Well I am a glutton for punishment so here we go again...
Am I set up for failure this year? I need to not think in those terms. I will do it. I WILL do it. It will be done.
Target weight 210 lbs. Again. Today I stepped on the scale and weighed 222.2 lbs down about 6 lbs from last year. I think this may be my natural weight, but I want less. The goal is the same as last year, but the amount to lose is less.
Lower my blood pressure. I don't know what it is now, but it is still high. I need to eat better and exercise to help lower this. Losing weight may help, too. 120/85 target same as last year.
Hit the same amount of walking exercise as last year: 142. Spread it out over the entire year as during summer it disappeared.
Bike 100 miles. Get on this.
Row 30K. Hopefully I don't fuck up my shoulder.
50 straight pushups. 75 straight squats. I want to break this down throughout the year. Half way there in the summer. Fully there by October. Hopefully I don't fuck up my shoulder.
Professional Life
Be the UnitTest guy at work. Do some pair programming. New job? Yes! Learn another programming language. Swift and release an iOS app.
Keep up with the Japanese learning. So that I can go to Japan to see a Nogizaka46 concert.
Read more books.
Clean up the home. Give away and donate 50% of the clothing in my house. Get rid of some books. Tidy up.
Fix up the bathrooms 15 years in and they should get some updating.
Cut the coffee spending in half. This means joining the coffee klatch. I need to buy a kettle for the home.
Cut the dining spending 25% again. But for real this time. Need to make healthier lunches.
Less meat. More vegetables and fruit. Eat at least one of each each day.
Labels: get off your butt, resolute