Rock and roll needs to bring back the horn section. And not just for ska. Let's bring back the saxophone and have one of those awesome sax solos. It's saxaphonic!
Labels: music break
This past weekend YouTube has been flakey for me. Not sure if it's my slow DSL service or if the new MBP downloading updates in the background. It's really glitchy, y'all. Thankfully, we're coming close to the end of April and the end of the weekday musical coffee breaks. We've just got a couple more, but stick around -- BrowserMetrics is rolling into its tenth year!
Labels: anniversaire, music break
Labels: "blog as notepad", ha ha, lotd, nerd
Labels: iPhone, lotd, software development
We like to play the guitar even though we suck at it. Not like this guy. He's having fun. We have fun, too. Play a guitar. Play an instrument. Play for fun.
Labels: music break, you'll need babelfish
You wouldn't think I would let a month of music breaks go by without a song from my favorite band, Thievery Corporation? Of course not! Here's their most famous tune found on the soundtrack to that Zach Braff film, Garden State. I nodded my head when this came on and was joyous just to hear them. Of course, I didn't have the album (The Mirror Conspiracy) at the time. I've since rectified that. I'm still trying to get their latest. It's not in any stores I have been to and probably has to be ordered through Amazon. This is a reminder to do just that.
Labels: music break, Thievery Corporation
I only just set it up last Friday, two days since I received it. I wanted to move my accounts and files from the old laptop to the new one. It was an adventure. First, I don't have a plain USB cable. I have plenty of USB cables, but they end in either an iPhone plug or a USB mini plug. I also have plenty FireWire cables, but Apple's dropped it in favor of Lightning and USB 3. So, I went to by a USB cable.
Once connected, I couldn't run Migration Assistant correctly. The old laptop needed a newer version in order for the new one to see it. The new one saw the old laptop, but the old one never saw the new one. Migration Assistant just keep searching, searching, and searching. So I tried another tactic: google!
One way to migrate from an older version of OS X to Mavericks was to use a TimeMachine backup. So I plugged in the portable disk and started a TimeMachine backup for the first time. It's not like I never backed up the disk. I did it once, but with SuperDuper!
Finally, I plugged the portable disk to the new laptop, ran Migration Assistant, and voilà, I've got all my stuff on the new laptop. Now it's time for cleaning. Do I need any of these files? And does any of these apps run on Mavericks. What's good is that Migration Assistant didn't copy over the newer applications when moving files over. I'm going have to see if any of them work. And replace them with a better version.
So far, I've got it set up to my liking. I really am digging the SSD drive and the 10 second boot time. Why did they make a MacBook Air? This laptop is going to be fun.
Labels: digital future, Mac
A song that needs to be heard many, many times. I've already posted this once, but let's hear it again. What ever happened to the Fugees and what ever happened to Lauren Hill?
Labels: music break
You look, and you look, and you look, then you find some K-ON! cover you've never seen before. Here's the first season's OP in fingerstyle.
Labels: K-ON, music break
From their last album. It's not my favorite, but there are still some tunes on there worth rocking out on.
Labels: music break
Labels: animated, lists, lotd, palindrome
This is the best acoustic version of the great Sabbath song, War Pigs. I looked through 4 pages on a YouTube search. Most of them were okay, but hard to hear and hard to see how to play it. This is the best I can come up with.
Dressed as witches at black masses!
Labels: music break
Not too big a fan of the French in this, but I have to post a music break with it because the musics sounds better with you.
Labels: music break
It's one of my favorite channels. I would get rid of my television except for this channel.|968322/Robert-Osborne-on-TCM-s-20th-Anniversary.html
Labels: anniversaire, classic, lotd, movies, palindrome
I'm riding my bike, because rowing has caused some issues with my shoulder and elbow. Lately, I can't row as hard or my elbow begins to ache with overuse, and my shoulder feels funny. Lifting my left arm up feels awkward. So, I need to give rowing a rest. Although, I thought that it would help in my cycling, but as much as I can tell, I still feel slow on the bike. I do feel that my cardiovascular system is functioning better than it would as I wasn't too much out of breath. I currently don't have the cycling legs. They need another 100 miles to feel right.
But I looked the part. The weather was about mid-50s, so I dug out the knickers and the jacket. Because I am now under 200 lbs, they fit better like they used to back in 2009. One thing I noticed which I had forgot is that these knickers don't fit me well. When I am in the saddle, the padding rids up in front of my crotch barely doing its job which is to pad my buttocks in the saddle. I have to pull the back up just to get the padding to slide onto the saddle. The jacket fits except for the neck being tight, but that's because I am still 10 lbs too heavy for it.
My prescription eyewear is the safety glasses I bought several years ago. The shoes fit perfect although I wish I had toe covers on. They don't fit perfect to the pedals as my left foot feels too far forward on the pedal. I'll make an adjustment to get a better fitment.
The bike rides okay. I feel too low in the saddle. Might adjust the height although I know that if it is too tall then my knees begin to ache. The stem I put on it is now too long, because I dropped it down 2 notches in height. I may revert to the old stem or bring it up a notch.
The route was short and the roads were brutal. Winter messed things up.
I'm looking forward to more cycling.
Labels: cycling, get off your butt
Paolo Conte's version is not as swinging as this one is, and his is plenty swinging. I think it's the hip hop in the drummer that makes it so.
Every time I hear this song, I want to snap my fingers, tap my feet, and nod my head like a Sinatra wannabe. Surprisingly, there's several covers of this on even though I'm sure you've never ever heard it. I'm surprised I've even heard of it, but I have. Check out French Kiss, my favorite Meg Ryan movie...
Labels: music break
This Captain America movie takes place in the present as opposed to the first one taken place during World War II. It finds Captain America in an America he doesn't understand. He can't compromise his principles even for his country, and he can't understand how his country had compromised its principles.
The Captain finds himself embroiled in S.H.I.E.L.D. intrigue. Can he trust S.H.I.E.L.D. to protect the country without compromising the American principles? It reminds me of Agent Mulder and the mantra Mr. X told him, "Trust no one." Alternatively, "The Truth is out there." And it is spelled HYDRA!
This is a better movie than the first Captain America. It didn't get slow towards the end. It actually picked up with all those revelations. And it made Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. a much better television show this past week.
Because I was never a big Captain America reader, I liked this movie.
4 of 5 stars.
Remember that viral video at the dawn of the last internet boom? Yeah this is the song in it. You'll sing it out loud too, because it's catchy as hell.
I'm not sick, but I'm not well...
Labels: music break
For today's musical interlude, I wanted a cool cover of 'Burning Down the House' by The Talking Heads, but everyone I listened to, which admittedly wasn't very many, just weren't satisfying. All except this 8-bit version. The reason I picked this is because that picture of the band is terrifyingly skewed that it reminds me of the ending to the video for this song. David Byrne's face projected on asphalt is also terrifyingly skewed.
Labels: alternative, music break
When this song came out, when the Breakfast Club movie came out, I was just finishing up Catholic school and graduating to high school. One of the kids in the class of '85 had a party to celebrate it. There was a DJ spinning records and all the kids dancing or mixing it up. The DJ had a few games with records as prizes -- actual vinyl 45s. I won a round and had to choose. I didn't know any of the music of the day because I was in my punk phase and didn't listen to anything that wasn't Black Flag, Minor Threat, or hardcore. [poser!] The girls said to take the Simple Minds single. I'm always up for listening to what girls say. It wasn't a bad choice. It's a song that reminds me of youth, but I'm sure that for my classmates, the title does not apply for me.
Labels: music break, nostalgia
These are your 404 Error pages for the day!
(h/t slate)
You know I never did write up some of the tales from the trip out to the Philippines. There's plenty to tell, and no one to hear about it. I'm going to go dig out my travel journal...
Labels: music break
Sabotage is about an elite DEA squad led by Arnold. During a drug raid, they steal $10 million from a Mexican cartel. When they go to recover the money, they find its been stolen from them. The squad members then start getting killed, and they are forced to worry about if its revenge from the cartel or one them being greedy.
The lineup for the DEA squad was like a manly-man actor squad. They were all tough. Even the girl -- the crazy one. And when she's the crazy one, then you know this movie will be off kilter. There's violence similar to that found in The Counselor very cringe inducing and hard to take in. Torture, head shots, stabbing are just a few of the fun stuff waiting.
I figured that Arnold would return to his action form. Unfortunately, he went dark Arnie as in End of Days/Sixth Day. I wanted an Arnie flick. I got nothing but torture and head shots.
3 of 5 stars.
It's as simple as that really: F to C5/G(?) with a chorus of C#, E, F, E. Something along those lines right? Right?
Labels: music break