"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thoughts on this thing I am typing on.

When I first picked it up: Damn this thing is small. I thought it was going to be bigger.

Now it feels like iPhone 3GS. The screen doesn't feel too nice. It feels kind of plasticky. Plus it misses the retina display. If it had that, I think it would be worth the money. This is the 32MB wireless+cellular. It's kind of pricy for this thing that looks like an Amazon Kindle or a Nook.

Now that I think of it this thing reminds me of my Mini. Plasticky and pricy. But you know I love my Mini. Do I like this a lot so far.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012
There are not many movies centered around the Thanksgiving holiday. I can only think of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Can you think of any other?

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I believe Lincoln was misnamed. The movie is based on Doris Kearns Goodwin's book, Team of Rivals; The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. As you can see, it wasn't 100% about Abe Lincoln, but about the team he built to pass The Thirteenth Amendment. So when I walked into the theatre I was expecting a Lincoln biopic. What I got was a thriller, where Lincoln schemed and plotted and politicalled his way to abolishing slavery.

It's a good piece of American history to watch in this election season. It reminds you that Republicans once had a soul. That we as a nation was so divided that it came to guns and cannons to solve our differences. It reminds you that politics is about being uncompromising in your beliefs, but compromising in your actions; bend don't break for your beliefs is politics is politics.

We also get to hear two of Lincoln's greatest speeches: the Gettysburg Address and the Second Inaugural. Those words adorn the Lincoln Memorial. You could love him for those words, a Republican. One of the greatest presidents, but one of the most dangerous.

We live in interesting times. Times that come back again. We don't learn history. We repeat it.

3 of 5 stars.

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When I went to Wisconsin late in August, we flew in and out through Chicago's O'Hare. I bought some cheese popcorn from the Nuts On Clark kiosk. It was not the white cheddar, but the orange cheddar, and it was pretty good cheese popcorn. Smooth cheesy flavor. Big fluffy puffed popped corn. Delicious. I just paid a mint for a gallon.

Now I can't get enough cheese popcorn. It must be from the delicious Karamel Korn kiosk in Security Square as I was growing up. I love it better than carmel corn. Don't get me started on kettle corn. But anyway, I love cheese popcorn. The orange the better. The white isn't so bad, but it's boring. Give me orange cheddar.

So I need to find more orange cheddar cheese popcorn. Perhaps the holidays and their gift tins of popcorn maybe good or maybe they maybe mediocre. Usually they are nothing to write home about. Perhaps I'll find some in some nut store around here. There's one in the Greenspring Station if it's still open. Perhaps, I'll send away via internet for some: fischer's? or some other boardwalk popcorn place.

I just need some cheese.


Saturday, November 17, 2012
I'm just going to try to have this posted tomorrow (11.17) at 8:50 PM! Ignore me.

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Damn if Eddie Murray ain't the greatest Oriole to throw on stirrup socks I don't think you can find anyone else.

Ed-die! Ed-die! Ed-die! Ed-die! Ed-die! Ed-die!


Chicago White Sox [5-3]

Looking through my Lumix at pictures that were still on there and I found these from the August 30th day game versus the Chicago White Sox. Out of all the games I went to last season this one is a favorite. It came during the controversial "low attendance" "start of school" days. As you can tell, there's barely anyone there, but it was a fun, rollicking crowd. Orioles won, too, to boot! It was just the start of their push to the playoffs, and soon Camden Yards and The Birds were rolling.

Gahh! Where's baseball?!

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Nerds do right by the country. The picture at the top of the article captures it all; it's a bunch of neckbeards working it. Now that's how to win elections.


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Friday, November 16, 2012
I've been spending lots of time on the command line. I've just learned about sed. My life is awesome, but, really, it sucks if I find sed fun.


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Thursday, November 15, 2012
Bond, Jason Bond. Or is it, Bond, Bruce Bond?

During the latest Bond adventure, Skyfall, you may think you're in another installment of Jason Bourne: Die Another Day. Then later on you may think that James Bond is Batman. He's an orphan with a big, big mansion. And a cave underneath! I'm Batman!

I'm not a big Bond fan. I've seen them all, because that's what you have to watch on occasion. But I don't try to figure it all out. Except, this latest installment was pretty good. Dark like The Dark Knight.

It is the prettiest looking Bond you'll see, too. Give credit to Roger Deakins for his cinematography. The scene in the skyscraper in Macau was phenomenal.

And we get the Aston Martin to boot.

4 of 5 stars.

"We'll face it all together at Skyfall."

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YouTube surely does offer wonderful things. I dig the Adele original, but there are plenty of good covers on YouTube. I'm picking this one because of the cello.

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Friday, November 09, 2012

I wonder if this is going to be any good.

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"Too much cannot be said against the men of wealth who sacrifice everything to getting wealth. There is not in the world a more ignoble character than the mere money-getting American, insensible to every duty, regardless of every principle, bent only on amassing a fortune, and putting his fortune only to the basest uses —whether these uses be to speculate in stocks and wreck railroads himself, or to allow his son to lead a life of foolish and expensive idleness and gross debauchery, or to purchase some scoundrel of high social position, foreign or native, for his daughter. Such a man is only the more dangerous if he occasionally does some deed like founding a college or endowing a church, which makes those good people who are also foolish forget his real iniquity. These men are equally careless of the working men, whom they oppress, and of the State, whose existence they imperil. There are not very many of them, but there is a very great number of men who approach more or less closely to the type, and, just in so far as they do so approach, they are curses to the country."

Theodore Roosevelt


Wednesday, November 07, 2012
I love the stuff, but no one makes it anymore.

Eat some stuffing.


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Sunday, November 04, 2012
I think I should change my movie going approach. I believe I'm gonna have to be like the Seed and not listen to any reviews. I read a review over at The AV Club that mentioned The Incredibles in their review for Wreck It Ralph. I believed that going into the theatre I was going to be treated to as awesome an animated film as The Incredibles. Not really. Good but not great. Perhaps from reading the review and having The Incredibles in mind, my expectations for the film was too high. If I hadn't read that review, I would not have been disappointed by a decent film.

Wreck It Ralph is about Wreck It Ralph, the villain of a Donkey Kong, Jr. ripoff called, Fix It Felix, Jr. He hates being the villain, because he gets no respect. He decides that being a bad guy is not for him and he wants to be a good guy. To accomplish that he believes that he must win a medal, and the only place to get it is in some other game than Fix It Felix, Jr. So Ralph goes and gets a medal, but also experiences other games especially a Mario Kart ripoff called Sugar Rush. Ralph must earn the respect to be worthy of a medal. He must learn that sometimes being bad is good.

There was plenty to like about Wreck It Ralph. For one thing, a lot of the playful homages to video games were subtle something that a Dreamworks animated film would beat over the audiences heads. You'll laugh at the 8bit Niceland characters moving like 8bit animated sprites. You'll want to play that level of Mario Kart that is Sugar Rush. You'll also like to think that Vanellope Schweetz is Ellie from Up!. And if you stay to through the credits, you'll hear Jpop in pure unadulterated form: AKB48 singing the theme to the Sugar Rush game. C'mon, Jpop!

Definitely one of the better animated films, but still no The Incredibles.

3 of 5 stars.

The Paperman short, now that's another story.

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Saturday, November 03, 2012
Cooking to commence soon. For now, though, I'm just gonna think about all kinds of noodle soups. Ramen. Soba. Udon. Phô. It's all there and chicken noodle as well.

Perhaps now I will buy that damn creuset cookware.


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