"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Los Angeles v Baltimore July 22, 2011: I can't watch this team

My brother can not watch the Orioles. I can't either now that they are terrible. This team, this organization can not do anything correct. No pitching. No hitting. No defense. This is hell.

The worse part about being an Orioles fan is that you know that we haven't hit rock bottom yet. There is worse to come. Truly the Angelos need to be impeached.

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Summer's Over
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Last big fun movement is eating a snowball. Where's the marshmallow?

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When I think of Captain America, I think of an earnest hero. Chris Evans does come across as an earnest Steve Rogers in Captain America: The First Avenger. His head is too big for the scrawny body. Even when he becomes, Captain America his head is too big for his body, but that's alright, for Cap, his ideas and thoughts that stand for America are too big for his body. He embodies America of the World War: earnest in trying to defeat the Axis powers. He is an avenger for justice!

Weird that the US creates its own super soldier to do battle with the übermensch of the Teutonic Germans. Weird that as created in the 40s that that's what takes to beat the Nazis.

I like girls that look like Hayley Atwell's Peggy Carter. Brown eyes, red lips, slim fitting skirts, trim jackets, brunette. I'm a sucker for that look.

I keep wondering about the CG that created a scrawny Chris Evans. He's like the mini Brad Pitt in Benjamin Buttons. Then he's like a Chris Evans in Scott Pilgrim. Just plain funny guy. I guess it was good that Johnny Storm died as it would be confusing for an audience that will be watching the FFxAvengers cross-over.

Speaking of Avengers: Avengers Assemble! I'm psyched for it! Was Nick Fury supposed to be one of the army soldiers? Wasn't the Captain fighting alongside Nick Fury and his howling commandoes in WW2? Was that black guy supposed to be Nick Fury? At least I thought so. When you caught a look at the Howling Commandos, did they remind you of Nick Rivers' crew in Top Secret!?

The movie is not bad for a comic book movie. Could've used better writing but don't all comic book movies need that? It's on par with the Green Lantern but a step below Thor for this years comic book movies. Yet they all got the same rating.

3 of 5 stars

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Making normal fluffy cookies. If you must.

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Friday, July 29, 2011
I would've loved to have worked at NFL Films.

They had a unique way of telling the story of a football game. Be it a regular season grinder in week 8, the pressure cooker of a playoff game, or the grand dame, the Super Bowl, NFL Films would build a great narrative making the game legendary. They had the knack of crafting the ebb and flow of the game into a great story. I could imagine working there and turning sport into art.

Unfortunately, it seems their days are numbered. With the advent of the NFL Network, the powers that be want to destroy the best that they got. NFL Network is slowly suffocating NFL Films with its ESPN style format converting the beautiful into the hyperactive.

They're wrong to do this.


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Let's make chocolate chip cookies! Let's make them crunchy. No more of these soft chewy ones. Someone get Ness on the line...

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Fleshy-headed mutant are you friendly?"

"No way, eh! Radiation has made me an enemy of civilization!"


Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I think I've decided on which size cycling shoe to keep. I'm gonna go with the slightly bigger one, the 42.5. I came to this decision after reading about how shoes should fit. Most sites were specific to men's dress shoes. Today's Link of the Day is cycling specific.

The main reason why I chose the larger size is because the tightness worries me. They may be snug, but fifty miles into a ride, they'll be tight. I don't want that. My feet don't want that. Hopefully, this is the best choice.

The 42.5s fit decent. No tightness anywhere just a snug fit. The toe box is where I felt the tightness in the smaller size. My toes felt as if they were touching the front of the shoe. Also, around my forefoot was slightly tight. With the larger size, tightened down I feel snug in the shoe: not tight, but not loose. These feel good. Let's ride.

Now about my Oakleys.


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Monday, July 25, 2011
Everyone and their mother has posted about this. Darn patents. They're killing software.


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Sunday, July 24, 2011
Hot Minis from He'll

It was pretty hot this past week. This here is proof. What?! 107 is hard to believe but this is ridiculous. It's burning up. I'm burning up. My car? It's hot too. This has got to be global warming right?

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Saturday, July 23, 2011
I can't decide on what size to keep for a new pair of cycling shoes. The sizes are European 42 or 42.5 or the US 9.5 or 10. The 42 are a snug fit and my toes feel squashed. The 42.5 are slightly not as snug and the toes have plenty of room, maybe too much room. I am torn as I have to return one of the them as these are making a dent into my savings.

My last cycling shoes were slightly too large, a Nike 10.5 when I wear 10 in Nike. I had always wanted smaller cycling shoes so that the clips were in a better position. When the 42.5 are measured against my old shoes, they are slightly smaller. Are they small enough?

The 42 seem to be the better fit except they are slightly tight. If they are now, how will they feel 40 miles from now? 60 miles? 100 miles? Will I be complaining after a century ride? Will I wish for the 42.5 forty miles into a ride? These are the questions that I dread to find out.

For the 42.5, will I be wishing for a snugger fit as they become loose. Will they break in even looser? Will the 42 break in better?

Crap. I can't decide. At least I know that these 43.5, are too big.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011
I did purchase Lion last night and currently in the middle of the download. Actually, I'm nowhere near the middle as my pocky, slow-ass DSL will take a few days to pull in the full 3+ GB file. That's one strike against it. Only when the US internet speeds are decent will digital downloads be awesome.

Anyhow, if it's a new version of OS X, then it's time for the Ars Technica data dump/review. If you played around with Lion, read it and see if it matches your experience. If you haven't, read it and see if it gets you to upgrade.

Now back to my download.... {I'll see you in a couple of days...}


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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Screen shot 2011-07-20 at 11.17.36 PM

Purchased Lion for the MacIntel Mini. Downloading it as we speak. On DSL. This will take a few days.

It took a couple of days to get Disappearance and that was a good 3+ GB torrent. Why'd I do it. I have no idea, but for $25 I think it may be worth it for a major upgrade to OS X.

When's Liger coming out?

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"[T]here are stocks, bonds, commodities and Apple Inc. Apple has become its own asset class and an incredibly impressive one at that. What happens with Apple is not a new economic indicator for the broad economy but more an undeniable endorsement of an amazing product and brand."

Peter Boockvar, The Big Picture, "Stocks, bonds, commodities and Apple Inc."

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Monday, July 18, 2011
Would this review be about the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 or the book or both? I'm not too sure, but I guess I'm gonna start writing.

We caught this on the opening night, Thursday midnight. It was packed with you folks who probably learned to read reading the first Harry Potter book. And it was fun as everyone was into it. The last movie doing the last book, and doing it justice.

The first half hour was continuation of the first part and it felt like we walked into the middle of the film. It was the middle of the last film if you think about it. Then they went to get the horcruxes and the emotional rollercoaster began as the final parts of Harry Potter unspooled on screen. There was the Battle of Hogwarts and the final duel and then 17 year later. We were done and so is Harry's story.

I think I like the final two books better than there movies. They were info dense and expository writing which made it difficult to bring to the screen a movie that "showed" rather than "tell." I find that there is no money scene. The one to watch. I guess it is better in my head.

Overall, the movie is perfectly fine and wraps up the series well. I made everyone in the theatre happy and isn't that how we wanted it?

4 of 5 stars

I can't stand Twilight

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Several things brewing around BrowserMetrics that I feel don't warrant a full blog post, or rather, this is a blog post about nothing and written to advance the date forward. Maybe these are tweets. Read if you must.

I just made a slurpy in the freezer at work. Left a limeade/tea concoction in for 2.5 hours and now I need a straw to drink it.

That Harry Potter film? I must pen my review. Movie and/or book?

I am weighing more than ever.

My fridge is acting up. The freezer had a full on melt going on yesterday. Being alone, not cooking, and eating away from home means not much food in the fridge. I only had to throw away thawed frozen pizzas. Got some advice on clearing the dust from its intake vents. Let's hope this works.

This is the second time in a couple of months that this problem occurred. Let's hope it's not its death rattle.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Neville Longbottom (Matthew Lewis) courtesy of Visão.Arte Comunicação's

Was anyone waiting for him to say that when confronting Voldemort? Anyone? Anyone? Potter? Potter?

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Thursday, July 14, 2011
SNSD Yoona

Cutie-pie, Yoona, courtesy of ingjulianvega

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Woa-woa-woa! Black metal!


Thomas Voeckler

Maillot Jaune courtesy of By Laurie Beylier

I have to admit Thomas Voeckler is one of my favorite cyclists ever. I've already recounted his heroics in 2004. How he battled Lance Armstrong for 10 days. Well here he is again in the Maillot Jaune. And on Bastille Day!

His team this year is young and inexperienced. Only through a surprise break away did he win the jersey. In interviews yesterday, he feels that he can't keep the jersey today, Bastille Day. But knowing him he'll fight to hold onto it. Alléz, Tommy! Alleéz!

Happy Bastille Day!

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Monday, July 11, 2011
A bicycle lighting system to increase your visibility at night. Funny looking, but effective.


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Sunday, July 10, 2011
Tea Time w/ Erica Sendo

Here's nendoroid number 40+, Erica Sendo from the Japanese eroge, Fortune Arterial. I think she's a vampire, but here she is having a cup of tea. I'm wishing Mugi-chan was serving us, but that nendoroid would have to come out later.

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Saturday, July 09, 2011
please don't leave me...

Thanks to [eugene] for the awesome scene from Disappearance.

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Friday, July 08, 2011
French Champion Thomas Voekler is always a crowd Favorite
Thomas Voekler courtesy dseaton

Have you been watching Le Tour?

I'm sure you haven't. I have, and since I've gotten on my bike again, I have watched almost every day of the race. It's been a weird start to Le Tour. Ever since the director changed last year, the normal rhythms of the opening week have been upset. Gone is the time trial prologue; they race the first day. There are a few categorized climbs in the first week. It's no longer flat stages punctuated with a bunch sprint. There is much racing to be done. It's rather exciting.

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Thursday, July 07, 2011

Courtesy Chi (back in Oz)

Sometimes Mugi is awesome, and other times one of the others of Sakuragoaka Light Music Club girl rules.

Posting a pic of Mugi-chan, because I just got disc 2 of K-ON! The subs suck, but it still nice to listen to the original voice actresses. And when am I gonna get my Yamanako Sawako sensei nendoroid?

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Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Let's have a little Girls Generation in the morning. This is somewhat better than coffee as pretty girls are always better than coffee. No idea if this song means anything as I don't speak Korean.

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Againn's Banoffee Pie. You're welcome.


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Tuesday, July 05, 2011
If I had to pick between the bad teacher in Larry Crowne and the eponymous bad teacher of Bad Teacher, I'm picking Julia Roberts. I can learn from her and not from Cameron Diaz.

Roberts' character cared that her students learned. She just didn't like herself. It took Tom Hanks to make her care for herself.

Tom Hanks is Larry Crowne or, as the girl who stole the show called him, Lance Coronona. It's Hanks being Hanks. He directs, writes, and stars in this movie.

And it's the girl, Talia, that makes it all worthwhile. Gugu Mbatha-Raw breathes some life into a somewhat stale movie. Her character is vibrant living the life carefree, but always thinking about others. She invites Larry into the scooter club and forces change on him that makes him approach life with more confidence. Not that Tom Hanks lacks confidence, but the terrible luck preceding him seems to go away once he meets Talia.

And that scooter club with Wilmer Valderrama was hilarious. Where has Wilmer been? He was funny in this.

While this one was somewhat boring, can you ever find fault with Tom Hanks?

3 of 5 stars.

UPDATE: I forgot. Are community colleges the hip happening place? And all throughout the film, I was hoping that the study group from Greendale CC would show up and we'd have a CC throw down: scooter club versus the study group. Here's where I put up the obligatory, "Go, Annie!"

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When I bought my Gios, I spec-ed out Campy Chorus triple. The guy originally wanted to get me Chorus compact. I didn't know better. Next time, Campy Chorus compact 11s.

Now I have to figure out if they have the same rolling length. How do I do that?

Damn I want a new bike.


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Monday, July 04, 2011


Happy Independence Day, America!

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On the Fourth of July ride on the flat NCR trail, I flatted. Once again I am forced to ride back to the car on a flatted tire. No idea why it keeps flatting, but I have to avoid this as biking on a flat tire plain sucks.

Physically I felt good. Not as bad as the other days this past week. Maybe fitness is coming around. Need to go out again.

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Sunday, July 03, 2011
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

President Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address (Nov 17, 1863)

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Wish that this was truly the end of the Confederacy, but with the current Republican party resurrecting old, tired ideas, I can't believe we're done with these fools.


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Friday, July 01, 2011

Of course, the slow tempo hardly makes this ska, but the backing horns section and the syncopation hints towards it.

Whine and grind. A cool, cool stroker.

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