Labels: games people play, lotd, nerd
Labels: games people play, lotd, nerd
Labels: meta, no new tale to tell
Labels: interactive, interNOT, meta
Labels: money baby money
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Labels: lotd, movies, oscar pool
Labels: Macross, Macross Frontier, music break
Labels: anime, go there now, lotd
It starts out in a school room is all I can remember from the beginning half. I guess we were studying and S was in my class. I think I was getting cozy-friendly with her during studies.
Then we were in my Aunt's house. It must've been some kind of baby shower as there were nothing but women with little kids running through the house. S was around. I wanted to show her how cool I was around babies so I grabbed the nearest tyke. I was scolded because I had let her slip through my arms. Imagine my surprise as I stood around lots of mothers with a little toddler dangling from her blanket in my hand. Silly me.
I go outside to chat up S who was enjoying the kids. Cousin Bob comes out of the house on a skateboard wearing funky sandals. He passes the skateboard to me and I am cool now.
Sitting on my desk at work is a Korean cup noodle. I have stayed away from it for the last two months. It was given to me by a co-worker, but I stayed away because of my high blood pressure. The package says 1021 mg of sodium per serving which it suggests a serving size of 1/2 the bowl. So it really contains 2042 mg of sodium, as much as the recommended daily allowance is. That's not good news if I cooked it up.
I did. Today I ate it.
But I changed it up so as to minimize the cup noodle's sodium content. First, I cut the noodles in half. I thought most of the sodium came from the seasoning, but packaged ramen noodles are notorious for being high in sodium. Then, because of it came in a separate packet, I was able to use a miniscule amount of seasoning perhaps less than an 1/8 of a teaspoon. Finally, I threw my steamed vegetables into the bowl to add some more "flavor" and substance to the soup.
It turned out alright. It tasted mainly of the noodles, but there is a slight hint of the original flavor from the packet in the broth tastes. It was a nice meal. Unfortunately, I still feel like it had too much sodium.
Labels: cooking
Labels: d'oh, tis the season, Twelve Days of Christmas
I am sad. After reading today's link, a review of the K-ON! movie, I so want to watch it. Maybe, some other US distributor would snap up the rights to this franchise and deliver for us Mugi-Mio-Yui-Azu-Ristsu fans a sweet Christmas present next year.
Labels: fright, tis the season, Twelve Days of Christmas
Labels: tis the season, Twelve Days of Christmas
Labels: she's hot
Labels: Scully, The X-Files, tis the season, Twelve Days of Christmas
Labels: tis the season, Twelve Days of Christmas
Labels: anger and frustration, lotd, wankers