"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Thursday, April 30, 2009

The gang's all trying to get into golf. They're just starting. They should use the Happy Gilmore.

(ht kottke)


Monday, April 27, 2009
State of Play. I saw this a couple of weeks ago, so I don't remember too much. I thought it was good as I left the theatre, but since I don't remember too much, it might not have been. I remember waiting for the twist. It was there. It wasn't too unexpected, and it wasn't so hard to guess. I thought the twist would be different though.

Anywhoo, the movie is a remake of some British mini-series. They say the television show was better. I say who cares. I never saw it, so this was much better.

3 of 5

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Sunday, April 26, 2009
Was at the game for BrowserMetrics' nephew little league day. Hooray. We come back to win in. I'm the Orioles' good luck charm as the two games I've been to were wins.

Go O's!

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday's Chips and Beer
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

It wasn't a terrible week but grateful for some chips and beer.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kawaii Overload Nozomi Sasaki 4232009
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.


View the original here: http://ameblo.jp/sasaki-nozomi/entry-10247914065.html

I just had to swipe it from her blog because... well... just look at how cute...


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Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Hey, Julia Stiles has a blog! This is only of interest to two of my readers. First is the dude who stalks follows her on twitter. The other is a Mets fan just like her.

(h/t Walcott)

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Monday, April 20, 2009

You must watch.

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Sunday, April 19, 2009
Watch We Didn't Start the Flame War on CollegeHumor

Tee hee.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gene Tierney
Originally uploaded by klooka.

I'm sleeping on my couch with the television on. I left on TCM because it's the only channel that isn't some infomercial. When I wake up early, the show was some musical. It kind of sucked so I changed to Fox Movie Channel.

And I stopped because it was a movie with Henry Fonda being conned. No, not "The Lady Eve," but "Rings On My Fingers." The girl he falls in love with though is Gene Tierney.

Wow. She's absolutely beautiful.

I had to go on a ride, but I've tivo'ed the film, which if I am not mistaken, I tried to watch already.

Ms. Tierney most famous role was the dead girl, Laura, in the eponymous movie. She's a really, really, beautiful brunette.

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Friday, April 17, 2009
... is "Diamond Crevasse" from Macross Frontier the best song to come
out of anime?

No, this is not the start to a daily series. It could be a start to an
ongoing one though.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009
SMS Post: This is a test. Ignore me.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
If you love movies, then I'm sure you love TCM. It's celebrating its 15th Anniversary this month. They got normal folk as guest programmers to do some of their own favorites this month. I just saw some of "Gone With The Wind" and "Double Indemnity" is coming on tonight. Woohoo. Tivo asplode!

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The gayz! They want marriage! Oh noes! Now we'll be all forced to have sex with our priests!


Yeah, its over now, but I can breathe somehow
When its all worn out, Id rather go without

You know its been on my mind
Could you stand right there
Look me straight in the eye and say
That its over now

Alice In Chains, "Over Now"

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There's no need to post another lotd. You've got three hundred and sixty-five of these. Search back through my archives and find something. I'm hoping you've enjoyed it as much as I have. I'm hoping you've at least visited one (if not all) of the links. Some were, admittedly, lame, and some were frakking awesome. If you clicked, you would've found out which were which.

But it's all over now. I'm done. Something I did most every day for a year. I can tell you it was tough. Thanks for visiting.

Now I have to find something else to keep my blog going. Hmmm. I should resurrect my Saturday Evening Posts!

There is no link here!

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
Originally uploaded by Hot Meteor.

What the?

More of these if you click through to the flickr page.


"There's nothing wrong with you Lisa. You've got this town in the palm of your hand."
"Not quite it seems... Goodbye Jeff."
"You mean 'Good night.'"
"I mean what I said."
"Well Lisa, couldn't we just... couldn't we just keep things status quo?"
"Without any future?"
"Well, when am I gonna see you again?"
"Not for a long time... At least not until tomorrow night."

L.B. 'Jeff' Jeffries (Jimmy Stewart) & Lisa Carol Fremont (Grace Kelly), "Rear Window"

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Don't those away jerseys look awesome. Now if our team was much, much better they would be worthy of carrying on the awesome that is the history of the Baltimore Orioles.

Koji "Kojira" Uehara had a rough night. I think he'll end up with a high ERA after this game given that he was charged with 7 earned runs in 6 innings. But he's still 2-0 for the season. Banzaii, Uehara-san!

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Thinking of all things baseball. Last night, the O's survived at the Texas Rangers with Koji "Kojira" Uehara pitching.

It's funny what you find in anime. Here's another baseball centric one. It wants to capture the otaku heart as it is about some teenage girls in Japan in the early 20th century. They decide they want to play baseball, but lack the knowledge of the rules or the equipment to play.

Yeah, I didn't get this from today's link. I read it on wikipedia.


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Dreamed about I.

We were driving around in my convertible Mini Cooper. CapitolSwell, my dad, the FishTank and some other person. We had to go to a restaurant to meet the FishTank's lawyer. It was I.

She was very fidgety and flighty -- talking fast. She smoked. We sat down. She was talking to everyone in the restaurant. She handed cigarettes to some people. She yelled her order at the wait staff.

After signing the contracts. We walked out, and she went to smoke. I said to CapitolSwell, "I wonder if I can get her to give me a cigarette?" I already had one in my hand which I handed back to CapitolSwell, as I asked her for one.

While puffing away together, I asked her how long its been since we've seen each other. I kept going on about 15 years. She kept babbling since high school. She was still fidgety. I attempted to hug her, but stopped and asked if I could. She said go ahead. I did. It felt good.

I thought about getting her number. Right as I was about to ask, she puts out her cigarette in a dramatic fashion, says she's got to get back to dinner with her parents, says great to see me, and goes back inside. I put out my cigarette.

As we walk away to get in the car, she comes running back out. I ask for her number. She says okay. I pull out my iPhone. She tries to grab it out of my hand screaming let me to let her enter her number. I'm waiting for iPhone to wake from sleep. As it does she grabs it and starts jabbing at buttons. She's very unsuccessful at getting her number on iPhone. She comments about my red wallpaper, "Why's your phone all red?" With no actual number entered, she runs to her parents as they come out the restaurant.

I walk up and calmly ask for her to give me her number. She gives it to me as her parents eyeball me while speak German to each other.

I then say I'll call sometime. I run to the car where I jump in the back middle seat. CapitolSwell takes the keys to drive, and my dad had been drinking a soda. The other person joins us in the back seat grumbling about the tight seating arrangement. I say to CapitolSwell, "You sure you can drive stick?" He gets the car going and crunches some gears. At a stop sign, he doesn't want to stand still so he cuts in front of some guy walking in the cross walk. He sees some dude tailgating, tells him off, and steps on the gas.

As we speed away I stand up into the wind and look back. The tailgater is coming up fast again.

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Baltimore - Camden Yards: Home of the Baltimore Orioles
Originally uploaded by wallyg.

I have the same picture from my iPhone, but it is too blurry to post.

Yeah, Orioles! The worst is that the last championship pennant is 1983. We may be headed for Cubs territory the way things are going on with the team, the division and the leagues.

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Every little thing that you say or do
I'm hung up
I'm hung up on you

Waiting for your call
Baby night and day
I'm fed up
I'm tired of waiting on you

Ring ring ring goes the telephone
The lights are on but there's no-one home
Tick tick tock it's a quarter to two
And I'm done
I'm hanging up on you

I can't keep on waiting for you
I know that you're still hesitating
Don't cry for me
'cause I'll find my way
you'll wake up one day
but it'll be too late

Madonna, "Hung Up"

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Right around starting to watch anime and reading manga, I started to like watching baseball. I think it was the fact that the Japanese like the game a lot, and I just naturally gravitated to liking it too. Not to mention the fact that the greatest episode of Haruhi had to be the boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya where the SOS Brigade had to win a baseball game so that the world did not collapse because of Suzumiya-sama. But I hadn't read or watched a sports manga/anime. I did read some Prince of Tennis, and picked up in the bookstore Slam Dunk, but those aren't my sports. What I really wanted was a baseball manga. They just don't bring those to America, because they think that the game is no longer our national pastime.

So I read about this Cross Game anime that is new this year. And I hit the torrent sites for it. The first episode is awesome. I'm amazed by it, because it looks so simple and for a younger set, but the twists and turns of the story are very mature. It also has zero fan service and isn't any moe.

I'm hoping you read today's link and too decide to watch it, because I can't wait to see how this one turns out.



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Sunday, April 12, 2009
Love thy neighbor as yourself.

Jesus Christ

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Make it hypnotic on your own.


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Saturday, April 11, 2009
Duplicity. I had fun. Worth every thrill.

4 of 5 stars

Adventureland. It's not Micheal Cera in the lead.

3 of 5 stars


All my heart
All of your tears
Our whole world
Is smoke and mirrors

Thievery Corporation, "The Mirror Conspiracy"

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I need to move somewhere where I can ride a bike to work. Baltimore? Or some other place. I just want to ride to work.


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Friday, April 10, 2009

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Do you applaud fear?
Do you hold it near?
Are you afraid to live your life the way I perceive?
In my arms, I'll catch you.
Do you mind if I'll always loved you?

Heaven's gonna burn your eyes.

You'll see.
In my dreams, I'll catch you.
Into my arms I'll catch you.
Do you mind if I'll always loved you?

Thievery Corporation, "Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes"

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The problem of universal health coverage is "[t]o mandate that everyone purchase health insurance, as many have suggested, would require that the government specify what constitutes adequate coverage — in other words, what health conditions an insurance policy would need to cover."

So no need for universal health coverage, because then the government will tell us what medical coverage we can get, and we certainly don't need the government controlling our health. And we certainly don't need the government telling the free market on what it can cover. The free market will take care of everything.

With a free market system we can give tax breaks to people to seek their own coverage in the health insurance market, but we'll need to adjust the market so that "state mandates that require insurers to cover certain conditions, which make it expensive to offer individual policies, could be removed."

But that is the crux of the health insurance problem isn't it?

Without universal coverage, insurers will decide on who to insure, and in the health insurance business you want to minimize what you spend so that you want to cover only the healthiest people out there. The healthy don't go in for any costly treatments. Eliminating the need to cover certain conditions would eliminate those people with those conditions from ever being able to receive insurance, and it would give the health insurance industry cover as they drop all sick people from their plans.

That's why we want universal coverage, so that no one, no matter their health gets insurance. The cost of scale should make it then cheap for everyone.


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Thursday, April 09, 2009
Cause I'm the Thriller of Manila, MC cold killer
Drink Budweiser, cannot stand Miller
MC's cold clockin' til the party's through
then they tap me on my shoulder and say, "This Bud's for you"

EPMD, "It's My Thing"

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I'm still high coming off the Opening Day awesome win over the hated
Yankees. I'm still happy for the new Kiko Garcia, No. 3, Cesar Izturis,
hitting that home run to put the game away. So when I look at the
standings going into the third game of the season and I see an
undefeated, first place team, I'm happy. YAY!

I missed most all of last night's game, Koji "Kojira" Uehara debut in
the Orange and Black. I should've gone as the place was only half

Today's game is at 1:35. I love day games. I should sneak out of work.
That would be so fun.

Hopefully, we can break out the brooms for a sweep.

Go O's!

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Kawashita-sensei of "Ichigo 100%" infamy had written another manga with cute girls, "Hatsukoi Limited." It's being made into an anime. Next to Mazukazo of "I"s" fame, she draws wonderfully cute girls. But her boys are a bunch of dolts. Anywhoo, when the anime comes out, I guess I'll be trying to see if it's any good. You can always go and read the manga at some scanlation site.


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Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Kal Pen of Harold and Kumar fame takes a job with the Obama administration.

I don't know why this fascinates me this morning. It's more than likely that I was wondering if this guy can get the administration to take decriminalization of marijuana seriously rather than to snicker like high high school students at the suggestion of legalization. And perhaps Doogie Howser will show up to trash the White House one day.


"You take yourself out of the game, you start talking about puppy dogs and ice cream and of course it's going to end up on the friendship tip."

Trent (Vince Vaughn), "Swingers"

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To coincide with the start of Baseball season, check out Orioles baseball cards at the Orioles Card "O" the Day blog. I'm still waiting for the horrendous all orange mid-seventies uniform to make its appearance.


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Tuesday, April 07, 2009
"The Yankees are used to friendly crowds at Camden Yards, where the Orioles have been also-rans for more than a decade. But this time the park was stuffed with 48,607 boisterous fans, most of them wearing orange and black. They delighted in Sabathia’s struggles."

"New Stars Fizzle as the Yankees Absorb a Beating" NYTimes 4-7-09

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Duck season! Rabbit Season! Duck season! Rabbit Season! Duck season! Rabbit Season! Duck season! Baseball Season!

Yesterday was Opening Day for baseball and the FishTank and I went to enjoy the festivities. I got good tickets in left field. Really good tickets because we were at the end of the row, so for all those beers consumed during the game, it was an easy escape to the bathroom. And those lines were long, like lady's room long. But I digress.

It's always good to skip out of work in the middle of the day. I would love to do it more. I left around 1 o'clock, so that we could get downtown and grab some lunch at Lexington Market. It seems lots of fans had that same idea as Faidley's was packed with O's boosters. Then we walked in the sun to the Yard, bought $4 beer outside the park, and ducked for cover as a shower came through right before opening ceremonies.

We watched our ace, Jeremy Guthrie, outduel CC Sabathea to a 6-1 lead. We watched as the damn Yankees cut that to a 1 run game. I think I drank too many beers, the FishTank also. Then we got an imperfect view of Izzy's home run to put us in the lead. The ball was coming right at us, Johnny Damon looked to have a bead on it, but somehow, it made it over the fence. The crowd erupted! Everyone in orange and black was high-fivin' each other. Great thing about the home opener: it was a see of orange and black. The Orioles fans showed up.

Rack up a win for the O's. We're in first place, baby! We're number 1! We're number 1! We're number 1!


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Monday, April 06, 2009

Better than work
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

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Oops. "Let the Right One In" has newish translation for the DVD/BluRay release. They're not the same as the English theatrical release. They are almost comical in their translation, "All your bases belong to us," style. They're gonna need fansubs, but done right.

On a side note, the English dub was terrible. We switched to the subtitles almost immediately. You couldn't take the kid seriously. Who are these guys doing the US release? Couldn't they have gotten some decent US anime voice dubbers to work through the emotions in the English dub?

Reading about this, I think it's best to get a import DVD and watch it on a region free player.

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I bought my baby a red radio.

It's just the same old show on my radio!

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"It's like, you wake up every day and it hurts a little bit less, and then you wake up one day and it doesn't hurt at all. And the funny thing is, is that, this is kinda weird, but it's like, it's like you almost miss that pain."

Rob (Ron Livingston), "Swingers"

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I ain't done with the cute asians. Let's not forget my favorite, Nozomi Sasaki. She's so cute. *sigh*


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Sunday, April 05, 2009
"I need some fucking friends!"

Ain't that the truth? It's difficult to acknowledge, but yes, I need some fucking friends. Like who's gonna be my best man at my wedding. I don't know Lou Ferrigno, so he's out of the question.

I Love You, Man. Good flick. It had me laughing. And that's all I needed for the last couple of days. A few good laughs. And some buddies to share it with.

4 of 5 stars.

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"213-555-4679. That's it. I just wanna leave my number. I didn't want you to think I was weird or desperate, or... we should just hang out and see where it goes cuz it's nice and, y'know, no expectations. Ok? Thanks a lot. Bye bye."

Mike (Jon Favreau), "Swingers"

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Mmm. Cute asians again. Because I'm thinking of them.


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Saturday, April 04, 2009

K-ON! - ED @ Yahoo! Video

This is fun.

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It seems that the big hit anime for otaku this spring is K-ON!. I'm in love with it from the first episode. There's only been one I've seen so far, but dang it's good. Hopefully.

If you don't believe me, then ask Danny Choo. And if it's intriguing enough for you, then check out the episode summaries as the folks at Random Curiosity put them out.

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You tell me that nothing matters
You're just fucking scared
You tell me that I'm better
You just hate yourself
You tell me that you like her
You just wish you did

Minor Threat, "In My Eyes"

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It's spring. And my mind turns to girl watching. Here's really cute asians in short skirts and stockings. Don't click if you're a girl. Click if you're a guy. Legs, man, legs. Zettai Ryouiki. Makes me smile.


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Friday, April 03, 2009

A Day in Tokyo 3
Originally uploaded by Danny Choo.

Danny Choo always posting interesting food from his dinners around Tokyo and around Japan. And he always has a figure there too.

But check out that sushi spread. It don't look like a fancy place, but darn that looks good.

And when I’m flying around the world
And I’m doin’ this and I’m tryin’ do that
And I’m trying to make some girl

Tells me


better come back later next week
Can’t you see I’m on a losing streak

The Rolling Stones by way of Devo, "Satisfaction"

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Netflix is another "social" site I am on, and it sent me a notification from theSeed. It seems that he really, really, really liked the Swedish moody vampire love study, Let the Right One In. When I saw it, I knew it was right up his alley. Anywhoo, here's a comparison of the book to the movie. Who knew the girl was supposed to be a guy?


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Thursday, April 02, 2009
"Mmmm... see, that's the thing, is somehow they know not to come back until you really forget."

Rob (Ron Livingston), "Swingers"

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What's old is new again.

Last Saturday, I needed a pick me up so what better way than to catch mindless drivel at the local movie emporium. Of course, by local, I mean something within a 20 mile drive. In the middle of breakfast, I decided I wanted to catch Monsters vs Aliens in three dimensions. So I drive to the local IMAX three dimension movie palace and join the morning crowd. Supposedly, all showings before noon should've been $5, but the premium that is IMAX cost be the same price as a regular ticket. Was this worth it?

Three dimensions is a farce. It doesn't add anything to the film. It's a gimmick to get you into the theatre. It worked. The depth of field is pretty cool. They did use the hokey "it's coming at you" shots, but overall you don't notice too much overt third dimension hokeum. Yet, I can't but think that this doesn't add much to the movie going experience. Sometimes it distracts when scrolling too fast.

The character design of Ginormica was freaky. I like manga, shoujo manga, with creepily big eyes, but Ginormica was disturbing. Must be because I she also reminded me of the girl in Bolt. Do studios share the same computer file for every woman character out there?

As far as story, I really dig the science fiction aspect. You had to be familiar with all the 50s monster movies to get all the monster references: the creature from the black lagoon, the blob, the fly, and Mothra. And Mothra... errr Insectasauros was pure fun. The story reminded me of The Incredibles. The writing reminded me that at least DreamWorks toned down their need to reference pop culture and made a movie that will transcend this day and age.

3 of 5 stars.

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For you iPhone developers.


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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

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"You know what. Ha ha ha Mike, laugh all you want but if you call too soon you might scare off a nice baby who's ready to party."

Trent (Vince Vaughn), "Swingers"

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I'm thinking about moving my blog onto its own domain. Check it out and let me know what you think about the design.


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