"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Need to get at least one last post to close out, NewsRadio Quote month.

I did watch plenty of NewsRadio episodes, especially from the final season. I saw the final episode which had Dave stuck with Matthew at WNYX and the rest of the gang off to New Hampshire with Jimmy James. Oh what adventures a season six would've brought. Unfortunately, it ended.

I wonder if they ever jumped the shark. Maybe, but you can't make up for it when you lose the linchpin that was Bill McNeal. Sad. But life goes on.

NewsRadio. The best comedy of the nineties.

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Thursday, September 27, 2007
Good Luck Chuck

I saw the trailer to this movie before 3:10 to Yuma. I turned to the Seed and said, "I'm conflicted. I really want to see Jessica Alba, but that Dane Cook gets on my nerves."

And he does.

There's been some speculation about why the trend in romantic comedies is to make the man a shlub and woman a hot girly-girl. It's an interesting idea where the girl has to be hot but is reaching for someone low. What world is it that a shmoe like Dan Cook can get a hottie like Jessica Alba? Would it be a spoiler if I told you he wins her heart in the end?

Dan Cook lives a fantasy life where he gets to bed girls who'll not want to cuddle. He's the fuck that'll get the girl to her true love. The girls have to kiss a frog before they find their prince.

Jessica Alba is the one, goofy and cute. She's enough to make Dane Cook want to hop off the f-train and onto the r-train, a real relationship.

There's some laugh out loud moments especially with grape fruits. It's light like a candy bar snack, but it isn't good for you. You'll also experience regrets for choosing it. I wanted to watch this movie, because of Jessica Alba. After watching this movie (and Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer), I may not be so quick to buy a ticket to her next endeavor. If it's got Dan Cook in it, I'm confident I won't.

2 of 5 stars.

PS. Why does it seem as if Dane Cook's face is composed of 1/3 above his nose, 1/3 below his upper lips and 1/3 of the space between his nose and lips? He's got to be disproportionated in the face region there.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Hotel Chevalier. Free download on iTunes. For all you Wes Anderson fans. Yes. You know who you are.

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D-War or Dragon Wars or whatever?!

Lookit, the stars have aligned and it seems my NewsRadio quote matches something I want to blog about. Hooray!


D-Wars is the movie that Uwe Bolle wants to make. Pretentious, but bad. Really. Really. Bad. I know that I say don't follow what other reviewers are saying, but in this case I saw it and it is bad.

First, the actors. I don't know who the actors are that inhabit the main characters, but I hope that they can still find some work in Tinseltown. If not, there's always Vancouver. It's not that they are terrible, but I assume the Korean language barrier made it difficult for them to know what was to be conveyed in a scene so they acted like they were baffled. Certainly seemed to be the case.

Another baffling things is continuity. I joke about Vancouver, but they leading lady was supposedly 19, almost 20, but her friend takes her to a bar to drown her sorrows. Is the drinking age 18 in Canada? Are they even in the US? Wasn't this supposed to be taking place in LA?

The final showdown took place in Mordor. Suddenly everyone was there. How did they get there? Where is there? Hunh? And tell me, after vanquishing the evil dragon, how is the hero going to get back?

Too many questions.

At least the fight over LA was kind of neat. Kind of. Really.

1 of 5 stars.

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hey you
Originally uploaded by zsistah1.

Take that all you cat blogging fools!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007
3:10 to Yuma.

All story short, it's a western. Like all westerns, there's the good guy as portrayed by Christian Bale who must make his son believe that he is a man. And there's the bad guy, Russell Crowe, being as charming and benevolent as evil can be to lure Christian Bale's son to the dark side.

Is it an allegory of growing up and admiring your pa? Or is it one about the goodness in us all?

It's set up to be just the good guy delivering the bad guy to the train station to be taken to jail. That is all.

Not bad. It's hard to say that the bad guy (and his henchmen) who so remorseless kills people can have the change of heart he experiences in the last 10 minutes of the film. Other than that it was a nice, neat little oater that brings back the western genre of cowboys, indians, horses, cattle and ranches to the cinema screen. Not the best of the genre just another of its films that comprise the American experience.

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Amazon has released their online music store. MP3s for $0.89. Whole albums for as low as $5.00.

Apple should be worried.

No pernicious DRM to keep you from moving the files to and from wherever. Works with the iPod. And cheaper too.

They even have a download manager that'll copy it to iTunes for you.

Competition has just arrived.

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The Seed gets a Mac Mini hoping to get his mom all excited about the future.

Good luck to that.

I doubt that Tita Mina will ever want to get the hang of computers. Why should she? She's got The Seed in the basement to do that for her.

My mom is almost computer savvy. She can do email, and surf the web. But get her to do something like post her pictures online and that won't happen. She knows about computers. She'll only know as much as needed. She doesn't even know the difference of quitting a program and closing a window. She lives in the Windows world. O, well, at least she's online.

Know if only I wasn't tech support.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Adventures from my Netflix Queue: Arizona

It seems that it's been nothing but westerns. I caught 3:10 To Yuma last week (someday I'll be reviewing it). My Netflix queue has been filled with the old timey stuff. And I totally loved Miss Stanwyck in Forty Guns. It's an all-american genre, and it has some great movies to love. And it is good to look at some decent work in that genre outside of the major, important films.

Arizona could be one of them. It may not be memorable, but it has a lasting impression on the western genre. Columbia Studios built a fascimile of old Tucson, and it has been used since for other westerns.

Jean Arthur stars as Phoebe Titus, a gal stuck in Arizona making a go of it. She is ambitous and she plots to finally own the largest ranch in the Arizona territories. As her fortunes rise so does the prosperity of Tucson. She has a rival, a suave gentleman named Carteret, who acts nice but is duplicitous. He constantly is sweet to her all the while planning for her downfall. She has suitor. William Holden as Peter Muncie swept into Tucson at the head of a wagon train, courted Ms. Titus with a banjo, goes to California for some shade, comes back a soldier, gets her 500 head of cattle and finally marries her. He also has to settle the Phoebe's score with cateret as her husband/man of the house.

It's a sweeping movie. Epic in proportions. Filmed in 1940, you could say this was in reaction to the success of Gone With The Wind. Or you could say that it's one in the long line of westerns. It makes due with the genre's conventions, and churns out a solid effort of a movie.

Yet, there were some hilarious things. Ms. Titus made her living selling pies. Yes, pies. I loved that. She goes from selling pies to being the cattle baroness of Tucson. Hilarious. And everyone loved her pies. Muncie especially.

Jean Arthur is another favorite. Actually, I couldn't stand her at first. Her melodious voice grew on me, and now I own several DVDs of movies she's been in. Strange that.

3 of 5 stars.

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It be a Pirate Flag!
Originally uploaded by Nick Humphries.

Avast! Tis Talk Like a Pirate Day! What may ye be doin' ta celebrate?

Does Daft Punk rule or what? They'll make you move.

Just ask Kanye.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The quick flurry of posts was meant to get a funny set of quotes in.

Take it as you will. YMMV.

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Originally uploaded by cylee_hehe.


Ever since the Macross debacle of a few weeks ago, I've been wondering about getting more of the mecha. Then I run into these japanese model toys, and find them oh so fascinating.

They're usually some character from a video game. Usually, they're in skimpy outfits. And they are oh so cute to boot.

I would link to some on the infamous j-list, but you'd also get the hentai which would drive the porn filters at work batty.

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Are our ethics ingrained in our genetic code?

Who knows?

I'm just jotting this down for my ethics class. I can say I read something about ethics and get back some much needed points to escape this class with a B or B+!

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From xkcd, a funny webcomic. Fun for geeks and math nerds as well.

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Friday, September 14, 2007

grace kelly
Originally uploaded by Liberty Place.

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Twenty-five years ago Grace Kelly with her daughter in the passenger seat runs her car off a twisty road in Monaco. Her daughter survives but Princess Grace is dead. The official cause of death was a stroke. But there were other suspicions. Doubtful. It was eerily similar to a scene in Hitchcock's "To Catch A Thief." She weaves her way around the windy, twisty roads of the French Riviera with only Cary Grant to save her.

Where was her Cary Grant?

Will there ever be another one like her?

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Steve Jobs, that magnificent bastard, has started giving us early iPhone adopters $100 back.


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Ghost Blinds
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

IPhone distorts some of the pictures it takes. I don't know technically how it happens. It seems that most of the image processing is done via software, and it is slow in reacting to the moving image. So when iPhone writes to its flash storage, it captures the movement as well.

I also got one of those defective cameras which distort the image color. Most of my photos come out with a greenish tinge. While I would love to take it back for replacement, I like how it makes the image a tad more interesting.

The deficiencies makes for some interesting photos.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
[i am iron man]
da. da. da da-DAA.

Seriously though, this looks awesome.

Hopefully, Favreau picks up the pace and makes it a tight movie. I know next to nothing about Iron Man. So I don't know how neat this is going to be. Perhaps that'll make it less sucky-disappointing when I do watch it.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I'm saddened by this six year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Have we learned anything from them?

I have a feeling that we decided, in anger, to do something. Anything. And it was being led by president fucktard that we haven't gotten anything done.

Bin laden is still out there. He's taunted us again and again.

But all our government can do is say, "Dick Cavett!"

Can't we do anything right?

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School has started. Taking two classes. It's going to be an interesting year.

Both are reading and discussing classes. The first one is a business school class, ethics and social responsibility. I'm glad to know that they like to teach it to the MBA majors, but the corporation is an entirely different beast. The second is software engineering maintenance and software evolution. Sounds boring, but that is also my job. It's boring, too.

Meh. I'm not complaining. Yet.

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

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Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Goya's Ghost.

It's another one of those movies that received sucky rotten tomato ratings, but is actually not bad. I was expecting something less, but got a bit more. The movie deals with the Inquisition, French Revolution, Napolean and those dark days of Spain. Francisco Goya was swept up in history.

Natalie Portman plays a senorita and a Goya model caught in the inquisition for a silly trumped up charge. Tortured to confessing she spends her life in jail. Goya as the court painter is brought in to help get her releas by her father. He's painitng a priest's portrait (Javier Bardem) so he has connections with the church. Bardem falls for her, but can not get her release. He ends up fathering her child, and gets in trouble with the church. You see he was also tortured to confess that he's a monkey by the father. He becomes a fugitive and flees to France. Fifteen years later he's back with Napolean at the fall of the Spanish King. Placed in charge of Spain he is now a secular person, but when the British come back to displace Napolean's puppet regime he gets his comeuppance at the hands of the church.

There was a lot of brutalitiy in this film. The church was brutal. Royalty was brutal. Spain is brutal. Amazing since it isn't so nowadays.

It was somewhat depressing, but it reminded me of seeing his paintings at the Prado especially his black period. They were a series of dark, dreadful paintings called hisBlack Paintings. Witches and devils in dark shades peered from the dark canvas. I liked them when I saw them.

3 of 5 stars.

Friday, September 07, 2007
My license is expiring and I have to get it renewed. I'm just wondering if I should keep the mustache?

While I may shave it off, I have yet to tire of it to do so.

It will be another 5 years before I get a new one. What will having a mustache do when someone looks at it years from now?

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What happened in the world of Macross yesterday? Did they announce a live action movie?

My stats have lots of referrers from The Seed and his/our Macross casting options.

Is Kate Beckinsale gonna play Lisa? Is Tobey Maguire signed on for Rick Hunter?

Just weird, man.

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Thursday, September 06, 2007
Steve Jobs, that magnificent bastard, gives us iPhone owners $100 in Apple store credit. I'm planning on getting a 4 GB iPhone! Woot!!

Now where did I put that receipt?

BTW, his letter reads more like Fake Steve than the real deal.

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Can I whine about the iPhone price drop? I mean I bought it the first day. I bought into the hype. Steve Jobs owes me. He OWES me $200!


I knew buying an iPhone then meant getting stuck with a 1.0 release. Being first when getting some kind of tech gadget means that you'll be bummed out when the 2.0 comes out.

And it will come out.

It won't be in the form of an 16 GB iPhone. That'll come this Christmas.

But iPhone 2.0 will be sleeker, cooler, sexier. It will be more powerful. It will have a longer battery life. It will be available for other carriers. It will have cooler applications. It will be another thing to drool over. It will cost cheaper for the amount of features it has. It may still cost $600 but will certainly be worth it.

It's coming. You'll want to buy it. You'll buy it.

And then Apple will pull the rug from under you, drop the price, and bring out iPhone 3.0. Let the whining begin again.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Steve Jobs, that magnificent bastard, lowered the price for the iPhone to $399. That's $200 cheaper than two months ago. Let the whining begin.

Hey, CapitolSwell can you start a letter writing campaign?

UPDATE: They got the 4 GB iPhone going for $299 while supplies last. Looks to be we're gonna be getting that 16 GB version for Christmas!

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New iPods in the offering today? Who knows?

I hope its a nice new shiny MacBook Pro. Or mini laptops bringing back the PowerBook name.

Eh, whatever. I'll probably refreshing my browser early and often to find out what is going on.

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Ven y ven
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

This picture turned out better than I thought. As the comment says, it is my second favorite of the photos from the trip to spain.

We had to use the bathroom soon after pulling out of the other servicio joint, and we pull into here. This place was located near a wind farm, large windmills generating renewable resource energy. If I had turned around and took a picture, you would've seen an homage to Cervantes's Don Quixote.

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Working for InitTech is killing me. Of boredom. It's the same shit different day, different clothes, and different place. If I wasn't such a pussy, I would be writing my own software for myself and other dudes who liked what I like.

Kill me now.

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The Nanny Diaries.

Better than expected considering that it is currently at 31% approval at RottenTomatoes.com. Look I don't think it was the greatest movie this summer or this year, but it was serviceable. I liked the story even if it was predictable. I didn't think that Scarlett Johansson sucked. She was okay. I liked the flourishes the directors did.

But I didn't read the book. But who cares?

I certainly don't define my movie viewing habits by who gives what to which movie.

I liked it.

3 of 5 stars.

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Sunday, September 02, 2007
If you haven't received it, I sent out an invitation to view my Espana 2007 photos on my flickr account. I tried telling a photo story about the family vacation. Hopefully, you get the idea about what went on for me on this vacation.


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Saturday, September 01, 2007
It's that crazy time again, NewsRadio quote month. For the newer readers, every post this month will have its title as a quote from NewsRadio.

Thank god for imdb setting up their database for TV shows as well.

And thank god for DVDs.

They make it easy for getting quotes.

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