I made a big deal about my
New Year's Resolution for 2017, and I failed to keep at it. Not completely, but at a few of the items I earmarked.
I believe the hardest part was to blog about it. I think it was because there was a format to the post that I wanted to follow. Formatting the post was a bitch to do so eventually I stopped posting. Perhaps, that made me fail to accomplish some of those goals. Sadly, isn't that the deal with resolutions -- that they are made and never completed.
Anyhow, let's see how I did.
* Resolution: weigh 210 lbs. Results: weight 224 and rising because of the Holidays. I'll revisit this on next year with probably the same goal. It's always the same year in and year out: lose weight.
* Resolution: lose 5 inches on around the waist. Results: perhaps an inch or two. The pants fit, but they may not soon. Got to get back on this one too.
* Resolution: Lower my resting heart rate by 4 BPM. Results: 83 BPM. Some change. This one is too tough to measure as I don't think the apps I am using are fine grained enough.
* Resolution: Lower blood pressure to 120/85. Resolved: Unknown. This is bad. I had to get this down to stave off the diabetes. It's coming isn't it.
* Resolution: 150 miles on a bike. Results: 2 rides a total of 25 miles. Way too short. I should've gotten this one. Still scared about riding on the rode. Must be overcome because I miss biking.
* Resolution: 120 outdoor walks. Results: 142! Killed it. Do I up this next year?
* Resolution: 5 rowing per month. Results: Hit the goals in January, February, March, and May. Did not row the other times. It's because of my elbow and how my form contributes to making it hurt.
Professional Life
* Resolution: learn a new language. Results: did not do
* Resolution: get a new job. Results: did not happen. Although I am doing something different. Still need to explore this in 2018
* Resolution: blog more on different topics. Results: Failed as most of the time it was still movie reviews. Although, I did have that bookstore haul thing going on.
* Resolution: Cook more and cut dining spending by 25%. Results: Failed. Spending is down just not 25%. It doesn't help when you have to pay for many big birthday meals.
* Resolution: Read more books. Results: Failed. I bought more books. Did not read the ones on the night stand.
* Resolution: Japan. Results: Failed. Sadly I really wanted this to happen, but I chickened out because of traveling alone.
* Resolution: Study Japanese. Results: Failed. Although I am now working on it via Duolingo. I should've been slightly proficient if I started from the new year.
Once more. I failed. Will I resolve next year for the better? We'll see.
Labels: better late than never, DNF, resolute