"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Adios and thanks for all the fun driving.

I traded her in for a truck. It's my first time riding high on a gas guzzler. The new one's different. It's a boy. Tommy.

I may be making a mistake here. We'll see in a few months what will be happening to the bank accounts. I'm already sad that I no longer drive a Volkswagen. I've been driving in one for my whole driving life. Now I'm not, and I have this big truck. What!

Good bye good girl. It's been fun...

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Sunday, May 25, 2014
I was expecting the latest Godzilla to be a reboot of the original, Gojira. Instead I got a "Godzilla versus" film. This one is Godzilla versus MUTOs, Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Objects.

The movie starts in the Philippines where a mining operation finds a large skeleton of something, but they unleash two MUTOs into the world. The first one finds its way to a Japanese nuclear power plant with Brian Cranston and Juliette Binoche as scientists worried about the seismic activity heading their way. The second one is stored in the US. These are not Godzilla. He seems to hang out in some far off land waiting for MUTOs to show up. I can't wait for the sequel to see "Monster Island," because I want to reference that classic Simpsons line: it's actually a peninsula.

The MUTOs destroy Japan then head to America destroying first Honolulu then San Francisco. Godzilla follows them in order to stop them. He's Nature's exterminator. He kicks ass and shoots radioactive breath. He stomps and stomps, and doesn't care for humans.

Neither does the movie. Humans and actors didn't matter. It was just about big kaiju. I wanted to see kaiju; I got kaiju once more. Except it wasn't so awesome. The action was there, but kaiju versus kaiju isn't as satisfying as kaiju versus giant robot.

The humans weren't so memorable. I couldn't care about them. And their issues: trying to get home, trying to justify their craziness, trying to reunite with loved ones. Eh. Just give me kaiju.

Godzilla is a summer movie. Will it be the biggest, baddest of them all? We'll have to find out. Here comes summer.

3 of 5 stars.

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Saturday, May 24, 2014
Heaven Is For Real. For real? For real, real!

Some kid in the heartland of America saw it. It's with angels and everyone you ever loved is there. It's straight out of the Bible.

Amazingly, the kid's father, a preacher, couldn't fathom it. He didn't want to believe his son. He thought he was crazy. He had to reach deep into his faith to finally accept it.

Heaven is for real. For real, real!

I'm not in the target audience of religious movies, so I found it fascinating that the preacher had a crisis of faith. He couldn't believe something so unexplainable. He only accepted it eventually when he thought about it deeply. But did he really? He just concluded that he was going to believe what his son believes.

Science can explain somethings. It can't explain everything. Yet.

Faith doesn't explain anything. It just add hope to life. And sometimes that's just enough to get by.

As I said, I'm not who this movie was for. It was for more religious people. They'll find this a more satisfying movie.

3 of 5 stars.

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Thursday, May 15, 2014
I was expecting Project X when I caught an afternoon matinee of Neighbors. I wanted party-party-party. I wanted mayhem. I wanted a joke, escalating into pranks, finishing with someone getting hurt. All I got though was a call to grow up.

Seth Rogan and Rose Byrne are a couple with a new born child. They don't think they're old. They're not, by the way, but they're older than Zac Efron and Dave Franco, the frat boys who move in next door. Rogan and Byrne don't want to appear old to their neighbors, so they mosey over and try to be cool old folks to the young dudes. They bring a peace offering of a joint and then they spend the rest of the night partying Project X style. Mayhem! That's what I am talking about. Except that would be the best of it.

Eventually, the neighbors call the cops on the frat boys which sour their relationship. It becomes one of escalating pranks against the old couple. The pranks! You saw the airbag joke in the trailer -- that's about it. The neighbors retaliate to get the frat kicked off campus.

The movie had the thread that everyone has to accept growing up. The neighbors needed to act their age and not join in the partying. The frat boys needed to become adults. Even Dave Franco knew.

There were weird threads in this movie that seemed to come from older drafts. The neighbors separated friends were half-in and half-out of the movie. They showed up to flesh out some funky plot points -- like the broken leg (LOL!), but they didn't make any sense to the battle of the neighbors. Also, they didn't use McLovin very well. He was just background character. Finally, the bro-mance between Efron and Franco that was some weird stuff their especially the hint late in the movie about more than just bros. Weird and out of left field.

Neighbors was a serviceable movie, but not the epic comedy I wanted. I laughed at points and I wanted to smoke a joint afterwards, but I just wanted an epic party. Sadly denied.

3 of 5 stars.

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Wait, there's a rocking Houkago Tea Time tune that I never heard before? And it's sung by Yui? How come it's taken me this long to hear Curry Nochi Rice? I've actually heard it in the second season of the anime, but not until the K-ON! movie did I get to listen to it. It's another favorite.

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Sunday, May 11, 2014
There is no zettai ryouiki in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. There is knee high socks and knee high boots, but sadly, no zettai ryouiki. Still, the movie is okay. Nothing special, another comic book movie, except it kept reminding me of the superior, Spider-Man 2. If it had more zettai ryouiki, perhaps it would've been the greatest Spider-Man movie of all!

The second installment finds Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy graduating from high school. Peter is busy punching out the Rhino. Gwen is the valedictorian. She parlays her internship at Oscorp into move to Oxford. Peter parlays his photography into being the one guy who can get Spider-Man. Taking pictures should not equate to having a serious relationship with the guy, and yet it is a convenient trope for writers to get the both together.

The big bad is Jamie Foxx as Electro -- a geek who fell into a vat of electric eels, died, and became an electricity conductor. He's similar to Cane Marko, the Sandman from Spider-Man 3. Jaime Foxx acted all weird as a geek, but then acted all funny as Electro. He reminded me of the creatures in I Am Legend.

The big bad for the next movie will be the Green Goblin's son, the Hobgoblin. He's played by a Leonardo DiCaprio look-alike. He also scares me like DiCaprio does.

The writers went down a path I didn't think they would ever do. The did this. I never expected them to do it. It was a plot line I wanted since the first Spider-Man trilogy. I got it. I had never been so sad. It was devastating. No more zettai ryouiki in the third installment.

Andrew Garfield is a different geek than Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker. I can get behind Maguire's riffing and geekdom. Garfield doesn't make me like his geekdom. His Peter is just an ass. I can't believe he squeals like that.

I wish it was a better movie that the Gwen Stacy plot line deserved.

3 of 5 stars.

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Has it been Ten years already? 

This dang thing is still on! Still, not too many listening anymore. Everyone's off on Facebook. Follow me here on my blog. 

Ten more years. 

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Friday, May 09, 2014

Just received this from Japan. It's the K-ON! Music History's Box filled with 12 CDs worth of music from one of my all time favorite anime, K-ON! It's supposedly all the soundtracks, released music, and singles. I used the word supposedly because I can't read Japanese, and I have yet to listen to any of the disks. You see, I don't have a CD player. The new MBP doesn't have a drive. So now I'll have to listen to it in my cars. I am going to figure out how to rip all of these to this computer.

I can't wait to listen to them...

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I prefer Emacs. Vi makes you crazy especially the first time you load it up. You say how the hell do I enter text. Then you want to quit, and you'll say how the heck do I quit this program. Then you force kill the process to exit and never come back.

Plus, there are Emacs key bindings within OS X therefore the muscle memory is there while using my OS of choice.

Vi is the devil.


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Tuesday, May 06, 2014
I threw the Kona on the Jetta this morning so that after work, I would head out to the NCR Trail and ride. I use the NCR to gauge my fitness. The ride today tells me that I am not ready for anything more than 20 miles, and those miles have to be hill less .

So on the trail, it felt like I was riding in sand. Or at least my brakes may be rubbing. So I unhook the front brakes, but the bike still felt heavy. You feel it in your thighs. I concentrate on pumping the legs. Still slow and heavy. I average about 14 MPH. I don't go fast -- maximum was 18.6 MPH.

I felt like I was going slowly. Maybe later in the season, I will be fast. I'm going to have to work on it.


Saturday, May 03, 2014
When you see me blog about a movie like The Other Woman know this, it's not my choice to go see a movie like this. I like watching movies and I'll watch almost anything. I'll catch dumb comedies. I'll gladly watch superhero, action flicks. I'll go see ghost stories. And with The Other Woman, I'll watch chick flicks.

Yes, it's a chick flick. In the theatre, the majority of the audience was female. They were grouped mainly in groups of 3 or more in what can be described as girls' night out. Yet, it was the late afternoon film. We're all trying to save some cash.

Anyway, the film is standard ladies revenge flick on the cheating husband mixed with girl bonding. Leslie Mann plays the wife whose husband has cheated on her. Cameron Diaz is a high powered lawyer who was the mistress. Then swimsuit model, Kate Upton, is the second girl who mistress. They all get revenge on the husband because he's a terrible, terrible person. The husband is some generic guy. Supposedly, he's in Game of Thrones. I haven't seen an episode.

The surprising part is that it was a Leslie Mann film. She stole the show. Cameron Diaz played second fiddle. I kept thinking about her as the monster from The Counselor. Kate Upton, meh.

I don't hate the movie, but it wasn't for me.

2 of 5 stars.

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Friday, May 02, 2014
Are you reading The Dissolve every day for your movie fix? If not, why not? They've got some good writers and intriguing features. I visit it daily myself, because I like reading about movies.

So anyway, like yesterday, you'll get another link for summer movie previews. This will help you figure out which movies to watch this summer. It's different from yesterday because it doesn't have any leprechauns.


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Thursday, May 01, 2014
Tomorrow, The Amazing Spiderman 2 opens in theaters. Well, you can catch a late Thursday night showing, if you're up for it. Anyway, with the first big block buster coming in May, the Summer Movie Season is starting. Yet, you don't know what to watch. Hang around BrowserMetrics for another ten years and you'll know that BrowserMetrics does movies, and summer is move time. To help you decide, here's the first installment of a summer movie preview from the A.V. Club. It's funny, because it talks about Leprechaun, the horror franchise. It's funny because Leprechaun is a funny movie franchise. It's a leprechaun! And leprechauns are summer!


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