"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Found here, but quoted the entirety for your enjoyment.

The Red Room by H.G. Wells

"I can assure you," said I, "that it will take a very tangible ghost to frighten me." And I stood up before the fire with my glass in my hand.

"It is your own choosing," said the man with the withered arm, and glanced at me askance.

"Eight-and-twenty years," said I, "I have lived, and never a ghost have I seen as yet."

The old woman sat staring hard into the fire, her pale ayes wide open. "Ay," she broke in; "and eight-and-twenty years you have lived and never seen the likes of this house, I reckon. There’s a many things to see, when one’s still but eight-and-twenty." She swayed her head slowly from side to side. "A many things to see and sorrow for."

I half suspected the old people were trying to enhanve the spiritual terrors of their house by their droning insistence. I put down my empty glass on the table and looked about the room, and caught a glimpse of myself, abbreviated and broadened to an impossible sturdiness, in the queer old mirror at the end of the room. "Well," I said, "if I see anything tonight, I shall be so much the wiser. For I come to the business with an open mind."

"It’s your own choosing," said the man with the withered arm once more.

I heard the sound of a stick and a shambling step on the flags in the passage outside, and the door creaked on its hinges as a second old man entered, more bent, more wrinkled, more aged even than the first. He supported himself by a single crutch, his eyes were covered by a shade, and his lower lip, half averted, hung pale and pink from his decaying yellow teeth. He made straight for an arm-chair on the opposite side of the table, sat down clumsily, and began to cough. The man with the withered arm gave this new-comer a short glance of positive dislike; the old woman took no notice of his arrival, but remained with her eyes fixed steadily on the fire.

"I said - it’s your own choosing," said the man with the withered arm, when the coughing had ceased for a while.

"It’s my own choosing," I answered.

The man with the shade became aware of my presence for the first time, and threw his head back for a moment and sideways, to see me. I caught a momentary glimpse of his eyes, small and brigth and inflamed. Then he began to cough and splutter again.

"Why don’t you have a drink?" said the man with the withered arm, pushing the beer towards him. The man with the shade poured out a glassful with a shaky arm that splashed half as much again on the deal table. A monstrous shadow of him crouched upon the wall and mocked his action as he poured and drank. I must confess I had scarce expected these grotesque custodians. There is to my mind something inhuman in senility, something crouching and atavistic; the human qualitites seem to drop from old people insensibly day by day. The three of them made me feel uncomfortable, with their gaunt silences, their bent carriage, their evident unfriendliness to me and to one another.

"If," said I, "you will show me to this haunted room of yours, I will make myself comfortable there.

The old man with the cough jerked his head back so suddenly that it startled me, and shot another glance of his red eyes at me from under the shade; but no one answered me. I waited a minute, glancing from one to the other.

"If," I said a little louder, "if you will show me to this haunted room of yours, I will relieve you from the task of entertaining me."

"There’s a candle on the slab outside the door," said the man with the withered arm, looking at my feet as he addressed me. "But if you go to the red room to-night-"

("This night of all nights!" said the old woman.)

"You go alone."

"Very well," I answered. "And which way do I go?"

"You go along the passage for a bit," said he, "until you come to a door, and through that is a spiral staircase, and half way up that is a landing and another door covered with baize. Go through that and down the long corridor to the end, and the red room is on your left up the steps."

"Have I got that right?" I said, and repeated his directions. He corrected me in one particular.

"And are you really going?" said the man with the shade, looking at me again for the third time, with that queer, unnatural tilting of the face.

("This night of all nights!" said the old woman.)

"It is what I came for," I said, and moved towards the door. As I did so, the old man with the shade rose and staggered round the table, so as to be closer to the others and to the fire. At the door I turned and looked at them, and saw they were all close together, dark against the firelight, staring at me over their shoulders, with an intent expression on their ancient faces.

"Good-night," I said, setting the door open.

"It’s your own choosing," said the man with the withered arm.

I left the door wide open until the candle was well alight, and then I shut them in and walked down the chilly, echoing passage.

I must confess that the oddness of these three old pensioners in whose charge her ladyship had left the castle, and the deep-toned, old fashioned furniture of the housekeeper’s room in which they foregathered, affected me in spite of my efforts to keep myself at a matter-of-fact phase. They seemed to belong to another age, and older age, and age when things spiritual were different from this of ours, less certain; an age when omens and witches were credible, and ghosts beyond denying. Their very existence was spectral; the cut of their clothing, fashions born in dead brains. The ornaments and conveniences of the room about them were ghostly - the thoughts of vanished men, which still haunted rather than participated in the world of to-day. But with an effort I sent such thoughts to the right-about. The long, draughty subterranean passage was chilly and dusty, and my candle flared and made the shadows cower and quiver. The echoes rang up and down the spiral staircase, and a shadow came sweeping up after me, and one fled before me into the darkness overhead. I came to the landing and stopped there for a moment, listening to a rustling that I fancied I heard; then, satisfied of the absolute silence, I pushed open the baize-covered door and stood in the corridor.

The effect was scarcely what I expected, for the moonlight, coming in by the great window on the grand staircase, picked out everything in vivid black shadow or silvery illumination. Everything was in its place: the house might have been deserted on the yesterday instead of eighteen months ago. There were candles in the sockets of the sconces, and whatever dust had gathered on the carpets or upon the polished flooring was distributed so evenly as to be invisible in the moonlight. I was about to advance, and stopped abruptly. A bronze group stood upon the landing, hidden from me by the corner of the wall, but its shadow fell with marvellous distinctness upon the white panelling, and gave me the impression of someone crouching to waylay me. I stood rigid for half a minute perhaps. Then, with my hand in the pocket that held my revolver, I advanced, only to discover a Ganymede and Eagle glistening in the moonlight. That incident for at time restored my nerve, and a procelain Chinaman on a buhl table, whose head rocked silently as I passed him, scarcely startled me.

The door to the red room and the steps up to it were in a shadowy corner. I moved my candle from side to side, in order to see clearly the nature of the recess in which I stood before opening the door. Here it was, thought I, that my predecessor was found, and the memory of that story gave me a sudden twinge of apprehension. I glanced over my shoulder at the Ganymede in the moonlight, and opened the door of the red room rather hastily, with my face half turned to the pallid silence of the landing.

I entered, closed the door behind me at once, turned the key I found in the lock within, and stood with the candle held aloft, surveying the scene of my vigil, the great red room of Lorraine Castle, in which the young duke had died. Or, rather, in which he had begun his dying, for he had opened the door and fallen headlong down the steps I had just ascended. That had been the end of his vigil, of his gallant attempt to conquer the ghostly tradition of the place; and never, I thought, had apoplexy better served the ends of superstition. And there were other and older stories that clung to the room, back to the half-credible beginning of it all, the tale of a timid wife and the tragic end that came to her husband’s jest of frightening her. And looking around that large shadowy room, with its shadowy window bays, its recesses and alcoves, one could well understand the legends that had sprouted in its black corners, its germinating darkness. My candle was a little tongue of flame in its vastness, that failed to pierce the opposite end of the room, and left an ocean of mystery and suggestion beyond its island of light. I resolved to make a systematic examination of the place at once, and dispel the fanciful suggestions of its obscurity before they obtained a hold upon me. After satisfying myself of the fastening of the door, I began to walk about the room, peering round each article of furniture, tucking up the valances of the bed, and opening its curtains wide. I pulled up the blinds and examined the fastenings of the several windows before closing the shutters, leant forward and looked up the blackness of the wide chimney, and tapped the dark oak panelling for any secret opening. There were two big mirrors in the room, each with a pair of sconces bearing candles, and on the mantelshelf, too, were more candles in china candlesticks. All these I lit one after the other. The fire was laid, an unexpected consideration from the old housekeeper - and I lit it, to keep down any disposition to shiver, and when it was burning well, I stood round with my back to it and regarded the room again. I had pulled up a chintz-covered armchair and a table, to form a kind of barricade before me, and on this lay my revolver ready to hand. My precise examination had done me good, but I still found the remoter darkness of the place, and its perfect stillness, too stimulating for the imagination. The echoing of the stir and crackling of the fire was no sort of comfort to me. The shadow in the alcove at the end in particular had that undefinable quality of a presence, that odd suggestion of a lurking, living thing, that comes so easily in silence and solitude. At last, to reassure myself, I walked with a candle into it, and satisfied myself that there was nothing tangible there. I stood that candle upon the floor of the alcove, and left it in that position.

By this time I was in a state of considerable nervous tension, although to my reason there was no adequate cause for the condition. My mind, however, was perfectly clear. I postulated quite unreservedly that nothing supernatural could happen, and to pass the time I began to string some rhymes together, Ingoldsby fashion, of the original legend of the place. A few I spoke aloud, but the echoes were not pleasant. For the same reason I also abandoned, after a time, a conversation with myself upon the impossibilty of ghosts and haunting. My mind reverted to the three old and distorted people downstairs, and I tried to keep it upon that topic. The sombre reds and blacks of the room troubled me; even with seven candles the place was merely dim. The one in the alcove flared in a draught, and the fire’s flickering kept the shadows and penumbra perpetually shifting and stirring. Casting about for a remedy, I recalled the candles I had seen in the passage, and, with a slight effort, walked out into the moonlight, carrying a candle and leaving the door open, and presently returned with as many as ten. These I put in various knick-knacks of china with which the room was sparsely adorned, lit and placed where the shadows had lain deepest, some on the floor, some in the window recesses, until at last my seventeen candles were so arranged that not an inch of the room but had the direct light of at least one of them. It occurred to me that when the ghost came, I could warn him not to trip over them. The room was now quite brightly illuminated. There was something very cheery and reassuring in these little streaming flames, and snuffing them gave me an occupation, and afforded a helpful sense of the passage of time. Even with that, however, the brooding expectation of the vigil weighed heavily upon me. It was after midnight that the candle in the alcove suddenly went out, and the black shadow sprang back to its place there. I did not see the candle go out; I simply turned and saw that the darkness was there, as one might start and see the unexpected presence of a stranger. "By Jove!" said I aloud; ‘that draught’s a strong one!’ and taking the matches from the table, I walked across the room in a leisurely manner to relight the corner again. My first match would not strike, and as I succeeded with the second, something seemed to blink on the wall before me. I turned my head involuntarily, and saw that the two candles on the little table by the fireplace were extinguished. I rose at once to my feet.

"Odd!" I said. "Did I do that myself in a flash of absent-mindedness?"

I walked back, relit one, and as I did so, I saw the candle in the right sconce of one of the mirrors wink and go right out, and almost immediately its companion followed it. There was no mistake about it. The flame vanished, as if the wicks had been suddenly nipped between a finger and thumb, leaving the wick neither glowing nor smoking, but black. While I stood gaping, the candle at the foot of the bed went out, and the shadows seemed to take another step towards me.

"This won’t do!" said I, and first one and then another candle on the mantelshelf followed. "What’s up?" I cried, with a queer high note getting into my voice somehow. At that the candle on the wardrobe went out, and the one I had relit in the alcove followed.

"Steady on!" I said. "These candles are wanted," speaking with a half-hysterical facetiousness, and scratching away at a match the while for the mantel candlesticks. My hands trembled so much that twice I missed the rough paper of the matchbox. As the mantel emerged from darkness again, two candles in the remoter end of the window were eclipsed. But with the same match I also relit the larger mirror candles, and those on the floor near the doorway, so that for the moment I seemed to gain on the extinctions. But then in a volley there vanished four lights at once in different corners of the room, and I struck another match in quivering haste, and stood hesitating whither to take it.

As I stood undecided, an invisible hand seemed to sweep out the two candles on the table. With a cry of terror, I dashed at the alcove, then into the corner, and then into the window, relighting three, as two more vanished by the fireplace; then, perceiving a better way, I dropped the matches on the iron-bound deedbox in the corner, and caught up the bedroom candlestick. With this I avoided the delay of striking matches; but for all that the steady process of extinction went on, and the shadows I feared and fought against returned, and crept in upon me, first a step gained on this side of me and then on that. It was like a ragged storm-cloud sweeping out of the stars. Now and then one returned for a minute, and was lost again. I was now almost frantic with the horror of the coming darkness, and my self-possession deserted me. I leaped panting and dishevelled from candle to candle in a vain struggle against that remorseless advance. I bruised myself on the thigh against the table, I sent a chair headlong, I stumbled and fell and whisked the cloth from the table in my fall. My candle rolled away from me, and I snatched another as I rose. Abruptly this was blown out, as I swung it off the table, by the wind of my sudden movement, and immediately the two remaining candles followed. But there was light still in the room, a red light that stayed off the shadows from me. The fire! Of course I could still thrust my candle between the bars and relight it!

I turned to where the flames were still dancing between the glowing coals, and splashing red reflections upon the furniture, made two steps towards the grate, and incontinently the flames dwindled and vanished, and as I thrust the candle between the bars darkness closed upon me like the shutting of an eye, wrapped about me in a stifling embrace, sealed my vision, and crushed the last vestiges of reason from my brain. The candle fell from my hand. I flung out my arms in a vain effort to thrust that ponderous blackness away from me, and, lifting up my voice, screamed with all my might - once, twice, thrice. Then I think I must have staggered to my feet. I know I thought suddenly of the moonlit corridor, and, with my head bowed and my arms over my face, made a run for the door.

But I had forgotten the exact position of the door, and struck myself heavily against the corner of the bed. I staggered back, turned, and was either struck or struck myself against some other bulky furniture. I have a vague memory of battering myself thus, to and fro in the darkness, of a cramped struggle, and of my own wild crying as I darted to and fro, of a heavy blow at last upon my forehead, a horrible sensation of falling that lasted an age, of my last frantic effort to keep my footing, and then I remember no more.

I opened my eyes in daylight. My head was roughly bandaged, and the man with the withered arm was watching my face. I looked about me, trying to remember what had happened, and for a space I could not recollect. I rolled my eyes into the corner, and saw the old woman, no longer abstracted, pouring out some drops of medicine from a little blue phial into a glass. "Where am I?" I asked; "I seem to remember you, and yet I cannot remember who you are."

They told me then, and I heard of the haunted red room as one who hears a tale. "We found you at dawn," said he, "and there was blood on your forehead and lips."

It was very slowly I recovered my memory of my experience. "You believe now," said the old man, "that the room is haunted?" He spoke no longer as one who greets an intruder, but as one who grieves for a broken friend.

"Yes," said I; "the room is haunted."

"And you have seen it. And we, who have lived here all our lives, have never set eyes upon it. Because we have never dared ... Tell us, is it truly the old earl who - "

"No,’ said I; ‘it is not."

"I told you so," said the old lady, with the glass in her hand. "It is his poor young countess who was frightened - "

"It is not," I said. "There is neither ghost of earl nor ghost of countess in that room, there is no ghost there at all; but worse, far worse - "

"Well?" they said.

"The worst of all the things that haunt poor mortal man," said I; "and that is, in all its nakedness - Fear! Fear that will not have light nor sound, that will not bear with reason, that deafens and darkens and overwhelms. It followed me through the corridor, it fought against me in the room - "

I stopped abruptly. There was an interval of silence. My hand went up to my bandages. Then the man with the shade sighed and spoke. "That is it," said he. "I knew that was it. A power of darkness. To put such a curse upon a woman! It lurkes there always. You can feel it even in the daytime, even of a bright summer’s day, in the hangings, in the curtains, keeping behind you however you face about. In the dusk it creeps along the corridor and follows you, so that you dare not turn. There is Fear in that room of hers - black Fear, and there will be - so long as this house of sin endures.’


Saturday, October 28, 2006
I know I am late with the Friday the 13th stuff considering that it was two weeks ago, but I was thinking this in the shower the other day. I have seen almost all Friday the 13th slasher flicks and while they're all pretty stupid, you have to admit that some of the deaths are mighty gruesome and hilarious. I can't remember which films are which, but I don't remember some of the gore. Here's my list of the five most memorable Jason hacks. I'm excluding Jason in Space and Freddy v Jason, because I have yet to see them.

5. Party favor in the eye. While this is rather tame, I'm including it here for the fact that as it was shoved into the eye it made the noise party favors make.

4. Head squish. Jason was strong enough to crush your skull. He did it to one dude whose eye popped out. I think this was from the 3D movie.

3. Young lovers on a stick. Speaking about coitus interruptus.

2. Sleeping bag slam. Jason takes a camper hiding in her sleeping bag and whips her into a tree snapping her like a twig. Funny.

1. Handstand walker split in two. Dude who can walk on his hands gets bisected by Jason from crotch to sternum.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Why, oh why, am I stuck at my job at IniTech? Because I'm a pussy. Look at the
cool shit I can be using if I was an indy Mac developer. I suck.

This is just a rant to get you to notice that MacBook Pros have been upgraded to the Core Duo. MMmmm. Can you smell what Apple is cooking?

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Somehow the same incompetent, narcissistic, virtueless, vacuous, malicious criminals are still in charge of this country.

Once you read this article by Pat Tillman's brother, you'll understand why, NO FUCKING REPUBLICANS, is my motto for the next election.
originally uploaded by Vedia.
Esquire's Women We Love 2006 issue features some obscure women that they love. Nothing comes as obscure as this hottie, Melissa Theuriau. She's a French tv newscaster. Kicks Katie Couric's ass in looks, and I bet the sad news about the Iraq war would sound some much sexier coming with a French accent. C'est la guerre.

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The Departed. The US remake of Infernal Affairs. I had recently watched the original because by coincidence it wound up on my Netflix queue at the same time the US remake debuted.

The original was confusing. Now this may sound cliched but I couldn't tell the bad guys apart. They were all chinese to me, so that when it was time to remember who the mole was in the police department, I couldn't pick him out of a police line up. I spent the better part of the movie trying to fathom out what was going on. At least the undercover cop was easy to pick out because he's the infamous Tony Leung. Supposedly, the other guy is somewhat famous, but I don't really watch much chinese cop dramas because I am limited to the kung fu genre. Anyway, the original besides confusing me ended in a very bitter tone. You had the mole, who always wanted to be a good cop, make it and the undercover cop not. Like the scene in Heat with Al Pacino and Robert Deniro, their tales where intertwined, and you know that someone loses in the end. In this film, it turns out the good guy was the bad guy. For some time after, I was confused by the turn of events to let the mole live. It felt wrong, but I felt conflicted liking the bitter ending, but not liking that crime triumphed. Heh.

The remake adhered to the premise of the original with lots of the same plot rythms. Along with The Aviator, this pic does not include many grand Scorsese stylings. Scorsese sublimates his style to tell the story. Nicholson on the other hand is always Nicholson. The quiet unfolding of the film under Scorsese was punctuated by Nicholson's brashness and makes the film seem lively, but the length of the movie was very noticeable. I squirmed for the last half hour waiting for the ending. Of course, there was an american twist in the end. You cannot end an american story embracing the dark side. Unlike the original, the mole gets his comeuppance. This was rather phony. For once, an american film should've ended (like the original) with the embrace of bad cops rule. I would've liked the bitter ending to have remained.

Mark Wahlberg was the best. Followed by Alec Baldwin. DiCaprio and Damon were alright. The boston accent is teh suck.

Original: 2 of 5 stars.
Remake: 2 of 5 stars

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Last night went to dinner for a friend's birthday. While waiting to go,we played a few rounds of poker. Usually, we play Texas Hold'em, but there were only three of us so play had to be loose. That sucks as there is no hiding your bad hands dealt.

Whenever in these situations, I panic because I hate folding on badhands and letting the other guy steal the blinds. It gets worse whenits just head-to-head because you must play because there is no more strategizing then. You can't wait for a good hand or the other guy isjust going to build his stack with the blinds you're giving up.

Anyway, we switched to Omaha Hold 'em. Four cards dealt with thecommunity cards as in Texas Hold 'em. But we played it wrong. It seemsyou have to play two cards from your hand. You can't play one and get four from the community cards! Wow. That'll make it even more interesting. Check the link for more rules.

Perhaps a game of high-low.


Monday, October 16, 2006


Development Purpose
- UNIX in a Windows dominated world. Cross platform interoperability of file
and printing services.
- Reverse engineered from Microsoft's proprietary CIFS (Common Internet File
System) and SMB (Server Message Block).
- Similar to network file systems.
- Several transport protocols that it suppports: NetBIOS, TCP/IP, etc.
- Platform independence to access personal files.
- Interoperability.
- Open source development model. Multiple developers.

Key Features
- File and printer sharing. Remote access to files and printers on a network
whether it is a UNIX or Windows machine.
- User authentication and authorization. Security measures and access controls
for files and printers.
- network name resolution. Mapping of a machines IP address to its identification
on a network neighborhood.
- network browsing. Allows graphical browsing of files and printers similar to
Windows File Explorer.
- Transparent interoperability with Window's network neighborhood.

Windows Network Neighborhood
- Samba strives for being a peer in this aspect of Windows.
- Collection of machines that share files and printer resources.
- Centralized workgroup access to the files as well as authorization.
- Domain controller centralized authentication entity.

- Samba's SMB implementation
- Responsible for receiving service requests from client and provides the shared
file or printer service.

- Samba's naming resoultion and network browsing component.

Authorization Component


Thursday, October 12, 2006
Most of the time, this blog is read by the four of my regular readers. Yet, through the magic of Google, some unwitting bastards arrive here not knowing what to expect. It's funny especially with some of the search strings that lead them here.

Doobie Keebler is the most active. Supposedly, it's a slang for a marijuana cigarette. In truth, Doobie Keebler is the mispronounced name Matthew Brock asks Jimmy James in the classic NewsRadio episode.

Next is Oksana Akinshina naked! Sorry. I don't think she's posed for any nudies. Most of these searches are from foreign lands.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Listen to NewsRadio Quote month come alive and check these mp3s out. Do it soon before the sound bite nazis take the site down.
As I sit at home on a Saturday afternoon, I think about some of the television I watched. Basically, I'm trying to catch up with what's on my tivo.

First, we'll start with a favorite for the last couple years: The Amazing Race. It's fair to say that this is showing its age. Like the tired and worn survivor, the Amazing race inn it's tenth season needs to reinvigorate itself. Of course this won't happen this season, but the next race needs some changes. This year they started out with twelve teams rather than eleven. In the first episode, they eliminated two teams with one of those eliminations at the half way point of the leg. What would be better is if they eliminated a team at any time. Imagine that all teams make it through the first three legs, then starting after the next RoadBlock the last team finishing getting eliminated. Then it goes unpredictably from there. It would make good drama, but maybe not good racing. At this point, I would be blogging about the show, but I am not therefore I am none too excited about this show right now. Perhaps when I pick a team to root for...

Next, Battlestar Galactica premiered its new season on friday. What a disappointment. Perhaps I wanted Viper battles against Cylon raiders, but it wasn't too exciting for me. It's also overtly political. The story being occupation of a planet for the good of the occupied people. Iraq? They're fucked. Yet, there are some intriguing developments. Is Roslyn a Cylon? Then how's she going to escape the death squads? Is Baltar?

Thursdays it's Supernatural. I missed the season opener and tivo did not record it for me. This weeks was about killer clowns. "Can't sleep clowns will eat me." At points I was scared. Darn clowns. Thus the X-Files lives!

Thursdays is also Ugly Betty. I just watched my first ep and found it funny as all get out. This is going to be good for the first eps then slowly crash into soap drama. I hope it works and makes it through.

That's it for now. I want to try a few new shows, but the time is hard to find.

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Thursday, October 05, 2006
Kottke posts some of the many interesting searches that can be conducted with the omnipresent Google CodeSearch. Don't put your code out on the net for it to be indexed. You may find it being used as a butt to jokes.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The writers of Lost have definitely messed things up.
Monday, October 02, 2006
The past two days I've spent my time reading rather than doing my homework. Actually, it is more like several hours as I couldn't put the book down. It was a mystery tale, gothic in its ambiance with just a slight touch of the chill you find in one of those Victorian ghost stories that I love. The book? The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.

I read the blurb review about it. It is as I described, but it is more engrossing than that. When I get into a good book, I read it unendingly. I started on it around 11:00 o'clock Sunday night, put it down at five in the morning only to pick it back up this evening to finish it. It's that good.

It starts with a mystery. Who is Vida Winter? The renowned author whose life has not been told even though several biographies have been written of her. Upon her last days she lets an book antiquarian tell the story of her life. The true story of her life.

She reveals the sinful beginnings of her father, his lust for her sister and the twins that were born to her. A sort of mania runs through the family from their father, to the siblings on down to the twins. There story and Vida Winter's is told.

There is a ghost. A ghost of a girl. Dead? Or living? Not til the end do we know the true tragedy of it. And it is that tragedy that is haunting, but amazing.

It's about family and there dark secrets. It's about loss and reuinion. It's about love and it always returns.

The author herself describes the book for those who like to read especially the Bronte ouevre. I am such a reader and it was a page turner. At last, something that was good story. And the story is all there is.

Sunday, October 01, 2006
Is Josh Whedon's Astonishing X-Men a good read? I can't wait for the next issue.

When did Kitty Pride become the go to girl? Is she developing from the Whedon protypical strong girl a la Buffy?

Colossus's return is great. He's always been a favorite since playing the X-Men arcade game.

Cyclops in love with Emma Frost?! Is she the White Queen of the Hellfire club? Or is she misunderstood? What's going to happen to her? Plus when will Cyclops become less of a pussy?

Someone please advise me. Should I keep reading it or what?

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NewsRadio Quote Month is over, but I couldn't let a good quote go another year.

It's October. This is the time of the year that I really love. September and October are my favorite months. They are autumn with crisp cool days. The light going quickly in the evening. Cold nights are coming, but they don't arrive til later.

I can't wait to ride my bike in the fall foliage. Hopefully, I will have enough cold riding gear to make it fun.

Let's see what happens...


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