Wednesday, November 30, 2011
As the nights start getting colder (the days stay very warm) and the dark settles in earlier, the winter Oscar season heats up. I haven't watched to many of the contenders: I still haven't seen The Tree of Life. Yet, I been following the Oscar race on Grantland.
Grantland is a website writing about sports, but they also have other writers writing about pop culture. I've been reading the Oscarmetrics column with devotion trying to figure out what to watch and to handicap for the Oscar Pool.
It also helps me to figure out what to watch. Let's checkout what's playing at the Charles.
Labels: lotd, movies, oscar pool
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
9:13:00 AM
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
If this don't make you want Popeye's chicken I don't know if you're alive.
Labels: ha ha
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
8:33:00 PM
Monday, November 28, 2011
Just made mean comments at gov brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot
@emmakate988Labels: ha ha, John McCain is unfit for the presidency, oops, qotd, tweet
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
8:57:00 PM
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Followed a link from Kottke this morning to Susan Kare's website. She was the original designer of many of the visual interface icons on the original Macintosh. Now I want a few prints of her classic icons. The Happy Mac. The Sad Mac. The Bomb. The Dogcow. What should I choose? Or should I let you choose for Secret Santa. Apple, art, lotd
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
10:47:00 AM
Saturday, November 26, 2011

All I wanted was the dressing. And the oysters. But there was also some barley and some clams that jumped onto my plate. This was the fourth one. I liked this better.
Labels: mmm
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
9:22:00 AM
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
9:04:00 AM
What should we be thankful for?
Most everything! Life is mostly beautiful even if it stinks at this time.
Everyone and everybody, have a safe and joyous thanksgiving!
Labels: thankful
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
9:03:00 AM
Thursday, November 17, 2011
"This is what happens when you meet a stranger in the Alps!"
Walter Sobchack (John Goodman), The Big Lebowski
Labels: ha ha, qotd
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
7:35:00 AM
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
As I watched
J. Edgar, I wondered what hack directed this film. The tone seemed all wrong -- it felt campy. Leonardo was bombastic. The makeup looked horrendous. What hack would do this on a biopic?
Clint Eastwood. Wow. I couldn't believe it.
It's another strange effort by Eastwood.
He makes the old people look like Charles Foster Kane. He let Leonardo chew some scenery.
2 of 5 stars.
Labels: movies, review
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
10:25:00 PM
Saving up. I would get it right this moment, but it hasn't been released yet. And I would've gotten it on release, but I'm still deciding on Christmas presents and season tickets. Still. This is on the want list. Beyond wishes. I want one. Like yesterday.
Labels: lotd, want
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
4:34:00 PM
I'm definitely getting a new Orioles cap. I make it a ritual almost every spring before the season starts to buy a new cap. I've lost a few out the window, and I changed the size that I wear from 7 1/2 to 7 5/8. I really wear a 60cm hat, but that is in between the two English measurements. The 7 1/2 size is tight and gets tighter as the years go by. The 7 5/8 size makes me look like Robert Andino. The Legend of Bobby Andy lives!
So next year I'll be sporting the cartoon bird. Again. I've got a replica of the 83 Orioles cap which people say I wear just because it was the last Orioles World Series winner. I'll always cheer for these fools knowing how frustrating an organization it is. Baseball is baseball and it beats sitting around the house.
I also checked out the season ticket prices. They haven't changed, but the seating arrangement has. They moved the price range for my section inward. It's now cheaper to get closer to the dugout. The couple of sections to my left now have the same season ticket price as my section. I bought my tickets in this section because it was as close to the field as I could get without getting gouged. Now they've changed the price for the other sections. Perhaps I should switch up and see if the tickets behind the ball girls are open. The team must need fans.
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
1:38:00 PM
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
One thing about the internet, it brings you closer to strangers while still being a stranger. I often like looking at creative people's blogs. It makes for interesting reads at how they do what they do. When do they find the time to blog?
For respect of Community and to acknowledge that being put on the back may mean cancellation, here's Dan Harmon's tumblr. Maybe sometime this week he'll tell us how he feels about that. boobtube, lotd, weird
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
6:49:00 AM
Monday, November 14, 2011
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
8:34:00 PM
Dreamt this morning. I wouldn't call it a dream though as I was half awake. Perhaps we'll call it subconscious thinking in a slumbered state. Nah, that don't sound right. I'll just call it a dream.
Like every dream I write about here, it involves a girl. That's not to say my dreams are always about girls. It's just that I only write up the ones with a girl in it.
What's complicating this dream write up is that I don't know which of the usual girls I dream about was the star. In fact, I wondered if I was able to identify any of the others in this dream. Could it be people from IniTech? Or were grade school classmates in it? Perhaps, one or two were family members or Shore Studio friends. I couldn't remember after getting up out of bed. And if I couldn't immediately afterwards, then I can't really say right now. Maybe all my dreams have been a lie. Maybe no one was in them, but me...
Here's some of the details I remember. Most of it is fuzzy...
We're staying at some hotel for business. There was a cross walk to an overpass. We took it to the overpass. It was me, the girl, and some other people. We had to have been drinking. Someone looked over the side of the overpass and wondered if they could get down from there using this light pole. Everyone wanted to try. Up and over to the light pole and we all slid down to the sidewalk. We had left our shoes in the hotel room. I made the comment that we're all in socks. It didn't matter. We wanted to cross the street in our socks. When we got inside, we waited for the elevator up to take us back to our rooms. I bumped into someone as he was getting off and I was getting on. He asked about some work stuff, and I told the people I was with that I'll see them in a few minutes. I pulled this guy aside and was joined by the girl. She was by my side and she put her arm in my arm. This is when I usually get the funny feeling in the pit of my stomach that signals that I like this. We discussed IniTech work. It was boring that I wanted a drink. Let's hit up the lobby bar. She said yeah and we strode into the bar arm in arm. Then I woke up.
It was delicious to remember what it is like to be side by side with a girl. The warm body. The smell of her hair. The solid feel of her shoulder. Of her arm in my arm. Her hand in my hand. Yet, I couldn't place her face. It could be any of the girls I've been infatuated with. Same can be said to the other shades in my dream. I couldn't place their faces. Who were they? They only coalesced into someone recognizable once I started trying to place the faces. She could be I or S or the latest infatuation. The co-workers could've been IniTech or Shore Studios or Ruby's. Definitely not Ruby's, but it could almost be them. Once I thought about it awake, they all took on faces that I thought was there, but really, were they there in my dreams.
Labels: dreams
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
8:53:00 AM
Friday, November 11, 2011
Binaries! Get your binaries here!
I think better in octal. Happy 3F day!
And for all you regular humans, it's 63! lotd, nerd
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
6:14:00 AM
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Yeah! It still lingers on the Desktop, but maybe, just maybe we'll see the end of it.
Good bye, don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out!
Labels: fare thee well, lotd
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
9:44:00 AM
Monday, November 07, 2011
Just throwing left over ham into a frying pan with some vegetables doesn't mean it is really a stir fry. Especially, if you don't even bother to have rice as well. It's just fried ham with vegetables. Don't do this again.
I just took some ham and chopped it up into little pieces. Heated up the frying pan with some oil and the rest of my
roasted garlic spread. Threw in some frozen vegetables. And that's all I am calling my ham stir fry.
Once again don't do this again.
Labels: cooking, disaster
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
8:24:00 PM
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.Even my nendoroids miss baseball. Minami Kawashima from Moshidora: baseball manager managing under the rules of Peter Drucker.
Labels: baseball, nendoroid, picture
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
6:17:00 PM
One of things about cooking once in awhile is that you accumulate plenty of ingredients which you may or may not use again. In my root cellar I had a potato which I threw into my
Mushroom Soup. I still have some garlic and an onion in there as well. I thought about making some eggs this morning but found my sink with the frying pan I would use. So in lieu of making an omelette, I decided to roast the remnants of the head of garlic and try to make some type of garlic butter spread.
I first boiled the garlic as per this
recipe. Then when they were tender. I pan fried/roasted them in a tablespoon of oil. I actually used some salt, thyme ,and red pepper flakes as they cooked in the frying pan. When golden brown, I threw the cloves in a container with a tablespoon of butter and mashed them together. The butter melted, but I'm hoping that storing in the fridge will resolidify it.
What should I use this garlic spread for?
Labels: cooking
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
11:55:00 AM
Thursday, November 03, 2011
In the middle of watching the morning showing of
In Time at the local cinerama, the bulb on the projector went out. We sat and waited for them to replace the bulb. It took 15 minutes. That and the two hours of the movie I won't get back. It brings me closer to death.
The story is about a future world wherein you don't age after you are 25, but you only have 1 year of life left. You gain more time by working. There are the rich in time who have years and decades and there are the 99% who live day to day, hour to hour, and minute to minute. Justin Timberlake lives moment to moment. His mom is the hot Olivia Wilde. Because of her, he becomes the Time Robin Hood. He gives time from the rich to the poor. Amanda Seyfried was a bored rich girl who fell in with Justin. They become Bonnie and Clyde of the Seconds. They'll give you the time of day.
Does that sound exciting? It does to a bit, but after a while it got boring. The idea of the time clock was intriguing the time heists not so much. They should've stuck with the time idea. What do you do to gain another second of life? The difference between time poor and time rich? Explore these ideas. Don't fall back into the cliché of good bad. It feels fake.
I wish I could get back that 2 hours and 15 minutes.
2 of 5 stars.
Labels: movies, review
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
9:59:00 PM
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Listen to the WTMD this morning for some good music. They are celebrating the day of the dead with music from dead musicians. There's all kinds of good music on and lots of fun too. That band in heaven is probably the greatest band ever.
Labels: go there now, music break
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
7:55:00 AM
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
8:16:00 PM
Google changed up Reader and I am unhappy.
I've been using Reader for a long time now. It is the only Google app I use. The only Google app I think is fine. They went and changed it so that it fits into their Google+ strategy and it has become a chore to use.
At work on IE, it keeps wanting to have me switch to Chrome. On IE, it looks like crap. At home on Camino, it doesn't get any better. It still looks like crap. On Safari, it still looks like crap.
At least its mobile interface hasn't changed.
I make do with what I've got as an RSS reader app, but I'm gonna have to change out if it gets any worse.
Labels: disaster
Posted by: SoNSo1 |
9:29:00 AM
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