"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, October 31, 2009
One thing about cycling alone that makes it difficult is that on those lonely back country roads, it gets spooky. You look over your shoulder and can imagine something or someone following you, and your cadence picks up moving you quickly away from whatever it was that had you spooked.

Now, at times I get spooked, but it is always just a figment of my imagination. I'm not one to worry to much about the spooks. They come and go, and I continue on pedaling to my goal. Yet, I can't help but think about a situation I ran into this past summer. On this spooky of evenings, let me tell you my tale. It may give you chills.

Butler Road is a favorite of the biking community. It can connect you to many other routes throughout Baltimore County, and it's relatively near civilization. It's in the beautiful valleys northwest of the city.

I make my way there all the time this summer. It's become part of my favorite biking routes. I've always wanted to climb the hill off of Longnecker Road in that vale. At the top is a radio tower, you can see it whenever you ride there, and it usually beckons. I've never been up that way, but finally, on one of my last rides, I decide to check it out.

It was on over cast summer day cool which is great for a bike ride. I go out and pass through Reisterstown Road, out to Timber Grove, which spits me out onto Dover. I bomb down the hill at 40 mph, then hang the left out onto Dover Road proper. I take the left onto Longnecker. A cloud occults the sun and it looks a little bit like rain. The wind kicks up. A head wind sucks. I put my head down and grind into the wind hoping that when I get to the base of the hill that it will shelter.

I reach the base of the hill. It's over a creek, around a bend, and through a stone quiet vale. The road hangs a right, then sharp left into the woods before the climb starts. I'm grinding up in a low gear. Half way up I pass an old lady walking her dog. Weird. Then I make it out of the woods, but the hill kicks up. It's next to a nice field, but the road gets steeper. I'm out of gears, so I focus on trying to get up the hill.

At the top you can see a farm. There's a false flat so that you don't see the crossroads. You climb up the steepest section, make it to the false flat which rises to the crossroads.

Up ahead I see another cyclist resting. He's tuckered from the climb too.

I pull up next to him. Huffing and puffing. Sit down and swig some water from my water bottle.


"I usually like this hill, it's less steep than the backside. But I wish the club ride wouldn't have left me behind."

"Club ride? Where to?"

"Carroll County and back. 40 miles. I'm late and must catch up."

Even though, I'm overheated, I feel a chill.

"I'm always trying to catch up to the group."

"I know how you feel. I'm a slowpoke myself." This is when I take a good look at my rest stop companion. He's an older gentleman riding an older bike: friction shifters and really only 10 speeds. Odd. The chills.

I look back down the hill, and see another cyclist coming up. His appearance startles me. I turn to the gentleman, but he's just muttering, "I must catch up."

The other cyclist reaches us. My rest stop companion, asks for directions out to Butler. The cyclist doesn't know, but continues on with his ride. He gives us a queer look as he pedals away. "Follow me, this is the usual club ride." My companion barely acknowledges.

"Well, I'm going right. Left should get you back to the group ride."

"Maybe I'll follow you."

And with that the chills come again. To be followed by this gentleman just somehow gives me the spooks something awful. I get on and pedal away, quickly.

Over the backside, the road is in terrible conditions. There's potholes and patches, its steep, and bumpy. I'm trying to go as fast as possible without crashing. I glance back on occasion to see if he's following. Nope. Thank, god.

I don't know, but that encounter always creeps me out. I don't know what happened to that guy, but it was always strange how he didn't know where to go and to be always trying to keep up. Who was that man? And why did he give me the chills?

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Happy Halloween!

Melissa Seraphy is wishing you a creepy and ghoulie all hallows eve! Enjoy the spooks.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
As much as I hate it, as much as I don't want it to happen, as much as it would suck, the Damned Yankees may win the World Series.

They won't win because of their money bought all the talent. They spent close to $200 million to sign their ace pitchers, Sabathia & Burnett, and the liar, Texeira. These guys contributed to the Yankees winning the AL pennant.

They won't win because of their veterans. Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, Andy Petitt, and Mariano Riviera are future Hall of Famers who are the best playing the game right now.

They may win it for one simple reason. The Curse on Mike Mussina has been lifted.

Mike Mussina was a Baltimore Oriole before he signed on with the New York Yankees in 2000 off season. He was the O's ace, a position he never attained for the Yankees. When he left, it broke a lot of fans hearts. And we cursed him and the Yanks.

He made it to two World Series (2001 & 2003). He lost. He lost out to the Red Sux as they sucked their way back into baseball posterity.

The Yankees lost with him in their rotation. Now he's not there. They may win the World Series.

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I read some of the blogs linked off of Camden Chat. Normally, it's an Orioles news site such as Roch Kubato (sp?) of MSN or other Orioles blogs such as Roar from 34, but some of the time I find time to check on Orioles specific blogs. One of the early ones was Orioles Card 'O' the Day. It takes a look at past and present Orioles via baseball cards. It's a cool site that allows you to see Orioles history and to remember some of the team's players.

Looking at all these baseball cards has gotten me to think about my own history of baseball card collecting. Yes, I've got baseball cards. It's what every all American male would have been doing as a kid. My brothers and my dad also contributed to this passion. My dad, especially, was keen on this hobby. He would buy us a pack or take us on to card shops and buy some older cards. He would continue to collect even when his sons out grew the hobby. We still have his boxed 1987 (year?) Topps complete collection somewhere, although, my older brother seems to be hoarding these for himself for safety (hee hee).

Anyway, visiting baseball card blogs recalls my fondness for those cardboard collectibles, and in particular my passion for it during the halcyon days of 1980. It was the year I truly bought lots of cards. They were only $0.25 for a pack. I remember buying lots at a time. Of course, the Orioles of that time were the only cards I really cared about. I have a fondness for Jim Palmer because of that year as I seemed to have many multiples of his card. The Pittsburgh Pirates cards I hated, and it seemed that I had plenty of the damned Kent Tekulve. I must burn his card any chance I get.

Today's link is to a baseball card blog that's going through each individual card of the 1980 Topps set. How nostalgic.


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Macross F Galaxy Tour FINAL - 23 - Lion @ Yahoo! Video

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Macross F Galaxy Tour FINAL - 17 - Diamond Crevasse @ Yahoo! Video

My favorite from Macross F.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009
"A mug is a mug in everything."

Colonel Harry Harrington (Charles Coburn), The Lady Eve

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Monday, October 26, 2009
I have to write this review in the light of day so that I don't freak myself out too much. It goes hand-in-hand with the fact that we saw Paranormal Activity during a matinee to avoid that creeping dread which would follow a showing at night.

You know that feeling, right? You leave the theatre at 10. You hang out for a little while, joking all the while. You walk to your car looking over your shoulder. You drive home checking the backseat in the rear view from time to time. Then you're back home, the lights are off, and you switch on all the lights plus the television to keep from realizing that you are alone in the house. The creepy crawlies visit your imagination. The hair on your arms stand up. Is that something upstairs?

Yes, Paranormal Activity has me slightly freaked out. I was restless when I got home and was somewhat afraid of going to sleep in my bed with the lights off. But I did because it's only a movie.

Paranormal Activity follows the fate of a couple who move into a home that they believe to be posessed. In a brilliant move to forestall the audience from talking to the screen, the story assigns the frightening activities to a demon who haunts the girl throughout her life. You can't even say, "Girl, just leave," because it will always follow. The girl's boyfriend is typically sceptical. He doesn't believe the demon to be real. It will take a demonstration of supernatural force to change his mind.

The movie was filmed, as all reviews must tell you, in the fake documentary style of The Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield. It's supposed to signify that this is real. There are no credits, beginning and ending, which contribute to the reality. But there are no ghosts. It's a demon which haunts the girl. For me, this was less disturbing than a good old ghost, as demons are not real, but ghosts, the spirits of the dead, could be.

Yet, as with all fake movies, Paranormal Activity leaves you scratching your head. Am I to believe this? Did I just go along with the joke? Why am I still creeped out hours later? Did the curtains move? Is that footsteps in my bedroom? What's the deal with the shadow in the corner? Paranormal Activity plays on you psychologically. There was no gore or dismembered bodies shown. Just good old fashion dread throughout the movie. As they fall asleep, what's next? And isn't that just plain creepy the way she...? What's with that noise? No respite even when it's over. The lack of end credits continues the dread and you can't just leave. Is this thing over or is there the final scare?

It's the anticipation of something bad is going to happen that hits the right marks. It's worth it just for the fright.


3 of 5 stars.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Macross F Galaxy Tour FINAL in Budokan - 03 - Galaxy Tour Medley @ Yahoo! Video

Care of Random Curiosity


Yotsuba!& Is Back!&
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Get your complete kawaii fix here!&

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Thursday, October 22, 2009
Someday. We're doing this. It's the Alleghany trail from Frostburg, MD, but what's cool is that you can get to it from the C&O. It will eventually get you to Pittsburgh for a good 350 miles of pedaling fun. Now that sounds like a good bike week. Let's see: 60 miles a day for 6 days. All on a rail to trail. I thought the C&O sounded tough.

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Congratulations are in order to the Philadelphia Phillies on clinching the National League Pennant last night with a win at home. They beat @Alyssa_Milano's Los Angeles Dodgers. Are they the One? Can they beat those damned Yankees.

I used to be rooting for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, but they probably won't make it past the most hated Yankees. The Angels need to extend the ALCS though and win the next two which would be awesome, but they won't. They've been playing with trepidation since winning the divisional round over the wack-ass Boston Red Sux, and losing two extra inning games do not help. They are shell-shocked, and can only hope to keep the series respectable. Good luck to them tonight. I'll be rooting, but not too hard.

As for the Phillies, they look invincible as they pounded the dodgers. What is awesome is their starting pitching which looks formidable. They may have enough strong arms to keep the Yankee juggernaut bats at bay. The Yankees starting pitching doesn't look as good. I can only think of two starters, and both are unimpressive. CC Sabathia, while having a very good second, can revert to the struggling son of a bitch that the Orioles beat in the season opener.

They Yankees will have to rely on their bullpen that is pretty strong, and that Mariano Rivera son of a bitch. He's part of my most favorite of Yankees moments, as he blows a save in 2001, the last time the most hated Yankees were in the World Series. Loved it. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

The Phillies will try to defend their champion status. They were part of the last memorable World Series for me, Toronto versus Philadelphia in the 1993 World Series. That was a great one with Joe Morgan winning the sixth and decisive game on a walk off homer. But there were the nail biters whenever "Wild Thing" came up. And there were characters with Philadelphia's John Kruk. It was great to watch that series. I remember rushing home just to see the games.

The Phillies were also the last team that our beloved Baltimore Orioles beat in a post season. The won it all 25 years ago! The Orioles haven't been to the post season since 1997 when they choked up a dismal performance to the Cleveland Indians. Hopefully, sometime soon, the Orioles will be playing for a playoff spot, and hopefully, sometime soon, yours truly would be going to a World Series in Baltimore.

As @Alyssa_Milano would say, "Peace, love, and baseball."

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Just a castaway, an island lost at sea, oh
Another lonely day, with no one here but me, oh
More loneliness than any man could bear
Rescue me before I fall into despair, oh

The Polics, "Message In A Bottle"

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This kind of looks sweet.

A Mac Mini Server. No DVD drive, but 2 500 GB drives. Make this headless and add in RemoteDesktop. Now that would be just what the doctored ordered for our network.


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I'm reading Scott Pilgrim, but am hearing Philip J. Fry in my head. They're the same character, right?

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Saturday, October 17, 2009
Well is it?



Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm gonna link a scanlation. It's to Cross Game by Adachi Mitsuru. It's one of the finest manga out there now. Mitsuru-sensei is the Japanese film director, Ozu, as a mangaka. Not in theme, but in the ability to establish atmosphere. He loves to extend time panel by panel.

Umm. You should be reading this.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wieters connects for 1st Homerun
Originally uploaded by wetwolf24.

We were at this game that night.

It was Marge@TheFishTank's two favorite teams going mano-a-mano.

It was also Adam Jones Bobblehead night.

It was also awesome for the Aubrey Huff homer late in the game to sock it away for the Orioles.

I again find things on Flickr that is awesome.

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MINI 50 Mayfair e MINI 50 Camden
Originally uploaded by streetsampa.

Saw the Mayfaire Cooper S version this morning. It's the brown one on the right in the picture. Except this one was brown all the way around no white two-tone roof combo. It was brand new.

It was beautiful. Sorry, Itsuki-chan, but I may have to trade you in.

Plus, they've got the Camden version which is a true white. Very nice.

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This blog can turn into any type of blog at a moments notice. It can seem to be about anime, manga, and 2D girls, then change on over to movie reviews. It can talk about the greatness of NewsRadio via NewsRadio Quote Month, and it can talk about the wackness that is George W. "President Fucktard" Bush. It'll dive into politics if I feel angry. It'll reminisce about past loves, lost loves, lost times, and good ol' times. It'll have thoughts about today, tomorrow, and the future. It is what I write it to be.

And at this point it'll turn into a sports blog. Baseball because that's what I'm thinking about for the past several months. If you don't like, it come back in another day, and it will be about something else.

Today's link will bring you to a debate about "Mr. October." In everyone's minds, it's Reggie Jackson. The way Alex Rodriguez has been on a tear, some people in New York thinks he ascended to the "Mr. Octorber" moniker. The link shows you their stats through 40+ games. They're similar and A-Rod actually has better numbers.

The problem is that Reggie has been on World Series winning teams, and A-Rod has not been. But that's because of the Divisional playoff rounds. A-Rod has to go through an extra layer to make it to the World Series. Reggie Jackson didn't. A-Rod's teams had to go through tougher, meaningful games with teams hellbent on making it to the glory of the World Series. He isn't "Mr. October" because he's not played in the hotter crucible of single series elimination.

But then A-Rod has played in more playoff games. His stats are loaded. The problem is that he was unable to bring home a title. That's why he's no "Mr. Ocotober." The World Series will end in November. Maybe A-Rod can be "Mr. November." Hee-hee.


(ht daringfireball.net)

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Sunday, October 11, 2009
Every baseball game I went to this season, I hoped to get a ball. One time it was hit straight to me and I dropped it. Another time I picked one up on the ricochet. I have a ball from the park! A sweet souvenir from a nice night at the Park.

This guy, he's got thousands, and he's at Camden Yards charging hard for more. Hats off to this guy. We'll see him next year in the stands, and we'll race him to the next batted ball.

(Love the part in the article where he gives tips: breasts, little cute kid these will get you a ball.)


(ht Camden Chat)

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Saturday, October 10, 2009
Funny article about Red Sox fans finding Anaheim standium unfriendly.

Cry me a river.

That's what happens when you think RedSox Nation extends anywhere you're at. Fuck those Red Sux fans. That how it should be. Now, if only the Orioles (and their fans) could do this I would be happy.

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Driving home in the rain and a state trooper pulls in behind me from York to Greenspring on Timonium. I eye him wondering why he pulled in behind me. Does he think I'm speeding? Acting weird? Suspicious? Maybe he just wants to get to the on ramp to 83. That is most likely it.

We're at the light by the Sunoco. Another car pulls in next to me on the right turn lane as the light turns green. I go. So does this car. Except he's following me across the intersection. Dude thinks that his lane can go straight. I'm fucking surprised. The light rain doesn't make it any better. I'm moving my car to the next lane over lucky that there is no traffic in the other lane.

The dude goes over the curb. I"m stopped honking my horn. I'm waiting for the flashing lights.

Fucking state trooper doesn't do shit. He's just watching the whole thing unfold still stopped at the light. I let this guy go. The fucking cop lets this guy go. Then he's following me. Me? Dude, that guy just was up on the curb. Light 'em up and ticket 'em. Shit why aren't you pulling that dude over? Where the fuck are COPS when you need it?


Friday, October 09, 2009
If you're counting at home:

The number of Democrats who were/are in the Executive Branch and Nobel Prize winners: 2
For Republicans: ZERO


Thursday, October 08, 2009
Doing some laundry.

Put it in washing machine at 8:30.

Go up to put it in the drier at 9:30 while watching MLB post season.

The wash wasn't done. It wasn't even started. The lid was up on the washing machine. Did I do that? Or.....!

I then let the wash continue. I wonder if it had enough soap or did it all wash away in the first rinse through? At least the clothes are wet.

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Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Yankees @ Orioles Opening Day 2009
Opening Day 2009

Toronto Blue Jays @ Baltimore Orioles, Oct 3, 2009
Penultimate Game, 2009

Caught several innings of tonight's Tigers-Twins game. Didn't see the win, but was impressed.

It's October ball. Can't wait for next year though...

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Monday, October 05, 2009

O's vs Blue Jays 100309
Originally uploaded by Margeeboo.

Here's your humble host waiting to get some baseball lovin' from the Toronto Blue Jays before the penultimat game. This is center-right in the bleachers. The Jays didn't have left-handed sluggers to crush it out here often, although I did get a ball via ricochet. Sweet!

We moved to left field to get some baseball lovin', but it was rowdy with old, white guys throwing 'bows as they scrambled for the loose ball. Catch it on the fly.

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Everyone loves Pixar. The CGI animation studio can do no wrong. Young, old, babies, kids, teenagers, adults, from the fat to the skinny, Constance to Wendy, all find something to admire about Pixar animation. Granted there are few neysayers. I, myself, find the last few Pixar films to be awkward in striking the balance of the storyline for all to enjoy.

Today's link takes you to Todd VanDerWerff's introduction to The House Next Door's Pixar week. It will be a good read, and good to watch for the rest of the essay's on that great animation studio, Pixar.



Sunday, October 04, 2009
Toronto Blue Jays @ Baltimore Orioles, Oct 4, 2009

With the sweep of the Toronto Blue Jays the Orioles end the 2009 season on a high note. We can forget the 13 losses before then, because all is forgiven when you win. So, so long to the Birds of Baltimore. It was a fun season, frustrating at times, but fun none the less. We'll see you in 2010.

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Toronto Blue Jays @ Baltimore Orioles, Oct 3, 2009

Just got back from the Orioles game. It's a WIN! They won't lose 100 games this season. Close, but no cigar.

We went to the game early. Ate at Faidley's again. Oysters, fried clams, and crab cakes. Plus a beer. Then we stroll down Howard to Camden Yards and get our tickets. I love that we suck, because you can get any seat in the house. I choose center left against the fence.

We get a beer at Pickles Pub waiting for the gates to open. When they do we collect our Orioles tankard, and wish we could've joined the Octoberfest festivities in the picnic area in center field. We go shag some fly balls in the bleachers during the Blue Jays batting practice. I get a ball!! It ricocheted off the back wall and into my glove. Sweet! We then switch up and shag balls near our seat. Nothing comes close as they tail off towards the foul poll.

The O's win! Can't wait for the last game of the season. See you there!

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Saturday, October 03, 2009
The Informant! is Homer Simpson. Most everytime that Matt Damon opened his mouth and talked about ADM I was thinking that he was Homer Simpson brought to life on the big screen. The cluelessness and the profound stupidity was all there. Matt Damon can do no wrong in channelling the buffoon, Homer Simpson.

The only problem Matt Damon is Matt Damon. I could not get past fat Matt Damon to imagine the actual protagonist which distracted me all movie long because he was supposed to be portraying a real man. Fat Matt Damon is still Matt Damon rather than the guy who brought ADM ignominy.

The film though was awkward. It was rated R, but I don't think there was any profanity, nudity, violence, or adult themes to warrant that rating. It was supposed to be a comedy, but wasn't of the Something about Mary type. It was very Coen-ish. It looked like the seventies, with clothes from the eighties, taking place in the nineties, and funky sixties fonts. The story was rambling. I couldn't tell the time frame when the actual events took place. Did he meet with the FBI months later? Or was it next week? No idea, because it all seemed to take place in a compressed time frame. One scene wasn't directly related to another scene in time. Awkward.

In the end, the film sorta rambled then it ends. It's an ending at least.

2 of 5 stars.

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Friday, October 02, 2009
"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone."

Opening monologue to "Twilight Zone" season 1

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Thursday, October 01, 2009
Really cute asians can make you cry.


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Because I've seen another movie since I saw this one, I have to write up my thoughts and/or review on the latest Mike Judge film, Extract. But, for real, I completely forgot I saw this film until TheSeed, as we were leaving the theatre reminded me.

Extract follows the same Mike Judge movie release M.O: A misleading ad campaign, a less than stellar opening weekend, an early, ignominious exit. Maybe it would follow the rest of his other movies and become a hit on video and constant rotation on Comedy Central. Maybe. It's got a chance. It fits right in after Waiting and before Employee of the Month.

The bad ad campaign starts with the misleading idea that Mila Kunis is the love mistress there to steal Jason Bateman's heart. She's there, but her story is completely different.

The movie is terrible. Not very funny. Completely forgettable. Don't watch until it comes on Comedy Central. Although, it did make Kristen Wiig look kind of cute. But that's not enough.

2 of 5 stars.

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