"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Monday, December 31, 2007

Pastrami Rueben
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.


$100 Soda!
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.


Just a bit less than 24 hours to go before 2008!!


Sunday, December 30, 2007

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Filipino movie critic, Noel Vera had a hand in writing the book about movies I gave away for secret santa this year. It's pretty cool to know that a blog you read has also written a book. Bloggers aren't all anonymous amateurs.

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Thursday, December 27, 2007
I have a theory about these films. Like the first one, National Treasure: Book of Secrets, will not lose much in translation if you replace the thing that Nic Cage and his pa are looking for with "Hobo Gold." Try it with the original: the map on the back of the declaration of independence shows us where to find... HOBO GOLD!

These movies are really about the search getting from one clue to the next. The Hobo Gold is like Hitchcock's MacGuffin. It's what's needed to be found only because it ends the search and the movie.

The original was a really bad movie, but if you suspended belief in reality and went along for its ride, then you would've been stupefied into believing in... HOBO GOLD! The Declaration of Independence leads to the Liberty Bell which leads to Ben Franklin's glasses and finally... HOBO GOLD! Genius of corniness. Dumb but somewhat satisfying. Like smarties: sweet but no nutritional value whatsover.

This version falls short of the joy ride that was the original. It has less chases and it takes the idea of the HOBO GOLD! too seriously. It should've been dumb and dumber chases and searches more so than the original. Yet, it was not. The clues were not that cool and the spy games not that interesting. Still this version was somewhat satisfying as the HOBO GOLD! was found, and the reality of Dianne Krueger, hottie, was realized.

3 of 5 stars.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Alexandra Dahlström should get more roles in films.

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Here's the list of movies I saw in the theatre that I thought were pretty decent when I first saw them. These are 4 star films because I don't think I dole out 5 stars all too often and none this year. Click the links to read my thoughts.

I Am Legend
Blade Runner: Final Cut
Michael Clayton
The Kingdom
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Knocked Up
Hot Fuzz

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Wishing you the best of the season.


Sunday, December 23, 2007

While waiting away the holidays, what's better than to catch a movie?

So I bought a ticket and caught this by myself. Except the theatre was full. The PG-13 rating meant that this was guaranteed to be an audience of highschool and college kids. The rough outlines of the ad campaign makes it a hipper than thou movie, and you couldn't have more of the hip crowd in this theatre. And it was packed.

So the movie's plot is the standard fare of teenage pregnancy. Girl is pregnant unexpectedly. Girl thinks abortion. Girl decides to go through with pregnancy. Girl decides for adoption of the child. Girl gives birth. Girl goes through with a life changing experience while the father is stone stupid.

That girl was Ellen Page who rightfully steal the show. Although she was too cute. She's so hip she finds the Melvins as losers. She was like "punk's not dead!" when I am a punk rocker!! She was like "I pity you and your 90s grunge!" when I am a punk rocker!! She was funny. The dialogue gets a lot of praise, but it's too cute and showy to be more than a female Tarantino attack.

The best line though: "Sonic Youth is nothing but noise!" Hear! Hear!

Overall, good movie. Indie feel by way of the calculating studios. I expected something more.

Last scene was the best. You'll be hearing that song played by alt rockers from hear to eternity.

3 of 5 stars.

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I Am Legend is the tale of the last man on earth. That man is Will Smith.

The best parts of this film were the quiet, abandoned, alone scenes of Will Smith in the empty streets of New York. The weakest were the shoe-horning in flashbacks that tried to put pain to Will Smith's loss. I liked the foreboding and could've used less of the past.

The final thirty minutes devolve into standard action fare. It could've been better.

Creepy and fun.

4 of 5 stars.

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Is the Vince Guaraldi soundtrack to the Charlie Brown Christmas Special the definitive music for the holiday season?

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Charlie Brown in japan.

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No class.

I think I failed both my finals.

As long as I have a cumulative average of a B for both classes, I'm not worried.

One more semester left.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Apps for dinner
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Working my way backwards through the menu. Nachos at Qdoba.


Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Thinking about soft-serve, but got Moxley's instead. Too cold. I should've done the soft-serve.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Jay runs into issues with his RAID drive. The Seed running into issues
with his desktop. We already know about his issues with his laptop.

I'm running into some issues with my own TiBook. Watching DVDs has now
become an adventure. I think it has to do with overheating of the
drive. When running the TiBook gets pretty hot. I usually place it in
my lap so there's no air circulation for it. It runs hotter. Play a
DVD and it'll run even hotter still. The TiBook overheats and the DVD
drive stalls. This causes a complete lockup of the machine. Reboot but
it doesn't mount my Users partition. This sucks, and it has only gotten
worse. Before it was just one every hundred DVDs. Now it seems like
every DVD would cause this. I guess I need a new MacBookPro!



Monday, December 17, 2007
Just sent off my final for GB700 Ethics and Social Responsibility.

I think I just blew that one. Hopefully, I get a B.

Now do I want to study for my final on Thursday?



Thursday, December 13, 2007
Flickr has added stats for your photos. It's like statcounter, but for your photos on flickr.

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Using Google Reader to read the blogs I read. What do you use?

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Would you buy a DVD with version already ripped? Interesting idea. I won't have to fiddle with handbrake and wait hours for it to complete. But you don't know what kind of quality it would be. My answer is maybe. Ain't it always though?

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The Moby Quotient is awesome. Plug in a band, their song for a commercial, and see how much of a sellout they are. Fun times, but I couldn't think of much.

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Sunday, December 09, 2007
Marge at the FishTank has apologized for dragging the Seed and me to this flick, but there's really nothing to be apologetic about it. If she could get the other critics to issue a personal apology to me that would be awesome. Some of these critics raved about Amy Adams. I personally couldn't care less. I was like the old hag wanting to push her down a well. http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=6959836


2 of 5 stars

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Friday, December 07, 2007

This looks to be a mess and going to be a nightmare. I'm intrigued. Emile Hirsch looks too brooding. But, damn, Matthew Fox as Racer X. Sweet. I wonder which race they're doiong.

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The Baron of Arizona is a DVD from Criterion's Elise line of restored minor works of some feature directors, in this case being the incredible Sam Fuller. It's an early work of his. Written and directed by him based on a true story of the real life swindler cheat, James Reavis. He actually did try to steal the Arizona Territory from the US government

Vincent Price plays Reavis who forged phony Spanish land grants to the entire state of Arizona. He finds a foster girl and raises her up to believe that she is the heiress of the Baron de Peralta owner of the entirety of Arizona. She believes in him as she grows up and that belief turns to love.

The movie starts slow. I wasn't engaged. It was still interesting as it documented the swindle from meeting the girl to make his plans work to forging the documents in a Spanish monastery to playing a gypsy gigolo to forge the last document in the royal halls of Madrid. Then it picks up with the Baron's return to Arizona. The locals are riled up. He makes deals and takes their money all the while knowing it is a lie. The US government gets to him, he pleads guilty, but the lynch mobs show up. I won't spoil the ending, but I was taught in my seat hoping for a happy one.

Fuller is a favorite. While this was an out and out B movie, Fuller is still the B movie specialist. There was the kindly Sofia de Reavis-Peralta standing by her man just as Barbara Stanwyck in 40 Guns. There was Price being all show, carrying the picture. And then there was Griff. He's in everyone of Fuller's movies. The heroic government agent out to prove the falsity of Reaves's claim. He studied forgery. He knows, but can't really prove. Yet, still the man for it all standing tall throughout.

Watching this was a pleasure. Though it is not up to par as his more acclaimed and accomplished films, it's great to know his roots and great to know he'll grow as a storyteller.

3 of 5 stars

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Up until this weekend, I have only seen two Coen brothers films in the theatre, Fargo and The Ladykillers. Now make it a third. No Country For Old Men has been getting tons of praise by critics. It was in the running for the Palme d'Or at Cannes. The buzz coming from there this summer was that this is a return to Coens as master filmmakers after their less than appreciated The Ladykillers and Intolerable Cruelty, their last two films.

Based off a Cormac McCarthy novel, No Country For Old Men, is a chase film. Josh Brolin is the hunted, a hunter who stumbles upon the aftermath of a drug deal gone bad and stumbles upon a nice tidy sum of cash. Javier Bardem is after Brolin. Like the Terminator or Jason, nothing stops him from finishing a task he's started unless that something is a toss of coin an idea of his that fate governs us all. Tommy Lee Johns is after the both of them to recover the loot, to stop the monster, and to save the unworthy.

As with most Coen films, it'll take me a while to figure out if I appreciated the film. I don't think I got the gist of the film in this one sitting. Except for Blood Simple and Hudsucker Proxy, my favorites, I watched the Coen films and marvel at their droll artistry. I get that. Yet, they always leave me thinking, "there's something more there." After seeing this, I felt like I had watched Fargo again, and it was all a big, "Hunh?!"

There is evil in the world. You can't stop it. It is fate that will bring it to you. These times are not for those who still have the old notions of good and bad. You may adjust, but do you want to.

3 of 5 stars.

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007
My Google hits just keep coming. In fact, BrowserMetrics is starting to get decent traffic from there. Lots of interesting search results. Here's the most recent:

western fries -- Are they looking for examples? Just stop by your local Royal Farms. Unless they don't have 'em.
imdb general macarthur pt boats -- They must be searching for "They were expendable."
scopenet.com -- "Internet? Inter-not." NewsRadio nerds.
oksana akinshina naked -- Sorry, I don't have any of these. Were you successful? Please post in comments!
gdansk hot girls pictures -- Can your machine handle google saudi arabia?
doobie keebler -- Are you doobie keebler? NewsRadio nerds!
the withered arm blurb -- What the heck is this? Please post in comments!
phillip hitchcock's stacey keibler's legs and ass -- Those words don't make any sense together. Again, post in comments.
browsermetrics -- One of you three is lazy. Post in comments about why.
throwdini -- NewsRadio nerds!!! LOL!

That's a lot of nonsense.

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Monday, December 03, 2007
Over the weekend, we celebrated a cousin's birthday by eating and drinking at the Brazilian churrascaria, Fogo de chao, in lovely downtown Baltimore. I'm not usually the one to offer a restaurant review. So I won't, and I'll leave it up to CapitolSwell or even OnoCoffee to jump in with their takes. All I can say is that's a lot of meat.

Seated next to these gastronomes the talk drifted of going to Spain and starting a little café. They thought Barcelona. I thought otherwise. The city on the tip of my tongue which I couldn't get out that night was San Sebastian. I think of that place more and more because of the surf and the wild Atlantic that it abuts. Not to put down Catalan whose hot and sexy Mediterranean feel would be welcome any day this cold winter, but I think adventure would wait in the Northern climes of Spain.

Anyhoo, I read this piece in Slate today about astonishing number of fine restaurants in the city of San Sebastian. Seems to me to be the place to be. For food. And the surf!


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