"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Last day to be reading RSS feeds on Google Reader. I will sorely miss it. Not sure what will replace it for me. I've seen Feedly. I haven't seen today's link's subject of the story, Digg Reader. I may try it out, but being lazy I may end up struggling for the next week. Where will I read my news now?



Wednesday, June 26, 2013
I'm gonna have to find a new browser. There will be no more Camino development. What am I going to use on the TiBook? I need a somewhat modern browser for Leopard. Camino was it. Now it is done. Relegated to the bit bucket in the sky. Maybe I should start using Safari more.


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Let my people go surfing!

The Dominican Republic.

One of the nearest islands to the East Coast. Something to remember when it's winter time.


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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Is this a trap? Or can you fall in love with this guitar player? I'm going have to go with female according to her blog. Of course, this doesn't stop her from being a he.

I am so confused.

But whatever. She rocks. He rocks. I mean that's awesome.

Dear Kami-sama, can we get a third season of Haruhi?

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Monday, June 17, 2013
Did Zach Snyder out Nolan Christopher Nolan with Man Of Steel? I think yes.

Man Of Steel was a dark tale, because of the Snyder pulling a page from the Christopher Nolan superhero playbook, by treating superheroes, Superman in this case, as if they never wore tights. I call it dark the movie put the superheroes in reality. Plus Zod was pretty nihilistic and lots of peopled died.

Because he followed Nolan's pattern, Snyder didn't come across as Snyder. Not many slow-fast-slow fights. There are still lots of fighting but Snyder's trademark stop-motion does not appear in the film. He just let them fight. And Snyder likes to film them hand-to-hand. I always liked the train fight in Sucker Punch. In this film, Snyder made all his fights like the train fight.

And like any Nolan film, there are plot points and holes which make some aspects of the movie seem senseless. Deus ex machina comes into play just for the sake of things. At least, though, the fights were coherent.

One thing about DC movies lately, they aren't full of tights.

4 of 5 stars.

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How much you like This Is the End will depend on how much you like the actors 'acting' in the film. They play themselves so if you have any problems with Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, Seth Rogen, Danny McBride, or James Franco, they may change how you perceive the film. Me? I sort of like them, so the movie wasn't bad at all. Yet, I always find that they produce halfly funny movies. So this movie was just slightly funny to me. From the crazy red band trailers and the premise, I expected to fall out of my chair. I didn't, but I think it was because of my bias.

I wanted a "Something About Mary" laugh riot. I got a "40 Year Old Virgin" laugh melee. My expectations were too high? Perhaps. But did you see those red band trailers?

I think you shouldn't miss this movie though you can wait for it to repeat on Comedy Central in 16 months. But in the meantime you'll be missing some funny stuff. You'll miss Michael Cera stealing every scene he was in. You'll miss Emma Watson being brave. You'll miss James Franco full of it. You'll miss Danny McBride being the asshole you always thought he was. You'll miss demon dicks and tons of homoerotic bro-dom going down.

If you can wait, wait, but if you can't I think it is worth the Sunday matinee price.

3 of 5 stars.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

B-E-A... repeat


Monday, June 10, 2013
I think I can get behind using surf breaks as a naming convention. Waimea. Rincon. Trés Palmas. Hossegor. There's plenty to pick from. It's endless. And there are still some breaks being found and ridden.


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Google is a circus. At least that's what I saw of it in The Internship. There's a slide alongside the stairs. You can use it to get quickly down a level. There's a Quidditch pitch. There's sleep pods. It's everything you hear about tech companies come to life. The question is how much of it is true. There seems to be a small city populating the Google headquarters as the set was always filled with extras. (I was at B&N last week and heard the instructor for the Nook class refer to Google as "The Google.")

The movie was about two older gentlemen, Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, who lose their job because the watch company they were salesman for closed down due to the ubiquitous use of cell phones as watches. They can not find another job; so they turn to an internship at the Google. It's not a sure thing, but they qualify for the internship and must show that they belong.

The interview is one of the funnier bits of the movie. There just wasn't too many.

I like when Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson get together. They're a fun couple. When the script is good, they're great to watch -- Vaughn in particular, with that wit of his. Wilson holds his own as well. Bros be bros! Yet, this film written by Vaughn wasted them in a setting that didn't make any sense. It was predictable as a set up -- old folks teach young folks new tricks and learn the value of youth.

Rose Byrne was wasted as the love interest in the plot device thrown in for the ladies. Aasif Mandvi was too Indian, and would have a beer with you later as you know he will. Tiya Sircar, the sexy, Indian, was sexy; wish they showed the cosplay. The filipino guy was driven to death by his filipino mom. But the show stealer has to have been headphones guy. He was played by the son of Bill Pullman's President on 1600 Penn. He's funny as all get out.

Overall, I would wait until it shows up on TBS in the future. But only watch it 10 minutes at a time as TBS rotates the hell out of it.

3 of 5 stars.

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Wednesday, June 05, 2013
May Fatness

May, much like, April was terrible in the fat war. I neither gained or lost (in my mind), but really it was another lost month. Now, I'm actually almost back above my goal from earlier this year, 205. I'm getting back on the rowing front, but I have to do my exercises. I'll try these as calisthenics.

I've adjusted my goals so that by mid-August, I get to the 195. Need to focus. Let's do this.

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When the magic in your movie about thieving magicians isn't so special, you have a problem. Now You See Me's magic wasn't so special. That is one of many problems with the movie and its most glaring. The big reveal wasn't so big because you were expecting something. The red herring was too much to believe they kind of threw it in just to make the big reveal bigger, but you already new it was coming.

Anyhow, the film is a good popcorn movie. You'll enjoy it for what it is, but afterwards you'll forget about it until you catch it on USA network in 2 years.

The magic could've been more interesting.

3 of 5 stars.

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