"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Friday, May 28, 2010
Is there a more disappointing album of a movie soundtrack than the CD of "When Harry Met Sally?"

The movie did not feature Harry Connick, Jr., but the album has him in spades. Songs sung by classic crooners of the past are sung by Connick on the official soundtrack album. "It Had to be You" sung by Frank Sinatra in the movie sung by Connick. A favorite Gershwin standard, "Our Love Is Here to Stay," sung by Louis Armstrong is sung by Connick. "Winter Wonderland" is Connick on the soundtrack but Ray Charles in the movie.

It was a bad bait and switch.

What would've been a sweet album with the classic singers becomes lessened with Harry Connick, Jr. as the vocalist to many of the more memorable tunes from the movie. The album reminds you that Harry Connick, Jr. has a long way to go to become a favorite.

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Thursday, May 27, 2010
Dewey Beach

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Dewey Beach

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Saturday, May 22, 2010
I'll buy you a Cadillac, ah, ah, I'll buy you a Cadillac,
I'll buy you a Cadillac if you'll just give me some of your love now, yeah,

The Animals, "Hey Gyp"

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Mmm. Good. Mmm. Good.
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

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I'll buy you a Ford Mustang, I'll buy you a Ford Mustang,
I'll buy you a Ford Mustang if you'll just give me some of your love now

The Animals, "Hey Gyp"

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

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I'll buy you a Chevrolet, I'll buy you a Chevrolet,
I'll buy you a Chevrolet if you'll just give me some of your love girl

The Animals, "Hey Gyp"

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Read Joe Posnanski. He's a sports writer for Sports Illustrated, but his blog and his Twitter account contain great observations about baseball and sports. His beat is the Kansas City Royals. They are viewed as a worst franchise than the Baltimore Orioles which is hard to believe. The two teams are the bottom teams of the American League and are always at the bottom in all of baseball. Last year, the Royals had it worst. This year it's the Orioles. Both are going nowhere fast. Last night they played a game which four people came to the Yard to witness. Sadly, the Orioles being the worst team in all baseball lost again.

Whenever Joe Posnanski writes about the Royals, I read it as applying to the Orioles. You just need to change the names of the players, but the losing ways are the same. Can't hit. Can't pitch. Can't catch. Can't throw. The story's the same for both teams. It's always amusing. Bad baseball is the same all over.


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Sunday, May 16, 2010
I saw Iron Man 2 on opening weekend last week, and it's taken me this long to write up a review and my thoughts on the film. Actually, I started this review immediately after catching the $5 morning showing at AMC, but never got anywhere with it. The review originally castigated Jon Favreau's seemingly slow direction, but I deleted that and started over. Here's what I've got so far.

Iron Man 2 starts off with Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark arrogantly displaying his Iron Man suit to the world. He is Iron Man, and no one can take that away from him. It is his not the United States government, nor the intellectual property of Ivan Vanko, nor the ripped off version found in Stark Industries competitor Hammer. It's his toy.

And it's Downey's movie. Iron Man was always Downey's. He made the original his. He makes this one his as well. Tony Stark is a big jerk arrogant and profane, but a genius. So is Downey.

Avengers was not my comic book to read growing up. Not Captain America. No Wasp. No Ant Man. A little bit of Thor. Some Hulk. Hardly any Iron Man. Watching the movie, reminded me that I really didn't miss too much. If Tony Stark was as jerky in the comic as he was in the movie, I could leave it. Perhaps, that's why I can enjoy Iron Man. There is no expectations that I've built up. I don't know his back story, side story or tales. I have no idea who his main enemies were. I have no clue who his friends were. Iron Man's blank slate as a comic book hero makes it enjoyable to watch. The less baggage the better the movie. I racked myself with frustration over the X-Men movies.

There's plenty of action in Iron Man 2 although it don't happen in big set pieces and hardly until the end. It's good. You'll see it.

3 of 5 stars.

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Here's a video that I was supposed to post last April. I don't know what I was going to say, but it probably has to do with wanting to ride a bike to work. Wouldn't that be awesome! Anywhoo, enjoy, and please tell me what this is all about.

Copenhagen - City of Cyclists from Colville Andersen on Vimeo.

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Friday, May 14, 2010
May is slowly but inexorably slipping away. Pretty soon Memorial Day will be here and the start of summer. The heat and humidity will arrive soon to bring some misery to those summer days. Currently, the Baltimore nine are doing fine by misery. They've started the season with the second worst start any of their fans could imagine: a 2-16 apacolypse of bad hitting, terribly fielding, and abysmal relief pitching. There starters held there own, but lack of runs and lack of quality relief pitching doomed the Baltimore nine.

I've been to several games. The opening day was joy until the final innings. The next two were no better: home team giving up four runs while scoring a measly one. Then, in comes Seattle. They're offense is even worse than ours even with Ichiro. Baltimore also has games against other woeful teams as Cleveland and Kansas City. It is a battle of the losers.

After another tearful offensive perfomance against Cy Young winner, Cliff Lee, on Tuesday, the Orioles were able to battle for two straight wins. It lifts the city and the fans hearts out.

I attended both games. Wednesday in the rain, Baltimore's silent bats came alive for 5 runs on 11 hits. Thursday the bats were dead again as Seattle's ace, Felix Hernandez, took it to the home team allowing 1 run on 3 hits. That day started off gray, but the sun came out. In the last half of the eighth, with Brandon League relieving Hernandez, the sun shone brightly for Baltimore.

Brandon League has a hard time in Baltimore every time I attend a game. Last year, he closes out a four game finale for the Toronto Blue Jays by blowing another save and tossing the game away on a throwing error. Thursday, he gives up two home runs, one of which is a grand slam to starting to heat up Luke Scott. The grand slam is the game winner.

The final out happens at the plate on an Ichiro hit, a Corey Patterson throw, and a beautiful tag from Matt Weiters. It brought joy to the fans. Maybe baseball will heat up again in Baltimore.

I took the day off. The Yard was filled with kids. They made it loud, but screechy whenever they cheered. I was in dead center waiting for Ichiro or Luke Scott to bomb it there. They both hit a homer on either side of me. A Mets fan brought his buddies to root for the Orioles: high fives were exchanged during the triumphant blasts!

Anyway, I'm now 2-3 this year. I've still got nine season ticket games. And I can't wait for more winning.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010
First Post!

Has it been six years?

Yup. Today is BrowserMetrics's birthday! Happy birthday to me!

I would like to thank all six of my readers. With all of you showing up two years into my blogging. It is nice to think that I've got someone reading at least. I know I'm worldwide, too.

Here's to another six more.

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I currently am mired in self-loathing because of my job. I fucking hate it so much that I wish weekends were six days long. I fucking hate it so much that I don't want to get out of bed. I fucking hate it so much that I can't do any work at all so I spend my days surfing the web. (Shh. Don't tell my managers. Ha ha, fuck 'em.)

Anyway check out the latest Windows Mobile 7 screen shots. http://www.winsupersite.com/mobile/wp7_rc_shots.asp

Now, my current assignment has me working in Java (Damn you), writing interface code using Swing (Damn you), and being my own UX expert. If I know one thing, I am not a UX expert. The one thing about this Windows Mobile 7 screenshot: it looks as shoddy as the work I am doing now. I suck. And yet, so do the Windows Mobile 7 do too. WTF!

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Posting this to the blog as a reminder.

Maybe this should've been a tweet.

Ehh. Who cares? No one's reading anyway.

Suck it, Matt Lauer!


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You will LOL.

Except if you've never considered anything about programming languages.

I figure that's most all of you.

I guess I'm the only one LOL'ing.

I'm terribly geeky.


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Sunday, May 09, 2010
Departures (Okuribito) was the 2009 Oscar winner for best foreign picture. I was browsing my Netflix recommendations to fill out my queue to the "recommended" six movies when I saw this. I remember wanting to watch it after reading the blurbs for the movie as I prepared the ballots for my Oscar pool, so I added it to my queue. This may have been several weeks ago since it takes me at least three weeks to watch one DVD received from Netflix. Luckily, I had this DVD for a couple of days before watching it. I am glad I did because it was a nice movie. I'm not sure if it was the better of the five nominees, but I was moved by it.

Departures is about a cellist who has to move back home to the country from Tokyo after the orchestra he played in disbanded. He moves into the house his mother left for him when she died. The one which was his father's coffee house, but turned into a corner bar after his father left his family. He moves back with his wife who dutifully followed him but is inwardly disappointed in this setback.

In his hometown, he searches for a job and the only one he finds is that of a casketeer (?), they prepare the bodies of the recently departed before their funeral. It is not a very respectable career as he finds his friends and his wife embarrassed for him. Yet, as he goes about learning the customs, he finds an inner peace that allows him accept it and an inner strength that to prosper at it. His wife doesn't and she leaves him only to return if he decides to find a new job. His boss convinces him that he was meant to be a casketeer (?). He finds, through the acceptance of the job, what it means to live.

This movie shows the dignity that is extended to the recently deceased in the meticulous preparation of the body. This is expressed through the casketeer (?) trying to make the body beautiful for their families. The lowly work is elevated once the casketeer (?) goes through the elaborate ritual. The families who enlist their services are grateful to them because it makes their last goodbyes just a bit better. The respect shown to the bodies is reflected back at them for the work that they do.

Reconciliation happens for the couple when she comes back to their house to tell him she's pregnant. She begins to accept her husbands job as she sees that he is suited for it and that it is a dignified career. She finally accepts his work when he must prepare the body of his estranged father. She grew to love him all over again watching the ceremonial preparations of the body. It makes him human and a man.

The death of his father allows him to put to rest his past. He doesn't at first want to go, because he doesn't remember his father, but his wife and his co-workers cajole him to go. There he finds that although they never saw each other for over thirty years, his father still had thoughts of him in his heart. He prepares his body, his wife loves him, and they share this moment for them and for their future.

I'll admit that I shed a few tears in this movie. Watching it brought back memories of the days leading up to my father's funeral. Dignity is extended to the dead and it is acceptable to know and celebrate them. When we can accept it, we can accept death as a part of living. It is paying respect to the dead that we can go on living for the future. It is for the past, a way for looking towards the future, and an acceptance of our present.

4 of 5 stars.

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Saturday, May 08, 2010
When I first started reading manga, I stuck to safe shonen stuff, usually ecchi. I stayed away from shojo (girls) manga, because the sparkly screen tone and the big eyed girls and handsome men scared me. Eventually, though, I had to pick up a shojo series. Once I did I found that it wasn't so bad. Those sparkly screen tones weren't so bad. Not all the series I read featured them, and when they showed up, sparkles! The big eyed girls not so scary either. But still the handsome men (or boys), they still are aloof and mean, but important.

I like shojo. It's another genre to explore. There are good stories found in it. I hope you read some too.

Shonen. Now there's something that's become scary.


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Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Gridbag you suck. Yes. You. Do.


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Saturday, May 01, 2010
So I started getting my stuff in order in my house. Things are still scattered all over my house, but I spent most of the morning cataloging my books using Delicious Monster's Library. I've got lots and lots and lots of books almost 400, and I've yet to go into my office with the bookshelves. Tons of the books are manga. I'm gonna have to get rid of quite a few, because I can't bear to re-read them or I didn't like in the first place.

I decided to make use of the local used bookstore in town, Ukazoo. I know they buy books back, so I pack up my eight volumes of Black God and the volume of Biomega to test drive the book buy back. I'm no longer fascinated with Black God, and Biomega is not my cup of tea.

Into a bag they go, and I am off to Ukazoo. I drop them off at the buy back desk and wander around the store giving them a chance to decide how much they will pay me for used books.

Ukazoo's manga section is somewhat sparse and features many older titles. I would like to grab a few, but that would defeat my purpose for coming here -- to offload my junk without gaining any new junk.

I get back to the buy back desk. $4.98. Couldn't they just make it a nice round $5?

I ask if they get any manga. She says they do, but they usually go to the warehouse to be sold online!!

So, I paid about $100 for 9 volumes of manga. They'll buy it back for $5. They'll then sell the manga for $4 a piece. I don't know whether to feel outraged or relief.

On the one hand, my money is gone and I am not even coming close to recouping the cost. The store is gonna make good scratch off of me. On the other hand, my house is a smidge less cluttered. On the third hand, they only gave me $4.98!

Is the cost of having a less cluttered house worth $4.98? I think it may be, but I wish it was worth more. I feel foolish to accept such pittance, but I really want to get rid of this clutter. I did think about donating books to the public library for free and yet, I am bothered by this offer.

Should I be?

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The condo association was doing maintenance on the property. They were putting up flashing and redoing the AC ducts on some of the condos. They also decided to realign my satellite dish. Now I don't get any TV.

I did have the digital receiver, but who wants to watch broadcast. I need my TCM.

So I'm spending the weekend without television. Looks like I can get through my netflix movie and some other DVDs that I haven't opened yet. Looks like I will be spending more time on the internet not like I haven't though. Looks like I should clean my house.

All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy. All work and no TV makes BrowserMetrics a dull boy.

You get the picture.

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