"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
I use a Mac at home. I love the Mac, and today, Bare Bones Software has released BBEdit 8.0. This is "Software that doesn't suck." On each and every platform that I use I am always looking for the text editor that meets the standards set by BBEdit. On the Unix workstations, we used emacs. I got used to it. Sometimes, I would launch a file in vi just to get comfortable with the "more weird than emacs" keystroke combinations. Shift-Z-Z? On PCs, I quickly abandoned TextPad and WordPad looking for a BBEdit port. No such luck. The closest so far has been VisualSlickEdit. It is still no BBEdit.

Run out and get the latest version of the best piece of software ever written.

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Shamelessly stealing from the ingenuously named A Perfectly Cromulent Blog, I have decided that every post in September will have a quote from the under-appreciated News Radio. Hopefully, this will jump start my blogging as I have slowed down during the past month. I don't think that the quote will match up with the post, but I'll try. Stop in next month and join in my remembrance of the greatest sitcom ever.


Sunday, August 29, 2004
Another weekend and another movie. This time it was the Chinese epic, Hero. If you loved Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, then this one is for you. A blend of martial arts, Chinese history and a star-crossed love story, Hero goes for all. I rather liked it, but why are these things so melodramatic.

4 of 5 stars.

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Friday, August 27, 2004
On Monday, I caught Zack Braff's Garden State at the local cineplex. I knew it to be a small, personal, independent-minded film, but I also thought it was supposed to be a comedy. Not much to laugh at, but then it wasn't supposed to be a true comedy. It was another small, personal independent film. Like they all are. I haven't seen one like since the great indy film boom of the early 90s. As an indy film, it is mediocre at best. I think I have seen it before. Anyway, the only thing of note that I left with from the movie is that George Lucas needs to apologize to Natalie Portman for sticking her in that wooden role of Princess Amidala. He needs to be punched in the nose. Can someone do it?

3 of 5 stars.

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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Here are two links which sum up my opinion of the president perfectly. Josh Marshall and Matthew Yglesias take down the silly man in the white house better than I could ever have done. Marshall portrays the president as a man of low moral courage. He lets others do the dirty work for him. I agree. It fits the man who has hardly earned things on his own. Yglesias portrays the president as a man of low intelligence. He is not actively engaging his intellect when trying to define his policies. Marshall's portrait of the president is a direct consequence of the lack of brains that the president has exhibited.

I am done my political rant for the week.


Thursday, August 19, 2004
Toogle a cool use of Google photos. Conducts a search for an image, and then uses the search term to create an ASCII version of the search result.

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Blogger just added a neat-o tool bar up top. It has a site search. That's good, so I just commented out the Google search in the sidebar. Use it to search my site for some more of my posts.


Generate RSS feed for the iTunes music store.
This is a link that I need to save. It is Apple's iTunes LinkMaker script. Enjoy if you want.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
How to fold a t-shirt. I need to start practicing this. Now can they tell me how to get one with no wrinkles?


Two movies from this past weekend...

First up, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Brought to us by those guys who made Dude, Where's My Car? It's not as funny, but is more overtly pro-pot. In fact, there was more pot being smoked in this than the latter, which was infamous for being a pothead flick without anyone smoking pot except the dog. If I had been high, when I saw this I would not have laughed too much.

2 of 5 stars.

Next, Alien v. Predator. Not too much of the battle taken place between them both. Really short film. The plot sucked. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. It would also seem that the predators suck as much as humans in fighting the aliens. Not as bad ass as I had thought.

3 of 5 stars.

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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Evan Dorkin's blog. If you don't know, he was the creator of Milk and Cheese, dairy products gone bad. Kept me happy in the middle of the last decade. He also writes for the CartoonNetwork's Adult Swim cartoons.

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Friday, August 13, 2004
Tom Cruise in Collateral is a dangerous man. I forget to realize how good an actor he is because I can't get past the pretty boy image he seems to embody. Any way, I caught this film last weekend at a mid-day matinee. It was slightly packed. This is another film that should've been released in the fall rather than the summer. It was another thriller. But in the end it turned into another chase 'em up flick jus to satisfy the suits as a summer blockbuster. Micheal Mann also seemed to revisit the character archetypes he had created in Heat. Good guy/bad guy dichotomy. Even the ending was just like Heat.

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After reading this, I had to watch it all over again. Found me the memo(pdf). Made sure I had put coversheets (pdf) on my TPS reports. Laughed. And don't forget the flair. Office Space is a great movie about work. The essence of the software drudgery. Also, the mind-numbing dumbness of Chotchkes and being a server. I have done both.

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Finally got that grad school application off in the mail during lunch, so back to updating this blog less less frequently than before. Here's a newspaper from some remote island in the South Pacific. It might as well be on another planet for the distance from the civilized world. (link via BoingBoing)


This is the essay for a grad school application. I hate writing essays. Why I need one now I shall never know.

To reflect upon the achievements in my life is a tough assignment for me. First off, as a humble person, writing about myself seems to be a boastful thing to do. I am not used to bragging about myself. I don't like the attention focused on me. Second, to spend some time to reflect on your past is to relive both the good and the bad time and conjures up memories which may be difficult to share in an essay for others to read. It is like allowing strangers a peak into your private journal. Lastly, a list your life's achievements seems to make life smaller, and the act of living life a by-the-numbers deal. So with trepidation, I shall list the achievements of my life so far, and hope that it conveys a little piece of me to the reader.

My first achievement that I am proud of is graduating from the University of Miami, Florida with a bachelor's degree in communications. Yet, when I had entered college, I had planned on graduating with a degree in one of the natural sciences either biology or chemistry and continue on with becoming a doctor. It took some strength of character to change my focus from sciences to the arts, because I am not the most communicative of person's. Once transferred to the Miami's School of Communications, I took up film as my specialty. With extremely creative people and in a highly collaborative environment, I had participated in making three student documentaries that were well received one of which even garnered a little publicity the local paper. My time spent at Miami allowed me to see that it is in creative, collaborative environments where I like to work.

Another achievement in my life of which I am proud about is the fact that I went back to school for another bachelor's degree. In making the decision to return to school, I had to accept the fact that my communication degree does not suit me well. I had to accept the fact that my father was right when pointing out when I was young that I may be more suited for work in the technology field even it had meant that his son will not follow his footsteps as a doctor. I had to accept the realization that a job in the film industry would be unachievable for me. At this point in my life, when returning back to school seemed to be a step back, it was actually when I felt that I had finally matured. I returned to school for a degree in computer science.

Of course, my first salaried job was a grand achievement. It allowed me to pay for my return to school on my own rather than my parents paying. The job was as a web developer during the time when being one was a cool thing have been doing. I had the most fun during this time as I had found a job that allowed me to express myself artistically and scientifically. The web development company was a small firm consisting of the two owners who split the business and technical aspects of the company between them, the graphic designer, and me, the programmer. Eventually, we created a company that became big enough to have been bought out by a larger company. I am proud to say that I have experienced the "dotcom" era in the front lines as grunt web programmer.

My most recent achievement so far is my current job. Having earned that second degree in computer science, I am finally applying that knowledge as a software engineer. It might not be in as glamorous an industry as I had been with my previous job, but it was exactly what I had wanted to do. I wanted to do some serious embedded systems programming. I reasoned that eventually everything will have a microchip in it and would need someone to program it. Why not gain experience doing embedded systems work?

Finally, let me focus a few thoughts about my aspirations. Hopefully, I shall continue in the software field. If not with my current employer, then with a company that shall allow me to focus on writing code and being creative in an analytical way. Also, I would like to someday write commercial software for my own company, and I would also like to continue on with learning and maybe earn a doctorate degree.


Interviews with most of the cast of Office Space (damn your celebrity status Jennifer Anniston). (via kottke)


Wednesday, August 11, 2004
I must apologize to the few readers of this blog. I haven't been posting lately, because I am too lazy. Plus I am trying to write an essay for a graduate school application and it is taking up my time. I can only focus on one writing assignment at a time.

Once that essay is done (hopefully tonight) I'll resume my regular schedule. About 3 times a week.


Monday, August 09, 2004
If you are a Simpsons fan and have never been to The Simpson's Archive, what are you waiting for? This is the site for all things Simpsonian! It seems to have been started as archiving of alt.fan.simpson. I like to spend time reading through their episode transcripts. Good times.

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I have already sung the praises of CBS reality show, The Amazing Race, trying to get you all to see it. It is the most fun show to watch on TV. I always shout at the screen rooting and jeering at the teams. So watch it. And if you missed any shows catch the recaps on Television Without Pity. They're hilarious.

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Friday, August 06, 2004
DNC convention speeches (link opens iTunes) can be found on the iTunes music store for free. If you missed it on TV, get them now.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Sheffield Wednesday. When are they getting back to the Premiere League?
Barca! Beat Real.
Juventus. Loved the stripes.
Object Mentor. Teach me about OOP again. Once more.
Wiki and Patterns. Patterns again. Once more. Again.

Just some things I was thinking of tonight.

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Wednesday, August 04, 2004
How does this work? It's got me stumped.


Monday, August 02, 2004
Okay. I am on a tear seeing many of the summer movies this year and thoroughly enjoying ever moment. Some films are good some are bad, but it is watching them in the dark that makes it so fun. Now if only I had more company.

The latest batch from this past weekend are Catwoman and The Manchurian Candidate.

First up, Catwoman. We caught this on a friday evening screening (7:40) and there were not many people seeing this movie in its second week in the theatres. No legs. This was the best worst flick I have seen in a while. It is everything that the critics have been saying it was. Bad. Bad. Bad. But I think this will be a classic bad movie. So bad it is good. At first, you can see and feel how bad the movie was, but then as you accept its awfulness, you begin to enjoy it. Halle Berry! Nice. The plot was outrageous. Something to do with stopping an evil makeup conglomerate from unleashing its toxic makeup on unsuspecting women. I shit you not that that was what the conflict centered on. From the opening to the closing, Catwoman stunk up the screen, but I appreciated its badness and applauded at the end. I knew we were in trouble when the director goes by one name.

5 of 5 stars.

The Manchurian Candidate is the total opposite of Catwoman in terms of critics' approval. It has garnered some great reviews. I don't know why. It was somewhat boring. And I predicted the ending in the first reel. Good but not great. A little slow and predictable if you are well versed in conspiracy theories. There is always a patsy. Thanks, X-files!

3 of 5 stars.

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