"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, September 30, 2017

It's 天城サリー!

You have to watch this for a bit. She starts as a normal Japanese idol, but as minutes go by she transforms into an American! Just kind of awesome. I'm smitten. The twin tails helps. But that ghetto Sally makes it work.

Welp. Another September has come to an end and so has another NewsRadio Quote Month. I'm hoping some of those blog post titles were funny and brought a smile to your face. If they did (and if they didn't), I hope you seek the show that it's from. One of the best, underrated sitcoms from the '90s.

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Link of the Day [9.30.17]

They gave us Sally. #天城サリー 22/7

If you don't know, then you don't know.

It's an idol anime group in which one of the members blew up fandom because she was born in America. Ans she sounds American. But the thing is that on her SHOWROOM you can really talk to her. In fact she answered my question which is the first time in any of the idol SHOWROOMs that I've watched that that happened. Because she understands English. Also, she's cute AF.

Anyway, today's link takes you to the group she's a part of. Get to know them.


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Friday, September 29, 2017
I should've posted this when I first started writing it. Now the opening doesn't run right. But so what here we go...

While the world was watching football, I caught In This Corner of the World at The Charles. A second movie in the theatre this weekend? Yo!

The film is an anime set in Japan around the time of the second world war. It's main protagonist gets married and spends her time in Kure, the main naval base. It's around the mountains from Hiroshima. World War 2 and Hiroshima? You know where the story is leading.

The film is slice of life like. Following her travails as she copes with her new family and new life. She also dodges bombs and the war as America bombs her city. Finally, the Bomb is dropped and it really messes up her life.

That's the film.

Not bad. I liked it. But I like all kinds of anime. YMMV.

3 of 5 stars.

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Friday, September 22, 2017
Link of the Day [9.22.17]

I had usually let my off Fridays be the days I watch a movie. If I was in Japan, I know what I would be watching... Asuhinagu 「あさひなぐ」。  A film featuring members of Nogizaka46. It's related to a manga of the same name about a naginata club and the girls who practice it.

Nishino plays the lead. Shiraishi is the beautiful senpai. Ikuta is their rival.

They also had it as a stage play this summer. Perhaps a different story, and it had different Nogizaka members.

Anyway I haven't seen it yet. But I'll give it 5 of 5 stars because of Nogi members!


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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Not sure if I shared this with you already. Not that I care. The more Nogi you get the better your life will be. This is Nogizaka46's 18th single Nigemizu 『逃げ水』.

I've come around on this song. At first, I didn't like it, but the more I listen the better it gets for me. Most of the time it brings me a smile.

I'm hoping it brings one to you.

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Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Link of the Day [9.20.17]


It's easy as a fan of classic films to watch them now -- what with streaming and niche DVD makers. It's not so easy to become a fan of classic films because there's not one place to start. Maybe TCM. Yes.


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Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Link of the Day [9.19.17]

Movies are dying. No one goes to the theatre. We like to stay home and watch on our streaming service. But we are only watching the new stuff. Classic films are already dead, but they are dying a second time. Not too many movie watchers want to watch something from the 70s let alone the 40s. Not too many streaming sites want to carry these old films.

Is there nothing to be done? All we can do is lament their passing. Long live classic films.


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Monday, September 18, 2017
46. Forty-six.

That number came up in quite a few situations today. Sort of like a subliminal reminder that the year rolls over and we have not got any more wiser.

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Saturday, September 16, 2017
I have some of the Sun Noodle ramen noodles in my freezer again. I also have some beef bone marrow and trotters in there as well. They are going to be aged really well so I better use them before they truly expire. Like how long do I have for these things? Months? Years? Some have been there that long so, like I said, I better get to using them.

I was thinking about making some tonkatsu ramen. Slow cooker using my Instant Pot? Okay. Perhaps I should use it as the pressure cooker that it was meant to be? Maybe. We'll see.

On a sheet pan go the trotters and the beef bone marrow bones. This goes into a pre-heated 425F oven for 15 minutes just to give them color. No idea why.

As those roast, I chop up one onion, a handful of green onions, dried shiitake mushrooms, and two carrots. They go into the pot along with some ginger, some garlic, bay leaves, and peppercorns. Then the meat. Fill with water and set slow cooker to go over night.

Of course, this isn't turning the broth into the classic creamy tonakatsu because 1) not enough trotters and pig fat 2) not boiling and 3) the mushrooms turn it dark. I think I was making that but then I really wasn't. It's just another soup base.

Hopefully, this broth is good. I'm looking to make my own homemade ramen in a cup for workday lunch. Let's see how it goes.

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Frightening Bride!

Spooks are coming. It's getting closer to Halloween and the decorations are starting to show up at your local place of shopping and retail. I was walking into one said place and happened to see this little adorable spook. It's no Annabelle, but it still spooked me. That's why I took a picture: so I can treasure it in the dark nights of autumn.


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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I always considered Hoshino my third in Nogizaka. She's so kawaii here. Not like she isn't everywhere.

(Hopefully this one will stay up until it gets off the front page...)

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It is not a horror movie. It is more an adventure with horror overtones -- sort of a "Goonies" with Sloth being a very scary, creepy clown. The merry band of kids go on this adventure to rid the town of frightening Pennywise. They lived happily ever after. End Part One. Afterwards, I wasn't scared to go to sleep with the lights off.

I've never seen "Stranger Things," but one of the casts of It is from there. This film had a feel of that television show. First, because of the setting in the 80s. Next, because it seems to find kids who are free to roam around their town. Finally, because I have a feeling that It was modeled after the show. I'm sure I'm wrong, but in other ways I'm sure I'm right.

Not a bad film. Over the weekend I also caught the 90s version of It on television. Very, very different. Now I know what to look forward to in the second part.

3 of 5 stars.

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Tuesday, September 05, 2017

I gave you Shiraishi Mai yesterday. Her beauty must've blown you away. Today, I'll give you Nishino Nanase. Okay, megane + pony tail. I'll take her back.

Not sure why, but I feel like trading in my Apple stuff...

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Okay. Now I'm listening to some weird stuff. City Pop! A genre from the bubble 80s of Tokyo. I like the bit of funk they get into. It's also a little bit like some chill genre. I think I'm going have to go to Japan...

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Monday, September 04, 2017

If I was asked what computer to have for my job, I think I would choose 「マウス」. But only if it comes with Shiraishi-san as tech help.

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I watched Annabelle: Creation. Maybe "watched" is a strong word, because I watched it from behind my fingers. Was it too scary? Not really, but I always watch scary movies from behind a veil of fingers. It's a habit.

Not sure why I like too, but I do.

Scratch that I like to watch the scary movies because of the heeby-jeebies it gives me. I like the goosebumps up my arm. I like going home in the dark and wondering if I should leave the lights on. I like sleeping to the glow of the television if not to the light on. It's weird but it's fun.

Anyhow. Annabelle is a prequel to the first Annabelle film which itself was a prequel to the first Conjuring film. It wasn't stupid scary like The Conjuring was and it doesn't have the evil character like the Nun from the second Conjuring. She's there but in a great cameo. LOL.

There were a few things that bugged me. There always is. Like that damn scarecrow. Why even have that? Then there's the Demon. There's too much of it.

Overall, that doll is still the scariest thing out there.

3 of 5 stars.

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Sunday, September 03, 2017
The Hitman's Bodyguard is a movie you watch when there are no other movies to watch. Even then, you flip the channel to Chiller or TruTV, but you find yourself going back to The Hitman's Bodyguard because that is your life at the moment.

Don't waste your time. I already have. You were warned.

2 of 5 stars.

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Friday, September 01, 2017

Let's start of 2017's NewsRadio Quote Month with a rocker.

BabyMetal death!

If there must only be one Nakamoto sister, I prefer Himetan and her lovely beam (ひめたんベーム!). But that won't be possible come her graduation. So we'll have to have the imouto, SUMetal. I believe she's got a voice and poise better than Techi from Keyaki-chans. She would give her a run for the money.

So. The fox god will guide us well this month.

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