So I have a few anime figures, the latest being Tabitha from Zero No Tsukaima. Don' ask me what the hell that anime is, all I know is that I really dug the figure. I would do the cool thing and take some pictures, but I just don't have the camera for it. You have seen my figures on my flickr account? Some of those photos aren't so great, and the layouts are very dull. I would love to show them off in a better way.
So head on over to Happy Soda and read his figure reviews. They are very interesting, because each review has an intro story that seems to capture the mood of the figure. Then he photographs them awesomely. Someone get me my camera!
Labels: anime, lotd, why am i telling you this?
Sydney J. Mussburger (Paul Newman), "The Hudsucker Proxy"
Labels: qotd
The Republicans mean to wreck the country. It is their nature. When the main cause celebre for them is that "Government cannot do anything good," then you go about proving it. You get elected. Then you systematically dismantle everything that was working and replace it with things that sound like they work, but are really a bogus shell of activity.
Why do the American people elect these people? You wouldn't put an arsonist in charge of the fire department, and yet, time after time, Republicans get elected and they go about ruining things. They are the ones striking the match to start the fire.
CIA Superior (JK Simmons), "Burn After Reading"
To make you less confused about yesterday's post, here's the main article upon which yesterday's article was a side not to.
What are some typical moe character attributes? Read on to find out!
Labels: anime, geeked, hoboes, NewsRadio quote
I'm in orbit around the third planet from the star called
the sun. Over.
You mean its the earth? Over.
Positive. It is known to have some form of intelligent
species. Over.
I think we should take a look.
Jimi Hendrix, "Third Stone From the Sun"
Labels: qotd
Man or Astro-man? Surf music via the galactic way! I'm hoping for
another surf music revival, because it just feels so right to play on
the guitar. The twang! The reverb! The staccato! Destroy all
Labels: lotd, NewsRadio quote
Now I don't have to figure out a way to convert my IJN Yamato model into
the Space Battleship Yamato.
Labels: NewsRadio quote
This weekend: Baltimore Comic Con! Hope to see you there. Bring money!
Labels: lotd, NewsRadio quote
Didn't he say this back in March 2003 to Iraq? It's time to call his bluff. Why should we believe a word he's saying. Your telling me the best and brightest in the corporate world can't figure out a way to get their ass out of this mess? How'd they get us into this mess?
Our nation will be poorer still with a Republican as the next president.
Labels: anger and frustration, John McCain is unfit for the presidency, NewsRadio quote
Wording in the proposal from Treasury Secretary Paulson for the Big Bailout
Labels: anger and frustration, qotd, WTF
The Big Bailout is only helping those who caused the problem, and it's going to be supervised by the same people who for the last year have been saying the financial crisis has been contained, in other words, the same people who don't know jack.
Thanks, Republicans. The political party that preaches fiscal responsibility is the most fiscallyist responsible! The FUCK they are! They also have been scaring the populous about the "Dems going to raise taxes." Under whose watch again did this massive spending come from? Who's going to pay? How are we going to pay? TAXES! Makes you wonder if this isn't some plot by the Republicans to hobble the government with debt then point out that the government can't run properly. That's just plain incompetence on that political party. They have no right to even run for dog catcher.
If only you can also get a helping hand from the government. Let's dump our bad investments on the people. You have that Milli Vanilli CD? Get the government to pay you for it. The best part is they will gladly pay top dollar for it. It's worth hundreds!!!
Labels: anger and frustration, John McCain is unfit for the presidency, lotd, NewsRadio quote
Hiking the Dug Trail
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
This past weekend was spent in the woods, literally and figuratively. We were in West Virginia at a resort called, The Woods, which is in the woods. We spent time hiking and site seeing. Hiking on this short hike up the side of a rather tall hill. I think it was 600 vertical feet up. Since I stopped biking in August, that was the most exercise done in a while.
Anyway, more pictures on my flickr account. Soon, I will be posting my ghost hunting photos from Harper's Ferry. :)
Labels: NewsRadio quote, picture, vacation
Recompense. For all my crimes of self defense.
Cures you whisper make no sense
Drift gently into mental illness.
The English Beat, "Mirror in the Bathroom"
It's getting to be that time again. Perhaps, a new blogger template?
Or maybe a move to a real domain and my own garden in the intrawebs.
Anyway, there are some cool color palettes from a Van Gogh painting to
choose. If you don't like 'em, there's more at the main site.
Obviously, I want something in a darker theme, perhaps, "Starry Night."
Labels: lotd, nerd, NewsRadio quote
Nendoroid Melissa Seraphy
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
No. NewsRadio quote can capture how cool this is.
hard. In Saigon, the United States Embassy has been overrun by suicide
squads. Khe Sahn is standing by to be overrun. We also have reports that
a division of N.V.A. has occupied all of the city of Hue south of the
Perfume River. In strategic terms, Charlie's cut the country in half...
the civilian press are about to wet their pants and we've heard even
Cronkite's going to say the war is now unwinnable. In other words, it's
a huge shit sandwich, and we're all gonna have to take a bite."
Lt. Lockhart (John Terry), "Full Metal Jacket"
The Big Bailout is coming, and it will only help the Masters of the
Universe who got us into this mess. I keep hearing from people that
Barack Obama is going to raise our taxes. With this shit happening, our
taxes are going to be raised just to fund the retirement of the Masters
of the Universe. They play around and get hurt, and now they come
crying to the government for help. And we'll let them. Isn't it about
time that those who believe in the free market to let the free market
work? Shit happens. Too bad. Get a job.
Anyway, if you're as angry at this predicament, remember this is all
part and parcel of the way Republicans run our nation. They don't take
any responsibility in the mess they make. They want the working man to
clean up after them, but don't want to help the working man themselves.
Vote Obama.
Also, contact your Congressman and Senator and express your dismay at
the Big Bailout and the lack of oversight going into it. The last time
the administration said it must act fast, we got the war in Iraq.
Sometime's we have to step back and wonder, "WTF."
Labels: comics, lotd, NewsRadio quote, wankers
Star Trek (TNG)
One for CapitolSwell to ponder and amuse himself on.
Labels: gifts that keep on gifting, lotd, movies, NewsRadio quote
To give that much power and control to the Fed is just something else. They want to buy the bad assets with our money. We should be buying the companies themselves for the amount we are paying. And we should be making every wage slave of the financial industry our own personal butlers and maids. The should come to my house and clean it.
Here's some links of note to the whole fucking boondoggle.
They're still making billions
Why you should hate it
The failure of capitalism
We have seen the fall of communism supposedly brought down by our Republican friends. Now we see the fall of capitalism brought down by our Republican friends. Like I said before, they should never ever be entrusted with the government.
Star Trek (TOS)
Not enough time for posting this weekend, I'm out of town in the woods.
So, what will your taxes buy with the bailout of AIG? Why it's the sponsorship of the English Premiere League's Manchester United! How sweet! We should see if we can acquire some better players.
Thanks, capitalism!
Labels: commerce, football, lotd, NewsRadio quote
A pirate's life for me
Yo, ho, yo, ho
It's a pirate's life for me
Drink up me hearties
Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightly), "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl"
Labels: qotd
I don't think I have to remind you guys that today is "Talk like a pirate day."
Speaking of which, a game programmer, asked the intrawebs about why some people pirate his games. He's got a rundown on many of the saner reasons, and he's got solutions to some of the critiques of his games and their cost. He's trying to fix it, so that they aren't pirated. As much. Good luck. Hope to hear from you in a year about how those changes worked.
Avast, keel haul 'em!
Labels: hoboes, lotd, software development
Nendoroid Melissa Seraphy
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Almost what I wanted, but not quite. Still very much kawaii. XD And this is just her less angry face.
Labels: hunh?, nendoroid, NewsRadio quote, so kawaii
There's nothing wrong with free enterprise
Don't try to make me feel guilty
I'm so tired of hearing you cry
There's nothing wrong with making some profit
If you ask me I'll say it's just fine
There's nothing wrong with wanting to live nice
I'm so tired of hearing you whine
Oingo Boingo, "Capitalism"
Sometimes wishes may come true. Doubtful.
The best figure out there, but very difficult to find. They need to re-issue it one more time. Like today would've been cool. >_<
Your wicked walk in Babylon
There is no wisdom to your freedom
The richest man in babylon
Thievery Corporation, "The Richest Man in Babylon"
Labels: John McCain is unfit for the presidency, lyrics, qotd
Pretty soon it will be Holloween, but John McCain doesn't need a mask. He is our nations worst nightmare.
Jill Greenberg photographed McCain for the latest issue of the Atlantic. She made it unflattering. She also did a photoshopped version with McCain saying, "I am a bloodthirsty warmonger." Very funny, but it does no good to point out the obvious. In fact, people will be more sympathetic with this pathetic person. That isn't exactly what we need to rid our nation of the scourge of Republicans. Where's buffy when you need her?
Labels: fright, John McCain is unfit for the presidency, lotd
To water the illusions in our eyes
All that we desire and all we fear
All our aspirations grow unclear
We feel endlessly
Beyond all gravity
Who are we? What we see? O, I can't comprehend
Who are we? What we see? Woah, I can't comprehend
Thievery Corporation, "All That We Perceive"
You would think a blog titled, "Lawyers, Guns and Money," would talk about plenty of other things except naval battleships. You would be wrong. Robert Farley, while also an excellent political blogger, done a series of posts on battleships of various navies of the world. He wrote good historical information into those posts. He compares various navies use of the battleship, he writes of the glory days of the battleship, and he got me interested in building little scale models of the Imperial Japanese Navy.
I have the Yamato waiting to be built. I just need some paint.
Labels: lotd, nerd, NewsRadio quote
After their Oscar winning triumph, No Country For Old Men, the Coen brothers come back with a dark comedy, their bread and butter. Some will note that the overtones of the movie resemble Fargo in its pitch black humor of money, murder and mayhem. Of course, you wouldn't know with the ridiculous ad campaign on tv. It's not a comedy, but a thriller with very light comedic touches.
What some would also note is how closely it also resembles one of their worst works, The Ladykillers. The archly dark comedy is there and the laughs seem forced from the setup to the letdown. It's not a comedy, but a thriller with hamminess that'll raise you cholesterol level.
It is mainly about money, and how that affects everyone. The lack of it drives two of the sillier protagonists. Having too much seems to be the wife's and Clooney's excuse for sack diving. John Malkovich is uptight because of being a rich, white guy of the intel branch. And every one is paranoid and acting wrong on misinformation.
I did not like it one bit. Because it reminded me too much of their later earnest comedies, The Ladykillers, especially. I was hoping for their early slapstick: Raising Arizona or Hudsucker Proxy. They've really evolved and matured. Now if I can get to understanding them again I'd be happier watching them in the theatre.
2 of 5 stars.
Labels: movies, NewsRadio quote, review
All infinity starts falling from your eyes
We are fluid dreams, vivid memories
All uncertainty leads to eternity
All that we perceive in every mystery
Who are we? What we see? Oh, I can't comprehend
Who are we? What we see? Whoah, I can't comprehend
Thievery Corporation, "All That We Perceive"
Pressed for time. I don't know what to link. I think you're on your own today. How about you link in something good today? Put them in the comments.
O, by the way, here's an article about Apple's exlcusionary policies that may begin to annoy the development community.
Brian Rogers, McCain spokesman
Labels: John McCain is unfit for the presidency, qotd, wankers
The other day, my co-worker brought up the topic of OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. She related a story of a friend who she thought had it. I thought it strange. She thought it strange, too. All I could come up with is the physical imbalance of chemicals in her friend's cranium causing a short circuit in the way this person thinks. This imbalance causes the friend to think obsessively on one thing even though they know it too be a curious way to behave. I found my self saying that it is inexplicable to understand what makes this imbalance of chemicals manifest itself as a thought to keep obsessing about a particular thing.
Pointing out the chemical imbalance is something my mom, a psychiatrist, would say. I don't think that is all there is too it.
Our body takes in nutrients: protein, electrolytes, amino acids, and uses it to make our bodies function properly. Not only our muscles, but our mind and nervous system of which the brain is the primary organ. We all get them. Our brains and body convert them in a similar fashion. Yet, we turn up as individual personalities. How does this happen? And is it a matter of the difference amongst us at the quantum level?
I'm sure scientists have been searching for the answer. I'm also sure that this is a philosophical question too.
We are all human, but we are all different.
Labels: I am me, NewsRadio quote
Is liking anime sexy girl figurines a strange sexual fetish? Or does this article not get the otaku culture from which the figure collecting hobby arises from?
I get the feeling that the author is attempting to assume a provocative stance on the strangeness of a foreign culture being brought to our shores by the manga and anime industry in order to criticize it. He wants to point out how ugly it can be or how very strange the fetishism found in the otaku culture is. While he does make a point on how slack the censorship is in the Japanese culture, he makes it sound very prurient which I don't think it is.
I don't know. At times, it is strange, and at times, it is rather sexy. Yet, pornographic it is not. Unless you look at all the hentai manga and anime.
Labels: anime, lotd, manga, NewsRadio quote
About your plans to make me blue
With some other guy that you knew before
Between the two of us guys
You know I love you more.
Marvin Gaye, "Heard It Through the Grapevine"
I've got nothing so far today, and it's early morning. Or late at night, for those night owls.
So here's a junk link for you to read. I haven't read it, but the article title, "The Problem with Biking in America," pretty much says it all.
There are many problems, the first being that we don't take the bicycle serious as a form of transportation. We don't think about using to commute to work or school, or to go shopping or out for the evening. It's seen as a fitness equipment, and when was the last time we loved our fitness equipment. Hopefully, we can change our perceptions and make the bicycle a good, reliable transportation mechanism.
Labels: lame idea, meta, NewsRadio quote, why am i telling you this?
You don't know the meaning of the word 'neighbor.' Neighbors like each other, speak to each other, care if anybody lives or dies, but none of you do. But I couldn't imagine any of you bein' so low that you'd kill a little helpless, friendly dog - the only thing in this whole neighborhood who liked anybody.
Did ya kill him because he liked ya?
Just because he liked ya?
Wife living above Thorwalds, "Rear Window"
Labels: Hitchcock, qotd, that sinking feeling
The name of the URL says it all.
Labels: lotd, NewsRadio quote, science fiend
George W. Bush @ Ground Zero (9-14-01)
To comemerate the tragedy of seven years ago, let's dive into one of the funniest conspiracy theories out there. I love me a conspiracy theory but this one is pretty dumb. The twenty dollar bill prophesied the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon? Please. Tphttt.
BTW, whatever became of that guy who masterminded it all? Didn't he die in Abu Ghraib? No? Remember, this happened during a Republican presidency, and the mastermind is still out there all throughout a Republican presidency. Another fucktard Republican is trying to trick you into believing that the fucktard Republican party can protect you. They are only scamming you into believing that they are tight on the national security front.
I can prove it. Do you have a twenty?
Labels: John McCain is unfit for the presidency, lotd, NewsRadio quote
What's even better than scale model Valkyries? Piloting your own on! Here's a PSP game that gathers all VF fighters from every Macross series and some Zentradi battlepods as well. Looks like fun.
Labels: Macross, NewsRadio quote
Labels: Macross
eighth Tour de France."
Well, the rumors are true. Even CapitolSwell has posted it!
That's gonna be an exciting Tour next year. I wonder how the new blood
is gonna react? I wonder if his rivals are gonna let him dictate the
pace and the tactics? Will the reigning Tour champ, Carlos Sastre,
rollover? What team will he ride on? Astana? Will they even get an
invite, and will their current team GC favorite and 2007 Tour champ,
Alberto Contador, work with Armstrong?
I want to see the other teams attack Armstrong. Team Garmin-Chipotle
this is your chance to become the premiere US team. Same goes for Team
Columbia. I want to see them make him sweat. Do what he used to do to
others. I want to see him chasing desperately . I want to see him
trying to shut down breakaways. I want to see him fly. I want to see
him lose.
I also want to see him win. You cannot deny it. He's been the best pro
cyclists in the last few years, a true champion who overcame a dreadful
disease, who won the Tour seven straight years, and who has been an
inspiration for all cyclists. I feel like training right along with
Can he win? Shit, dude, the guys Lance Armstrong.
UPDATE: Removed annoying link. Looks funny on my iPhone
F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby"
So. How do you find NewsRadio quotes? Google.
Here's a tip: to search a particular site add "" to your search query. Of course, replace "" with whatever site you want to search for your term.
Today's link is an example. Enjoy all that NewsRadio goodness! And post your favorites in the comments!
Labels: lotd, NewsRadio quote
You must absolutely follow this link to Nozomi Sasaki's blog. Similar to Aya Hirano's blog, it's got photos! The cutest thing about those Japanese girls is that their phones all have cameras, and they aren't afraid to use them. Hopefully, she'll do some food photoblogging as well.
(ht Really Cute Asians)
Labels: so kawaii
Opening to Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad. No idea what the hell that means. That's not true. Beck is name of the lead guitarist's dog. The other half of that phrase, mongolian chop squad, no idea. Perhaps it doesn't translate well into english? Or is it one of those cute Japanese buggering of the english language?
The show starts really slowly. It's about the second disk before he even gets into the band.
if everyone is either a Yumi or Leah fan. What's wrong with Nozomi?
And what does "FTW" mean?
Labels: Nozomi Sasaki, she's hot
Coyote, Sup-er gen-i-us."
Wile. E Coyote, super genius, "Operation: Rabbit"
Labels: qotd
So how did I register? They have a spanish version of the site. I had to use the rudimentary spanish I know to register for a Japanese site. Some kind of weirdness is that.
Labels: anime, hunh?, NewsRadio quote, why am i telling you this?
That's one crazy link, hunh? I know that it is better web etiquette to put an actual descriptive phrase for the link enclosed in those anchor tags, but I'm just continuing on with the grand tradition of the raw URL, because it's the way it looks if I post via email. Keep it the same for both web-based or email-based posts and you don't have to worry about the format. You do have to worry about the length of the line, because iPhone wraps it weird;.
Anywhoo, today's link is to OtakuUSA magazine's article on "Gateway Anime." That's anime that leads you to becoming a life long fan. It's similar to how cigarettes or pot can lead you to harder drugs like crystal meth or special K. I know my gateway anime is Robotech. I did watch a few episodes of StarBlazers, but it was usually on crappy UHF and hard to get good reception, so it was tough to watch. And I did love watching Speed Racer and Kimba, the White Lion, but being so young at the time, I didn't think about them being "Japanese Animation." They were just some cartoon.
Robotech was different. You couldn't wait for it to come on, so you'd hurry home to watch it or set the VCR to tape it. Then you'd watch it over and over. And not too long afterwards, you buy your first Valkyrie fighter. And it was cool. Next came the models. And finally, you'd get that first crush on a 2D girl. Oh, Lisa Hayes (Misa Hiyase in the original Macross), forget that lame Rick Hunter...
Hunh? Where was I?
Oh, yeah, Robotech was my gateway anime that started me down the anime fandom road. Not to mention School Rumble.
Labels: anime, lotd, Macross, NewsRadio quote, school rumble, why am i telling you this?
It's as if Rocky Balboa tried to make a come back... Err... It's as if Jim Palmer tried to make a come back... Umm... Or Brett Favre... Oh.
Well, it would be a disappointment to see him in anything but the maillot jaune.
Labels: cycling, lame idea, NewsRadio quote
Cameron Phillips (Summer Glau), Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles"
Labels: qotd
When NewsRadio Quote Month started, the DVD for the show hadn't been released. I had to scour the interwebs for NewsRadio quotes. Fast forward a few years later, and you can get the entire five seasons on DVD. Thank you megacorp.
When you finally watch them you see the brilliance of the show. I will be happy to put NewsRadio up against any other sitcom ever produced as the greatest comedy. Evah. It starts strong from the pilot episode through the death of Bill McNeal (Phil Hartman), and although uneven and lacking the finer wit of the previous four, it's fifth season grows and grows on you.
Here's a fan writing for The Onion's AV Club wherein she watches the first two seasons on DVD in the first box set. All her synopsis of those episodes are a great reads and brings back fond memories of each show. It's also a font of NewsRadio quotes that I haven't used yet. Heh. Heh.
Where's my discs?
Labels: boobtube, lotd, NewsRadio quote
Since I packed up and left on my own
And I can carry a heavy load
Just try'n get back to her heart
Starship, "Find Your Way Back"
For all you car junkies out there. Top Gear does plenty of testing of cars. Nice fast cars, and they're not afraid to push the limit. In with a British feel.
Labels: automotive, lotd, NewsRadio quote
If you have a problem, if no-one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team."
Opening monologue to the 80s action show, "The A-Team"
Liking anime means that sometimes you end up immersing yourself in that otaku culture. You like what the crowd like (Macross Frontier, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya). You do what the crowd does (wish to go to Japan or Akihibara). You buy things the crowd buys. Anime figures.
Good Smile Company makes very nice figures of characters from anime. They're mainly the girls, because nothing gets the otaku heart pumping like 2D girls rendered in 3D. Finally, Good Smile Company is recognizing that the otaku culture is no longer contained on the shores of Japan, and with the globalization of anime, it can be found all over the world. They're creating an English version of the site run by Danny Choo to get all information about their line figures to those who have money to burn. Now I don't have to learn Japanese.
Labels: anime, commerce, lotd, NewsRadio quote
characters; the good to succeed, the bad to fail. The trouble with most
fiction is that you want them all to land in hell, together, as quickly
as possible."
Mark Twain
I sing the praises of Macross Frontier, and for those who have watched it, it's good, right? Yet, I wouldn't have even cared for it, if not for watching Robotech, the US derivation/adaptation of Macross, Mospaeda, and Southern Cross anime.
You can get Robotech via iTunes, now. In a perfect world, we would also be able to get the original Macross and Macross Frontier as well. When are we going to break down those country ID barriers? Steve Jobs tear down that wall!!!
(h/t Anime News Network)
Labels: lotd, Macross, NewsRadio quote
Conservatives change? Conservatives are looking to make a radical break with the present? Isn't that the antithesis of being conservative? Looking for the change we need, it's going to be a lot more of the same. I thought they want it to stay the status quo? Being conservative is to not make any sudden changes that might cause sudden upheavals.
No more Bush. No more McCain phoniness. No more conservatives. No more Republicans in office. That's the change we can believe in.
Labels: John McCain is unfit for the presidency, NewsRadio quote
Have they won any game this month? Will they win any?
M A R G E texted me earlier this week that tickets are cheap. They should just give tickets away or at least do a $0.10 beer night or at least $1.00 adjusted for inflation. They would fill that park up with drunks and maybe one would be crazy enough to streak across the infield and hump the second base umpire's leg.
Well, with the cheap tickets, we should catch at least one more game. Join me won't you?
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, lame idea, NewsRadio quote
Joe Lieberman
Nozomi Sasaki
Originally uploaded by g2slp.
Last of the flicrkr pix of Nozomi Sasaki from flickr user g2slp. There's plenty more Nozomi pix out in the vast expanse of the interweb, but it's easier to post from flickr. She's a beauty. Thank you flickr user g2slp.
Labels: NewsRadio quote, Nozomi Sasaki, she's hot, so kawaii, why am i telling you this?
Every time I watch an anime about school yard crushes, there's inevitably a scene of bike riding. You don't see that on 90210 do you?
All over the world, people are riding bikes as a form of transportation. They go to school, work or to the store. What did they do to make it so much easier to ride a bike? Can the US change? Or are our cities, towns, and homes too inhospitable to developing a bike culture?
Labels: cycling, just asking, lotd, NewsRadio quote
Voice-over actor extraordinaire, Don Lafontaine (1940-2008), the voice of movie trailers everywhere
Well, August passed by, and I'm still stuck just short of 500 miles for the year. This is worst than last year. I rode about 45 minute per outing then, but a whole lot more of them. This year, the number of times I rode is less, but I put more time in per ride. And again, like last year, my August has been a disappointment. I can only blame myself and lack of motivation caused by the fact that long rides alone suck.
So reading this excerpt of Jonathon Vaughter's, the manager for Garmin-Chipotle (nee Team Slipstream), ride with Senator Kerry (D-Mass) during last weeks DNC, I just want to go out and cruise. It's pretty amazing that a sitting Senator can keep up with a former pro cyclists. What's he do and when does he get the time to ride like that? And if he's fearless screaming down hair pin descents in the Rockies, what happened in 2004?
I know one thing: I'm in that 12mph lolly-gagging group. I have to get back to the 15 mph.
Labels: cycling, get off your butt, lotd, NewsRadio quote
Nozomi Sasaki
Originally uploaded by g2slp.
Labels: NewsRadio quote, Nozomi Sasaki, she's hot, so kawaii
Paul Krugman, "John, Don’t Go" Sept 1, 2008 NYTimes
Can I cheat at doing NewsRadio Quote Month? Maybe. It seems that most of my readers only have begun reading my blog in the last year or so when the blog impetus blew up with the seed and his crew. So let's go back to the begin.
Woah! This is too inside baseball to do. Have fun!! Click on the every 9.0x link in the registry on the right for more NewsRadio goodness.
Labels: lotd, meta, NewsRadio quote
Anna Faris plays the eponymous bunny girl, Shelly. She's kicked out of the Playboy mansion because of some nefarious playmate machinations. She looks for another home wherein the ladies are the best pals, and naturally (sarcasm!) she finds it in a sorority house. The girls of this sorority are the geekiest of the geekiest, worst than omega mus because they can't even keep more than seven members. Shelly teaches them to be cool and popular. She also learns to be studious and smart from them. But it is all about being true to yourself, and neither the sorority sisters nor Shelly act that way until the script allows them too.
Admittedly, I went for the bunny girl costume. Anna Faris is supposedly Goldie Hawn of the aughts. Maybe, but she needs better scripts and a better leading man than Colin Hanks. The movie was fun, but not funny. Dumb, but not making you dumb while watching it. Stupid, but all in good fun. It's popcorn for the brain. Too much isn't good for you.
3 of 5 stars.
Labels: movies, NewsRadio quote, review
Where are you now? And who are you with?
If I think about enjoying things, I feel sad
I weep all by myself at the movie that we saw together
The person who I love is faraway
Too faraway and I feel like crying
When I wake up tomorrow
Look, hope just might be born, Good night!
I still I still I love you!
I’m waiting waiting forever
I still I still I love you!
I won’t stop, Hi!!
In the depths of my slumber, my dream gives my memories a ‘One day’
And there were some lies in your words
Even though you embraced me
Saying, “I won’t let go” and “I’m only yours”
The promise softly disappeared in the dark night
I’m forever searching for
The person who I love
I’m sure that even when I wake up
I’ll still want to feel the illusion, Morning
I lost I lost I lost you!
You’re making making my music
I lost I lost I lost you!
Can’t we meet anymore? No!
The person who I love is faraway
Too faraway and I feel like crying
When I wake up tomorrow
Look, hope just might be born, Good night!
I’m forever searching for
The person who I love
I’m sure that even when I wake up
I’ll still want to feel the illusion, Morning
I still I still I love you!
I’m waiting waiting forever
I still I still I love you!
I won’t stop
I still I still I love you!
I’m waiting waiting forever
I still I still I love you!
We can meet again, right? Right!!
ENOZ featuring Suzumiya Haruhi, "Lost My Music" (thanks for English translation)
Labels: anime, lyrics, qotd, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Hey! Hey! It's NewsRadio Quote Month. I've changed my approach to it. While not all posts this month will be titled with NewsRadio quote. The Links of the Day will. That means at least 30 more NewsRadio quotes to make you laugh! You'll love it. Then you'll go down to your local B&N or Borders (or if you're the seed, to and pick up all five seasons of this show. Trust me. You'll love 'em.
Here we go!
Labels: lotd, meta, NewsRadio quote
Nozomi Sasaki
Originally uploaded by g2slp.
Labels: NewsRadio quote, Nozomi Sasaki, she's hot, so kawaii