"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Yeah 80s. Where's your black trenchcoat? Creepers? Better bust them out.


The URL says it all. *Wah-wa-wa-waaaaaaah*


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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Look who nick threw the ball to #Orioles  on Twitpic

Foul balls were flying my way all night long. Close to last years seats. In fact, I most likely would've been the one reaching for the one that bounced back onto the field in the fourth.

I seem to get a ball every year. This one in the bottom of the eighth. Markakis catches a routine fly to right field. Since most of the regulars in my section were not there, I had moved over a couple of seats to hang over the right field wall. Markakis runs in as he does he looks my way. I do the international gesture for "throw me the ball:" hands go up.

He tosses it my way as he goes by! I am such a kid.

I had my camera in my hand so I almost crushed it while catching the ball.

One of the better moments in a dismal 5-1 loss at Camden Yards. Orioles are kind of lifeless right now. They've reverted to the mode they were in at the end of 2009: cruise control. We need the pod people back.

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Why are Japanese ska bands so ridiculous? Is this how ska would've sound like if everyone still loved listening to it?

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
I can't believe I hadn't posted this as a cycling link before. They sell awesome bikes. Pricey, but I am wanting to get a Pegoretti.


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Monday, June 27, 2011
Even I didn't think that I could have a more pathetic ride on my bike than last Saturday, but I was wrong. I did 3.5 miles of really terrible biking this evening. Just got back.

The journey of a million miles always starts with the first few miles. I decided to try out a route that I want to do for an early morning quick work out. It's just around the block using the cover of a park trail as a small bit. I wanted to see how out of shape I was. And I really am. I don't have any power in the legs and applying what little I got hurts. Plus it took all my will power to keep the gearing in a moderate setting lest I resort to the granny gear for the flats. If not for the downhill run, this would've been a twenty minute outing.

I suck. Yet, I can only get better.

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I've seen terrible movies, and I've seen terrible movies so bad their good. And then there's Bad Teacher. Don't watch it.

Someone tell me why Cameron Diaz got to open a movie? Is she still a star? For a second there, I thought that they filmed this movie a few years ago when Diaz and Justin were an item. The studio at that time knew how terrible a movie this was. They dumped it here when it was time enough to recoup there investment. Considering it made some moola this weekend, they may just get the money back.

It is bad.

1 of 5 stars

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Jim Emerson blogs about the warning affixed to a movie theatre's screening of Terence Malick's "The Tree of Life." It's not like the MPAA's warnings of violence and sex, but a warning that the film is arty. It may be too arty for some folks.

I figure that if you are making the choice to watch "The Tree of Life" then you already know what you're getting into. It's Malick. You should know by now his M.O. His movies are what they are.

That being said, I wish there was a warning for Bad Teacher. To wit: "Warning: Watching Bad Teacher has been known to cause cancer in lab rats."


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Sunday, June 26, 2011
Green Lantern isn't as bad a movie as the critics make it out to be. I've seen clunkers (I'm looking at you Fantastic Four movies) made from comic book movies and this one doesn't lower itself to those other's terrible-ness. It beat my low expectations.

Green Lantern suffers the issues associated with every first movie of a comic franchise: how to make the origin story compelling. We don't have to worry about it for Green Lantern, because, besides comic geeks, no knows the origins of Green Lantern. The interesting origin is built it although it is rather pedestrian. The interstingness comes from lack of familiarity. There was nothing to screw up (I'm looking at you Xmen origins). The newness of this comic book hero mad it interesting already. It just a straight up telling of Green Lantern origins.

You do know that Green Lantern is the 3rd most powerful DC character. I don't really care for DC, so this movie is even better for making me care. Ryan Reynolds is Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern. As much as expected, I was wanting more Van Wilder.

Overall, I've seen worse. If you're a DC fan, does this live up to expectations?

3 of 5 stars.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011
I haven't really rode my bikes since 2009. Sure, I took a spin on it around the neighborhood twice last year, but I really haven't spent time in the saddle.

This AM I took my Kona to the NCR trail trying to get motivated to ride. Was planning to go from Ashland to Monkton which is about 7 miles out and 7 miles back. I started out quick, but from Ashland it is downhill. Around 5 miles I was getting worried that I wouldn't feel good enough to make it back. I was thinking that I bonked. What can I say, I didn't make it to Monkton falling a stop short.

My legs felt as heavy as my body. There's no strength in them.

I eased my way back to my car with my tail between my legs. What's gonna happen when I really go out on a ride?

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Friday, June 24, 2011
When I was just a baby, my momma told me,
"Son, always be a good boy. Don't ever play with guns."
But I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
When I hear that whistle blowing,
I hang my head and cry

"Folsom Prison Blues" Johnny Cash

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
A first hand account of what's up with the new Final Cut Pro X.


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Monday, June 20, 2011

Weirdly, I want to have some crabs right now. Some freshly steamed crabs with Old Bay. Summertime!


Saturday, June 18, 2011
Spanish Tortilla: Out of the oven

This week I started eating salad for lunch trying to lose some weight. I bought too much vegetables so that by the weekend I had left over onions and peppers. I needed to use them before they go old. Somehow I thought that I should make a Spanish tortilla, an omlet. I can cook scrambled eggs so how hard can it be?

First, I prepped the onions and peppers. Just fry them up like normal in a bit of oil. They recommend olive oil, but all I have is canola. Then comes the potatoes. I used white potatoes because of their size. Slice them up. If I was a better knife handler, they would all be the same thickness, but they weren't. Cook these up as well. When done remove the excess oil from the pan. Lower the heat on it and get ready to put everything pack into the pan. I was worried that they would stick to the pan so I put a little bit of butter before arranging the potatoes on the bottom. Then I put the fried peppers, onions and tomatoes on top. Took four eggs and scrambled them then poured over the vegetables. I finished it off with some feta cheese. Let sit for about 1 minute before I slid the pan into a pre-heated the oven at 325F. Cooked for about 20 minutes.

Remove from the oven. Let sit for a few minutes. With a spatula, free up the edges, put a plate over the pan and flip. Enjoy!

Spanish Tortilla: Turned out

Things to note, because I may forget.

Use less oil. I used too much for the pepper, onion, tomatoe mixture so that as the tortilla came out of the oven it was too oily. Use more salt. I'm watching my sodium, but more salt is needed to give the tortilla a kick. At least the feta cheese added to the saltiness. Slice potatoes better. Or even the peppers. I should've diced them. That pan handle is hot after it comes out of the oven. Yes I know, but not being in the kitchen very often.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Apropos with Monday's Link of the Day. And also why it's become harder and harder to read X-Men.


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Monday, June 13, 2011
In light of the travesty that is X-Men: First Class, here's something to chew about in reference to the DC and Marvel Superverse. When can we get an ending? Or are comics doomed to be about continuation and endless recycling of the story?


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Sunday, June 12, 2011
After all the bombast of the latest summer films, Super 8 was a nice respite. It doesn't hit you over the head with action scenes after action scenes, but it builds slow like films of yesteryear, the 70s to be exact.

It harkens back to lots of movies that occurred before the advent of Michael Bay. There is not much spinning or hyper-cutting or stupid action that happens for actions sake. There is a deliberate pace, a build up to the climax.

It's an abandoned alien story with a modern twist. CG. It had some close encounters aspects, mixed with ET, some Goonies, some ID4. It was 1979. It was fun to bike to school, to your friends house, to town. Biking is good. It gets you around. Ask Elliot.

The alien was supposedly friendly. How friendly can you get stuck on this rock since Roswell.? He was also weird. I couldn't decide what he was or if it was cool. Not really, but ET phone home right?

I saw this in a digital theatre and it was dark. Not the movie, but the projection. I should've watched the analog print. Better that way. Has this digital stuff been terrible especially with that 3D technology?

3 of 5 stars

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Back home from the tonight's game. Made some updates to the picture posts because they were upside down.

It was a close one and the O's should've one that one, but shoddy defense cost them the game. Felix has got to catch that ball. It hits your glove you should've had it. I think Nolan would've gotten that one. And our first baseman who's up for only a few games doesn't make the catches to keep them in it.

Mark Reynolds clobbered the ball tonight. His second homer was a moon shot that looked to be falling in but just kept going and going and going 415 yards from home, a monster shot. I'll post the video of his first homer soon.

The ball girl wore a pony tail!

Sat with the people I sat with a few games ago. They were old white folks but they seemed to enjoy the game. Good times.

The Yard was rocking tonight in that bottom of the 8th. I hadn't heard it that loud in a long time. Not perhaps since opening day a few years ago and even then. It was something to behold and hear.

I'm 3-2 on the times I've been to the Yard, the Orioles have been battling, and it's summer. Should I go tomorrow?

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Saturday, June 11, 2011
Bottom 8th Rally
Bottom 8th Rally
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

The heck! Im trying to send this for the last half hour.

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Bottom 4
Bottom 4
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

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These aren't the X-Men I grew up with. This aren't Professor Xavier's first students. Where's Jean Grey? Angel? Scott Summers? Iceman? Who's this Darwin fella? Is he even in the comics? The Hellfire club was the original bad guys? Where's The Fellowship of Evil Mutants? And how fucking funny is the title: The Fellowship of Evil Mutants? I think I got that wrong.

So, I caught X-Men: First Class and wish I hadn't. They retconned everything. Why? Are we so bored of the original X-Men that we could not care to see any of them again? And then they get these guys to fill in? Banshee? Havok? Angel? I know I stopped reading X-Men, but where are all these mutants coming from?

The movie revolves around the Magneto versus Xavier view of being mutant: rule over or co-exist with humanity. Magneto comes through anger to create his world view. Xavier comes from privilege. Magneto was Bondian. Xavier was prissy. When did the X-Men become lame? (Right around the first xmen movie)

Well, at least Rose Byrne was in it. Once again, remember when she was the frumpy one?

2 of 5 stars.

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Friday, June 10, 2011

Left Field Zoo
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Dude has 2 cans of Coors Light on his head.

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Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

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Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Batteries on the phone will be dead. So hopeful that it's a good night.

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Rain Delay
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

About 7:15 PM at The Yard.

Pouring. Will they get the game in?

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Wednesday, June 08, 2011
We are all going to IPv6 sooner or later. Today, they are starting to roll out the changes. If you didn't notice anything wrong with the internet, then all is well.

You should test out if you're ISP is ready. Or is this only for ISPs?


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Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Kim Ha Yul Red and White Hanbok

Hanbok is a traditional Korean dress. Kim Ha Yul wears it well.

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Yesterday, I asked a question about Twitter/iOS integration. Today's link gives an idea of what it was all about. Again, will this mean more followers, especially, those who use facebook? Or will Apple in the next release include facebook?

Currently, glad that my only true social network persona resides on Twitter thus Apple's plans validate my choice. I wonder why facebook didn't join in or if they were even asked.


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Monday, June 06, 2011
So with iOS5 Twitter integration, will my number of followers increase? And what's it mean for ping?

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Does the internet go down every time there's an Apple Keynote speech?

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Sunday, June 05, 2011
Go and wish for a third season of Haruhi Suzumiya.


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Good Morning!

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Friday, June 03, 2011
"He who warned the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms, by ringing those bells and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed."

Sarah Palin about Paul Revere

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Because CapitolSwell didn't come back with some Kpop, I'm left to scavenge youtube for some SNSD. Here's a song on their latest foray into the Japanese market, "Run, Devil, Run." Unfortunately, it doesn't highlight their legs.

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Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Jessica [Girls Generation{SNSD}]

Can you dig it?

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"He is Conan, Cimmerian. He won't cry, so I cry for him."

Subotai (Gerry Lopez), Conan the Barbarian

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The Lodsys story makes me sick. It (software patents) are stifling innovation. I think software shouldn't be patentable. It's like thought or music. Someone somewhere has thought about it already. You can't patent an idea.


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