"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Trying to catch up on the shows that I have Tivoed.

Not successful.

I did catch the end of the Tour of California cycling stage race. How they go 35mph in such a tight group without knocking fellow competitors over is a big mystery to me. Every time they showed the peloton, I cringed at how close some of the guys came to touching wheels. Yet, it was an exciting bunch sprint. Another one of those fast, but faster still endings. Loved it. I cheered. Can't wait for the season to start.

Other Tivo things...

Supernatural is languishing. Battlestar Galactica as well. Heroes but that is starting to get tired.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My old one had died sometime last autumn. I'm thinking about getting a dSLR, but I really like to have a small one so as to keep it upon me at all times.

Can't really figure out what I should do. Or get.

Perhaps a cheap micro one, and a really nice dSLR.

Anyway, check out the reviews at this site.

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...the porno sites search for you!

Hilarious entry in my statcounter log.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007
One thing about blogger, when you save a post as a draft so that you can finish it up and post it later, the timestamp is of when the post is saved. Shouldn't it be of the time that it was posted.

Because of this you may miss my post about the redesign.


Saturday, February 24, 2007
Your Birthdate: September 18

You are a cohesive force - able to bring many people together for a common cause.
You tend to excel in work situations, but you also facilitate a lot of social gatherings too.
Beyond being a good leader, you are good at inspiring others.
You also keep your powerful emotions in check - you know when to emote and when to repress.

Your strength: Emotional maturity beyond your years

Your weakness: Wearing yourself down with too many responsibilities

Your power color: Crimson red

Your power symbol: Snowflake

Your power month: September
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

This is wrong. Except for September!

(hat tip to Margeaux)

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I did a quick write-up on the changes at BrowserMetrics early this morning, but I don't think it does justice to, if at all mentions, the design process I went through. After most design/development, I feel it productive to have a postmortem where the process and the product are evaluated for the good and bad of it.

Layout and CSS
In the late 90s, I worked in a web design company helping to churn out pages for lame ass businesses. We did everything with tables. This layout doesn't use any of that. It is purely CSS driven. I am proud of that. I took me some time to find out how it works. Now that I do know how it does, I want to tweak this layout some more.

My last template centered everything in two small tidy columns that didn't fill all the entire screen. I wanted to try to use the screen to its fullmost. First, the content area of the posts needed to be larger. It now sits fixed to the left size with a generous width. Notice, that when you enlarge the browser window that the posts don't change size. That's what I was going for.

The sidebar I wanted to consolidate. It was too cluttered especially my blogroll. I changed this by trying to shrink the lengths of the lists. Notice that more than one link happens per line.

I knew I wanted a black background. This is to validate BlueRyder's idea that this blog is dark. Just kidding. Black looks so much cooler or at least a non-white background. Non-white is my text editor at work's colors for documents. It'll make it easier to blog at work. Just kidding, again.

The color scheme I chose is mainly black and orange. Unfortunately, this is also the colors for the hometown birds. I have wanted to try out this color scheme out a long time ago, but never had a decent opportunity.

Did you know that the text isn't purely white? It's slightly yellow and it compliments the black.

The links are a subtle orange which also compliments the darker main orange color. It's not the bright one I am used too, but I like it. I hope you too.

Sidebar Tricks
Check out the cache section which is autoatically generated via Blogger tags. I print especially via some javascript.

Mainly the javascript is used to add the '|' after each link printed. For the archive links, I had to create a column effect with javascript. It's basically every third link I don't print the '|.' So there's some programming done here. I wonder if it is taking some time to do this. Perhaps some performance checks needed to executed for those who are still on dialup.

What I like
The layout. The colors. A new blog.

What I don't like
The CSS. The lack of a proper footer (I wanted another grey bar to rest at the bottom.

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Since moving to the new, non-beta blogger, I had been wanting to update the site template. I don't like the new templates offered, so I stuck with the old style blogger tags. I don't get all the cool functionality that the new blogger offers, but that's a trade-off I can learn to live with. It was a design decision.

In this new template, I learned all about Cascading Style Sheets and the old blogger template tags. The style sheet for this new layout is messy. It could probably be tighter, as could the layout.

Maybe sometime in the future I will learn the new blogger template stuff, but until then I hope they don't change the old template tags.

Please let me know what you think of the design. Let me know if using the sight is intuitive. And please let me know if some things don't work.

Leave feedback in the comments.


Thursday, February 22, 2007


If you remember, I was wondering who'll host the Oscars for technical achievement. It was Maggie Gyllenhaal. While she's not what I consider hot, she's still female. Easy on the eyes as well, but she's no
Rachel McAdams.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007
You think the 11th iteration of a reality show would be boring to watch. Except if that show is the Amazing Race. It's the All-Star show. Past racers once again globe trotting for a million dollars.

I can't hate any of them. They all rock. I don't know any of the season one racers, but I'm gonna be glad to meet them.

Of course, I have my favorites. Terri and Ian. Rob and Amber.

It always make me laugh!

** UPDATE **
Rob and Amber are the reality team monsters!

I hope they don't philiminate in this episode. Damn, he just said will.

*** UPDATE ***
I hate the first leg eliminations. Sorry, Jon Vito and Jill. I wanted see them a bit longer.

The Amazing Race is a cruel mistress!

See you next episode.

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The Year of the Boar. It's my kind of year!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Like many latchkey kids, I grew up with television as my babysitter. She watched over me as I watched her. Slowly, steadily, and inevitably, she has shaped my life.

It was always awesome to watch show's over and over again. Syndication made that possible. I don't know how many times I saw the complete runs of Taxi, Three's Company or Seinfeld, but I've seen them over and over that their episode plotlines run into each and have become indestinguishable.

So imagine my surprise at finding that many television shows have replaced their syndication revenue stream with that of DVD. It is a godsend that the producers are now releasing their shows on DVD. Plenty of the ones out of syndication or even the unpopular ones can now be found at your local Best Buy. So if you want ot catch up or just catch a show you've missed, rent the DVD and enjoy.

But what to watch?

These are four discs that are in my personal TV on DVD library. Each of these discs I find to be essential in grokking the show's concept. If you like to learn more, put them on your netflix queue.

The X-Files: Season 5, Disc 1
The X-Files was the first television show to be released on DVD. I loved that show. I queued the request to buy the first season a couple of months in advance on Amazon. It was originally priced as $129.00, but early buyers could get it for $90. That price today is outrageous as the discs can be got for as little as $30, but I guess they didn't know who's going to buy it. That disc sold well.

My choice disc, season five, disc one, will help you grokk The X-Files. It comes from the beginning of the end of the show's run. Around this time the show "jumped the shark." It still had another five years left, but the show before season five is completely different than the show after it. Yet, the four episodes on this disc still capture The X-Files in all its glory.

These were the first episodes after the movie. It opens with a standalone episode for the Lone Gunmen, "Unusual Suspects," which is one of my favorites. There goes the idea of continuing the momentum from the movie. But then it does dive back into the conspiracy with "Redux" and "Redux II". You would think these episodes would try to resolve lingering plotlines from the movie and the previous season's cliffhanger. It does and doesn't leaving many plotlines dangling and unleashing a few more. Finally, you get another standalone episode, "Detour," which finds our favorite FBI agents lost in the woods just as they have always been. Not a particularly strong episode, but it does have Scully singing. Mmmm, Scully!

After this season, the show officially moved production from wet and dank Vancouver to sunny LA. The tone changed and thus began it's steady decline.

Northern Exposure: Season 3, Disc 3
The packaging of the first two Northern Exposure discs was highly regarded as dumb. It was a neat little parka. Sounds as stupid as those iPod socks. Also, the first two seasons were short, because the show was a summer/spring replacement. The cost for these two discs were $40, as outrageous a price as The X-Files discs.

With season three, the producers have put the discs in the standard slip case and finally have some idea of what episodes are on each disc.

I have chosen season three's disc three side B to best represent the show. It is the last few episodes of their magnificent season 3, and they go on hiatus with a set of strong episodes. The show ignites the lustful emotions between Joel and Maggie by locking them up in the same hotel room in Juneau in "It Happened in Juneau." This episode sums up the love-hate-love that the two main characters go through. It's as silly as all your other "will they or won't they" plotlines. Next is "Our Wedding." Not Joel and Maggie's, bit Adam and Eve. Bringing fun for everyone but the groom. Finally, on this disc, you have the best episode of the show ever, "Cicely." You come to know about the town of Cicely and how it became the "Alaskan Riviera." It also keys you on the magic between the cast and of the place that is Northern Exposure.

News Radio: Season 3, Disc 1
I would like to have you watch every disc of this show, but I have to choose one which is unfair to the rest of them. You already know of my passion for this show if you stick around for NewsRadio Quote Month.

As the show opens it's third season, it finds itself looking to stay on television. It's not that the show was bad, but just the executives at NBC who were. They couldn't give this most funniest of shows a decent time slot. It didn't follow the nineties Friends-like template. It harkened back to workplace comedies which have been as old as the lembego trick.

When you watch this disc, you'll find nine of the most funniest sitcoms episodes. They'll make you want to watch all the rest of the discs.

"President" with Jimmy James running for and losing out in one day. A side plot is Matthew's mustache. "Review" is for all those office drones who have to ge through this process. You'll instantly recognize the cringe-inducing factor of this suckful work place phenomena. "Message Chair" is to remind you of the loss of Phil Hartman. "Arcade" is to remind you of all the quarters you pumped into video games as a kid. StarGate Defender! Plus Lisa Miller and the SAT. "Holloween" and "Award Show" highlight the ensemble cast at their goofiest. "Daydream" sums up all those dream episodes in television rather succinctly. "Movie Star" has James Caan intrigued by the spaz, and "Stocks" has you wishing for more secret of management advice from Jimmy James.

I think I'll pop this disc in and watch a few eps...

The Simpsons: Season 2, Disc 4
This past Christmas I had received five seasons worth of this show on DVD. That's an insane amount to view, especially since they are all from the waning years of the show. Yes it's still on, but have you watched it? Religiously? Like you did when you were younger? I thought so.

Yet, the Simpsons still has it's funny sides. I had to dive into the early run of the show to be reminded of the fact.

"Lisa's Substitute" is the classic episode with Dustin Hoffman voicing the Jewish cowboy teacher that Lisa has a crush on. "The War of the Simpsons" has Homer catching General Sherman, beatin the mighty catfish down, but releasing it because of his love for Marge. "Three Men and A Comic Book" has Milhouse, Bart, and Martin fighting over the titular comic book. Reminds me of the time that my brother ripped up one of mine. "Blood Feud" a mediocre fare that is still better than today's show.

I have a few more shows on DVD, but they aren't my favorites.

Share with me yours.

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Friday, February 16, 2007

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Well, it's St. Valentine's day. Here's to all the fools taking their significant other out to town, dinner, and a movie. If only I could. *sigh*

Yet, when romance is involved, I get my thrill from the cinematic projector. And one of the more romantic of movies that I love is It's a Wonderful Life. Wha?

Most people see this movie as the ultimate sentimental Christmas holiday movie. How can it be romantic?

Easy. It's filled with scenes that'll make you feel love.

Remember the scene with the young Mary Hatch whispering in George's bad ear, "George Bailey, I'll love you until the day I die." Try that on a girl. She'll appreciate it.

Remember the scene of the recently graduated Mary Hatch bored at the graduation dance. She listens the guy talking to her, but she doesn't seem to hear him. Then she catches a glimpse of George Bailey coming her way and she lights up. "Well, hello." That's electrifying.

Remember the scene where George and Mary throw rocks at the old house. "What did you wish for, Mary?" The coy look she gives him. "Buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight? And dance by the light of the moon." You'll chase after girls that give you that sly run around.

Remember the scene on the phone. "Tell him it's a chance of a lifetime." Yes. It is. To love and be loved. "Now you listen to me. I don't want any plastics and I don't want any ground floors. And I don't want to get married *ever* to anyone! You understand that? I want to do what I want to do." And she wants to be there with him. The raw emotion of the that scene.

I could go on, but you get the picture. There are many of them in it. So on this day of romance, pop in your DVD of It's a Wonderful Life. Replace the Christmas holiday feelings with romantic thoughts thanks to George and Mary's romance.

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French Kiss
Kate: Do you believe in love? The kind that lasts forever?
Luc: I loved my mother.
Kate: No, everyone loves their mother. Even people who say they hate their mothers love their mothers. My question is, one man for one woman?
Luc: It is not a very interesting question. It is the question of a little girl who still believes in fairy tales.

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Originally uploaded by bsschallenge.

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Originally uploaded by bsschallenge.

Hanging in my room used to be a advert ripped from TransWorld Skateboard Magazine. It was about labels and how they are meant to define you. Yet as a skater you were supposed to transcend them and be above being labeled. Why am I joining the megachurch of labels? There's a few that I have created. I am still on the old blogger template so I don't know how to add them to my blog as normal links. Just rummage through my archive and you will see them added to the posts that I could label.


Movie watching continues apace. I really wanted to write some deep insightful reviews of these three, but can never get them started.

Catch and Release. It was a Jennifer Garner weekend that was. This movie is a supposed romantic drama-dy, and such it disappointed on both the romantic end, the dramatic end, and the comedic end. You saw all the funny parts in the trailer. The drama was used as an explanation to the marketers as to how the movie really didn't have too much laughs. The romance! The romance? I just didn't get. Your fiance dies and you want fall for the one person who's a cad? Please. In a comment at Margeaux's, I believe the film to be too sappy, because it embraces the love story in the end. If it ended with them not making up and her out on her own it would've felt real. As for that, it felt like another marketing decision and the director/writer should've know to stick to her convictions of the story and not have them hook up again. It would've been a smarter, mature movie that way.

2 of 5 stars.

Because I Said So. Someone should've asked her to keep her mouth shut. What is happening to Diane Keaton? And what is happening to Mandy Moore? Keaton is Annie Hall, but that character is feeling a bit sad in her old age. Moore is in another bad movie. Whatever? I should not have seen this one.Capitol Swell has a better review. Let's just say Mandy Moore needs to read more better scripts.

2 of 5 stars.

The Messengers is a j-horror film in the middle of Nebraska. Yes. That sounds incongruous and the movie was. It was filled with worn out j-horror images. Things you've seen in other movies. J-horror is becoming extremely tired like the slasher horror genre before it. They need to make creepier films built to scare the bejeebus out of you when you get home. After watching this, I was scared but soon forgot why by the next morning.

2 of 5 stars.

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Suspicion won Joan Fontaine an Academy Award for Best Actress. It is said that she received it because of missing out on it the year before for Rebecca. While I certainly liked the Rebecca, Suspicion was good. If flawed.


Yes. The ending didn't particular suit the film. Everything leading up to it said, "Murder!" But we get some curt explanation, some hilarious mistaken motives, and a really fun, action at the end. All is wrapped us neat and tidy to fit in with the Hollywood production code. This was one movie where the original ending (see the extras) would have made this movie more satisfying.

This is also Cary Grant's first movie with the master director. And he plays it like a cad with a dark and mysterious past. Yet, Grant seems to me too bright. For me, he doesn't have the dark, rightening, murderous persona beneath his gentlemanly persona like I believe James Stewart to possess. Still he is one of Hitchcock's iconic leading men. I still prefer Stewart, but Grant is good because he is playful and makes Hitchcock a more sly and sinister storyteller. Who believes these men to be all-star, all Americans knows not of the dark and ugly evil lurking in all men?

My Hitchcock obsession continues.

4 of 5 stars.

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Who's that crazy guy in the picture? That's a nephew! It seems the folks at Washington Post set about interviewing people to get us to know the world. Watch it. He's a little precocious.

I wonder whom he is talking about at the end?

You can also download the video from their iTunes link.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sums up how they got through tonight's episode. Whaa?


Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Homework 3 is giving me some problems.

nslookup -type=MX www.loyola.edu
Note: nslookup is deprecated and may be removed from future releases.
Consider using the `dig' or `host' programs instead. Run nslookup with
the `-sil[ent]' option to prevent this message from appearing.
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

nslookup -type=PTR 254.169.in-addr.arpa
Note: nslookup is deprecated and may be removed from future releases.
Consider using the `dig' or `host' programs instead. Run nslookup with
the `-sil[ent]' option to prevent this message from appearing.
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Note: nslookup is deprecated and may be removed from future releases.
Consider using the `dig' or `host' programs instead. Run nslookup with
the `-sil[ent]' option to prevent this message from appearing.

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: www.maths.leeds.ac.uk


Margeaux posted some movie going survey on her site. It looks more like something sent via email. It's a challenge to see if you have seen the most movies. I've seen plenty lately. Especially in the theatres. She scored 112. I know I can beat that.

Here's the opening stuff.
SUPPOSEDLY if you've seen over 85 movies, you have no life. Mark the ones you've seen.

There are 170 movies on this list. Put your score in header and repost:

(x) Nacho Libre
(x) Grease
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean
(x) Pirates of the caribbean 2
() Orange County
() The Green Mile
(x) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate
() Neverending Story
() Blazing Saddles
(x) Airplane!
(x) Red Eye
() Stick It
() Shes the Man
() 8 Mile

Total : 7

That didn't start out so good. 7 of 13. That'll mean I'll get the 85 point. Darn.

(x) The Princess Bride
() SNL's The Best of Will Ferrell
(x) Napoleon Dynamite
() Fun With Dick and Jane
() Saw
() Saw II
(x) White Noise
() White Oleander
() Anger Management
() 50 First Dates
() The Princess Diaries
() The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
() Legally Blonde
(x) Legally Blonde 2

Total: 3

Yikes! Doing worse! Who made this list up. That will farrell one seems to be a DVD of the best of SNL. Come on. I won't even rent that shit. This is bogus.

(x) Scream
(x) Scream 2
(x) Scary Movie
() Scary Movie 2
() Scary Movie 3
() Scary Movie 4
(x) American Pie
(x) American Pie 2
() American Wedding
() American Pie Band Camp

Total: 4

(x) Harry Potter
(x) Harry Potter 2
(x) Harry Potter 3
(x) Harry Potter 4
(x) Resident Evil 1
() Resident Evil 2
(x) The Wedding Singer
() Cinderella Man
(x) The Village
() Lilo & Stitch

Total : 7

(x) Finding Nemo
() Finding Neverland
(x) Signs
(x) The Grinch
(x) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
() White Chicks
() Little Manhattan
(x) 13 Going on 30
(x) I, Robot
() Robots

Total : 7

(x) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
(x) Universal Soldier
(x) Lemony Snicket: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
(x) Along Came Polly
(x) Deep Impact
() KingPin
(x) Meet The Parents
(x) Meet the Fockers
() Eight Crazy Nights
() Joe Dirt
(x) King Kong(2005)

Total : 8

(x) Alice in Wonderland
(x) The Terminal
() The Lizzie McGuire Movie
() Passport to Paris
(x) Dumb & Dumber
() Dumber & Dumberer
() Final Destination
() Final Destination 2
() Final Destination 3
(x) Halloween
() The Ring
() The Ring 2
() Surviving X-MAS
() Flubber
(x) Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
(x) Practical Magic
(x) Chicago
() Ghost Ship
() From Hell
(x) Hellboy
(x) Secret Window
() I Am Sam
() the whole nine yards
() The Whole Ten Yards

Total : 9

(x) The Day After Tomorrow
() Child's Play
() Seed of Chucky
() Bride of Chucky
(x) 10 Things I Hate About You
() Just Married
(x) Gothika
(x) Nightmare on Elm Street
(x) Sixteen Candles
(x) Remember the Titans
() Coach Carter
(x) The Grudge
(x) The Grudge 2
(x) The Mask
() Son Of The Mask

Total : 9

(x) Bad Boys 2
() Joy Ride
(x) Lucky Number Seven
(x) Ocean's Eleven
(x) Ocean's Twelve
() Identity
() Lone Star
(x) Bedazzled
(x) Predator I
(x) Predator II
() Superstar
(x) Ice Age
() Ice age 2 The Meltdown

Total : 8

(x) Independence Day
(x) Cujo
(x) A Bronx Tale
(x) Darkness
(x) ET
(x) Children of the Corn
() My Boss' Daughter
() Maid in Manhattan
(x) Monsters Inc.
(x) Rush Hour
(x) Rush Hour 2
() Best Bet
() How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
(x) She's All That
() Calendar Girls
(x) Sideways
(x) Mars Attacks
(x) Event Horizon
() Ever After
(x) Forrest Gump
(x) Big Trouble in Little China
(x) The Terminator
(x) The Terminator 2
() The Terminator 3

Total : 17

(X) X-Men
(X) X-Men 2
(X) X-Men 3
(X) Spider-Man
(X) Spider-Man 2
(x) Sky High
() Jeepers Creepers
() Jeepers Creepers 2
(x) Catch Me If You Can
(x) The Others
(X) Freaky Friday
(x) Reign of fire
(X) Cruel Intentions
() Cruel Intentions 2
() Cruel Intentions 3
() The Hot Chick
() Shrek
() Shrek 2

Total : 11

() Swimfan
() Miracle
(x) Old School
() K-Paxx
(x) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
(x) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(x) Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
() A Walk To Remember
() Boogeyman
(x) The 40-year-old-virgin
() The Hills Have Eyes
() The Man in the Moon

Total: 5

I scored 96! I know I've seen more movies. Who made that one up?

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Monday, February 05, 2007
Rooting around mom's house this weekend and found the box that I kept some of my keepsakes. Pictures of her. Pictures of friends -- high school, college. Letters from her. Letters from friends -- high school, college.

I wanted to read those letters. I haven't yet. I don't remember what they say. It'll scare me because of the memories and the feelings.

This box is a feeling time IED set to explode and take me away.


Sunday, February 04, 2007
Super Bowl Sunday! A non-sanctioned American holiday. It's probably the only collective event that almost everyone in America watches.

I am rooting for the Colts. Blasphemy from one Baltirmorean whose father had some season tickets before they slunk out of town twenty some years ago.

I am rooting for them, because they have the least wankery fans. Chicago is the third wanker fan town. Boston first. New York second. Chicago third. It's like they lord over the other cities who don't know what it's like.

So go Colts. Beat those wanker Bears.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007
My desktop calendar says we have 31 days in February. If that isn't strange, how about its pronunciation. Feb-ru-airy or Feb-u-airy? I thought so.
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