, 2017
I'm not really buying manga as much anymore. Too much idol stuff. But when they release a new volume in the series I still sort of read I will buy it. Here's two I bought just because they are one of the last few series I still am reading.

No Matter How I Look at it, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular 10 -- Watamote!
A Bride's Story 9

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Sunday, October 15, 2017
I received for my birthday a book I bought this year. Luckily, they gave me a gift receipt. So I returned it and picked up this. Lot's to ponder from this considering our current presidential situation. We'll look back on Obama's presidency fondly. I wish the rapture would happen soon.

We Were Eight Years In Power: An American Tragedy by Ta-Nehisi Coates.


Friday, October 06, 2017
It's been a while. A LONGGGGGG WHILE! Months have gone by but that doesn't mean that I didn't buy stuff at the bookstore. I did. I just didn't bother blogging about it. Seems like my New Year's resolution did not last past the third month of the year.

I kind of fell off with blogging, but now I'm back. At least for the month of October! It's the spooky month. Not as good as NewsRadio Quote Month, but it's kind of fun, too. I want to write a bit more blog posts. Stretch out my typing so that I am actually using a keyboard. I'm not doing that at work. Blah.

Monocle issue 106.
Experience Required: How to become a UX leader regardless of your role. I bought this not because I want to be a UX guy, but because it gots some advice on how to persuade people. I need to stop being passive-aggressive and be assertive. Get me out of this task!!!!


Look it that. You're lucky. It's another Link of the Day to another idol. Enough with Sally. Here's the real cutie: Nishino Nanase!

The Ace of Nogizaka46. The only member who can really make me leave Ikuchan and oshihen to. So in love with her.

Here she starred in a movie released last month. Let's read about her because the more Nishino you get in your life the better.

Nanase is life.


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Thursday, October 05, 2017
Sally's now available in the US iTunes store. You won't have to get that account on the iTunes store Japan. But if you bought yesterday's music then you already did. Sorry.

Anyhow, please buy in order to support bringing more cute Japanese idols to America. Or at least outside Japan.


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Wednesday, October 04, 2017
Nogizaka46's 19th single released on Japan's iTunes store. Get it. Or don't. Or wait like me for the physical release of the CDs next week. Got to get the bonus DVDs.


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Monday, October 02, 2017

More 天城サリー.

This time she says hi and takes one of my comments for a spin. Sally rulez.

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