"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and days of old lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

Auld Lag Syne, Robert Burns

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I'm avoiding my queue of reviews to write by writing my thoughts on the movies of this past decade. I'm not gonna list them as the best what's the point as I am an amateur at movie reviewing. I can't also put them as the best because I've only seen a fraction of the movies put out during the past 10 years. I really didn't start to get serious about movie going until perhaps 2002 and since I didn't have a blog to jot down my reviews I don't really remember many of them. I've really seen lots, some good, some bad, some good I found bad, and some bad I found good. It's just too much to list out, and anyway the Seed will complain about something.

So instead, since I did come back to enjoying watching movies, I'll tell you how movies that made me have fun in the theatre or on DVD: my favorite moments from my movie viewing over the past 10 years. While I'm gonna try to stick to movies released during the past decade, I'm gonna meander to some older films.

Trying to figure out this list, the only movie to jump out of my memory quickly is The Incredibles (2004). This is the point where I thought Pixar and American animation has grown up. You can make animated CG movies that go beyond kids fare. Of course, it didn't turn out completely this way as Pixar still adheres to family flicks, but they showed flashes of brilliance in their successive films after The Incredibles. Still, The Incredibles will always remind me of the joy of watching movies. Its score is still much a favorite. I remember sitting in the theatre and cheering just as the trumpets blare in "Marital Rescue." Love that cue. And so that is how these films will be on this list: fun and moving.

The second film to pop out of my memory is The Queen. Why? No idea, but I was shocked in my response to it. I thought as I watched, "This is a really good film." It was and I still think of that stag. But what connects me to this film is the day Diana died. I was at a bar after a shift at work. I drank a toast to the dead Princess.

Let's go the DVDs, The Parent Trap and Rushmore always are the movies of the year 2000 for me. The former picture was my favorite at the start of the year because Lindsay Lohan is just so darn cute in it as both Hallie and Annie. Go Annie! Plus, it was the movie I watched the most as my dad lay dying. The latter film reminds me of my dad's funeral and the wistful, melancholy of those days. That's the way the decade started and those two are the movies I remember for the year 2000.

One sleeper hit for me during the past decade has to be Wicker Park. I think it is unappreciated because of the two stars. Shaggy and the dude from Pearl Harbor, but it did have Rose Byrne and the hottie whose face launched a thousand ships. Little did I know how much I would dig the film going in. The unrequited love, the play on Shakespeare, Shakespeare's plays, all contribute to me liking the flick. Love was illusory for me this past decade. I'll just continue wistfully thinking I will find it.

Duplicity is another movie I enjoyed in the theatre. Fun to guess the plot twists.

The Lord of the Ring trilogy was something every Tolkien fan waited for. It doesn't live up to the books and your imagination, but it still is something to behold. I caught every one at the midnight showing. I remember fighting off sleep for the Fellowship. I just wanted to see Moria and the Balrog. I remember wondering why they changed Theodred's motivation in the Two Towers. I remember the glee I had to see the ride of the Rohirrim in Return of the King. Those where moments that made me glad to see Tolkien in live action.

I'll have to put Hitchcock on this list. From watching Vertigo, Notorious, Rear Window, and The Birds on DVD from Netflix or watching them at The Charles Hitchcock will always be the master of movies.

Finally, anime and with it Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away. The best animated film of the decade. Yes, even better than The Incredibles, because it is so touching and poignant in its themes of searching for identity and environmental awareness. Miyazaki is how I thought Pixar would mature to being. Not yet, but maybe they'll get there.

That's about all the movies I care to remember for the decade. Every time I think about movies, I remember the fun I had. Like the guy calling Spidey a bitch during Spiderman 2. Or the lady grabbing my arm as she cooed with delight for the abs of 300. I remember watching and not seeing any of the fright movies I went to see in the theatre (The Grudge, Drag Me to Hell, etc.).

It will always be about the experience of movie watching. The movies will come and go. There will be good and bad ones. There will be ones that make you laugh, make you cry, make you think, make you love. There will always be movies to watch. Here's to those in the past, and here's to those in the future.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
For a moment there Up In The Air tried to be about redemption. A man lives his life on the road afraid of commitments, relationships, baggage, but with the help of three women in his life he finds that life is more than traveling. Then a twist that you knew had to be coming comes and the movie gets our leading man back on the road where he belongs.

The trailers lead you to believe that George Clooney finally gets off the road to now where. He doesn't. He is defined by the mileage and the rental cars and the gold club and the flying. Girls try to change him. But it really isn't him. And so he stays the same. All the better for it.

I didn't like that he didn't change. I thought he would and we would have a feel good movie. When he didn't, I felt lost. I wanted to fly away from the theatre.

Are there moments in my life where traveling would be fun? Yes. Do I like to fly? No. Especially if there are pantsu bombers out there.

3 of 5 stars

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It was a fun time with the family. Eating food. Chatting with relatives. Drinking in the fun. The giving and receiving of gifts is the highlight of the night. You need a Santa Claus to do the duties or else it will be madness. When you hand out the gifts, a Santa will make it more organized.

Santa will give out the presents. The recipient will jump with joy. Then file back up later for more presents.

Either that or just hand the presents out. The recipient and the parents will lose track of the presents. Who got what? Who gave what? Where is it?

You really need a Santa Claus to handle it all.


I'm gonna service the queue and the first movie up is Avatar which I saw opening night before the big snow storm in surreal "IMAX" 3D.

I was always very skeptical on the look of the film. James Cameron spent upwards of $300 million on this movie and in the commercials it looks like a Halo cut scene. With my 3D goggles on that first night, it looked like $300 million on the screen, and it did not look like a cut scene. It looked pretty awesome and pretty, too. All that $300 million to render and make the physics look good was worth it. But that $300 million did not pay for a story.

The movie's plot has been compared to Dances With Wolves and other films of white guys going to the natives. And it sure was very similar. The Terminator guy loves his blue skinned honey. He loves his blue skinned avatar as well as it gives him the mobility that this shriveled legs lack. He gets his legs back and his soul back to save a planet. And of course to condemn another planet to death.

Avatar had weird politics. It asked the audience to cheer for the Indians as they slaughter the pioneers. It asked the audience to choose to root for the insurgents as they blew up IEDs on the unsuspecting soldiers. It asked the audience to be bigoted against the other. For a group of people that valued a universal emotional/physical bond, the Nav'i sure hate those that are not the same. They expel the humans from Nav'i world with extreme prejudice. I don't understand why they let some humans stay.

Avatar also had weird concept of evolution. Does it work the same way on planet Nav'i as it does on earth? Then what's up with the ethernet jacks. I wonder how these things evolved, and what is the evolutionary need of such a thing on all the things there.

The visuals were a feast for the eyes, but I was too busy trying to understand the evolution of these species to fully get into the movie.

The battles were pretty good, James Cameron is a cheese master though, the movie had a Phantom Menace vibe as it could not live up to the hype, and I couldn't help but notice that it was a mash up of many different movies: Princess Mononoke, The Matrix trilogy, Dance With Wolves, etc. Cameron is frustrating on the story end.

3 of 5 stars.

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Bought three packs today at the comics shop. Culled them from the middle the stack in the box. Got another B Rob. But then in the final pack got another signed mini, Scott Elbert of the LA Dodgers. I have no idea who he is as well. I should ask @Alyssa_Milano. But in that pack as well was this:

Cool! Gold foil Ty Cobb number 1 of 50! That's pretty sweet. Of course, when I checked ebay this card was only going for $5.00. Darn I was hoping that it was a more valuable card.


... Is backing up. Must find time to out thought to paper for Avatar, Up In The Air, Sherlock Holmes and Nine. I've just spent too much time in the theatre to write my review down.


Monday, December 28, 2009
Putting your sugar water into a 9 ounce can is not innovative.

Setting up a website to tout how innovative you are is itself not innovative.

I'll wait for your tweet about it.


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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Did I ever tell you I'm a sucker for girls in glasses? Mmm. Nozomi, megane. o.0

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

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Friday, December 25, 2009

We wake up to find that it is Christmas day! Huzzah!

The Christmas goose is cooked and waiting for us.

Family and friends too. Waiting to share in the holiday warmth.

Good cheer for all men. Good thoughts for all. Peace.


Thursday, December 24, 2009
Let's all get some holiday cheer!

BrowserMetrics wishes you and yours Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

If you hadn't seen this, I suggest you take the time to watch all 7 parts. Good stuff and true.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I am done with my Holiday Challenge, 102,655 meters.

I still have a couple of days left at work to add to the total except I'm finished working out for the year. This decision came hard to do as I still enjoyed the exercise, but I'm disappointed with the reward from the challenge. For those many meters, I only made $2.11 for the charity of my choice! That's it! I'm so disappointed that all motivation has left me. Another 10,000 meters for the next 2 days would've only net an extra $0.40. Should I do it for so little? I think not especially since I absolutely don't want to be here for the rest of this week.

So, it's good to take the next two weeks as rest and reformulate my exercise goals for the upcoming year. I think I'll be including the rowing machine in my routine, but not as much meters. I averaged 30,000 meters for these past three weeks excluding yesterday. That's a lot and my knees kind of hurt. I'll probably try to do half as much in less time. I'll want to increase my treadmill time as that is a good way to build stamina quicker than the rowing machine. I'll want to do more resistance training which I abandoned on this quest.

Welp, it looks to be a nice ending and a good thing for the future. I've got some goals.

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Monday, December 21, 2009
Next time, to get into the Christmas spirits just put on the soundtrack to "A Charlie Brown Christmas." The opening bars of the opening song, "O Tannenbaum," is so holiday is ridiculous.

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Sunday, December 20, 2009
Trying to collect the base cards and the Polar Bear minis. Especially the Orioles

Then I got some minis that are supposedly signed by the players. Here's the couple that I've got.

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Saturday, December 19, 2009
It may feel like Christmas now.

Cold. Snowing. A Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack playing on "Christmas Time is Here." The presents are wrapped.

More of this. With the ones you love.

It would be Christmas. Now if I can only find the good cheer for my fellow men.

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Will this make up for the debacle of Endless Eight?

I'm hoping so, because I am so psyched for this. I'm getting the bit torrent client ready.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Which section? Still trying to figure it out. I want left field. I want right next to the Oriole dugout. I want to sit in the bleachers or behind the plate.

8? 10? 12? 16? 17? 66? 68? 80? 82? 334?

I want sunshine but shade. I want close to the action, but cheap.

Thinking about thirteen tickets in the same spot makes me depressed.

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Sometimes I wish for three ghosts to visit me and remind me of what Christmas is all about. Either that or to have a thumbsucking optimist telling me of the first Christmas.

Where has my Christmas spirit gone?

It most likely disappeared when I basically stopped going to church. It's not that I despise religion. It's that I despise organized religion. On one hand the Church professes to be God's representative on earth and on the other hand they have many despicable men in their employ. If God is infallible, why do we have to listen to men that can get it wrong?

Religion also gets my goat. It is used as a cudgel to hammer prejudice home into people's minds.

Christmas? Bah humbug.

Yet, the idea of Jesus Christ is interesting and makes one happy. I can dig that guy and his hippy ideas. Why did religion mess up his message? Isn't it enough that they're living off his fame? Can't the religious do anything right?

So, I'll just continue on and try to make things seem like Christmas. I'll read Dickens. I'll watch the ol' blockhead. I'll try to catch the Christmas cheer.


You've probably never heard of An Education (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1174732/). Me too. But we caught it at the Landmark down by the harbor. Then we got some drinks at the Irish pub.

The movie is adapted from the writer's memoirs as she grew up in England. She's skipping school, dumping her sixth form boyfriend, and hanging out at art auctions with a cad. He takes her to Paris, introduces her to mature things, and takes her virginity. Oh, to be young, English and in love!

You just know that it can't be so straight forward. There'll be some measure of violence, physical or emotional, visited upon our young heroine. The rules of a memoir always state that you must first be naïve, then the world must come crashing down on you, then you emerge wiser than your years.

Our young heroine was played by Carey Mulligan who, in this film, was a dead wringer for the traveling pants girl. I swear to kami-sama that it was her, but had to wait for the credits to figure out if it was her. It wasn't and I was delighted and disappointed. What's her name again? And will I care later?

My problem with the film is that I didn't really connect with the girl. What was it supposed to be like to be 16, English, sixth form, stressed at A levels? I don't know, so I couldn't connect. And after a bit I didn't care. I wanted to see the violence heaped on her, but that violence was so benign that it deflated the movie. That was it? The big revelation? Meh.

So, I can like it for the cad from London but overall: meh. I think I drank the next to nights and forgot all about this movie. The rating reflects the lack of hatred towards or attraction to this movie. It's middle of the road for me.

3 of 5 stars.

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Brooks Robinson, Mr. Oriole, is getting a statue at Oriole Park at Camden Yards. From what I can tell, they are planning on placing it on the median strip by the bars across the stadium. This is not a good location to honor one of the best Orioles ever.

I would like to see them move the Babe Ruth statue and put Brooks there. While Babe Ruth can claim a Baltimore birth right, he'll always been known as a Yankee. Babe Ruth may be the best known baseball player ever, but he doesn't capture the hearts of Baltimore fans like Brooks Robinson.

Put Babe Ruth closer to the Babe Ruth museum. Put Brooks Robinson closer to the Baltimore fans right there on Eutaw Street.


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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I'll second that notion that if you want your 100 nazi scalps, then head on over to Nazi Scalps @ One Little Seedling.

(I'm trying to live vicariously through the seed's statcounter numbers.)


Monday, December 14, 2009

Rocking out at Koopers
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Drunk revelry interrupted by music.

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Friday, December 11, 2009
I feel naked without my iPhone.

Left it right on my coffee table. I looked right at it a minute before leaving. Said to myself, "Don't forget the phone." Threw on my coat and just left. iPhone is still on my coffee table.

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Once more, how does this work?


Thursday, December 10, 2009
Ninja Assassin (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1186367/) is a second rate movie with second rate actors directed by a hack and is only worth your while if you really want to see ninjas. Since I was in the move for ninjas (who will be the pirates for the next decade), I saw this movie for shits and giggles and was I ever disappointed.

I'm not looking for a ninja movie being Citizen Kane. I'm not even looking for it to be Die Hard. I just want it to have exciting ninja scenes and fights. Ninja Assassin gave me mediocre ninja scenes and incomprehensible fights.

Ninjas scaling the walls: fine. Ninjas creeping along quietly: expected. Ninjas dealing death from the shadows: YES! More please. Ninjas in love: Hunh? I can deal with the love story. All movies are love stories in the end. Just these ninjas in love fell in love during their ninja training at the secret ninja camp under the vengeful eye of the strict, evil ninja sensei. Not what I expected.

The action scenes are also not what I was expecting. I thought that we would get asian cinema action, but instead got american cinema action. Asian cinema action while chaotic is beautiful to watch because you can see what is happening. American cinema action has devolved into incomprehensible movement. It's hard to see what is going on, who is hitting whom, or what is damaging what. The action simplified into limbs being hacked off and digital blood spraying. That blood looked absolutely fake, too, kind of like those pornos with digitally enhanced ejaculation.

Even if all complaints were addressed, it would've been hard to make up for the lame story. It's a tale of revenge. The Ninja Assassin must go back to his clan and kick their ass for killing what he holds dear. He makes it back to the secret hideout and with the help of Interpol and massive firepower (Why have a big bang shootout for the finale? Where's the ninja swords?). Would it spoil your fun if you know that he triumphs? Then don't worry. There are nine clans of ninja assassins so that a sequel could be written for the Ninja Assassin to take out the other clans.

Ninja Assassin -- bah humbug!

2 of 5 stars

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Originally uploaded by SF Brit.

This is for all one of my readers. CapitolSwell have you been here?

Found via: http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/9/view/8346/subway-architecture.html

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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Just a pretty version of a favorite of mine from 2008, Lost My Music, from the hit anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

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I'm about two weeks into the Holiday Challenge and I'm completely pooped. Eight full days of working out: 5 workdays last week and 3 days so far this week. The title says it all. I have about 10 days left. Maybe I can do it.

The first week, last week, I was doing 5000 meters plus 1 mile on the treadmill a day. My knees were aching because 30000 meters was more than I have done in a week. It was 100% more and I feeling it. So this week. That mile is gone. I was also working out. Maybe next week my gym workout would only be rowing on the rowing machine.

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Monday, December 07, 2009

You need to rock out on your coffee break.

You're welcome!


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"What I'm thinking in my head is, 'Well, the truth is, Brian, we can't solve global warming because I fucking changed light bulbs in my house. It's because of something collective'."

President Obama talking about the inanities of our national press specifically that fucktard Brian Williams.

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Sunday, December 06, 2009
The end of the year and the end of the aughts brings another list of movies. Like the previous ones, these movies are rated 4 stars and above when I wrote the review. Most likely, if I re-watch them, they wouldn't be rated so high.

Star Trek (5)
Drag Me To Hell (4)
Duplicity (4)
I Love You, Man (4)
Watchmen (4)
The Wrestler (4)

Every year, the lists seems to get shorter. I'm either being more judgmental of the films I saw this year or my taste is getting more refined. I admit that this year I have missed lots of movies in the theatre. I shouldn't have published my list until seeing the movies of December, but I doubt I would ever get to those coming out this month. I'll update if appropriate. I can't wait to see yours.

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I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

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Saturday, December 05, 2009

As the title says, "Episode 4" of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I think watching this episode made me want to watch some baseball. You could say that Suzumiya-sama was the one that got me back into watching baseball.

This is the middle part, but the rest of the episode is pretty awesome as well. You should watch the whole thing.

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Friday, December 04, 2009
Earlier tonight, me and the usual suspects were at our usual haunt, the bookstore. I didn't bother getting a volume of manga or a book, because my nightstand is currently full. The seed did. I'm at the usual haunt so often that I've accumulated plenty of books. It may almost be impossible to read them all. Except that you buy them, you must read them.

Here's how I am getting through them.

I've decided to read more than one book at a time. "Incredulous!" you say. But that is the only way you can get through the backlog. When you read a book, and you find that it sucks, but don't want to not finish, then you're stuck if you only read one at a time. If you're on several books, you can always switch from the sucky one to the good one. It will take longer but you'll eventually finish the sucky one.

I've also kept a bathroom book. When conducting you're business, read a few pages or a chapter or two. But be careful, your may feet fall asleep.

Finally, know when to say when. If the book really does suck, and you wont finish it. Cut your losses. Start a new book. Forget the sucky one forever perhaps donate to library.

Those are some of the tips I shared with the usual suspects. If you've got more then feel free to share in comments.


Thursday, December 03, 2009
Which US presidents appear on paper currency?


What is it good for?

So, President Obama surged some troops into Afghanistan following in President Fucktards surge into Iraq. I thought we elected this guy for change. We continue to do the same stupid fucking things. When will we get a leader who'll grow some big brass ones?

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Wednesday, December 02, 2009
What's the etiquette for when you enter a bathroom stall as someone leaves? Do you make a comment? Do you act offended? Or do you suck it up and hold your snarkiness in, because you're about to add to the atmosphere?

Just wondering. (I was the one leaving, and another came in immediately as I walked out the stall.)

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As a way to stave off the weight gain during the holidays, I'm trying to participate in Concept 2 Rowing's Holiday Challenge. It is a way to donate to charity and get exercise at the same time. I say I'm trying because the Challenge kicks money to charity only if you do 100,000 meters between November 26 and December 24. So currently I haven't contributed any money to charity as I am only at 13,636 meters as of today. Just another 86,364 meters!

My plan is to do at least 5,000 meters every day at the gym at work where the only rowing machine is available to me. I'm also still working out and I usually add a cooldown jog on the treadmill of at least 1 mile. I'll be burnt out by Christmas, but maybe I'll be fitter.

Anyhow, if you need a training partner, look me up.


Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Bob Herbert knocks one out of the park today. He knows that the US is facing tough choices. He knows that the President is facing tough choices. He knows we are facing tough choices. Sadly, he knows we like to take the easy way out.

We have decided to fund our military industrial complex in order to conduct wars, wanted or unwanted. Rather than spending money to benefit our populace, we're spending money for helping other countries. We don't want to spend money helping ourselves, but we don't even want to spend money to help other countries really. We want me to keep the money.

That's no way to run a country. Until we realize that spending is spending, we'll never get to being as great as we think we are.


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December 1, 2009. Look at that date. 12-01-09. Twelve. One. Zero-nine.

It is finally here.

The end of the year is coming, and with it, the end of the decade. The first one of the 21st century. It seemed like it was only yesterday that we had just worried about Y2K. It seemed like it was only yesterday that we had nothing to fear. It seemed like it was only yesterday that the future was bright.

But now the future is here and it isn't like anything we thought it was going to be. It has changed. Not as glorious as we would've liked. Everything and more as it was meant to be. What is it that has come before this day? What is it that will be from here on out? The past is certain. The present is clear. The future starts now.

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