Android shoots itself in the foot.

One of the things that I wonder for all those Android fanbois is if they consider OS fragmentation a good thing for non-fanbois. I mean your all elite and shit, but what about your mom. Is the many versions of Android OS worth it for you average person? They don't care right until they buy an app (or download a free one) that doesn't work on their phone because it only works for a particular version.

And developers, can they really write apps that take advantage of things if you don't know what the hardware is going to be?

We were discussing flashlight apps in work today and a co-worker showed us one on his phone. Someone asked if it supported flashing, strobing, or signaling. He said yeah and proceeded to show us. While it was flashing out an SOS, it also was beeping. Another co-worker asked why do you need it to beep. He then tried to turn it off, but the app was unresponsive. He made an excuse for it. I didn't say anything, but I wondered how can you live like that.

Eventually, Google will understand. They'll figure it out the they have to be more than an ad salesman in the tech world.

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