"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Is it the weekend? Do I hate being home? Did I end up at the bookstore?

Yes. Yes. Most certainly yes.

I arrived late in the evening, but not late at night, and the bookstore was quiet. There wasn't too many people wandering around. It wasn't empty, but it wasn't filled with people.

I've been going to the bookstores for a long time. Back when the big box bookstores started opening up in the late 19990s and early 2000s, there were a lot of people going. It was a very lively scene. The bookstore cafe would be filled with revelers drinking coffee and having desert. The aisles had people browsing. The register would always be ringing.

Nowadays, it is quiet and only the hard core readers would be there. Is it because of the digital revolution? Is it because millennials don't read books anymore? Is it because big box bookstores are on a decline? I have no idea, but it is like the zombie apocalypse in there. And I am the last survivor.

I Am Hero by Kengo Hanazawa
Halloween card for the niece

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Carp. So close. They almost could've done it. But they play National League style ball. And the Fighters have that Kaibutsu, Otani.

I would've loved to have seen a win for Hiroshima. I wanted to see Himetan in Carp red. I wanted to see Maaya cheering, too. I'll have to settle for fresh Lemon, Miorin, and her dejected cheers.

Hopefully, they'll be there again next year.


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It's David S. Pumpkins, man!


Thursday, October 27, 2016
I wander into the bookstore usually without a care in the world. It's a place that I find myself because I can't stand being home by myself with nothing doing. Let me go to the bookstore to find myself with nothing doing. OCD. It is what it is. Ritual. It is a hard habit to break. Because I will buy a book. Almost all books are tempting. I found this book in the food essay corner. It looks more like another travelogue of Japan. I need to get there one day.


Super Sushi Ramen Express: One Family's Journey Through the Belly of Japan by Michael Booth

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Is it me or has this month of October been rather subdued in its celebration of Halloween? I think we have the election to blame.

In the months before October, we have seen many horrors from that rat bastard, Donald Trump, that we have forsaken the fake horrors that we reserve for Halloween. We've lost our appetite for horror because we have been living a nightmare of an election.

If not the ghastly leader, but his minions that make us scared of ourselves, in who we've become, and in our neighbors as well. We are surrounded by zombified citizens who will eat our brains not for nutrition but because they want us dumb, too. And the nation is cursed like a werewolf.

We need to wake up. Get this election over with. Kick the rat bastard into history. And make sure we never hear from him again.

I'm all for a more normal spooktacular October.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Hashimoto Nanamin is graduating from Nogizaka46 in February next year, and I feel sad. Another of member of my favorite idol group leaving. This one is tough to take as she is returning to her private life and no longer partaking in the Japanese entertainment industry. Once she's done she's done.

I am selfish in that I want her to stick around. Or at least be available as an entertainer. I don't want to lost track of her. But that is stupid selfish talk.

She deserves what she chooses. She brought her fans so much joy that we she wish gets it back as much.

I wish her well when she graduates.


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Monday, October 17, 2016
Nishino Nanase's Instagram for outtakes and photos from her second photobook. Let's just enjoy shall we?


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Saturday, October 15, 2016
The Magnificent Seven ain't no Seven Samurai. It ain't no Magnificent Seven of Yul Brenner fame. It's its own movie, a western born in the 21st century. With a diverse cast and its own agenda.

It doesn't make the wild bunch do it for honor. They do it for the money. And for personal reasons. This last fact changes the movie into revenge. No one wins. Even the farmers lose. You the view do as well.

It's a decent action movie, but again, no Seven Samurai.

3 of 5 stars.

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Friday, October 07, 2016
I had some dizziness on Tuesday. I felt like I was tipping over. And then I was anxious. It blew over and I was fine.

I had some dizziness on Wednesday. I had 3 events. I was weak at the end of the day. I thought I was fine. I thought I was going to die. I went to the emergency room to see if I was dying.

I spent the night in the ER. Then I was admitted for observations for another day. I was at the hospital for the next day.

Turns out I have Type I Arnold-Chiari malformation. Yeah sounds scary. Not sure if I should be fine. Who knows. YOLO.


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Tuesday, October 04, 2016
Oh, Minami, why must you be so kawaii.

Hoshino Minami not liking her dad's catch phrase for her.

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