With the loss last night in game 5 of the ALDS, the Orioles' season has come to a close. What a wonderful ride it was. Right from the start when they were winning, we couldn't believe it. Then as the summer doldrum seemed to have hit, we still couldn't believe it -- they rocketed back into contention. In August, in September, we believed. And we got here, but oh so short. Maybe next year. #stayhungry
This season was a fantastic season. It's gonna go down as one of the best baseball memories. It follows Brooks Robinson Appreciation Day in 1977, the heartbreaking 1979 World Series, season tickets with my dad, the 1982 playoff chase, the '83 World Series, the #podpeople Orioles of 2010, and #theLegendOfBobbyAndy. It will be a traumatic memory as the heartbreaking 1979 World Series, Manny's 500th homerun, the normal Orioles of 2010, and the calvary collapse in 2011. Just some great baseball memories.
I just can't wait for more. And let's hope this is the beginning of good Baltimore baseball.
Let's go O's!
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, fanatical