Maybe for the year.
Maybe forever.
You'll only have to come back next September to find out.
Labels: meta, NewsRadio quote
Labels: meta, NewsRadio quote
Labels: 25, I am me, NewsRadio quote, nostalgia
Usually the link of the day comes before the quote of the day, but I wasn't into having a link of the day until after I thought some more about the ending to the K-ON!! anime. I haven't seen it yet (the fansub group I've been following hasn't uploaded the torrent as of this morning), but the usual anime recap site, which I'm linking you to today, has as always a great, image filled narrative of the highlights of the story.
It's come to this that I get more joy out of this one anime than anything currently going in my life, and it has ended. As all endings are it's bittersweet. I'm glad I watched it and can't wait until the DVDs are available in the States.
I remember K-ON's first season and thinking that it was nothing special. Not until this season did it hit me how completely awesome the show is. It's an animated Seinfeld: a whole bunch of nothing, but charming and sweet. Now it's over and I'll have to find some other show to torrent.
Labels: anime, I love this, K-ON, lotd, NewsRadio quote
She comes skimmin' through rays of violet. She can wade in drop of dew.
She don't come and I don't follow waits backstage while I sing to you.
"Sugar Magnolia" The Grateful Dead
Labels: better late than never, lyrics, NewsRadio quote, qotd
Labels: Amazing Race, NewsRadio quote
Labels: nendoroid, NewsRadio quote
Labels: Kim Ha Yul, NewsRadio quote, she's hot
Labels: ha ha, NewsRadio quote
I've already wrote about my search for some Sabbath. I've got it, ripped it, and now I'm listening to it at work. I want to jam out to "War Pigs" and howl like I, myself, am "Paranoid." Turn the volume up to 11, sit hunkered at my desk, and listen for the subliminal messages.
I've jammed out to Public Enemy. "Can't Truss It!" "Don't Believe the Hype!" A big, black fist thrown in the air in defiance. Imma gonna get mine and take it out of your hide.
Ice Cube's third album, "The Predator," boomed from my car on the ride in. Written around the time of the Rodney King riots it's a about taking down the clowns in authority through any means necessary. "Not guilty. The filthy devils try to kill me."
Always on the rotation is Alice in Chains. I just love the sludge they put through my earbud's speakers. Dark, depressing stuff.
I know I'm just anxious. Stuck in my predicament, I can't really doing too much. Or I can, but choose not to at this time. It's making me hateful. I would just love to jam out to something dark. Turn the lights off. I'm gonna get some.
Labels: I'm tired, NewsRadio quote
My buddy, Wyman, is on a world tour to wherever JetBlue flies. He's doing the All You Can Jet promotion flying everywhere and anywhere in 30 days. Sounds like fun to pack up and just go without any destination in mind. He's blogging some of his trip in today's link. Makes me want to just go.
Labels: lotd, NewsRadio quote
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, NewsRadio quote
Labels: music break, NewsRadio quote
Labels: fiction, NewsRadio quote, Nozomi Sasaki, stick up for yourself
Labels: cycling, fiction, NewsRadio quote, she's hot, wishing for a pony
Labels: movies, NewsRadio quote, review
Labels: NewsRadio quote, she's hot
Labels: movies, NewsRadio quote, review
I want to read this manga. Would someone order this up for me?
Seriously, I just read the link of the day and I have goose bumps up my arm from the horror of it all.
Labels: lotd, manga, NewsRadio quote
Adam Jones 10 -- bought last year
Matt Weiters 15 -- bought this winter from
Koji Uehara 19 -- bought last night
Ty Wiggington 23 -- free t-shirt night
Buck Showalter 26 -- free t-shirt night
Jason Berken 49 -- free t-shirt night
I bought two caps this year, too. I usually buy a new cap each season. The second one bought this year is a cool replica vintage cap from the 50s and 60s.
And I can't forget to mention, I did get all the mini bobble heads this year.
I went to back-to-back games these past two nights once for the free t-shirt (Showalter) and last night to finish out my season ticket plan. That was 13 games, but I didn't go to all of them. I plan to finish out the season with Detroit using up the season tickets I didn't use. I'll have to check the count, but that was at least 16 games this year.
They're still not a very good organization and next year is a new year, but I'm ecstatic about our Orioles. Sorry, to the three readers of the blog, for making this a baseball blog, but, well, you know....
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, fanatical, NewsRadio quote
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, NewsRadio quote
Mom wondering why we're so high up at Camden Yards?
Labels: "la familia", Baltimore Orioles, baseball, Camden Yards, NewsRadio quote, winners
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, NewsRadio quote, winners
I'm writing this instead of doing some work and it's only about a quarter after 9. I don't look forward to work at all. I can't wait until Friday.
As I was taking a shower, I thought that I would like to listen to some ska on the ride in. Should I pull one of my CDs in the CD cubby in the living room or listen to the Trojan box set that's been in the Mini since I bought it 2 summers ago. Of course, once changed, I completely forgot about the CD. I still remembered that I wanted to listen to ska, so it was the Trojan box set once again.
As I listened, I wondered what I like about ska. The rhythm? Yes to the skanking guitars on the upbeat. The energy to the songs? Yes, I needed to bop around in the seat. The horn section! That was it! Music needs more horns and saxophones and trombones. Bring those back.
Now, is there a band today that has a horn section? And was the 80s the epitome of alternative musical instruments? Plenty of bands made use of the saxophone: INXS, Bruce Springsteen, (fill this in for me, please). Horn sections make the band more fun. See James Brown.
Bring back the horns to music.
Labels: mondays, NewsRadio quote, ska
Labels: music break, NewsRadio quote
Labels: NewsRadio quote, science fiend
Labels: NewsRadio quote, picture, vacation
Labels: get off your butt, NewsRadio quote, wagers
Labels: "blog as notepad", genius, lotd, Macs, NewsRadio quote
They go from zero to sixty in less than a second!
Must check my heart rate and BP as work is complicating things.
Why am I such a pussy for working at IniTech? Don't answer. I already know.
Labels: get me out of here, NewsRadio quote
One of the items I missed is Anime News Network reviewing the late Satoshi Kon's work. They're reviewing most all his works which is something I wanted to do. After he passed away last month, I wanted to revisit his works. I came to watch his movies too early in my anime binge. When I was enthused about ecchi school comedies, I watched Paprika. This one flew over my head somewhat. I liked what I saw (it was anime), but couldn't really get into it. Even with the esteem I hold the medium of animation to, I was late to realize that Kon really did animation to tell his stories. They are films that so happen to be animated.
I'll revisit his movies, because all the retrospectives on his career have saddened me that we have lost truly genius of a film director.
Labels: anime, NewsRadio quote
I need that November vacation, BIG TIME! The last vacation I had taken was Espana 2007. Since then, the vacations were of meager time -- a weekend, four days, a week off at home. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed those vacations because they were NOT work. They were too short primarily and a little bit unadventurous.
Labor Day is here. The tradition end of summer. We're on our way to FL for Disney World. I'm not really excited about this one. It's Disney, and I don't have kids. It's Disney, and I'm here with family, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews, and nieces. It's gonna be some wild, wild weekend.
Further down the road is the big adventure in HI. That's gonna be fun. I really want to go back to Iceland. Now that sounds like an adventure.
All of this is expensive. I have to tap the rainy day fund. It's raining hard, like Hurricane Earl. See you in the airways.
Labels: get me out of here, NewsRadio quote, vacation
Labels: fiction, I am me, NewsRadio quote, yup
Labels: hunh?, lists, NewsRadio quote
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, Camden Yards, iPhone, picture
Labels: meta, NewsRadio quote, The X-Files