"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Thursday, September 30, 2010
NewsRadio Quote Month is coming to an end.

Maybe for the year.

Maybe forever.

You'll only have to come back next September to find out.

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25 And Living Large: I'm an alcholic! 25 And Living Large 25 And Living Large

This summer I had purchased a 3/4" floppy drive. My motivation to go backwards in time was to find these photos. Little did I know was that I could've just brought the Win95 machine back to life and used it's floppy drive or barring that I could've resurrected the Powerbook 190 for the job. All I'm saying is that I went through plenty of hurdles to put these on my flickr photostream.

These pictures are inspiring me to write a couple of posts about them, about that time, about that person who I was. When I pulled them from the floppy, lots of thoughts and memories came flooding to my mind. I wanted to identify who was who, when was when, and what happened. Needless to say this reminiscing leeds me to think I may have a few tall tales to tell from these photos.

I think I may have a few posts coming...

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Link of the Day [9.29.10]

Usually the link of the day comes before the quote of the day, but I wasn't into having a link of the day until after I thought some more about the ending to the K-ON!! anime. I haven't seen it yet (the fansub group I've been following hasn't uploaded the torrent as of this morning), but the usual anime recap site, which I'm linking you to today, has as always a great, image filled narrative of the highlights of the story.

It's come to this that I get more joy out of this one anime than anything currently going in my life, and it has ended. As all endings are it's bittersweet. I'm glad I watched it and can't wait until the DVDs are available in the States.

I remember K-ON's first season and thinking that it was nothing special. Not until this season did it hit me how completely awesome the show is. It's an animated Seinfeld: a whole bunch of nothing, but charming and sweet. Now it's over and I'll have to find some other show to torrent.


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Quote of the Day [9.29.10]

She comes skimmin' through rays of violet. She can wade in drop of dew.
She don't come and I don't follow waits backstage while I sing to you.

"Sugar Magnolia" The Grateful Dead

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Sunday, September 26, 2010
Live blogging The Amazing Race will commence very soon. I haven't done this, but it's time to revisit the fun times of running around the world for fun and profit. Consider this the first post...

That lady protesting against the Muslim center in NY hates.

Catching some of Yankees v Red Sox. I hate them both, but it's even better when the one supposedly good team is on a losing streak. I wish both would be losers, but that ain't gonna happen until the Orioles can get in contention. Daisuke just struck out Texiera to end the inning.

Even moving back 60 minutes by 30 minutes, CBS still can't start it on time because of NFL.

8:44 PM EST
Andy Rooney looks like one of the dead. Zombie!

8:47 PM EST
Here we go!

How can local celebrities compete for $1 million? Why?

Marriage proposals and Amazing Race don't seem to go well together. Yelling at your partner...

Acapella singers? That's gay.

Hotty doctors? Yes!

Asian father son duo? First eliminated!

8:51 PM EST
You can't tell who to root against. Let's go evil teams!

Express Pass sounds like cheating.

8:57 PM EST
No purely young all men's teams. Makes it tough to pick the eventual winners.

Dude, Irish, your girlfriend is hot.

9:02 PM EST
It's amazing how, post 9-11, you can get people to do the run around in airports. I would think they would be jacked by the airport cops.

9:07 PM
Singers are last place. Also called Harry Potter. Not the way to start out.

9:09 PM EST
Driving stuck left handed. Must be awkward.

Newly dating, and you're yelling at each other. That won't last will it?

Don't scream about the stick shift on the left. You have to just drive...

9:13 PM EST
Killing clutches. Is not good. Get the wrecker! EEeesh. Burning clutches!

You've got to go practice stick whenever you're going on the Amazing Race.

I hate these steam lunches commercial. Why do you want an asshole as a spokesman?

9:20 PM EST
Clutches are a problem. Hunh?

Guys are lost? Get out of the car.

I like how they get Harry Potter to talk about magic!

Bullocks with the colonials!!! Ha ha ha!!!

Fat people on that boat isn't going make across!!

9:38 PM EST
Slow and steady gets you across the water in the turtle boat.

Damn. I hate eliminations in the first leg...

That's gotta hurt... Ouch with the watermelon...

9:46 PM EST
That's right sister. That's the Amazing Race for you.

That girl running who was hit in the face is hilarious!!

The boat roadblock is getting to be hilarious.

I think the reunited mother-daughter team is gonna be philiminated. Yes. It's been a long time since I've used that word!

9:54 PM EST
I have to always question why they eliminate in the first round. They should throw a wrench and keep it open. Allow these fools a second chance.

You can't get lost going to Phil. You just can't!!

These tattooed people are really, really stupid.

10:02 PM
Yes. They really are stupid.

10:04 PM EST
Here's who I'm rooting for: Asians, mother-daughter reunited, hottie girl and her leprechaun buddy. Would've rooted for the black dudes, but man they got lost and lost the first leg (just predicting).

It's getting close to last teams. Come on mother-daughter. Come on black guys. That boat ain't gonna help.

10:12 PM EST
Logic ain't gonna get you across that water big, black guy.

Damn, first elimination. Black guys. Damn, you, Amazing Race! Why must you crush our hopes!!

10:15 PM EST
Thus ends the return of live blogging Amazing Race. It hasn't been cool to watch the show in a long time, but it still is fun. Who's coming with if I do it?

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Nendoroid Shana

Some nendoroids are meant to be bought. Others aren't. I regret buying the Drossel, two Black Rock Shooter (one would've been enough), and Binchou-tan. But most of the time, nendoroids are too cute to pass up. I've got at least twenty perhaps more, and all were imported from Japan. I missed out on a few like Itoshiki-sensei and the awesome Staccato version of Nao. I still have a few on pre-order: the girls of Love-plus and the Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi, but I have to slow down on purchasing them. Unless, you want to help me buy them. Hint hint birthday/Christmas, happy day presents. TIA!

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Because really cute asians is not enough, we go to the whole Korean photo idol queens over at Korea FTW. After everyone's favorite, Hwang Hi Mee, I'll take Kim Ha Yul. No idea why.

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A reminder of how humorless our national discourse has been. Stephen Colbert just skewers things and causes all sorts of funny reactions. I'm posting the White House Press Corps dinner because I remember how funny it was and true. Damn, that guy really makes the Republicans squirm.

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Friday, September 24, 2010
Lately, I've been listening to music that is a bit heavy. It's got to be somewhat somber and scary. If I have to put it into words the type of music it is, my sentence would be, "Music scary to old, white people."

I've already wrote about my search for some Sabbath. I've got it, ripped it, and now I'm listening to it at work. I want to jam out to "War Pigs" and howl like I, myself, am "Paranoid." Turn the volume up to 11, sit hunkered at my desk, and listen for the subliminal messages.

I've jammed out to Public Enemy. "Can't Truss It!" "Don't Believe the Hype!" A big, black fist thrown in the air in defiance. Imma gonna get mine and take it out of your hide.

Ice Cube's third album, "The Predator," boomed from my car on the ride in. Written around the time of the Rodney King riots it's a about taking down the clowns in authority through any means necessary. "Not guilty. The filthy devils try to kill me."

Always on the rotation is Alice in Chains. I just love the sludge they put through my earbud's speakers. Dark, depressing stuff.

I know I'm just anxious. Stuck in my predicament, I can't really doing too much. Or I can, but choose not to at this time. It's making me hateful. I would just love to jam out to something dark. Turn the lights off. I'm gonna get some.

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Link of the Day [9.24.10]

My buddy, Wyman, is on a world tour to wherever JetBlue flies. He's doing the All You Can Jet promotion flying everywhere and anywhere in 30 days. Sounds like fun to pack up and just go without any destination in mind. He's blogging some of his trip in today's link. Makes me want to just go.


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Thursday, September 23, 2010
Angels v Orioles Aug 5, 2010 Texas Rangers v Baltimore Orioles, Aug 20, 2010: Section 8 Crazies Tampa v Baltimore 7-20-10 Washington Nationals v Baltimore Orioles June 27, 2010 Marlins @ Orioles, June 24, 2010: The 384 Gang! Home Opener 2010:Oriole Bird

Dear Uncle Buck,

Let's make the Orioles better next year.


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Let's all ride a bike!

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You sometimes need Sabbath! I went searching for their second album on iTunes, but found to my misfortune that it hasn't been released for digital download. I also checked Amazon, found that to be true, and then headed off to Best Buy to purchase the CD. They don't sell any more CDs at Best Buy though, because the music section has shrunk dramatically. I ended up getting it at Record and Tape Traders.

Anyway, I ended up on YouTube watching people play on Rock Band or Guitar Hero and thought that you, too, could use some Sabbath. You sometimes need Sabbath!

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Hey, you. Over here."

She calls me over there to look over something, but I'm not looking. I'm smelling. She smells brilliant that's what makes her noticeable. Seconds after she enters the room, her fragrance hits the nose, and I can't help but be reminded that there is a god.

"Thanks for the help."

Now I'm back at my desk. Heaven is over there. Hell is here, myself, in my skin and nothing can bridge the chasm between the perdition and paradise.

"Off to lunch!"

Just this once, let me go with. It's better to not eat alone. I know it is. I read it in a book that told me so even while I was alone.

"Goodnight. See ya tomorrow."

Yes, we will. I'll restart this thread once more in the morning.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Copenhagen Fashionista on Wheels
Picture courtesy Mikael Colville-Andersen of Copenhagen Cycle Chic Blog

She takes her bike and paints it green. She hangs a white basket off the front and places a bell on the handlebar. She doesn't wear spandex, but a flirty skirt. A smart, navy jacket rounds out the ensemble. Putting her bag in the basket, she pushes off towards her destination. The crisp morning air as she moves through it brings a slight blush on her cheeks. Her sunglasses catch the sun and she flashes that smile of hers as she enjoys the morning ride. Picture perfect.

Here's to girls that ride bikes. The greatest invention. The bike. Plus, females. The two combine for beautiful motion. They are things to be happy about.

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Monday, September 20, 2010
In honor of Orioles playing the Red Sux, here's my thoughts and/or review of Ben Affleck's The Town.

Here's the plot: Heat in Boston. It absolutely follows the plot of Michael Mann's film. Super efficient, highly competent bank robbers (Affleck, Remmer and crew) hunted by a go for broke law enforcement man (that guy with the jaw from AMC's Mad Men). There is the girl with the baby and the girl who may or may not be dropped in thirty seconds or less. There are heists and double crosses and one last big score with all this heat on them. Yup. If you've seen Heat, you've seen this one.

Heat by the way is one of my all time favorite movies. Top 5.

The Town isn't so bad. It's competently directed by Affleck starring a competent Affleck. Rebecca Hall is a beauty. Pretty. I would watch the movie again to stare at that face for another 2 hours. She's just my type.

Jeremy Remmer always makes me nervous. His nonchalant demeanor always comes across as reckless whether as a bomb squad member or as a member of Affleck's bank robbing crew. You're always waiting for him to do something off the wall that'll make your palms sweat. Here he takes the last big score. "I ain't ever going back [to prison]," he says and you know that it's a death wish.

The last heist was cool. Taking on the Red Sox. Let's hope the Orioles bring down the house on the Red Sox just as the cops take it to the robbers.

3 of 5 stars.

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I'm smitten with Rebecca Hall in The Town. Tall, brunette, brown eyes and freckles just plain yum. I was mesmerized by her. Look for a review of the movie later, but right now Rebecca Hall....

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Sunday, September 19, 2010
Easy A is the 2010's Mean Girls. Emma Stone is Lindsay Lohan -- same chubbiness, same red hair, same throaty voice. Let's hope she doesn't flush her career down the tubes with drinking and drugs. If she looses 15 lbs, it's the first sign of impending celebrity implosion.

The movie's plot centers around Stone's character, Olive, as she makes herself out to be the school skank after a lie she told was warped by the grapevine. This riles up the geeks to hit her up for some of that lying action. She does and they gain some notoriety. Then the school prayer group takes it upon themselves to get her kicked out school. Then the school mascot was always in love with her. Then the school guidance counselor, the school's coolest teacher, and a weird hairy chrisitan showed up to add another plot thread. This is just to say that there were a lot of plotlines in this movie.

The writers of the movie played a lot off of 80s teen comedies: Say Anything, Can't Buy Me Love, The Breakfast Club. It tries to bring all those into play. So it was quite something with all these plotlines. It should've just settled itself as Mean Girls.

2 of 5 stars.

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Friday, September 17, 2010
Link of the Day [9.17.10]

I want to read this manga. Would someone order this up for me?

Seriously, I just read the link of the day and I have goose bumps up my arm from the horror of it all.


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Thursday, September 16, 2010
I think I am a fanatic for the Baltimore Orioles. You want to know how I know? These are the t-shirts of Orioles that I have and how I acquired them:

Adam Jones 10 -- bought last year
Matt Weiters 15 -- bought this winter from www.mattweiterfacts.com
Koji Uehara 19 -- bought last night
Ty Wiggington 23 -- free t-shirt night
Buck Showalter 26 -- free t-shirt night
Jason Berken 49 -- free t-shirt night

I bought two caps this year, too. I usually buy a new cap each season. The second one bought this year is a cool replica vintage cap from the 50s and 60s.

And I can't forget to mention, I did get all the mini bobble heads this year.

I went to back-to-back games these past two nights once for the free t-shirt (Showalter) and last night to finish out my season ticket plan. That was 13 games, but I didn't go to all of them. I plan to finish out the season with Detroit using up the season tickets I didn't use. I'll have to check the count, but that was at least 16 games this year.

They're still not a very good organization and next year is a new year, but I'm ecstatic about our Orioles. Sorry, to the three readers of the blog, for making this a baseball blog, but, well, you know....

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Was at the Orioles game tonight and witnessed a beat down of a Toronto team that has owned the Orioles all season. The final was 11-3, but those 3 runs were during garbage time off of some Oriole pitcher I don't even know.

This is the best the Orioles have played in years. This stretch after the new manager, Buck Showalter, was hired has been phenomenal. They are 26-15. I wished for playing .500 ball under Showalter, and I got it. It's great watching them at the Yard.

The pitching is there. The starters have been very good pitching into the sixth inning and beyond. Keeping the game manageable. The bullpen aren't throwing fuel on the fire, but are actually doing there job in minimizing the damage and at time shutting the opponents bats. Koji Uehara has become our closer and just plain deals it everytime out. He's almost unhittable. The pitchers are jelling and make the games easy.

The hitting is there. Luke Scott showing the big bat. Felix Pie flashing some brilliance with the bat. He's come out to be a really good player. Adam Jones -- adequate. I like that they're all contributing.

The defense isn't scary. They used to just suck. Now they are serviceable. Amazing.

I like.

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"That's noble of you, Lisa, but this is not the Bay of Pigs. "
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Mom wondering why we're so high up at Camden Yards?

UPDATE: I love sitting up here at the top of Camden Yards. You get the normal beautiful view of Baltimore and turn around to see the other side you don't normally see which too is great. There's a slight breeze up here too. And if you're crazy enough, you'll make the jumbotron.

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Woohoo! The Orioles are no longer the cellar dwellers of the American League. For now, it's Seattle who holds that sad, sad title. Sorry, Mariners, but the Orioles need to flew their muscles and show their true selves. At least you can be comforted to know that the second pick in next years draft are a couple of different pitchers.

Can you really believe this? The Orioles are trying to finish the season on a strong note. They won last night for the first time all season against the Blue Jays. I am amazed.

Let's do this tonight! Go Orioles!

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Monday, September 13, 2010
Monday Morning Musings [part IV: A New Hope]

I'm writing this instead of doing some work and it's only about a quarter after 9. I don't look forward to work at all. I can't wait until Friday.

As I was taking a shower, I thought that I would like to listen to some ska on the ride in. Should I pull one of my CDs in the CD cubby in the living room or listen to the Trojan box set that's been in the Mini since I bought it 2 summers ago. Of course, once changed, I completely forgot about the CD. I still remembered that I wanted to listen to ska, so it was the Trojan box set once again.

As I listened, I wondered what I like about ska. The rhythm? Yes to the skanking guitars on the upbeat. The energy to the songs? Yes, I needed to bop around in the seat. The horn section! That was it! Music needs more horns and saxophones and trombones. Bring those back.

Now, is there a band today that has a horn section? And was the 80s the epitome of alternative musical instruments? Plenty of bands made use of the saxophone: INXS, Bruce Springsteen, (fill this in for me, please). Horn sections make the band more fun. See James Brown.

Bring back the horns to music.

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You're probably already sick of this song, but here's the video. Much, much fun.

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I used to get high and go to astronomy class at the girls school next door. Not what you think. I really did have class there. We even one day went to the Science Center for a field trip. Now that I think about it, what a very strange class to have. I actually liked it, and learned lots that I still remember. The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of a star's life cycle was an early inspiration to what would've been browser metrics.

So, I've maintained a faint interest in astronomy. I have my brother's cheap telescope in the house. I still look up at the night sky for all the cool constellations. I still want to see a deep sky object through a telescope. The moon is one of the greatest things to look at at night. It's the romance of it all.

Anyway, I came across a neat site that plots out satellites in our heavens above. Check it out and keep looking at the stars.

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Saturday, September 11, 2010
Disney World Vacation 2010: Champion Mickey!

This is Mickey in his show, Fantasmagoria, at Disney World's Hollywood Studios. It was pretty dumb. Then we went to the Magic Kingdom and they were doing the same show but without the water. I was 5 years old for a day. And as dumb as one.

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This is the annual "I am fat and shall lose weight starting now" post. Yeah, it doesn't really work out vert well, now, does it?

Once again, the goal is to be 20 pounds lighter. Currently, according to WeightBot, I am 201.6 lbs. Realistically, I would like to get below 190.

How will this be accomplished? Working out? Yes. Bike riding? Maybe. A diet? Yes. Eating right. Exercising daily. Attempting to be healthy.

I can do it.

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Link of the Day [9.11.10]

As you know, I play the guitar. Or rather "play" the guitar -- I'm rather bad at it and have no rhythm whatsoever. Still, I love to play it and can't wait to get another one. In the meantime, I usually try to play songs I like from bands I like. Rolling Stones. Alice in Chains. The Doors. Their songs are simple and playable from guitar tabs found on the net. That's why I like them.

But there are lots of songs I would love to play, but their tabs are hard to find or nonexistent. Let's get software to figure it out for us. Here's a nice Mac program that can help you do just that. I want to try it really bad, but I have to much stuff to do. Perhaps, you can?


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Thursday, September 09, 2010
It's only taken half a day before I am fed up with IniTech.

They go from zero to sixty in less than a second!

Must check my heart rate and BP as work is complicating things.

Why am I such a pussy for working at IniTech? Don't answer. I already know.

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Just returned to work this morning from the families' Disney World adventure. I've missed a lot of things that I regularly do, because of being slightly off the net. My RSS feed was over 400 entries long. The Twitter time line went days on end without ever being read. Email has piled up. The blog has missed many awesome NewsRadio quotes. I'm making it up with this post.

One of the items I missed is Anime News Network reviewing the late Satoshi Kon's work. They're reviewing most all his works which is something I wanted to do. After he passed away last month, I wanted to revisit his works. I came to watch his movies too early in my anime binge. When I was enthused about ecchi school comedies, I watched Paprika. This one flew over my head somewhat. I liked what I saw (it was anime), but couldn't really get into it. Even with the esteem I hold the medium of animation to, I was late to realize that Kon really did animation to tell his stories. They are films that so happen to be animated.

I'll revisit his movies, because all the retrospectives on his career have saddened me that we have lost truly genius of a film director.

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Friday, September 03, 2010
Work sucks, but it pays. If I wasn't getting paid, then I wouldn't be here. I'm here, but I want to be elsewhere. Anywhere but here is good.

I need that November vacation, BIG TIME! The last vacation I had taken was Espana 2007. Since then, the vacations were of meager time -- a weekend, four days, a week off at home. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed those vacations because they were NOT work. They were too short primarily and a little bit unadventurous.

Labor Day is here. The tradition end of summer. We're on our way to FL for Disney World. I'm not really excited about this one. It's Disney, and I don't have kids. It's Disney, and I'm here with family, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews, and nieces. It's gonna be some wild, wild weekend.

Further down the road is the big adventure in HI. That's gonna be fun. I really want to go back to Iceland. Now that sounds like an adventure.

All of this is expensive. I have to tap the rainy day fund. It's raining hard, like Hurricane Earl. See you in the airways.

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Thursday, September 02, 2010
It has to keep going...

... because it is should be interesting.

And I can't think of anything so far...

I started this post 20 minutes ago trying to figure out something to write about.

Write what you had on your mind.

What would that be? Girls? A girl?

But that's always on your mind.

Not all the time.

I also think about other stuff. Mainly other stuff, because thinking about girls gets you depressed.


Not really. But that is the way I played my cards.

You could never play right. Your 'tell' is just too obvious.

Right. You noticed. Now if only they could, too.


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Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Just checking in.

I've got to post at least something a day just to make BrowserMetrics' Seventh Annual NewsRadio Quote Month worth it.

I've been trying to set up a subversion repository on my MacMinIntel, but have been stuck for days figuring out where to put it. I would like for it not to show up in a Finder window, but I would like it accessible from all over the place (i.e. over the wireless network to my MacBook Pro). The problem then is one of permissions and such. I tried to create it in one of the root directories, but ran into permission problems. Can someone clarify where to put a subversion repository on Snow Leopard (not the server version)? Or maybe that is my problem, that I am not running the server version.

Apple released new iPod Touches with FaceTime. Looks to be the cool. If I didn't have jonesing for iPhone 4, I would be all over that. Also, if I had more than 3 GB of music, maybe as well.

Tweeting has been so much fun. I wish you would join me.

Nendoroids. Nendoroids? Nendoroids! They're coming at me like crazy.

When will that Haruhi movie come out?

What would you like to discuss? Comments are now open.

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Cardboard Cut Out

A running conversation between Margaux and me is that she should be around for the baseball games I've been going to. She's missed one hell of a season. It was early season sucking, then middle season sucking, until finally, late season life to make the sucking somewhat bearable. Anywat, I would usually tweet at her during the game and then she would tweet back about her cardboard cutout. This is as close to a cardboard cutout I have of her. Blurry and out of focus. I hope she realizes the fun she's missing when these podpeople Orioles are causing grief with the hated Boston Red Sox.

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Dude! It's freakin' September, the greatest month ever. Suck it July!

I have yet to exhaust that gold mine that is NewsRadio. It's on! BrowserMetrics' Seventh Annual NewsRadio Quote Month. For you new readers, every post title this month will have be a NewsRadio quote. NewsRadio being the greatest show of the late 90s. And the late 90s being the best time of my life. So NewsRadio is the best show I've seen. Even better than The X-Files because it is so much easier to watch in 25 minutes.

Sit back. Relax. Enjoy all the nice NewsRadio quotes. Hope you go and Netflix the episodes and laugh, laugh, laugh with BrowserMetrics.

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