"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Monday, February 28, 2011

Scoring Update
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

I graphed the scores from last nights Oscar frenzy showing how each of us did as the winners were announced.

Points if interest:
Everyone who started out bad had no chance. At least Annie, clawed her way out of the bad group and into the mediocre group.
Marge just stunk it up. Maybe if she had seen any movies she wouldn't have been terrible.
Angeli and Ness could've scored higher if they knew about the scoring points.
At the Adapted Screenplay point, those with bad choices went south and the contenders rose. Separation is noticeable.
Akeshia made terrible choices after Documentary Short. I thought she had it, but she let one slip away.
It was all over by the Directing award. Brian and Eleanor jousting for the win.

The winner is actually Brian who guessed correctly on the first tie-breaker question: 4 Oscars to The King's Speech.

Thanks again to all who played.


So cool. I wish I could see a shuttle launch. There are only a couple left. Then we're done with space flight.


Oscar Pool results matrix and scoring matrix in downloadable PDF docs.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sci tech awards. I always need to post this for future references!

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Live blogging the Oscars! I'll post scores (maybe) or the winners.

8:27 EST PM: Watching the Amazing Race. And can't believe that the Cowboys made it past the last roadblock.

8:28 EST PM: You could also follow my tweets here!

8:32 EST PM: Opening monologue/movie. Are you laughing yet.

8:37 EST PM: What the hell does Back to the Future have to do with anything tonight?

8:41 EST PM: Switched over to The Amazing Race again. The teams are in kangaroo suits!

8:42 EST PM: This is boring me. How much longer? 4 hours!?!?!

8:44 EST PM: Art Direction: Alice in Wonderland. Lots of people made this choice!

8:48 EST PM: Cimematography: Inception. Only 1 hit!

8:52 EST PM: CapitolSwell's in the lead with 13 points. Everyone else is going backwards. Trying to catch the end of the Amazing Race. Come on asian dudes!

8:59 EST PM: It was the engaged couple who got the uturn in the first episode that were philiminated. And Melissa Leo wins the Supporting Actress. I'm going backwards.

9:07 EST PM: Animated short: The Lost Thing. Only CapitolSwell and Marge get that one. Animated Feature: Toy Story 3. Only Angeli missed that one! That was the shoo-in of the week! I mean that category is the annual Pixar Oscar!

9:13 EST PM: White tie!

9:17 EST PM: Adapted Screenplay: The Social Network. And this guy talks alot. I thought he could speak faster!

9:21 EST PM: Original Screenplay: The King's Speech. I thought Inception. Akeshia in the lead with 19 points.

9:35 EST PM: Supporting Actor: Christian Bale. Foreign Film: In Better World. I should've made the scoring more dynamic. Everyone in the hunt is bunched. And it looks as if it will come down to the Best picture.

9:42 EST PM: Sci Tech Awards! Marissa Tomei was the presenter? The couldn't find another young hottie to have hosted this one? What? Where was the Black Swan girl? No, the other one?

9:44 EST PM: Oscar winner Trent Reznor? Wha!?

9:53 EST PM: I am bored. Let's hurry up and finish this?! Wait! The SciTech awards!

10:01 EST PM: Makeup: The Wolfman. Costume: Alice in Wonderland. James Franco is dying on stage. Anyone tweet that out to him?

10:03 EST PM: I've never been so relieved to see them singing the nominated songs on the telecast. It brings something to this boring show. I'm too busy updating the numbers. Here's something hilarious: Marge has 3 points, but has guessed 6 correctly! Hi hi!

10:28 EST PM: Billy Crystal. Bring this guy back.

10:30 EST PM: Bob Hope. Bring this guy back.

10:37 EST PM: Worst show in a while.

10:44 EST PM: Wait. That song was nominated? Was it really longer than that?

10:53 EST PM: I noticed that I haven't posted winners in awhile. Meanwhile Brian and Eleanor tied for the lead.

10:58 EST PM: @jamesfranco's twitter feed more interesting than his hosting capabilities. Bring back the ghost of Bob Hope!

11:01 EST PM: Congratulations, nerds! is making the google rounds!

11:05 EST PM: It's a tie! Brian and Eleanor have it from here on out. Unless The Social Network makes a run... doubtful... We're gonna have to go to the tie breakers!

11:17 EST PM: At least this was a short telecast. Directing: Tobe Hooper, The King's Speech. Actress: Natalie Portman.

11:25 EST PM: Colin Firth. The King's Speech.

11:30 EST PM: Preliminary winner of the 4th Annual BrowserMetrics' Oscar Pool is Brian if the numbers holds up. (and if it's The King's Speech)

11:38 EST PM: The King's Speech! Wins 4 Oscars! Finally we're done!

11:41 EST PM: Welp. We're done for another year. Congratulations to all winners, both at the Academy and in the BrowserMetrics' Oscar Pool. (I think it's Brian as he gets the first tie breaker correct). I got to go add up the numbers and check all things we'll see.

Thanks for playing!

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Still open for votes until about 6 PM Eastern, about a couple hours before the telecast. Hope you got your votes in. If not, LINK OF THE DAY!!!


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Saturday, February 26, 2011
K-ON!! Ep 10 - Teacher

Sawako sensei rocks as evidenced by her students throwing up the devil horns! Rock on Sawako sensei, rock on! On a side note, when are we getting that Sawako nendoroid? Please, Good Smile Company, can I get that Sawako nendo? Or just complete all girls from K-ON!

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Watching The Gunfighter on AMC. It's pretty tense. Jimmy Ringo, a notorious gunslinger rides into Cheyenne to woo his girl back. Everyone is gunning for him: the three brothers of the last idiot who went up against him, the local tough guy, the loafers at the bar, the kids hooking school. Everyone is except the girl he wants back. Soon, they'll all cross paths.

The movie is pretty well written as expressed by getting an Oscar nomination. Sometimes its witty banter. And other times its the tension building.

I'm actually enthralled.

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Thursday, February 24, 2011
New MacBooks are here! New MacBooks are here!

No idea what this means for computing technology. Sounds cool and exciting.


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It's not too late to place in your entry to the Fourth Annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool. We're up to seven entries two of which I have no idea who they are. So join in if you hadn't done so.

The entries so far have only one unanimous winner, Toy Story 3. Yeah, Pixar is always a shoe-in for best animated film. I wish that weren't the case. I think if Satoshi Kon was still alive he would give them a run for their money with his brand of anime.

I just bought a few of the Oscar nominated shorts: Let's Pollute in the animated category and in the live action, The Crush and The God of Love. I don't know why, but I wanted to see if these are as good as my bet for them were.

And don't forget the winner (most positive points) can win any of the best picture nominees. It would be awesome as a download.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hawaii 2010/Bob's Slice of Heaven/Paddle Out

We're onto the last days of the Hawaiian Vacation and here's the first one of someone surfing. This shot is just off of Cousin Bob's old, new house. It's right off the breaks in front of Diamond Head.

I took one look at this sight and I wanted to jump right in. It looks like a mellow break. I mean, these surfers you see in this photo are Japanese tourists learning to surf. I guess the break is mellow. I wanted to get out there, too.

Man, I think I'm gonna get a surfboard this summer.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Yup, I contributed to Unknown winning the box office bonanza for this past weekend. It was the number one movie grossing $25+ million. I wasn't the only one as the Sunday matinee was packed. Lots of old, white folks. They switched from Owings Mills to Hunt Valley.

Anyway, without spoiling it too much, the movie was a complete Jason Bourne ripoff. Oops. I said too much.

It was very confusing when the twists started happening. Just what was Liam Neeson's motivation supposed to be? Thinking more about it. A lot of the twists don't make any sense because it completely wrecks any character motiviation as to why they played each other for the fool. I was expecting a nice little thriller in the Hitchcock mode. What I got was Bourne Identity 2: Married with Children.

2 of 5 stars.

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When I breeze into that city
People gonna stoop and bow
And all them women gonna make me
Teach 'em what they don't know how

Jackson, Johnny Cash w/June Carter Cash

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Monday, February 21, 2011
Old man winter ain't leaving without gracing us with one last blast of winter precipitation. It's sleeting this moment, but will turn to snow over night. I'm trying to keep warm with a mug of hot cocoa, but can imagine what its like in the sleet tonight.

All this precipitation makes me want to buy one of these umbrellas. I've been eyeing umbrellas for a while now and have gravitated to the more expensive kinds. The ones that, if you lose them, you kick yourself afterwards. Why do I lust after something like this?

PS. This should've been a link of the day but I am tired of typing those letters.


Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sunday Brunch
Sunday Brunch
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Two of these make you sleepy. This is the second...... Zzzzzzz. *snore* .... hunh. Whazzzzat?

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Saturday, February 19, 2011
Hawaii 2010/Waikiki

Friday night and we go to town.

My nephew, mom, aunt and I spend it wandering around Waikiki. We had planned to walk to Ala Moana several blocks away, but decide against it as the road got dark and the ladies didn't feel like making the trek.

We get some Starbuck's and join the crowd of tourists as they wander around the main drag. We don't get close to the beach, but we do get close to the real Hawaii.

We stop into 88 tees. I'm looking for something cool, but the place is a mad house. Japanese tourists up the wazoo fill the isles and I worry that I can't buy anything because I can't speak japanese. Yet, I don't find anything because the shelves are messy and I don't like any of the hipster tees they sell. The nephew finds some hipster vintage football tees, but for thirty dollars, it ain't worth it.

Behind 88 tees, you can find the seedy side of town -- the porn video palaces. The nephew finds one of their pamphlets. Hoy!

We're lost for a bit before we wander into the Waikiki duty free mall. Again, nothing but Japanese. Up a few floors, we shop like the Japanese tourists, but don't buy anything as this mall is the fancy pants stores. I watch the cute girls go by.

Then we wait. In the cool night, we wait to get picked up to go back west. The cousin comes by later than expected. Our one night in Town is done.

More fun photos to look at on my flickr Hawaii Vacation 2010 Set.

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Friday, February 18, 2011
"Can you imagine bouncing a check to Kunta Kinte?"

Britta Perry (Gillian Jacons), Community

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Thursday, February 17, 2011
I love browser metrics.  How does yours measure up?

Wasn't it beautiful today? Can you think of anything more beautiful? There. I knew you could.


Maybe I should re-sync iPhone and change out all that holiday music and the holiday playlists. Do you still have your Christmas lights up?

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"Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony."

Dennis (Michael Palin), Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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Love this version of the School Rumble 1st season ending because Mamiko Noto sings in it along with her sister in animation, Ami Koshimizu. Mostly for Mamiko Noto and her gentle voice. She's probably the only anime voice actress that you can tell just by listening. There are a few others I recognize, but none as memorable as Mamiko Noto. You can catch her currently voicing Sawako Kuronoma in Kimi Ni Todoke (KimiTodo), the best shoujo out there.

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So, the Republican wankers at the Capitol feel like defunding all of public broadcasting. They want to take away our Cookie Monsters and Reading Rainbows. Most importantly it will hurt local radio station WTMD. They are currently working on their latest fund drive. Give and while you're at it, listen to their countdown of top songs to take with you to a desert island. While that may sound awesome, I have heard a few that would drive me bonkers like Gilligan did the Skipper.

Anyhow, join WTMD and give a donation. Listen to the awesome music. Enjoy before the wankers take it away.


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Wednesday, February 16, 2011
It's almost Oscar night, and once again, I give you, my reader, a chance to bask in the fame and glory that Hollywood provides that night. It's the Fourth Annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool.

You know how to play: pick the eventual winners of the Oscars in all categories. Collect points. The most points wins.

I'm being particularly sadistic this year, though. I've changed the scoring structure and rules to win.

All categories are mandatory. The amount of points that a correct answer is worth is up to you this year. You can choose from 1 or 2 points in the "minor" categories and up to 3 points in the "major" categories. Choose wisely, because not only do you earn the points for the correct answer, you loose the points for a wrong answer. It's a bet your placing that your hunch on the Oscar is correct. I'll spot you 10 points; that's 10 categories that you can totally guess at. The other 14 (I think) will give you nightmares.

The winner is the one with the most positive points. Most positive points gets you a copy (DVD, VHS, torrent, download) of any of the 10 Best Picture nominees when they are available in the United States. You can also win the no-prize of guessing the most correct, but it's the points that count.

Good luck. Click me to start the madness

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Real men ship [software|code|programs].

Anonymous industry maxim

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.

Jebediah Springfield, The Simpsons, "Lisa the Iconoclast" (3F13)

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Monday, February 14, 2011
[W]ithout all these things I can do
Without your love I won't make it through

But you don't understand my point of view
I suppose there's nothing I can do

The Clash, "Train In Vain"
Every punks plaintive wail for love. That's me!

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Saturday, February 12, 2011
A Mini on My Mind

I didn't know how small these guys are. I thought they would be just as big as the smaller SUV. Nope. This guy is tiny, a true Mini. I think even smaller than the Clubman. I think this would make a better car. Hmm. Bye bye, Jetta?

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Friday, February 11, 2011
Love, love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Fearless on my breath

Massive Attack, "Teardrop"

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Thursday, February 10, 2011
[insert name here] has signed into IM

4:28 PM


Have you ever been to [insert place here]?


just wondering if you've tried it
i know you like going out and wondered if you've ever been?


[insert name here] has left IM

[insert name here] has signed into IM

I was on the phone
never been to [insert place here]


Tell me how it is


[insert name here] has left IM



I've been meaning to tell you. I play guitar. I haven't played in a long while not since I stopped being an alcoholic. I suck at it, but I keep playing.

I've already told you about buying a new fangled amp.

I've been trying to tell you that I want to get a new guitar, preferably, that Fender Jaguar, because I love playing or attempting to play surf music. Yes, that wet, wet reverb sound. With that guitar it and the effects from the new fangled amp it would be the wettest sound you would get.

Then I plugged the amp into my MBP and found out GarageBand can do all that and more. So, now I must check out how to use GarageBand. Today's link may help in that.

I wonder if I should learn how to play the piano.


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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Wondering about PEDs in our sports and used by the players. I can't really make heads or tails with it. I need to think more about it.

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"Words mean things, and the power 'to regulate commerce...among the several states' does not mean the power to tell Americans what they must buy."

Joseph F. Petros III, Redifining 'judicial activism' http://dailycaller.com/2011/02/07/redefining-judicial-activism

Umm. Isn't that what that phrase means?

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Today is addition day: 2+9=11! Just noticed. That isn't what today's link is about though.

As yesterday's (or last night's) link took you to the game at which Ferris hooked school, hung out with Cameron and Sloane, masqueraded as Abe Froman, the sausage king of Chicago, and, most importantly, caught a ball at a Cubs-Braves game, today's link goes into the importance of why it was plain awesome of Ferris to catch a day game at Wrigley Field. (Man this sentence is a string of phrases that an editor could fix.)

Baseball's 162 game schedule allows for a couple games a year to occur during a weekday afternoon. If you can do it, skip work or school and go down and support the local nine. It's a very fun way to spend an afternoon. Buy a hot dog. Drink a few beers. Heckle to opponent's left fielder. A bad day at a ball game is so much better than a day in a cubicle.

I did it last year early in the miserable season of 2010. Watched the best game from the centerfield bleacher seats in Camden Yards as the Orioles took on the Mariners. Down several runs, the O's make the move with a Corey Patterson homer. Then they take the lead on Luke Scott's grand slam that barely cleared the wall. Alleged murderer, Alfredo Simon, called on to shut down the M's in the top of the ninth barely gets the save as the final out is recorded at the plate. That's baseball! And that was the most exciting 2010 game under the ill-fated Dave Trembley.


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Tuesday, February 08, 2011
With the ending of football, it's getting close to baseball season. Pretty soon catchers and pitchers report for Spring Training and then the whole squad. Then 3 weeks of meaningless games and then the big show. Opening day!

In the meantime, imagine that your a fan who has nothing better to do. You're flipping channels between MLB Network and what else's on. You happen upon Ferris Bueller's Day Off and get to the Wrigley Field scene. You too would spend time trying to figure out the actual game that the movie used, right? Or is that too baseball-geeky?


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Hawaii 2010/Sunset Beach

Been trying to figure out what to blog about to keep up the string of blog posts for the year 2011. I'll hit up the ol' reliable: the Hawaiian Vacation of 2010.

Just looking at these pictures makes me want to go surfing. Face up to the challenge that being in the water with the pounding surf and fellow surfers. I feel like doing it. I feel like heading to the closest break and diving in with a new board. Going this summer. All summer long.

Playing a ukulele. Playing surf guitar. Riding the bike to the beach. All summer long.

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Monday, February 07, 2011

If you don't watch the anime I tell you to, then I'll bring the anime here.


Sunday, February 06, 2011
Hawaii 2010/North Shore Bound

We went to the North Shore not to see the waves, but to get some grinds, food. We definitely had to get some shave ice at Matsumoto's. It's a serious foody place. Then we got some more eats at the various other places along the strip. Finally, ending up at the shrimp trucks that seem to have really pricey plate lunch.

All we seem to have done is eat.

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Saturday, February 05, 2011
Hawaii 2010/Lagoon 3

CapitolSwell in ankle deep water. It was cooler out of the water than it was in it because of the trade winds. That's why we soaked ourselves beneath the waves hours every day.

I'm slowly getting through posting pictures from the Hawaii set. This is a picture taken on Thanksgiving. How can you beat swimming in the Pacific? It's better than eating turkey. Of course, we still did that that day.

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If you have to see a movie with Natalie Portman doing the dirty, make it No Strings Attached rather than Black Swan. She enjoys the sex much better in No Strings Attached. You will enjoy her too as this movie gives you a chance to catch multiple glimpses of Natalie Portman skin. Not that I was looking.

In No Strings Attached, Portman plays the man role in a rom-com. She's the one who is non-committal. Ashton Kutcher plays the girl role smitten from the beginning waiting for the right man to commit. They make for a refreshing rom-com couple. Ivan Reitman directs a script written by Elizabeth Meriwether, a woman, and he comes back with a solid effort than makes you forget his past couple of stinkers. It was the script that makes the movie.

I laughed throughout. I almost cried, but knew that this was where it was going to end. I wanted to see these two get together because I was rooting for love. I always root for love, but I don't mind all the fun sex that lead them to love.

It's deserving of a much higher ranking.

3 of 5 stars.

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"[T]his is Country Time lemonade mix. There's never been anything close to a lemon in it, I swear!"

Some Shelbyville Kid, The Simpsons (Lemon of Troy)

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Friday, February 04, 2011

Sex! Plain old getting down and dirty with the one you love. Knocking boots. Slapping skins. Zuma zum zum zoom and a boom boom. The bump and grind. Yeah, making the beast with two backs.

Do it with the one you love.

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Thursday, February 03, 2011

Crushes, most of the time infatuation, don't amount to much. They happen, but if you keep the object of your affection at arms length you, they eventually fade. You're left with only pleasant memories and perhaps a dream of what could've been.

We are in grade school but I don't think it is grade school. I get to class and she's the only one in there. It is the last day of school. We graduate today. It's just me and her in the classroom.

I make a move. I kiss her. She kisses me back. I'm looking into her face. She is smiling. I don't want this to end. I kiss her again and again. I feel her up. We make love. I can't believe we are doing this. She is my girlfriend because she told me.

We got to go home as we've graduated.

Wait! Your phone number! She's already sent it to my phone. Yup, there's her text on my flip phone.

I head to the locker room. I say farewell to a couple of people. Most importantly I say farewell to my buddy, JH, Keep in touch, bro!

The girls are giggling by their lockers. My girlfriend and her girlfriends. I can't wait to see her later...

This was a dream I had the night before. I wasn't going to post it, but it falls right into the theme this week. I matched it with today's music break.

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I finally put the VW back on the road. A week before the Hawaiian Vacation, it threw coolant warning lights on the dash, which turned out to be a leak in the cooling system. I put her in the garage and left her until this month. The snow forecasts forced me to get her fixed. I trust her tires more than the ones on the Cooper S. Hers are newer, less wear, and more all weather types.

This morning, as I started her up to get to work, I placed my hand on the light switch. I stopped by the deli to get breakfast, and when I started her again, I placed my hand on the light switch. Where does this behavior come from?

I know I do this all the time. Subconsciously, I place my hand on the switch. At times, I flip the switch on. I do this most every time I start her up. Even when I know I do this, I can't help it. I do this in the Cooper S as well. There is no switch on the dash for the lights, so I am reaching for air. Perhaps, writing about it will stop this behavior.

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Wednesday, February 02, 2011
I've got a little label highjacking to do. Sorry, seed, but it's taking you too long to get through 17.5 hotties. Perhaps that's why you don't get too many readers. You take years to post something. Just do it. Let me add my hotties to the list.

My take on hotties is that they should just be plain gorgeous. A beauty that makes you stop dead in your tracks and thank the deity for the wonderful world he made. So when I was watching The Town, the actress playing Claire made me thank kami-sama for this wonderful world in which Rebecca Hall lives.

Now if you watched The Town you would've seen her first as the hostage. She was dressed as an OL and in that dark suit with the white blouse, she looked every bit a hottie. Something about OLs just boils my potatoes.

As the movie continues, she becomes more adorable. You find out that she's pretty tall. And you can just about make out the freckles on her face. Then you think back and remember her as an OL, and you continue the cycle. One thing you may not know from watching The Town is that Ms. Hall is English.

She's also been a few more movies such as Vicki Christina Barcelona and The Prestige. I've not seen the former, and I don't remember her in the latter. Perhaps she should be in the next ScarJo movie, if ScarJo ever makes another movie. If she is, I know I wouldn't be looking at ScarJo.


Hold onto your love, because it is capricious. At times, get yourself a receipt to ensure that you've got the one you love and to return the one you love back if all goes bad. But, still, hold onto the one you love.

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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

February, the month of Eros. St. Valentine's day is smacked dab in the middle of it. All the malls are decked in red and pink hearts. All the singles ladies looking for the single men. All the married men looking out for their ladies. You've got your honey, too, don't you?

Well, hold them tight. They are dear and precious. No matter what they'll see you through. You can be bad. You can be good. You can be crazy. You can be boring. Your love will always stand by your side. That's what love is.

Me? I'm going to Jackson.

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Oscar party kit! Oscar party kit!

That would be exciting if you held your own Oscar awards ceremony party. Black tie! Red carpet! The celebrities! The excitement! Whoa! Who's coming over?

Today's link takes you to the Academy's own ideas on how to throw an Oscar night party. Looks good. I've already planned and started work on the Oscar Pool. I like the Oscar bingo. How about the Moet? And the deviled eggs?


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