"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Monday, March 31, 2008
Google Romance! There taking over your world.

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Posted without comment:

25.04% 9:28PM 3/26/08
28.86% 7:03AM 3/27/08
40.51% 10:37PM 3/27/08
47.68% 6:45AM 3/28/08
56.30% 4:43PM 3/28/08
52.06% 11:31PM 3/28/08 [Don't verify download]
60.84% 11:36AM 3/29/08
70.89% 1:03AM 3/30/08
76.76% 8:38AM 3/30/08
81.50% 6:24PM 3/30/08
85.65% 11:09PM 3/30/08
91.40% 6:13AM 3/31/08

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In the NCAA office pool, I'm hanging around in mid-pack, but about 22
points off the lead. Yet, if my final pairing of teams, Memphis-Kansas,
with Memphis pulling it off, I think I can bounce into a money position.
There's not many people ahead of me picking this combination for the
finals. I think it's around 4 with just a couple picking Memphis as

This would be sweet to make up for the $20 loss in Fat War.

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There should be commas there shouldn't there?

In support of Fat War, the seed, fish tank and I caught this movie.
Fish tank and I eating some popcorn.

The premise of the movie is simple: after running away from his pregnant
bride on their wedding day, Dennis (Simon Pegg) will run back to her
graces in a marathon. Of course, he's a shlub whose only exercise is
going to the market for smokes. He must face off with smug, American
Whit (Hank Azaria) who makes running a part of his daily routine.

You know how this one plays out. So why bother? Simon Pegg, he of
Shaun of the Dead fame and Hot Fuzz, is always a winning character.

So British, but somewhat fun. Fat War continues on the screen!


3 of 5 stars

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Friday, March 28, 2008

A little anti-dote to the Eri worship in the last post. Here's Tsukamoto Yakumo -- Imouto-san!

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Score!! Eri-chan!
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

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This is really weird.

When I test out my homework from home (Mac OS X 10.5.2: Safari AND
Firefox), it works. At work (WinXP: IE 6.0), I supposedly get some kind
of HTTP response 500: Internal Server Error.

Give it a shot because I want to know if it's just me or if it's
IniTech's firewall rules.

What's supposed to happen:
You click on that link, which submits a query to the page
"commandResponse.jsp." The query is that string, "command=blowup."
Submitting this command should cause a "divide by zero" error and the
server should throw an exception. Yet, there's a page to catch this
exception which serves up an HTML page that "blowup" the server. If it
works. The failure that Internet Explorer sees (or IniTech's firewall)
relates to the "divide by zero" exception as it seems to have received
the HTTP 500 response. Currently, I don't know WTF.

Submit your results in comments. Specifically mention what OS (Win or
Mac) and what browser (IE, Firefox, etc.) Thanks for the help.

If you want to see the rest of Assignment 5, go here:

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Watch Frontline's expose on "Bush's War." Ain't no doubt about who's it is. It's the fucktard's.


Frontline always does some good work. I also like the fact that they have it available only for you to watch. There's plenty of good episodes. Many of them make me angry. And sad. And a little hopeless. When are we going to get rid of these band of corrupt, incompetent, criminal bandits. They destroy our country each day that they are in office. Doubly for the lame ass opposition party who do nothing: Nero while Rome burns.

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There's a veritable set of good reads over on slate.com today. Or I
think they are because I read them and was moved to provide a link.

Hotel Hiroshima
It's a nice travel essay that should fit into one of those travel essay
anthologies I read every year. Makes me want to go out to Japan. (Of
course, School Rumble does the same!)

The Architecture of Edward Hopper
A slide show of the buildings Hopper painted. Why didn't any one tell
me there was an exhibit of his in DC last year?

The New New Deal
Capitalism is being saved by a 30s era government thinking. Socialism
for the rich?


Tuesday, March 25, 2008
How do you use bittorrent? I don't get it.

I'm trying to download something and it coming down in dribbles.

Now I now that I'm just getting bytes at a time, but can't it serve up or down load quicker.

It looks as if I have several others to share from, but it ain't working.

I wish I new how to run these torrent clients better...

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Friday, March 21, 2008

CapitolSwell's Nightmare
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Marshmallow square. IBC root beer.


Thursday, March 20, 2008
Finished up the first season of School Rumble. I have lots of thoughts about it and watching and waiting. Here's some wallpaper for you to enjoy.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The annual rite of spring, the NCAA office pool, has come. Just like the annual swallows returning to Capistrano, every year millions are bet on these 33 college basketball games. It's dumb and amusing and you'll always lose. I guarantee it.

I got Memphis over Kansas in the finals, 74 to 68, with NC and Duke rounding out the final four. Why do I keep picking these losers? As long as Memphis takes it, I think I can get some money. I don't know anything about the college game today, so that I don't have to worry about analysis of what teams are good. I'm just picking, because every thing is a push.

Go Memphis! (I have no idea where that school is or even if they are any good.)

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Monday, March 17, 2008

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Thursday, March 13, 2008
This will be crazy. The iPhone track alone will be f'ing packed like sardines, because aren't they supposed to release iPhone 2.0 around this time?

Remind me again why I work at IniTech.

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This is nice thing to hear about. Oregon representative Earl Blumenauer introduces some resolution to aid in making bicycling a viable means of transportation in the US.

We need some of this type of stuff so that a)we begin to mitigate our reliance on gasoline, b)we offer ourselves an alternative means of transportation, c) we give ourselves some exercise to win our own fat war, and d)we make nicer communities.

Yo, CapitolSwell! Get to work!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
It's always good for a post to check referers. I'll just pick the recent ones and comment. Simple and effective. Plus then I start my own google bomb to get these to the top. Very self-referential and weird!
NY escort kottke: Must be wondering what kottke thinks about Gov. Spitzer resigning or even looking for some special service.

apple unboxing: Looking for some great computer porn.

oksana akinshina naked: What's a week without this search term?

when love is unrequited the whole world is crap: Searches for NewsRadio quotes drive traffic here.

doobie keebler: ditto

ellen page show me love: Is she making the English remake? I hope she isn't? She's too sassy for an Agnes.

cool lamp shades: I keep meaning to get me some.

8-bit video game music: Sounds cool!

negative about monte pego: Can't think of any. Oh, here's one: it's too far away right now. Darn.

That's it for today. There's no naked Oksana Akinshina here! Look for Oksana Akinshina naked here!

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Dolphin saves whales in New Zealand. That's just too cute to pass up.

Reminds me of Doug Adam's "Thanks for the fishes!" when the end of the world arrives and the dolphins fly away leaving us dumb humans left to perish.

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Sunday, March 09, 2008
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day features Amy Adams in all her princess-ness as singer/actor, Delysia LaFosse juggling three men. Frances McDormand is the titular character who helps her Delysia sort the men until she finds her true love.

It doesn't sound appealing. It wasn't at times, but what can you ask for a Sunday matinee. I feel that this was one of those stories that old time Hollywood gave to their leading ladies to pass the time. Not the classic, but a solid sub-par A. It will fill out the bill.

McDormand must have jumped on this at the urging of her husband, Joel Coen, because this looked like one of the Coen brother period pieces they so love. Except in London, every thing was the look.

3 of 5 stars.

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Watching School Rumble reminds me of the NewsRadio quote, "Because I'm neither Japanese, 14 years old, or a girl." Bill says this to Matthew thanking him for the Hello Kitty! school bag in his own acidic way. I am not Japanese, or 14 years, and I'm not a girl, but School Rumble is fun in a way that makes me feel like that. I've got the first two DVDs and am now eager to see the rest.

If my ramblings do convince you to watch it, catch a few episodes here.

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Saturday, March 08, 2008
I should've kept up my Cocoa skills. Damn two years is a long time. Plus the damn dev environment went from 2.0 to 3.1 during that time.

One of things I've been doing is watching all the iPhone getting started videos. They're slight in their information, but they give a very nice gloss on the state of iPhone development. It's something every one should do. Also, it's funny because some of the presenters were also in the Big Nerd Ranch class, too.

Anyway, this shit is cool!

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Friday, March 07, 2008

(via zackilicious)

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Thursday, March 06, 2008
Tell me why again do I work at Initech?


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Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Not only has it been a while since I wrote a blog post (only broken by this flurry today), but it's been a while since I read a novel. I think I've read a few non-fiction books, but no work of fiction since the trip to Spain and the darn jPod by Douglas Coupland.

Well, I did it. I finished a novel, Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. I fell back into my love for science fiction and decided to pick up one of the better hard science fiction books out there. It seems that this novel is beloved by sci-fi fans. And after breezing through it for the past 10 days. I can understand why.

The story follows the colonization of Mars in the middle of this century by 100 men and women scientists. They establish a toehold of civilization on the red planet. Once mankind has landed, then it was inevitable that things started to change. The story weaves through a couple of decades as mankind begins to terraform amd mine the planet bending it to mankind's needs. Eventually, like Heinlen's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, this outpost must decide to break from the control of its masters, and like the British colonies, a revolution is staged to make Mars and its population the governors of the fate of Mars.

The story segues from scientific exploration of life and living on Mars to that of politics of independence and colonization to social order of capitalism versus benevolent communism and to religious and spirituality of a new world order. The themes permeate the book. And the author tells the story of the first 100 from several perspectives.

It ends with the death of the red mars. A small contingent of survivors ready to bring about a new green mars. And the bevy of corporations ready to take over.

My first reaction to the book was one of a good read. I probably breezed through the first 200 pages in a night. Then I came back nightly reading a few chapters before I fell asleep. That is until the John Boone chapters which were difficult to get through. It dealt with him becoming the legend that he is, but was not as fun as the other narrators. Not until after his part did things really move forward to the revolution and it became hard to put the book down.

So, now I'm finished it. It's just the first installment of the three books of Mars. Why is it always a trilogy? Yet, I don't know if I can read the next two. I was bogged down in the middle there worried about the politics of creating a new martian order, so I am worried that the next will be the same. It's like when I read The Golden Compass did I want to read the next three. But that wasn't as good a read as this book. I might have to.

Grade: A-

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La tienda has some of what CapitolSwell's been looking for.


"So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I
started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day
before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's
on the worst day of my life."


It's been a while since I posted.

Can't find anything to say.

Haven't seen any movie that needs a shout out.

(Although, I saw Surf's Up and must say that that film was made by
people who love surfing).

Here's a bunch of links of sites, I've been reading lately.


Here's a story on Brett Favre retiring. Damn fine quarterback. I'm not
a Packer backer, but as a fan of the NFL he's probably the most fun
athlete to watch. And he was in Something About Mary.

Share with us any interesting links you may like...


Sunday, March 02, 2008
I have already said that The Complete Peanuts from FantaGraphics books is awesome. Really awesome!

I'm only 5 books in and it's been a laugh riot. Next up is the 60s.



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