"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Psycho was playing at The Charles. I've never seen it straight through, so what better way to watch it but on celluloid in a revival theatre.

And it was great. I got chills when "mother" comes out and kills the detective. It was enough to make me jump a bit.

Afterwards, I got to arguing with the seed about if it was a modern movie or not. He says it was because of the editing. I said no because of the staging and framing. I'll give him the editing as it is more modern than the studio films of 40s and 50s, but I feel that it had some of the mise-en-scene you get from a film noir of the earlier era. The closeups and the tight shots highlighting the tension of the story. It's a toss up. I won't give ground and he won't either.

It's a good movie for this fact.

4 of 5 stars.

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“History appears poised to confirm what most Americans today have decided: that the decision to invade Iraq was a serious strategic blunder. No one, including me, can know with absolute certainty how the war will be viewed decades from now when we can more fully understand its impact. What I do know is that war should only be waged when necessary, and the Iraq war was not necessary.”

Scott McClellan, What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception

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Kawaii Not, the comic for when cute goes bad!


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Friday, May 30, 2008

Alfred Hitchcock receiving an honorary Oscar in 1968

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Chris Bishop is an illustrator who did the Pretty girl and robot series that I loved looking at. He also is exhibiting at ARTOMATIC in DC. CapitolSwell had mentioned it awhile back, but in reference to a friend of his showing. I hope he had a chance to admire some of Chris Bishops work.

Maybe one of these days, I can but his a piece. Until then let's enjoy the sublime, Girl versus Pig.


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Thursday, May 29, 2008
At first, I didn't understand the meaning of the title. Was it one of those cute japanese word mash ups that didn't mean anything? Then, with all the characters blushing I finally understand.

That is one tear jerker of a series. Here's the score for me: 1 couple cheered, 1 couple shrugged. What happens now to the girls that lost? Sakino will end up alright, but Yumi sad, but bravely sallying forth. Gah! Man what a series?!

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So, as you've probably noticed, I've been watching a lot of anime (and reading plenty of manga). You would think that I would stick to the tried and true big robot genre. Yet, I am digging any of the romance stuff, both comedy and dramas. It's not as silly or girly as you think because most of the ones I've seen and read stick are targeted at Japanese males. I'm staying away from the shojo anime for now.

The story lines for them all follow the similar structure. Love is unrequited. The dream girl is being sought after. Then a third (or more) enters the fray to create the drama and tension for the series. A couple will emerge from the triad, but their story is circuitous.

If these anime were american, one of the three would be an idiot or shrew or jerk or milquetoast. He or she would not be worthy and the screenwriters spend their time highlighting that fact. The dream one will be almost perfect. You'll end up rooting for the perfect couple to emerge disengaging the shrew/idiot/jerk in a discourteous way.

In anime/manga, the rivals for the heart of the protagonist are equally matched. They have they're good sides and they have they're bad sides. An argument can easily be made for either one. You end up liking both, and you can't stand for anyone to get hurt.

I've been watching Kimikiss Pure Rouge, and every triad is like that. I'm pissed off, because I don't want to see any of them hurt. Still, I know that the story must choose a couple, and I can't help but want the shy, quiet one to be it. It's most convenient that she is moving away though, but why must he break her heart.

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"Thank you."

William Holden accepting Oscar for Best Actor for Stalag 17 (1953)

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This is a post that most likely should come from my buddy, Wyman, over at JadedWings, but he's busy doing his own thing so let me tell you about.

TCM is doing race and cinema with Asian actors. Every Tuesday and Thursday they'll show movies that have asian actors. The one I am most looking forward to is The Bitter Tea of General Yen which stars my fave, Barbara Stanwyck, who is seduced by the oriental devil. Nice. Anyway, try to catch some of these movies because I said so. You've got Tivo correct?


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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
"If, for some reason, we make some big mistake and IBM wins, my personal feeling is that we are going to enter a computer Dark Ages for about twenty years."

Steve Jobs

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Mac Clones. Sounds like something out of Star Wars. Yet, the mid nineties did have Apple sanctioned alternative machines. They were nice. You could configure them like a dell. But it ate into Apple's profits and probably contributed to the late nineties Apple malaise. Steve Jobs comes in and kills that deal. Apple creates the iMac and starts its climb back to greatness.

This is notice that for Apple to survive they must keep making their own boxes. Fake Apple stuff sucks. Don't buy that fake Apple stuff.


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This is so cool. I don't know what to say, but damn that's awesome!!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Online Videos by Veoh.com

I heard good things about Macross Frontier. It's just as good as the original. Looks to have the same story structure. Must make room for mecha.


MacMinis in unexpected places
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Hanging in the customer lounge at Heritage VW and powering the television display.


"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

Roy Batty, Blade Runner

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More fodder for looking around town. The place isn't located here, but it's what it is that is most important.

It makes me hungry.


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Monday, May 26, 2008
All your base are belong to us.

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Comptiq has some interesting manga. I'm not sure what the site is saying. All I know is that they publish some manga. What else is there to say?


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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Voter fraud really only happens in the movies. Or does it!!!


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skulls beats the xfiles to the punch and shows us that there are aliens. "I want to believe," but the movie was more than I could bear. Action was there, but the heart wasn't. The story was hodge-podge of things that 1950s america puked up. Aliens. Time travelers. And Espers!! Besides being xfiles was it also a Haruhism production?

CG just ruins things.

2 of 5 stars,

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Originally uploaded by Margeeboo.

This was in my change the other day.

It's Abe Lincoln's brother Jerrod on the $6 bill!

"We've adopted Satan!"

Little Ben Healy, Problem Child

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At the turn of the century, Napster was the place to get your mp3s. Then Apple invented the iTunes Music Store. Sayanora, Napster!

It's back though, and trying to wrestle the mp3 download business from Apple. Good luck, Napster!


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Me and Marge from the Fish Tank spent the day looking for some eats.

It started with the need for some noodles. Obviously, with a post about ramen, that's what I wanted. There really ain't none in Bmore except for Mimoto. It doesn't open until 5:00 pm on a saturday, but we were hungry too much earlier.

So we get to Edo Mae Sushi in Owings Mills, because they had soba as well as udon. Marge loves it cold, and that's what we had. Plus a sunshine roll which was too much.

Then we get some coffee at the usual haunt. Yet, the coffee was too sweet (for Marge).

So we head back home, but she's locked out. We wander around a bit and end up at Edo Sushi for a snack: a beer, sashimi and unagi.

That's a lot of eating today. We're gonna look for that ramen later next week. And perhaps more cold soba.

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Saturday, May 24, 2008
"If you stare into the Abyss long enough the Abyss stares back at you."

Friedrich Nietzsche

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Checkout footnote #22. Infamous!


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Friday, May 23, 2008
And Thingol answered: 'What of your quest, and of your vow?'
But Beren said: 'It is fulfilled. Even now a Silmaril is in my hand.'
Then Thingol said: 'Show it to me!'
And Beren put forth his empty left hand, slowly opening its fingers; but it was empty. Then he held up his right arm; and from that hour he named himself Camlost, the Empty-handed.

The Tale of Beren and Luthien, The Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien

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Is it hip to call things prequels? I mean, please, The Silmarillion, a prequel. Yes, technically speaking, but wouldn't it be better thought of as the foundation of the history for The Lord of the Rings? You wouldn't call the US Civil War a prequel would you?


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Thursday, May 22, 2008
"So once again, Jones, what was briefly yours is now mine."

Belloq, The Raiders of the Lost Ark

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Here's GreenCine Daily's all your Indiana Jones items you can handle. Enjoy!


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Wednesday, May 21, 2008
“Life's disappointments are harder to take when you don't know any swear words.”

Bill Waterson, Calvin and Hobbes

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I really haven't eaten any ramen in my life except for the noodle blocks you get at the grocery 10 for $1. Yet, reading through this site it makes me hungry. I guess this post is more suited for foodiemonster.


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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
More naming conventions for the new gadgets in my life.

iPhone is Thorin. The MacBook Pro is Gondolin. (I thought that was my big ass hard drive? Must be because I haven't turned it on in a long while that I forgot.)

The IBM ThinkPad is Morgoth.

Yes, that's a PC on the list. Because I needed it for school. Just for one class. And just for one project. $500 bucks. I could've had another MacMini.

Yet, I've been using it lately. It certainly needed to be used as I have had it unplugged from the charger for a year. I wonder if the battery is still good? I've been putting it to good use as the back up machine to my web surfing. Firefox. What other utils should I install to save me from the wicked world of PCs? Also, what games?

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"Good ol' Charlie Brown... How I hate him!"

Shermy, Peanuts, Charles Shulz

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Someone fixes a 25 year old bug in the BSD Unix.

"Who cares? I don't use Unix anyway," you might say. Sorry, it's what's running beneath the pretty Aqua interface of Mac OS X.

It's a rather trivial bug, very low level and such. Yet, I wonder why it took this long to find a fix. The open source model of software development touts the fact that with the source available to anyone and everyone all bugs are shallow. That is it should take a short time to find a fix. Yet, the bug fix was just submitted recently!

The funny thing is that it was a known bug. Was it reported to code maintainers? There were programs that knew of the BSD problem and created workarounds for it. Somethings wrong with this the BSD development to let this go untouched for so long.


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Monday, May 19, 2008
Thank you to my friends and family for the well wishes that I received on Saturday. Grad school, while boring, was fun and challenging at times like so many other endeavors we choose to attempts. And getting the congratulations from you all made it all the better. I really appreciated the cake as well.

I wasn't going to go to the ceremony, but once there on the floor, I thought to myself that I was glad I did. (And not just the girls) It was surprisingly awesome to be out there, then onto the dais for the ceremonial handshake.


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This is spot on hilarious.

"Pamu. Pamu. Pamu."


"Gomen ne sai."

And the way she laughs. So very, very, very japanese.

If I didn't know any better, SNL produced a few laughs last weekend.



背中向けて 去ってしまう
on the lonely rail

my way 重なるよ
いまふたりに God bless...

1st verse of "God Knows..." from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

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XKCD would only appeal to geeks. Or am I wrong? Read some of these and tell me if you get the humor. Especially, the math stuff.

XKCD, a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language.


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Sunday, May 18, 2008
"It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known."

Sydney Carton, A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens

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Who's the superest of them all?

I don't know but some of these are quite clever.


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Saturday, May 17, 2008

The view from the cheap seats
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

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"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."

John 3:16

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MegaTokyo is about to explode! Not really, but here's a couple of American guys who are writing their own web anime. You can also get the dead tree version in your local comic store.

I never really got into it, but it's an interesting link nonetheless


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Friday, May 16, 2008
D'oh, pardner!!

That's pretty much an ouch right there.

Thank you, America.

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"Only one is a wanderer; two together are always going somewhere."

Madeleine/Judy, Vertigo

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Funny that I'm using blogger's new scheduling feature to post about Slate's special procrastination issue. This way I'll be ahead of the curve.

Anyhow, back to the lolly-gagging...


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Thursday, May 15, 2008
"Software is a place where dreams are planted and nightmares harvested, an abstract, mystical swamp where terrible demons compete with magical panaceas, a world of werewolves and silver bullets."

Brad J. Cox

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So, you've probably noticed that I've started a new daily (!!) feature to the site, Quote/Link of the Day. It's tough to keep that up, especially the quotes. So here's a site for all software engineers to reference. They got some choice nuggets in there.

Read it and you'll come to understand the profound difficulty that software development is.


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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I received this book for Christmas, but was reminded of it by kottke.

Here's the original list, and there have been some additions for the later editions.

My final count: 292 of 1001. I bet there are some who can do better. I lost the entire 60s and early 70s.

1. A Trip to the Moon (1902)
2. The Great Train Robbery (1903)
3. The Birth of a Nation (1915)
14. Nanook of the North (1922)
15. Nosferatu, A Symphony of Terror(1922)
27. The Battleship Potemkin (1925)
28. The Gold Rush (1925)
31. Sunrise (1927)
32. The General (1927)
46. Pandora’s Box (1929)
55. Dracula (1931)
56. Frankenstein (1931)
59. M (1931)
61. The Vampire (1932)
75. Duck Soup (1933)
78. King Kong (1933)
86. It Happened One Night (1934)
91. The 39 Steps (1935)
98. Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)
106. Grand Illusion (1937)
107. Stella Dallas (1937)
110. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
113. Jezebel (1938)
118. Bringing Up Baby (1938)
122. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
123. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
130. The Rules of the Game (1939)
132. His Girl Friday (1940)
133. Rebecca (1940)
134. Fantasia (1940)
135. The Philadelphia Story (1940)
138. Pinocchio (1940)
141. Citizen Kane (1941)
142. The Lady Eve (1941)
143. The Wolf Man (1941)
145. Sergeant York (1941)
148. Sullivan’s Travels (1941)
150. The Palm Beach Story (1942)
152. Casablanca (1942)
154. Cat People (1942)
161. I Walked with a Zombie (1943)
162. The Seventh Victim (1943)
164. Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
168. Laura (1944)
169. Gaslight (1944)
172. Double Indemnity (1944)
178. Open City (1945)
193. Notorious (1946)
195. It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
196. Gilda (1946)
207. Rope (1948)
217. Adam’s Rib (1949)
222. On the Town (1949)
225. Rashomon (1950)
229. Sunset Blvd. (1950)
241. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
245. Singin’ in the Rain (1952)
246. To Live (1952)
257. Tokyo Story (1953)
259. Wages of Fear (1953)
267. Shane (1953)
274. Rear Window (1954)
278. The Seven Samurai (1954)
291. Marty (1955)
296. Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
307. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
309. All That Heaven Allows (1956)
310. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
314. The Ten Commandments (1956)
320. Throne of Blood (1957)
321. The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)
324. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
326. The Cranes Are Flying (1957)
334. Vertigo (1958)
339. The 400 Blows (1959)
340. North by Northwest (1959)
348. Breathless (1959)
349. Ben-Hur (1959)
351. Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959)
364. Revenge of the Vampire / Black Sunday (1960)
366. The Apartment (1960)
370. La Jetee (1961)
376. Viridiana (1961)
381. West Side Story (1961)
390. Lolita (1962)
396. The Birds (1963)
406. The Great Escape (1963)
407. Shock Corridor (1963)
415. Goldfinger (1964)
418. Marnie (1964)
437. The Sound of Music (1965)
449. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966)
459. The Graduate (1967)
463. Belle de Jour (1967)
467. Cool Hand Luke (1967)
470. Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
479. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
480. Planet of the Apes (1968)
482. Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
488. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
491. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
495. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
496. Midnight Cowboy (1969)
525. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
527. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
531. Harold and Maude (1971)
536. Dirty Harry (1971)
546. High Plains Drifter (1972)
548. Deliverance (1972)
550. The Godfather (1972)
556. Pink Flamingos (1972)
560. Badlands (1973)
563. Enter the Dragon (1973)
568. Don’t Look Now (1973)
571. The Exorcist (1973)
584. Chinatown (1974)
587. The Godfather Part II (1974)
590. Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
593. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
594. The Wall (1975)
595. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
605. Jaws (1975)
607. Carrie (1976)
610. Rocky (1976)
611. Taxi Driver (1976)
617. Star Wars (1977)
618. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
620. Annie Hall (1977)
624. Saturday Night Fever (1977)
633. Five Deadly Venoms (1978)
635. The Deer Hunter (1978)
636. Grease (1978)
638. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
640. Up in Smoke (1978)
641. Halloween (1978)
646. Alien (1979)
647. Breaking Away (1979)
651. Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)
652. Life of Brian (1979)
653. Apocalypse Now (1979)
654. The Jerk (1979)
657. Mad Max (1979)
662. The Shining (1980)
663. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
664. The Elephant Man (1980)
665. The Big Red One (1980)
667. Airplane! (1980)
668. Raging Bull (1980)
669. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
672. Chariots of Fire (1981)
673. Body Heat (1981)
675. An American Werewolf in London (1981)
679. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1981)
680. E.T.: The Extra-Terestrial (1982)
681. The Thing (1982)
682. Poltergeist (1982)
683. Blade Runner (1982)
684. The Evil Dead (1982)
685. Tootsie (1982)
687. Diner (1982)
693. A Christmas Story (1983)
696. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
697. The Big Chill (1983)
705. The Right Stuff (1983)
707. Once Upon a Time in America (1983)
708. Scarface (1983)
710. Amadeus (1984)
711. The Terminator (1984)
713. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
714. This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
715. Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
716. Ghostbusters (1984)
719. The Killing Fields (1984)
720. The Natural (1984)
721. The Breakfast Club (1985)
722. Ran (1985)
725. Out of Africa (1985)
727. Back to the Future (1985)
729. Brazil (1985)
730. Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985)
731. The Quiet Earth (1985)
736. The Color Purple (1985)
738. Stand By Me (1986)
739. Blue Velvet (1986)
743. The Fly (1986)
744. Aliens (1986)
745. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)
746. Down by Law (1986)
749. Platoon (1986)
751. Tampopo (1986)
753. Salvador (1986)
754. Top Gun (1986)
761. Raising Arizona (1987)
762. Full Metal Jacket (1987)
764. Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
768. The Princess Bride (1987)
770. The Untouchables (1987)
773. Fatal Attraction (1987)
774. A Chinese Ghost Story (1987)
776. The Vanishing (1988)
777. Bull Durham (1988)
779. The Thin Blue Line (1988)
780. Akira (1988)
781. Cinema Paradiso (1988)
783. A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
784. The Naked Gun (1988)
785. Big (1988)
787. Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
790. Die Hard (1988)
792. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
793. Rain Man (1988)
795. The Accidental Tourist (1988)
797. Batman (1989)
798. When Harry Met Sally (1989)
803. The Killer (1989)
804. Do the Right Thing (1989)
805. Roger & Me (1989)
806. Glory (1989)
814. Goodfellas (1990)
815. Jacob’s Ladder (1990)
817. Dances with Wolves (1990)
819. Pretty Woman (1990)
823. Edward Scissorhands (1990)
824. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1990)
825. Total Recall (1990)
827. Boyz ‘n the Hood (1991)
829. Delicatessen (1991)
831. Naked Lunch (1991)
835. Thelma & Louise (1991)
836. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
837. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
838. JFK (1991)
841. Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse (1991)
844. The Player (1992)
845. Reservoir Dogs (1992)
848. Unforgiven (1992)
849. Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
858. Groundhog Day (1993)
861. Jurassic Park (1993)
862. The Age of Innocence (1993)
865. Three Colors: Blue (1993)
869. Three Colors: Red (1994)
871. Forrest Gump (1994)
872. Clerks (1994)
873. Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
874. The Lion King (1994)
876. Natural Born Killers (1994)
877. The Last Seduction (1994)
878. Pulp Fiction (1994)
887. Casino (1995)
888. Deseret (1995)
889. Babe (1995)
890. Toy Story (1995)
891. Strange Days (1995)
892. Braveheart (1995)
894. Clueless (1995)
895. Heat (1995)
897. Seven (1995)
907. Fargo (1996)
908. Independence Day (1996)
914. Trainspotting (1996)
915. Scream (1996)
917. L.A. Confidential (1997)
919. Princess Mononoke (1997)
923. Boogie Nights (1997)
930. Titanic (1997)
933. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
936. Run Lola Run (1998)
937. Rushmore (1998)
940. The Thin Red Line (1998)
944. There’s Something About Mary (1998)
945. Magnolia (1999)
947. The Blair Witch Project (1999)
950. All About My Mother (1999)
951. Three Kings (1999)
955. Fight Club (1999)
956. Being John Malkovich (1999)
957. American Beauty (1999)
960. The Sixth Sense (1999)
961. The Matrix (1999)
966. Gladiator (2000)
971. Meet the Parents (2000)
973. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
976. Memento (2000)
978. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
983. Spirited Away (2001)
991. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
992. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
993. A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001)
996. Talk to Her (2002)
999. Chicago (2002)
1001. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)

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It's interesting finding out that the most recent film I watched is celebrating its fiftieth year since release. And it's always a pleasure to read another's take on the nature of that film in particular since it is one of Hitchcock's greatest.

While not originally loved, it has gained in stature every year since it's release. It's great film to know and appreciate. If you have time, The Charles still has one more showing this week.

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Is the Stark Industries logo taken from the Lockheed Martin logo?



Hillary Clinton wins in West Virginia and she argues that only she can beat McClown in the general elections. She is getting in the way of the chance to destroy the Republican party and muddling up the picture.

The goal of this year's elections is to destroy the quaint notion that the Republican party and current conservative thinking are the best way to producing a great nation. The Democrats should be hammering this meme everywhere, every day, every time. They need to discredit their opponents, so that the nation can understand that the destructiveness of the selfishness-inspiring Republican thought was what directly contributed to the worst eight years of the US.

Yet, Clinton is still in it. Her presence now gets in the way of presenting the American citizens that the Democrats can lead the nation to greatness again. With her there, the Democrats can't even lead their own party to greatness. It makes the message hard to decipher.

The nation is looking for kicking out the Republicans from office from state to national seats. Yet, the Democrats can't capitalize at the most significant post, the president. Why should the nation replace incompetent and corrupt Republicans, if the alternative is just as incompetent? And Clinton still in the race makes the Democrats look it.

Just get out of our way, so that we can start kicking some Republican ass.

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"The fundamental problem with software maintenance is that fixing a defect has a substantial (20-50 percent) chance of introducing another. So the whole process is two steps forward and one step back."

Frederick P. Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering,

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I'm about to direct you to a site that uses flash. I don't really dig the flash interface, but this site is so compelling that you must go.

Go now! And watch...



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Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I'm currently waiting for a load of laundry to dry. I just folded my whites. I've been living in my house for five years and I can count one hand the number of socks I've lost.

The myth is of the sock monster stealing one sock from a pair. I doubt it. If you're careful enough you shouldn't lose a sock.

Of course I've come across a missing sock, but it was soon found. It may have been overlooked at the bottom of the hamper or mixed in with the white, but they've been found. I've seen them fall between the drier and the washer, but they were still located in time to match the missing pair.

I don't think it's because of the sock vortex. I just think we get too lazy to care.

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"You're gonna need a bigger boat."

Sheriff Brody (Roy Schieder), Jaws

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I like riding my bike for recreation. I am sure I would love riding my bike for transportation. If only we can be serious about our transportation infrastructure, then maybe we can create a country with choices for moving about. I'm not advocating for bikes, but for a practical and sensible approach to our future needs.

The Streets Blog discusses "livable streets." It's a good resource to read for ideas about sensible uses of our streets for a better living.


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Monday, May 12, 2008
Marge and I caught the latest Hitchcock film at the Charles, Vertigo. After sitting in traffic and getting to the theatre just in time, we settle in for a really great film.

Jimmy Stewart's character's obsession is one of the loneliness and sad realizations in film. Novak's Madeliene/Judy should've gotten out of there when she had the chance. She should've forgotten all about Scotty.

My reaction to the film was very different from the one I had when I saw it on DVD. I think that in private, at home, I was able to connect with Scotty's obsession. It was more intimate and immediate. At the theatre, that feeling of obsession out in public was replaced with apprehension and I connected more with Judy. It is like I was acutely aware of my obsessiveness, and I was embarrassed by it so I chose to be appalled for my self like Judy was for Scotty's choices. I don't need her to wear a grey suit.

5 of 5 stars.

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Republicans Vote Against Moms; No Word Yet on Puppies, Kittens

Title to a Dana Milbank article in The Washington Post
Friday, May 9, 2008

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I took an animation class while in film school. I liked it plenty.

I use to read CartoonBrew daily just because it seemed to be connected with the industry. I like their stance on dearth of hand drawn animation in the US.

If you love animation, then you can do no wrong than by visiting today's link.


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Sunday, May 11, 2008
The Wachowski's Speed Racer is certainly ambitious. With it's candy coated visuals and cgi backdrops, it makes for an entertaining experience. Yet, it fails because of the use of cgi, because the meager plot couldn't hide behind the pretty lights, the film relied on the flash rather than the story. And that is what's so frustrating about this movie, the flashy visuals were good, but the tale was weak especially in the exposition of the fiendish Royalton. It was boring.

Until the races started up. I loved it. They looked like skaters doing ollie shove-its and 360 kick flips. This was the first time I felt like I had to play the video game. If it was about bashing other cars, it would be awesome like Mario Cart.

Christina Ricci is dangerous. Her Trixie enters and you know that the sugar coated affair has changed to something slightly off-kilter. John Goodman looking old, but serviceable as Pops. Sprittle was annoying, but needed to provide some comic relief for the children in the audience to laugh. Emile Hirsch is once again a blank 2d character like the animated version of speed racer.

The story did pick up until the racing. The early part was boring. In fact, I still don't get the fiendish Royalton's machinations because my eyes glazed over and I checked out for a bit.

It's not as bad as the reviews its getting, but it needs some work. This is the first movie that seems to have been expressly made for high definition DVDs. I couldn't help but think that hd DVD should've been its original release format.

3 of 5 stars.

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This heart, my own dear mother, bends,
With love's true instinct, back to thee!

Thomas Moore

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Mom Portraite
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in the world. May your children return the love you give them a thousand fold.

This one's for my mom. She's the greatest.

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Hey, it's my fourth anniversary of blogging on BrowserMetrics! There's a lot to read for all you newbies, but let's look back on how it was with my first post. After that, check out the archives. Hopefully, you'll find them amusing.


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Saturday, May 10, 2008

This screencap was sitting on my desktop. It was interesting enough that I wanted to share it with you. She's annoyed.

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What happened?!

Plus, it seems as if it's coming to a close.


This post should be about me being up this early or staying up late, but it is not.

It's about writing and writers who make their doing some work as

They get up in the middle of the night or early in the morning to post things.



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"Ludux." (Through light we shall govern.)


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If every year a Pixar film had to go up against a Studio Ghibli film for the Best Animated Film Oscar, I think Pixar would lose. It's not that Pixar's films are not the best, but that they seem to lack the maturity towards storytelling and to the story that you find in a Studio Ghibli film.

I can honestly say that Studio Ghibli's films rank higher than most Pixar films in my book, the exception being the phenomenal, The Incredibles.

Again, I am sending you to a Japanese only site. Sorry. If you want to know more about Studio Ghibli, but in English, google.


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Friday, May 09, 2008
I think I finished up my masters degree this week. I turned in the final assignment and am now just waiting for the sheepskin to be sent my way. Barring any unforseen errors by myself or by the school, it should happen. I will be a Master of Science in Software Engineering!

The graduation ceremenony is on the 17th and I am pondering on whether to walk or not. I feel obliged since I did pay for the gown, but I really don't want to be there on that day. I would like to, so that I know that I have accomplished something, but I'm too shy about it. I would walk for my parents to show them that their progeny also value education and for my grandparents who lead my parents to getting schooled. I wouldn't walk because I would rather be riding my bike on that morning.

All in all, I am again undecided. Like a freshman.

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Aaron Hillegass has probably done the most to promote Cocoa, the Mac OS
X framework. I've taken his class at the Big Nerd Ranch which was an
awesome week. The third edition of "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X" is
coming out soon. If you are interested in becoming a Mac developer or
an iPhone developer, this is the book for you.

I'm thinking of upgrading to this, but it will be strange to have 4 of
the same books at home.


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Japanese phrase meaning "I will receive!"
(Said before meals. Sort of their version of
"Let's eat!")


Thursday, May 08, 2008
The Tuth Is Out There

The X-Files' tagline

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Car drivers, please share the rode with cyclists.

Cyclists, be more careful and watch out.


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Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Stop your messing around
Better think of your future
Time you straightened right out
Creating problems in town

Dandy Livingstone, "A Message to you, Rudy"


I started reading this manga only a few hours ago, and I find that I am enjoying it. It's about bread baking, but done up with as a hero's quest story plus a dash of Iron Chef. It's that competition that makes it so intriguing.



Tuesday, May 06, 2008
This town, is coming like a ghost town
All the clubs have been closed down
This place, is coming like a ghost town
Bands won't play no more
too much fighting on the dance floor

The Specials, Ghost Town


Scanning the television dial the other day and I come across some belly
dancers. It's on the FitTV channel and they claim that it is some form
of exercise. While I don't doubt that shaking and gyrating your hips
can feel like exercise, the one whose blood pressure rose was mine.
It's strangely hypnotic.

Is it getting hot in here?


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Monday, May 05, 2008
Now they tell me!

I hate that, because I did stay past the first set of credits on the
roll. Everything that had some Iron Manly thing as a background. I
left during the credit roll before it got to the technical talent of the
gaffers, best boys, focus pullers, slate snappers, dolly men, and craft
service servers.

I wondered why that group of guys were sticking around.

Oh, well. We at least got YouTube.

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"Neither party expected for the war, the magnitude, or the duration,
which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the
conflict might cease with, or even before, the conflict itself should
cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental
and astounding. Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and
each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men
should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from
the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not, that we be not
judged. The prayers of both could not be answered; that of neither has
been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes."

President Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865


Here it is. Two o'clock in the morning and I'm posting my link of the day. It's to some Japanese ghost phenomena. I'm scared. I haven't seen any of the videos. Would someone please tell me if they are creepy?


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Sunday, May 04, 2008
Bully for Jon Favreau for directing Iron Man to the opening of Summer Movie Season 2008, and making some bucks as well as garnering well deserved kudos.

I found it good. Not on the Spidey 2 level, but better than a Fantastic Four catastrophe. That a suit is fantastic. The iron monger one reminded me of Appleseed's Mecha.

The cast was first rate. Robert Downey, Jr. displayed a flair for being debonair and an asshole but winningly so. Gweneth Paltrow was hot as Pepper Potts. The dude, Jeff Bridges, was the villainous Lex Luthor out to make bombs not love. Shield was there.

The interesting part was the play on the military industrial complex. If I didn't know it, Stark industries is a facsimile of Lockheed Martin. Even down to the corporate logo. They got that covered.

All in all, an enjoyable comic book movie. Good opening salvo for the Summer of 2008.

4 of 5 stars.

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"Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them!"

Albert Einstein

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Gas prices going up? You should be mad about everything that the auto-obsessed country is doing to us. We're too busy to notice, but it's the choices that we made in the past that is haunting us today.

Let's change, America!



Saturday, May 03, 2008

The Specials cover The Ska-tallites.

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The last of the rocking songs from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Sort of punk-pop, hunh?

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"The images you are seeing on television, you are seeing over and over and over. It's the same picture of some person walking out of some building with a vase and you see it twenty times. And you think, my goodness, were there that many vases?"

Donald Rumsfeld, April 2003

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Lately, in the anime world, there's been gripes with their quality. I don't really get what's the deal, but most anime seems to cater to this phenomenon. I think I may experience it as well.


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Friday, May 02, 2008
I should be actually doing some work. But I don't want to. I'm
actively watching the clock. And it's ticking very, very slowly.

The thing is that I should be happy. Things are somewhat picking up
here at IniTech. But I can't get past the fact that it's still IniTech.

Just hoping that these last thirty minutes can go by quicker. Then I'll
be free to get away from here for the weekend.

The weekend.

Is there anything more sweet than hearing those words? (Perhaps, je
t'aime? But I digress)


Mission Accomplished

Banner aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln 5 years ago during President Bush's speach

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Get thee to a comic shop tomorrow!


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Thursday, May 01, 2008
Nov. 19, 1992

Director Francis Ford Coppola gives a refreshing and interesting interpretation of the legend of Dracula. He does not offer the overdone Hollywood view of the Prince of Darkness as a bloodsucker, but instead, he chooses to remain faithful to Bram StokerÕs novel and to elevate the Victorian romance to the forefront. CoppalaÕs Dracula does not say, ÒI vant to suck your blood,Ó in a cheesy Rumanian accent nor does he have the hypnotic stare as popularized in many of the vampire films including the 1931 classic starring Bela Legosi. In fact, CoppolaÕs Dracula has an entirely different theme from its predecessors. It does not fall under the genre of horror film, but it encapsulates a variety of styles from horror to romance to even action-adventure. Coppola turns the Dracula legend upside-down, and redeems himself as one of AmericaÕs premiere directors.

Dracula is not like any vampire film that you have seen. Working from a script by James Hart, Coppola from the beginning wants you to feel the passion behind the motives of the man who was called Count Dracula. In the first scene which takes place a few hundred years before the Victorian age in London, the theme of undying love is established. Dracula is a man with a history behind his blood lust; he wants to become undead (never dying) in order to find his lost love, Elisabeta. Dracula having reason to his pursuit of blood is not what you would expect from a telling of the Dracula legend. If you enter thinking that you are going to see a lot of neck biting and other contrived devices of previous vampire films, then you are in for a surprise. Coppola wants to remain true to Bram StokerÕs novel and change the way audiences perceive the Dracula tale. He still shows a lot of blood, but focuses more on the attraction between Mina Murray (Winona Ryder) and Dracula (Gary Oldman).

Coppola returns to the screen in a highly stylized way. He starts out to take a look at passion and obsession and achieves that goal in his direction of the film. He takes you for a ride which does not slow down until the ending. Dracula constantly moves at an exciting pace; it never slows down. Even when there is not much action on screen, Coppola enlivens the film with dazzling cinematic techniques. From the opening moments of Count DraculaÕs battle against the Turks to the chase at the end, Coppola maintains a visual assault on your eyes with techniques that are flashy and uncustomarily unlike the director. The technique he uses in showing the countÕs point of view while stalking his prey is exhilarating. All this flashy camera work and special effects may sometimes get in the way of the story, but they are meant to highlight certain themes being played out. Also, his transitions between scenes are solid, even if at times they are confusing. But what makes his direction of the film stand out is the faith he had in the relatively young cast.

In the title role of Dracula, Gary Oldman does a convincing job. His Dracula is something other than a bloodsucking, undead creature of the night. Rather, he is charming and dramatic and able to exist beneath the midday sun, although his shadow has a life of its own. Oldman follows CoppolaÕs lead in changing Dracula from a man of evil nature to a man compelled by love. Bela Legosi would have a hard time recognizing the character he so much had created. Where LegosiÕs Dracula would have been more formal and staid, OldmanÕs rendition is irreverent to the notion that a vampires life is just lying around waiting for the sun to go down. Oldman shows the twisted side of lost mortality in Dracula. When Jonathan Harker (Keanu Reeves) cuts himself shaving, its amusing to see Dracula lick the razor clean; he needs the blood of a vibrant young person to maintain the illusion of living. Oldman makes Dracula seem more human which makes Dracula all the more creepy and spooky . Dracula doesnÕt do much to scare you but does enough to send shivers up your spine.

Other members of the young cast have impressive performances. They easily overcome the difficulties with an English accent. Winona Ryder turns in a remarkable performance as Mina Murray, DraculaÕs replacement for Elisabeta and HarkerÕs fiancŽe. Her fragile look fits that of a coy young, Victorian lady. At times, she is devoted to Harker, but when Dracula steps into her life she quickly falls for him. The sudden shift of her affection seems unbelievable at first, but it is within her character to give her undying devotion to someone. And it so happens that she fears Jonathan is dead. Keanu Reeves, as Jonathan Harker, overcomes his image of a burnt out surfer dude to give a spotty performance. When Harker is first introduced, Reeves seems to be unsuited for the role. His English accent sounds terrible, but by the close of the film, ReevesÕ performance increases in strength. Newcomer, Sadie Frost , does an amazing job with Lucy. As her name suggests, Lucy is a up front about her sexuality which is a contrast to RyderÕs upright Mina. She exemplifies the erotic nature to a vampireÕs blood lust.

The biggest surprise performance comes from Anthony Hopkins who plays DraculaÕs nemesis, Van Helsing. As with OldmanÕs portrayal of Dracula, Hopkins gives a refreshingly new interpretation to the Van Helsing role. In this film, Van Helsing is no longer a serious vampire slayer, but a swaggering old man who finds fun in hunting Dracula. It Ôs not just a job but an adventure. The two most serious characters, Dracula and Van Helsing, are played with a lighthearted feel. In fact, Hopkins illicits many of the laughs in the movie. He is just as comfortable at commenting on the action with witty one-liners as he is in driving a stake through a vampireÕs heart.

The opening of Dracula is surrounded by much hype. It is an eagerly awaited film. Lines are long to get into the theater, but you will get your moneyÕs worth in the first few minutes of an exhilarating film. Coppola changes the Dracula myth which will be a surprise to you. He renews the life of vampire films, and takes the genre to another level. Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins give the Van Helsing-Dracula rivalry a different perspective; they make it an age old rivalry for a manÕs humanity as well as entertaining to watch. With performances that are stellar and a visual style that is breathtaking, Dracula goes directly for the jugular and scores a hit.

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I'm watching The Abyss for the drowning scene.

I dread drowning. It scares me. But this scene always moves me so much. The logic behind the choice is quite scary. I feel for Lindsey.

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"Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham
Lincoln, my fellow Americans, major combat operations in Iraq have
ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have

President George W Bush 5 years ago aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln

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As you may know, I work for a IniTech doing software development. One
of those things you do in the field is version control, tracking changes
to your source code. That's all cool, except within your source code
tree, lots of detritus and extra files or folder gets accumulated.

It makes grep-ping for strings difficult. You end up gaining knowledge
on how to "find" your source files, "grep" for the strings, and piping
them into xargs for doing things.

Enter ack, the find|grep|xargs replacement. I installed the standalone
perl script version, and find life somewhat easier. Takes the annoyance
out of searching source code.

Plus, it's all about Bill the cat. Thpppt.


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