"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

There are no words to describe the horror. Let's just quote Dr. Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis) from Ghostbusters, "Sorry, Venkman, I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought."

Stay safe; stay puft!

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Not to make too light of the serious situation that is Post-Tropical Cyclone Sandy, but listening to this awesome cover of Led Zeppelin's "When the Levee Breaks" by the girl group zepperalla rocks. Who knew that Robert Plant would sound decent as a girl? Of course his banshee screams sound like they do come from a girl.

The song's also a good reminder to be careful out there. What may look to be calm could be dangerous with downed trees, downed wires, and high water. Be smart. Be safe.

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Something about this picture that is really sexy and or disturbing. It's sexy with the actress, Julie Adams, in a classic pinup girl pose. Disturbing because of the very phallic like Creature posed to pounce on her. Lots to think about there. And lots to dissect.

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She's gonna be here in a little short of 12 hours. Stay safe. Stay secure.

Of course, I just got home from work!



Saturday, October 27, 2012
"[I]f there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say."

Winston Zeddemore (Ernie Hudson), "Ghostbusters"

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Friday, October 26, 2012
"Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis?"

Janine (Annie Potts), "Ghostbusters"

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This is a great list of movies!

Some for kids. Some for adults. Some for horror fans. Some for non-horror fans. It's got it all.

Time to crank up the scare factor and check out a few of these.


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Thursday, October 25, 2012
"All these worlds are yours, except Europa. Attempt no landing there. Use them together. Use them in peace."

Dave Bowman's (Keir Dullea) message relayed from HAL-9000, 2010

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Those guys suck.

I can't believe that people actually vote for those f*cks.

All you need to know is that those f*cks have only one idea, the same idea they've been pedaling on the US populace for the last 30 years. And look where it has got us. Not very far from President Fucktards problems. Those f*cks suck and you suck if you vote for them.


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Someone please make me an avatar/icon of Sawa-chan-sensei for my twitter badge.

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Sunday, October 21, 2012
"All ghost stories are 'true' stories. We love them, if we love them, from the depth and antiquity of our willingness to believe them."

Michael Chabon, "The Other James"

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Let's go ghost hunting.

What's that under the bed? Is there a strange shadow by the window? I think the bed shows a clear depression in the shape of a woman. Can it be the White Lady of Ordsall Hall?

It's all in your imagination. There's nothing there. Not like there's anything downstairs at this moment.

What's that?

I'll go investigate...


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Saturday, October 20, 2012
Let's go ghost hunting.

Do you see anything? Is there something creeping around the basement hall? Is there a shadow in the corner of the children's room? Or is the grey lady roaming the research room?

I don't see anything in the pictures. I don't think there is anything there.

But I think there may be something upstairs in the house. Let me check...


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Friday, October 19, 2012
Wish I knew when I had planned to post this. Most likely it was sometime in April as the date from the post implies. I'm not even sure why I would've chosen this as a "Link of the Day," but it must be because I want to eat some ice cream.

Anywho, this is an unfinished draft and all it was was really just the link.


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Thursday, October 18, 2012
Under the guise of reviewing the latest Paranormal Activity, Zach Baron bravely expresses his fear at watching horror movies. Whenever he watches a horror film, he inevitably flinches at the cat that jumps out of the closet, because thousands of years of evolution made him. He hides behind his hands, squirms in his chair, and squeals in fear at the frights on screen. And then he blames the movies for making him do this.

I can sympathize. I hate how horror movies make me squirm and hide under my hat. Yet, I can't get enough of it.

I think I want to catch the latest Paranormal Activity just to feel the chills on my arm.

Except I'll watch it in the daylight.

Hopefully, with a full theatre.


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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
When did Ben Affleck become a decent director? He competently directed Gone, Baby, Gone and The Town. Now with Argo he's directed a nice 70's period piece of the Iranian Hostage Crisis.

Argo is about the incredibly incredulous story of how the US got six US Iranian Embassy workers out of Iran during the Hostage Crisis in 1979. Ben Affleck as a CIA agent who specializes in extraditing US people from harrowing situations. He comes up with the craziest way to get these hostages out: a Canadian Star Wars ripoff movie, Argo. He's going to go into Iran, scout out locations using the hostages as his "crew," and walk right out of there. Just like Ocean's 11.

Not a bad flick. It had me on the edge of my seat in the final third of the movie as I waited with bated breath on the escapees being busted. Except I knew that they escaped. It would've been known better as part of the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Sort of like the crash and burn helicopter rescue. They made it and it receded from my memory until this move brought it back in glorious 70's moustaches.

One final note, the CIA agent, Tony Mendez, is the father of Toby Mendez, the sculptor of the statues at Camden Yards.

4 of 5 stars.

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Saturday, October 13, 2012
With the loss last night in game 5 of the ALDS, the Orioles' season has come to a close. What a wonderful ride it was. Right from the start when they were winning, we couldn't believe it. Then as the summer doldrum seemed to have hit, we still couldn't believe it -- they rocketed back into contention. In August, in September, we believed. And we got here, but oh so short. Maybe next year. #stayhungry

This season was a fantastic season. It's gonna go down as one of the best baseball memories. It follows Brooks Robinson Appreciation Day in 1977, the heartbreaking 1979 World Series, season tickets with my dad, the 1982 playoff chase, the '83 World Series, the #podpeople Orioles of 2010, and #theLegendOfBobbyAndy. It will be a traumatic memory as the heartbreaking 1979 World Series, Manny's 500th homerun, the normal Orioles of 2010, and the calvary collapse in 2011. Just some great baseball memories.

I just can't wait for more. And let's hope this is the beginning of good Baltimore baseball.

Let's go O's!

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Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Looper, with or without the Quint voice, is a perfectly serviceable time travel movie. There's holes in the loop if you think about it, but like every other time travel movie, there is always that problem. If you had to send one actor back to the past, Bruce Willis is your man. If you had to have one actor be a young Bruce Willis, it would've been better with a CGI young Bruce Willis rather than the prosthetic laden Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

3 of 5 stars

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