The gang's all trying to get into golf. They're just starting. They should use the Happy Gilmore.
(ht kottke)
Labels: sports
Labels: sports
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, winners
It wasn't a terrible week but grateful for some chips and beer.
Labels: picture
View the original here:
I just had to swipe it from her blog because... well... just look at how cute...
Labels: Nozomi Sasaki, picture, so kawaii
Labels: baseball, why am i telling you this?
I'm sleeping on my couch with the television on. I left on TCM because it's the only channel that isn't some infomercial. When I wake up early, the show was some musical. It kind of sucked so I changed to Fox Movie Channel.
And I stopped because it was a movie with Henry Fonda being conned. No, not "The Lady Eve," but "Rings On My Fingers." The girl he falls in love with though is Gene Tierney.
Wow. She's absolutely beautiful.
I had to go on a ride, but I've tivo'ed the film, which if I am not mistaken, I tried to watch already.
Ms. Tierney most famous role was the dead girl, Laura, in the eponymous movie. She's a really, really, beautiful brunette.
Labels: Gene Tierney, she's hot
No, this is not the start to a daily series. It could be a start to an
ongoing one though.
Labels: boobtube, why am i telling you this?
Labels: ha ha
You know its been on my mind
Could you stand right there
Look me straight in the eye and say
That its over now
Alice In Chains, "Over Now"
What the?
More of these if you click through to the flickr page.
Labels: ha ha
Labels: Grace Kelly, Hitchcock, qotd
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball
Labels: anime, Baltimore Orioles, baseball, lotd, so kawaii, you'll need babelfish
I have the same picture from my iPhone, but it is too blurry to post.
Yeah, Orioles! The worst is that the last championship pennant is 1983. We may be headed for Cubs territory the way things are going on with the team, the division and the leagues.
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, picture, winners
Labels: movies
Labels: cycling, get off your butt, lotd
I missed most all of last night's game, Koji "Kojira" Uehara debut in
the Orange and Black. I should've gone as the place was only half
Today's game is at 1:35. I love day games. I should sneak out of work.
That would be so fun.
Hopefully, we can break out the brooms for a sweep.
Go O's!
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, winners
Labels: lotd, manga, so kawaii, you'll need babelfish
Labels: hunh?
Labels: money baby money, qotd
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, lotd
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, egg on the face, qotd, sports
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, lotd, yeah baby
Labels: egg on the face, ha ha
Labels: money baby money, qotd
Labels: lotd, Nozomi Sasaki, she's hot
Labels: money baby money, qotd
Labels: anime, K-ON, you'll need babelfish
Labels: girls, lotd, mmm, zettai ryouiki
Danny Choo always posting interesting food from his dinners around Tokyo and around Japan. And he always has a figure there too.
But check out that sushi spread. It don't look like a fancy place, but darn that looks good.
Labels: money baby money, qotd
Labels: I'm a fool, money baby money
Labels: iPhone, lotd, software development
Labels: ha ha, I'm a fool, money baby money, qotd