"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Journey's End
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Best thing about driving to the beach? The Beach!

This time, once again, in VA Beach. It was a horrible long drive. One with lots if traffic in DC, then in VA. 95 and 284 was all traffic. But chilling on the sand at the end of the day was worth it.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
One of the reasons I had for writing about my love of ghost stories was to explore feelings I had for other types of stories in the horror genre. In fact, I had started that post with ghost stories but intended to touch upon vampires, werewolves, monsters, and the undead. This post is to begin adding to the other post.

First things first, these rambling posts were inspired by watching the summer anime series, High School of the Dead. The first episode is standard zombie fare: the dreaded zombie outbreak with no explanation as to its cause. A school in Japan is where the mayhem takes place with students being attacked and attacking alike. The zombie hoard of recently killed students eating the remaining living students. Lots of blood flying in this one. I watched the episode with pleasure. Its fanservice was stupid fun, but it kept me wondering about zombie attacks and our reactions and responses to them.

Zombies (the monsters, the stories, and the movies) don't do too much for me. The George A. Romero, slow zombies aren't too frightening. The fast twitch, neu zombies do, but they are not what I'll be discussing today. I can't believe in fast zombies. The dead, because of rigor mortis, shouldn't move very fast. Plus, fast zombies are even more scarier. I just don't want to deal with them.

Why is it that in dealing with zombies the major problem arises from stupid mistakes of the survivors? "Don't open the door!" "Don't go out and save her!" "Don't let him in! He's infected!" Your chance of survival is directly proportional to doing common sense stuff and keeping away from them. I guess that's why the Zombie survival book was a big hit. It made explicit the common sense things to do in order to avoid death when the dead rise.

In the anime, the kids did the stupid things to die. If you do the stupid things, you'll die. The only way to live is to not do the stupid things.

And that's my problem with zombies. Through proper, rational thought, you should survive. Keep your wits about you, and you should live. By being sentient, you should live. Avoid being stupid. You'll be dead. Smart equals living. Dumb equals dead. Your intelligence will get you through the zombie infestation. It's that easy.

That said, if it's fast zombies, all bets are off.

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Should I replace my wired mouse with the new MagicTrackPad? Most of my cursor manipulation with Apple products is based on touching: iPhone, my Mac Book Pro. The mice I use are only hooked up to my computer at work (sucky Dell boxes) and to the Mac Mini (the Intel Mini is replacing the PPC!). By replacing the mouse at home, it will be nothing but touch on a personal level.

I'm just about to make the change. I think it may help reduce repetitive stress disorders from using the mouse. It costs $69 plus state taxes and shipping charges. I'm buying it, as long as I don't have to go to the Apple store.


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Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday night and I get home, plop on the couch in front of the TV, watch an hour, and then fall asleep. Television is still on. Earlier, I happened to run across AMC showing The Shining and made a mental note to avoid as the night got old. As I tossed and turned through the night on my uncomfortable couch I catch glimpses of what show is playing on the TV. In the quiet of the early morning, I see that the television is back to AMC. Jack Nicholson's frozen, grim visage greets my sleepy eyes as I try to focus on the television. How did I get back to AMC or did I not change the channel the last time to avoid this creep show? I don't think I did it, but I can't be too sure. I'm hoping for a better explanation, but there are goose bumps on my arms.

I like all things creepy by which I mean mainly ghostly. A spectre haunts my imagination. Ghosts, to me, are a million times cooler than any vampire, werewolf, or zombie. It's because I can't really know if they aren't real or not. It's because the shades and spirits spring from my own imagination.

I wonder why I like ghost stories so much. In my own library, I have several compilations of ghost stories. Plenty of old Victorian frights, some smattering of modern spooks, and plenty of early twentieth century ghosts. Authors as great as HG Wells, Mark Twain, and Ambrose Bierce have creepy stories. They fill several books with some scary things. These books' spines are well worn and plenty of pages are dog-eared.

One of my favorites is from the Twilight Zone television show. In this book, there's the favorite "House on the Square" story. We tell this story all the time. I think it has to be a favorite just because of how it was introduced to me. The Twilight Zone book isn't mine. It's my older brother's. One night a long time ago in the house on Cedarhurst, the story kept him from sleeping, so naturally, he comes into my room to read it aloud. It's about ghost hunters debunking haunted places. One ghost hunter is a believer. The other is a skeptic. My brother then focuses on the central detail of the story -- the Penang lawyer. It was one of the ghost hunters weapons, but was used in the house on the square to signal the arrival of danger. *KNOCK* went the Penang lawyer. *KNOCK* *KNOCK* again. After finishing the story, my brother went back to his room. *KNOCK* across the wall separating us. Ha-ha very funny, but very creepy as well. From that moment, I had to read the book, and since it is a favorite to look for some creepy stories.

There are plenty other ghost stories I love -- "The Shadow in the Corner," "The Judge's House," "The Red Room." All are frightening enough to have me leave the lights on before I close my eyes to sleep. I like the goose bumps I get from reading them. I like the hair on my neck to raise as I flip the page. I like that cold chill down the spine wondering if that creaking out in the hall is the house settling. I like ghost stories.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010
Haruhi Suzumiya

Nendoroid pic courtesy of Danny Choo. When's the preorder going up?

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Friday, July 23, 2010
Tampa v Baltimore 7-20-10

In this trying baseball season for our beloved Baltimore Orioles, the fans who stick around deserve better. Tuesday night, Jason Berken t-shirt night, the Orioles had a decent game. They never said die even though they relinquished an early three run lead to be down four then five runs. It took them to extra innings, but they win one. Like the proverbial stuck clock, they'll win one every now and then.

We had left the game early in the eleventh inning. But the fans that stayed, they were the real winners.

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Monday, July 19, 2010
"How's it going, royal ugly dudes?"

Bill S. Preston, Esq. (Alex Winter), Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure


Saturday, July 17, 2010
I really wanted to say this in my Inception review, but forgot before I hit the post button.

This movie will remind you that Nolan's best film was the playfully, inventive Memento.
I got a vibe of Jacob's Ladder -- where and when is all this happening.
I also got a vibe of Flatliners -- they come back.
Nolan likes to work with Cillian Murphy.
He also loves Michael Caine, but then again who doesn't?
Seeing Ellen Page made me wonder about my car being ticketed.
I thought Ellen Page was gonna be the new Neo.
Why couldn't Ellen Page have constructed awesome things on the fly?
How come Ellen Page was dramatically underused? Or was she overvalued?
Was that The Pin?
"I am a cypher, a cypher wrapped in an enigma... smothered in secret sauce."
The movie caps a funny week of weird, strange dreams -- earthquake!

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I am preternaturally disposed to not liking Christopher Nolan movies. I don't know why but a lot his work rubs me the wrong way. I feel that he's too showy: a wink and a nod to how neat all this film working, the writing, the directing, the acting, is great -- acknowledge it. So I approached watching his latest "greatness," Inception, with trepidation.

Right from the start he didn't disappoint. There were scenes with lots of talking, exposition, saying rather than doing. It was all too verbose for me. I wanted some action. If I don't get some action, I'm going to get up and go.

Then the heist began, the trippy shit started happening, and Inception became a much better movie. I realized all that early speechifying helped explain how the heist would work, but all that speechifying just made for a boring movie. It's as if Hitchcock explained his McGuffins.

I really liked the latter half of the movie. As the heist unfolded, I sat right up in my seat and enjoyed the convoluted structure to the action. It was very inventive and a neat fantasy.

I think I could see this again. Something I thought I wouldn't say for a Christopher Nolan film.

4 of 5 stars

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Friday, July 16, 2010
Reports said that there was an earthquake in Maryland this morning about 5 AM.


It woke me up from one of my quirky dreams.

I was lying asleep on my stomach. I felt some shaking. I thought it was a heart attack, but then I realized that it must be an earthquake. I felt the trembling on my chest and barely heard the shaking in the house. At that early time in the morning, I thought that I was hallucinating and that it was just a dream. It was real.

So that's what earthshaking means.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Clientele covers M.I.A.

Was listening to the several of the covers on AV Club Undercover, and found some enjoyment with this cover of M.I.A's "Paper Planes." I liked the Telecaster and I liked the violins. I liked the fact that it's a cover a tune that makes use of a loop from an 8-bit version of the Clash's "Straight To Hell." That's music in this day and age.

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Links of the Day usually take you to interesting sites that I hope you find interesting. Or they take you to sites that I hope provoke some thought. Today's site does neither. I just think it's the best named site EVAH! If you have a robot, it has to be topless. Beats those other droids.


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Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Azu-nyan Nendoroid
Azu-nyan Nendoroid
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

This is so, so kawaii!!

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If you're on Twitter, then you must have noticed that Old Spice is a trending topic. The heck? Why do so many people care about that?

Because, if you tweet at @OldSpice, you may find a video on YouTube with our man, the Old Spice guy, flirting right back at you! O, @Alyssa_Milano, why do you find this guy flirty, but me creepy when I DM you?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Predators is the perfect summer movie. Good, but not great. Bad, but not awful. Mediocre.

It dove right into its premise right off the bat like people falling out of planes. It kept moving forward introducing each character/predator victim. They were all archetypes -- the sniper, the heavy machine gunner, the shiv wielding con. Every character ripped their roles from a character class in a video game. But the movie kept going forward not stopping for people dying or even plotting. It's predators hunting human -- the dangerous game. That's the plot in a nutshell and a summary of what to expect from the movie. That's it, but the job was completed successfully.

3 of 5 stars.

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Saturday, July 10, 2010
Best review that sums up my ambivalence to the Toy Story franchise. Why do you like it?


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After releasing the very lyrical movies, Up and Wall-E, Pixar returns to the movie franchise that put them on the map. Excuse me, I don't understand the appeal of the Toy Story franchise. I may be a simpleton and one of the few that didn't find Toy Story 3 as another Pixar knock-out, blockbuster hit. My low opinion of the Toy Story franchise has biased me into not paying proper respect to the movies. I just can't understand it.

RottenTomatoes.com has Toy Story 3 at 99%. I may have seen a different movie. Wait a second while I go read some of the blurbs there.

Okay, I'm back. While it does top the tomato meter, a lot of the blurbs give it decent coverage following in the previous movies' greatness yet also acknowledging the formality of this final installment.

The movie doesn't wow me like the other Pixar films. Even the ones I don't regard highly, Finding Nemo and Ratatouille, I can find something to like. The Toy Story movies I find nada. Does this make me soulless?

What I find wrong with the Toy Story franchise is that they're routine. Maybe the first installment might be a groundbreaker, but the rest I find unappealing. Yes, I know that their stories reflect how we grow up but that don't mean squat to me.

The final movie just wasn't impressive enough. It's better than some other animated schlock, but not high in the Pixar patheon.

Most other Pixar movies give me hope that animated films can move beyond the kiddie movie ghetto, but Toy Story is the quintessential kiddie movie at least superficially. It drives me crazy that they don't make it awesome. There was a point where I was hopeful that Pixar was gonna be brave and make the movie bold, but I knew that it had to have the happy ending.

That being said. The movie is solid story telling. Flawless in execution. Kids will like it many adults as well. Ho-hum.

3 of 5 stars. Plus a meh.

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Was browsing through the bookstore tonight. I know, right? A Friday night and your humble narrator was at the bookstore. It's my home away from home. I was just browsing the manga stacks picking up the second volume of Twin Spica, BrowserMetrics' current nice read, when I saw the book of books, Japanese Schoolgirl Confidential!! Yeah, I know, right? Of course I flipped through it.

Hentai! But that isn't the point of this post.

In the books, there was plenty of pictures of school girls in short, pleated skirts. Lots of Grade D zettai ryouiki. Hentai! But this isn't the point of this post.

I am a leg man. They're my favorite part of the female body.

What I noticed though from the book and what has been kind of making me sad is that Japanese girls have chubby legs. Their legs on average are not very shapely. That's a shame considering that their country loves the skirt and loves the bare thighs. It's a country that has coined a brilliant word for those bare thighs: zettai ryouiki -- "absolute territory." Think about that. A word to describe the flesh from the hem of the skirt to the top of the socks. Brilliant. Yet, their women have legs that don't inspire leg men. Even my favorite, Nozomi-chan, her legs are not very shapely, which makes me sad, because with such a cute face, yumm. Lots of cute, cute girls. Lots of short skirts. Not too much shapely legs.

Perhaps my definition of great legs is completely different. Perhaps I've got too high standards. No. I'm sure my standards are too high.

But I am a leg man. They're my favorite part of the female body. Make sure you have the legs to show a little skin. I'll love you forever.

Now, with that said, I'll be working on my girls in glasses post next.

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Friday, July 09, 2010

Thanks guys!

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Thursday, July 08, 2010

Mio singing is always my favorite. But still, not as good as the previous ending.

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Wednesday, July 07, 2010
It takes me to the future.

I just finished reading the first volume of Bakuman. It's not due out for another month.

Thank Kami-sama for the local comic shop. They don't care too much about manga, but know that it has its readership so they just plop all the manga they get out. They usually have titles available a month or so before they should really ship. Pick it up and read it. You'll be ahead of the class.

Back to Bakuman, which I liked. The story starts with two junior high students who befriend over manga. The smart guy, the instigator, wants to become a manga-ka. He finds the artist's notebook and attempts to convince him to be his partner. There is a girl whom the artist has a crush on, and in convenient fashion, he's proposing to her and blurting out his plans to be a manga-ka. The story reminds me a lot of Ichigo 100% without the panty flashes. I'm digging it a lot.

I'm on the look out for he next volume, which should've been at my local comic shop back in February!

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Monday, July 05, 2010
I washed both cars this weekend.

Two of them.

But really, I wanted to detail them. Wash, clean, wax, shine. Both of them. But I have no inclination of doing a full detail, because the time spent is best used for sitting around the house and watching television.

In reality, owning two cars sucks. Owning one is terrible, but two is triply terrible. You have two too many things to worry about.

How are the tires on the car? How are the tires for both? Do they need to be replaced? What kind and how much?

How does the engine run? Is it service time already? What's that squeaking when I brake? Why is the engine idling rough? What and how much?

It is a pain. On my wallet. On my time. On my peace of mind.


Sunday, July 04, 2010

Independence Day! No more kings!

Except with the way we're being ruled it feels as if a king would be much better. Fools all over the place.

No more kings!


Friday, July 02, 2010
Washington Nationals v Baltimore Orioles June 27, 2010

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Thursday, July 01, 2010
Akiyama Mio

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Why is it that the only vampire novels I have read are translated from Russian or Swedish? I hate vampires and vampire tales, so why did I/am I reading translated works of vampire lore? And is there a Japanese vampire novel that I should read?

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