"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Sunday, August 31, 2008
"God created the flirt as soon as he made the fool.

Victor Hugo


On Friday, I asked for a link to Obama''s acceptance speech, and m came through with the youtube link. (Thanks, m!) So imagine my surprise that I checked out iTunes and found a free, nice downloadable version of the speech. Yippee! No more pixelated video, and you can put that on your iPhone/iPod to watch whenever or wherever.

Today's link gets you to the selected speeches of the Democratic National Convention. They've added just the audio of the speeches as well. Enjoy and vote Obama!


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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Nozomi Sasaki
Originally uploaded by g2slp.

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"Successful software always gets changed."

Frederick P. Brooks

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I'm trying to catch up with the classics of anime. I've bought Kiki's Delivery Service, another fine Miyazaki. I want to revisit the original Macross in the original Japanese format. I have Area 88 in my Netflix queue.

But I never new how fine an anime Neon Genesis Evangelion was. Looks like I have more viewing to do.


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Friday, August 29, 2008
I didn't watch it. All the blogs and pundits are atwitter that it was
pretty good. Long on details on how he's going to turn this country
around. How he parried the personal attacks on his patriotism. "When
the big man comes at the small man with all his might, it is the wise
man who steps aside."

Inspiring and pragmatic?

When will this be on iTunes? And someone post the YouTube link!

"Tens of thousands who could never afford to own, feed and stable a horse, had by this bright invention enjoyed the swiftness of motion which is perhaps the most fascinating feature of material life."

Frances Willard, "How I Learned to Ride the Bicycle"

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So you bought an iPhone 3G? I've got the old one. You've got the new one. There's nothing special about that right?

This dude bought one, but it came with pics already on the machine. Interesting. You've probably read about this already. Just had to post it for the link of the day. I can't say how real this is. It could all be just one of those internet hoaxes as well.


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Thursday, August 28, 2008

LogoThere are
or fewer people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Since I live in the United States, there is one of me. I don't understand why they put the "or fewer" clause when the count is one. Unless you do this from outside the US.

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"We don't have a moment to lose or a vote to spare. Nothing less than the fate of our nation and the future of our children hang in the balance."

Hilary Clinton @ the Democratic National Convention 8.26.08

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Do today what you want to do tomorrow, or some such nonsense such as that. You'll find these crazy zen koans of life wisdom in plenty books and magazines.

Do or do not. There is no try.

Sorry, that was Yoda. Except, no matter how cheesy it sounds, it is always better to be doing than to not be.

The guy who co-wrote the book, 100 Things To Do Before You Die is dead. He only accomplished about half his list.

So go. Do. Time is running out. You never know what tomorrow will bring.


(h/t Kottke)

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Who needs a remake of Robotech when we have Macross Frontier to watch?

Just release it in the US already. Quit with the lawsuits and give us our US blue ray discs of Frontier. I'll also buy the original Macross.

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Ranka-chan! The Super Dimension Cinderalla! Doesn't this look like a completely different anime? Is it out of place? The song does grow on you though, and the dances.

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Those silly fools. If they only new that that voice will lead to their downfall. Deculture!

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"I owe the American people an apology. If I had beaten the old man you'd
of never heard of the kid and you wouldn't be in this mess. So it's all
my fault and I feel that very, very strongly. So this is an important
election for us."

Michael Dukakis

(h/t Kevin Drum @ MotherJones)

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Growing up in the 80s, you could not not have watched MacGyver. He made
a bomb out of chewing gum and a radiator hose! At least that was the
joke at the time. Some of his solutions were ingenious. Others were
hard to believe, but they all contained some truth to the science in

Today's site is a contains wealth of MacGyver information, and I'm
sending you to the list of MacGyver solutions. You should also read the
rest of the site to satisfy all your MacGyver interest. The very least
is to check out the entry for the characters Murdoc and Penny Parker.
They were in one of my favorite episodes.


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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
"That which is in locomotion must arrive at the half-way stage before it
arrives at the goal."

Aristotle restating one of Zeno's paradoxes

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Rockband is probably the only video game I would feel like playing because it's like you're in a band pounding on the drums or trilling on the guitar. I just read that they plan to localize it for the Japanese market. No. Fucking. Way. Because if they do "God Knows" or "Lost My Music" from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, I may have to get a game system. That'll rock.

Anyway, here's the main RockBand site. You can check out all the songs that have been released for the game. There's some fun songs there to play, but it won't be as fun as "God Knows" or "Lost My Music." I'll even sing if this happens.


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Monday, August 25, 2008
Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.
Let's change the mood from glad to sadness

The Doors, "L.A. Woman"

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Just picked up this new manga, Kasumi, and find it a fun read. It's about a magical girl which puts it right in the shojo genre, but the plot hints at more of a superhero, American comic book action. The main character, Kasumi, isn't bitten by a spider or born with mutant powers, but acquires some them via mystical lights in the forest.

She's also a transfer student to an elite high school, and she finds herself an outsider because of her commoner class -- now that's shojo. Kasumi has to fit in, make friends, and discover why she has these new abilities.

Since it's only on its first volume not too much has been told, but I'm looking forward to the next one.


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Sunday, August 24, 2008
I'm getting bored with my link of the day/quote of the day posts, but find them very satisfying as they make me keep up the churning of the blog. I'm hoping to get to the end of the year with this style, but only seeing titles in my RSS feed of link/quote of the day is boring.

I'm hoping you readers click through the links and visit the sites I post. I'm also hoping you like the quotes I dredge up. Next month is NewsRadio Quote Month and I am still deciding if the titles will be quotes or just the quote of the day be quotes from the greatest comedy show of all time. I still haven't delved into the post Phil Hartman years.

Anyway, just had to post something to break up the monotony of the titles. Although this one isn't that great. Perhaps, I should start twittering.


Driving down your freeway
Midnight alleys roam
The cops and cars
The topless bars
I never saw a woman
So alone

The Doors, "L.A. Woman"

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See. I'm not the only one infatuated with anime figures. Here's a girl that likes to show the world her collection. I wish I could spend my money on these damn things. O, wait I already do! I think my interest was piqued when I spotted the Japanese figures and toys flickr pool. The mecha looked cool, but the darn girly figures were so cute, I just had to have one. Anyway, I do have several plus a set of SD Gundam mechs and two veritech fighters. Onward to more toys!


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Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova keeps on running and running and running while in that sweater and those tights. I love that in Goldeneye.


Saturday, August 23, 2008
I see your hair is burning
Hills are filled with fire
If they say I never loved you
You know they are a liar

The Doors, "L.A. Woman"

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This'll be brief, because I'm posting from my iPhone.


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Friday, August 22, 2008

Japanese Girls
Originally uploaded by Danny Choo.

The city is Tokyo. It's not like a night out in Bespin Cloud City or like the dive bars of Mos Eisley in that backwater of Tatooine in the galaxy far, far away.

The stormtrooper is Danny Choo of DannyChoo.com. Infamous for being the dancing stormtrooper of Tokyo. That's what the pic is about. Go check out this photo set. Looks like he's having fun.


Most times, when you're high, you feel time slow down. Most times, when
you watch a Judd Apatow flick, you feel time slow down. Pineapple
Express is a stoner movie produced by Apatow. Time slowed down.

It's not like other movies from the Apatow factory, where the movie was
really 30 minutes too long, although this one had an ending then an
afterward that resolved nothing but added more time. The time seemed to
stretch in this movie and his other movies because of the languid pacing
and stretching out of jokes to maximize, but minimize, their
effectiveness. For example, midway through the film, stoners Rogen and
Franco are selling some pot to kids, and the scene lasts for five
minutes as we watch them smoke up and dance stoner dances with the kids.
The too young to smoke kids inhaling, and you would've been laughing
like you were high, but the story adds extra dancing to this scene that
made it pointless. Ten year olds high, funny. Ten year olds and Seth
Rogan dancing not so much.

Still there was some laughs to be had. Only if you smoked. I think
everyone in the audience was high, so people were laughing. Danny
McBride wrestles another movie away from its stars and becomes the most
likeable character actor this summer. Gary Cole plays scary somewhat
scarily funny, and Ed Begley makes you laugh remembering his turns in
other comedies like Spinal Tap and Women on the Moon. And Amber Heard,
although in her twenties, plays a very delicious high school girl.

See it, but only if you're high.

3 of 5 stars.

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Here's an athlete's account of the men's road race during the first day of the Olympics. I couldn't watch it, because of the lame NBC web interface. It sure does sound exciting, riding through the scrubbed clean streets of China, being cheered by the crowds, riding up that darn hill. Wow. What I wouldn't have given to see that race.


"Now, my friends, I'll offer anybody here fifty dollars an hour if you'll go pick lettuce in Yuma this season and pick for the whole season. So, ok, sign up! Ok, when you sign up, you sign up, and you'll be there for the whole season, the whole season, ok, not just one day. Because you can't do it, my friend."

Sen. John McCain (R-FckTrd) on jobs Americans won't do

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The relentless march of links of the day is overwhelming and time consuming. I can't find things fast enough to link to, so I default to whatever was the last site I thought was interesting.

Here we have a blog about the sport of cycling. Not so much the doing, but the what and whys of things. I like reading about the sport, but sometimes I just have to go out and ride. Lately, I haven't been doing that. I need 100 miles to make it a decent month of riding. Instead of reading about it, I should be doing it. Yet, thphtt. ;__;


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Thursday, August 21, 2008
If a tree falls in the woods, and there is no one to hear it, does it make a sound?


Today's link is for software developers. Don't be lame. Check your source code in as soon as possible. Don't be that guy who keeps his code out of sync forcing a big merge mess. I try not to be that guy. I make it a game. Can I get my source checked in (and working) before the other guy?


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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Farewell, and adieu to you Spanish ladies,
Farewell, and adieu to you ladies of Spain!
For we've received orders for to sail for old England,
But we hope in a short time to see you again.

Ancient sea chanty

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Macross Frontier is the latest iteration of the Macross anime. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the release of the first Macross saga, the franchise goes back to all the hallmarks of the first one. The love triangle is there. The city on a spaceship is there. The mecha is there. The drama is there. And the singing. Boy, howdy, the singing!

When you watch it, you will recognize the plot beats that Macross Frontier mimics from the original. Yet, the milieu has been changed. I've been watching a lot of anime and the ones made today are vastly different than those of the 80s. For one thing, I don't remember there being so much fan service in the original Macross. There was that one shower scene, but no fascination with boobs. Macross Frontier, while not overt about it, doesn't shy away from fan service. And moe seems to have creeped into this one. Girls with glasses, maids, nekomimi, absolute territory: they're there. Still, I wonder if its because I watch a lot of current anime that I notice these things or are they really embedded in the show.

The songs are also a nice touch, but not knowing the Macross universe too well, I don't know if they are singing a new song or something from the previous stuff. It's good to listen to, but I wonder which ones to download for my anime playlist.


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Online Videos by Veoh.com

I hope you are taking my advice and watching Macross Frontier, because damn if that first battle ain't the most fun thing you've seen in a long time, then you may be some kind of android. A cyborg or something.

So watch this episode. Then back up and start from the beginning. You have a chance to catch up as they're just short of the 20th episode.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
"You see Hopsi, you don't know very much about girls. The best ones aren't as good as you think they are and the bad ones aren't as bad. Not nearly as bad."

Jean Harrington (Barbara Stanwyck), The Lady Eve

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If you're reading this, then it's probably too late. Still, run to your TV sets and turn on TCM, they're hosting a Summer Under the Stars and Miss Barbara Stanwyck is today's classic movie star. It's got a wonderful set of her films -- lots of rarities that haven't been shown in a long while. Also, I have to eat my words from a week ago, when I said that there was no movie by the name of You Belong to Me starring Stanwyck and Henry Fonda. There is. Oops, my bad. I read imdb before posting that and must've glossed over it completely. Oops, my bad, again.

Anyhow, I set my tivo to do some extra recording, dumping all Olympic coverage. I suggest you do the same.


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Monday, August 18, 2008
"We'll always have Paris."

Rick (Humphrey Bogart), Casablanca

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Here's one for CapitolSwell. Hope you pre-order this one.


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Sunday, August 17, 2008
Watch it! Watch it now.

If you don't like my suggestions for anime because they lean too much towards romantic comedies for guys, and you are more interested in mecha, then watch Macross Frontier. It's that good.

The story is extremely similar to the original. A young brash kid joins up with the military to fly a veritech fighter. He's caught in a love triangle with the older lady and the young singing ingenue. He's got the Skull Squadron leader giving him hell. He's got two buddies who back him up wherever he goes.

But the mecha. It rocks. I want one of those VF-25, but as a transformable figure. With the armor on it.

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“I can run wild for six months. After that, I have no expectation of success."

IJN Admiral Isoroku Yamamato, 1940

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Math is Hard
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Winnie Cooper geeks out on trigonometric functions. What's a nice girl like her doing in math geek heaven? And she's a doctor to boot!


Warning! Beware of imitators! There are fakes out there!

When you start collecting anime figures, you just want to buy everything you see which is hard because you can only get them from overseas. So you search. You can get the more renowned figures from Amazon.com or other specialty retailers such as KidNemo.com or BigBadToyStore.com. One of the more dangerous places to get them from is ebay. Most of the time they're from some Hong Kong dude. And (I'm just conjecturing) they may be selling you a fake copy. That's fine if you want to save money, but the build quality is even less perfect.

Today's site directs you to Good Smile Company's informational page on spotting the phony. It's of Mikuru-chan. I only highlight it today, because I recently got that Mikuru Asahina nendoroid (she's so kawaii! >.< ) and I hope its real. Oh, I may have a phony in my toy collection. O_o;


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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Neo (Keanu Reeves), The Matrix

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The weather's here. Wish you were beautiful.

The seed and the rest of the gang are out there in paradise and enjoying life. Partying and having fun. While I'm here, thinking things through. You probably saw the seed's series of posts taunting us. Here's to him. That funny guy.


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Friday, August 15, 2008
"I don't care about what anything was DESIGNED to do, I care about what it CAN do."

Gene Kranz (Ed Harris), "Apollo 13"

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This is gotta be the best usage of the internet so far. I'll let the name speak for itself.


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Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tropic Thunder is being described by other reviewers as a satire on Hollywood. It is that, but funny. Ben Stiller directs another scathing movie just like The Cable Guy.

I liked it. Once again funny. Especially, Tom Cruise doing his Kruschev impression, "I will bury you!!!!" Hilarious. As well as Matthew McConaughey and his adopted son. Hilarious. Danny McBride and his bombastic pyro guy. Nick Nolte as Four Leaf. And that young asian warlord. Funny. Booty sweat.

4 of 5 stars.

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Follow one of the US cyclists as he journeys around Beijing on a bike.

The most poignant moment is at the end as he mentions that you, on your bike, with several hundred people, must socialize and interact to make the flow of people perfect. Must be fun to ride to work.


"What's this day of rest shit? What's this bullshit? I don't fuckin' care! It don't matter to Jesus.

But you're not foolin' me, man. You might fool the fucks in the league office, but you don't fool Jesus.

This bush league psyche-out stuff. Laughable, man - ha ha! I would have fucked you in the ass Saturday. I fuck you in the ass next Wednesday instead.

Wooo! You got a date Wednesday, baby!"

Jesus Quintana, "The Big Lebowski"

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You Belong to Me sounds like an interesting movie. It stars Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda. She's a doctor. He's a millionaire. They meet on vacation. I suppose wacky highjinx ensue soon turning to love.

But the movie only sounds interesting. There was never a movie with that description with those two in it. It is almost real and very similar plot points to The Lady Eve. Yet, I think it's all fabricated.

I got this link in my google search RSS feed for Barabara Stanwyck. I read it the site. I think it's a spam site as lately this search RSS feed has been getting hit with spam sites. I apologize now if you're on a Windows machine and it installs some kind of malware.

I can't believe how sophisticated these spammers are. If you read the rest of the site, you'll see some other movies that were made in the alternate reality Hollywood of the spammers.


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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
"I walk into someone's place of work, they shit scared. They know I'm not a cop, think I've come to kill 'em. And I would. I'll kill anybody who crosses me. Know what I mean?"

Lite, "Repo Man"

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I have two bikes that I've been riding this year. I also have two more bikes in the garage. What to do with these? I would like to sell one, the Bianchi, but the other, an old Specialized Rockhopper, I want to recycle. Fix it up and give it to someone who may make use of it better.

I don't who would do that, but these guys are close. If you have a few bikes you want to get rid of consider donating to this organization. Now if they only picked up door to door.


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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Avoid the Olympics on NBC. They suck. And it's all about the people story. What about the sports? Who won the archery? The judo? The women's weightlifting? Who knows if your watching NBC. You'll learn more about the adversities of the atheletes than about their sport or their competitors.


"Stop using your hands, Skip, and start using your head."

Moe (Thelma Ritter), Pick Up on South Street


Sometimes political commentators can be blowhards hard to listen to and to take seriously especially if they bloviate about the problems of the Democratic party. While not perfect in any sense, and not achieving much for the American people, the Democratic party still strives to make living in the United States better for everyone.

The Republican party? Not so much.

Thomas Frank is supposedly one of the more astute commentators of the political scene. While I don't doubt that (I had read One Market Under God which was okay), he does put succinctly the problems with the Republican party and the people who come to be its representatives. They are a corrupt bunch of people, because the philosophical underpinnings of the Republican party is corrupt as well. They are beholden not to the people who elect them but to the corporations and the wealthy. They believe government to be THE problem, but still want to work within it. You don't put the criminals in charge of the police. Why do we do it for our government?

Get this book and see the impoverished ideas of the Republican party.


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Monday, August 11, 2008
Oh, shit! I don't know about you but these nendoroids from Good Smile Company featuring the girls of the SOS brigade is as cute as GEG! Me want.

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Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?

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Palindromes are just plain fun. I think someone wrote a book that was a palindrome. I doubt that. There are some long ones, but most become gibberish. I have a picture of my VW's odometer rolling through 100,001 miles. It was cute.


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Sunday, August 10, 2008
Sometime over the weekend, maybe Saturday night or Sunday morning, this blog went over the 30,000 hits. Now, this is just since I installed the statcounter counter in 2006. This blog has been going on much longer than that, but I doubt that I had hit half that many.

So, unofficially I am saying that we're at 50,000 hits, but officially, as the statcounter says, we're just past 30,000.

Thanks to you for making me surpass this milestone. I hope you keep reading and commenting. Thanks for those looking for cool lampshades, Doobie Keebler, News Radio Quotes, School Rumble #283, Tascha Yar naked, Oksana Akinshina naked, and many other search terms that lead you here. Without you, I couldn't have made it this far.


"Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure; it is either a daring adventure or nothing."

Helen Keller


Went to the Yard last night. Saw the O's win one for the first time in a long while. Perhaps my streak of losses is over.

On one pitch a Texas player swung, lost his grip on the bat, and then lost his bat to a fan who caught it. We cheered. Hopefully, the dude's okay and not hurt from some wooden projectile hurtling his way. At least he got a souvenir. I wonder if the bat is maple or ash?


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Saturday, August 09, 2008
Are we not men?

We are Devo!


Devo, "Jocko Homo"

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The MacMini is really great. I'm thinking about switching over to all intel machines. It'll make developing software easier. I don't think I'll be doing that in the near term, but having an intel desktop would be nice.


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Friday, August 08, 2008
Here's the Big Picture's take on the 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremonies. I missed the opening part with the drumming, the dancing and the children singing. I watched the parade of countries and that silly space walk for the Olympic flame. I just wanted to see the fireworks. For the country that invented them, it looked spectacular.

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Suck it, NBC. Can't you fucking support PPC? I want my Men's Road Cycling now!

Update 1:

So I switch to the MacBook Pro. I need some Microsoft shit?! WTF?!? Can't they use sucky flash? At least it's built right into my browser!

Update 2:

Now I have to switch from Camino to Safari!!! WTF?! Camino is a Firefox variant?! Can't they do anything right? (NBC and MS)

Update 3:

And that shit is beta?! WTF?!?!

I'm just gonna go to sleep, and read about it in the morning. Or see it on youtube.

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"Luck is believing you're lucky."

Tennessee Williams

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So it's a toy. So what? I like 'em. I collect figures. My older brother is building up a comic book/star wars figure collection. Me? I like the anime stuff. Lately, I've been interested in the small cute ones called nendoroids. They're made by Good Smile Company. Today's link will show you the list of them. It's never too early to start a Christmas wish list.


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Thursday, August 07, 2008
Here's an interesting article from the Washington Post highlighting the new bicyling paradigm in the Capitol. It seems that more and more people are not riding their bicycles for sport or for exercise, but as a tansportation. It's getting to be downright Copenhagenized.

People just get on their bikes and ride to the store. To the cinema. To the restaurant to meet some friends. To school. To work. To places cars had taken us.

The price of gas going up has made sensible people get out of the car and onto a bike. You don't really need to drive to the corner store. Put your groceries in your bike's basket. You don't need to drive to work. Cruise in style on two wheels. Pretty soon we may find out this is good for us and the planet.

Now, to find the quickest route to work.

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This is telling from my work computer. I hope the sniffing dogs to catch me playing outside the corporate sandbox.

Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 18%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 82%

Site Male-Female Ratio
google.com 0.98
amazon.com 0.9
blogger.com 1.06
imdb.com 1.06
flickr.com 1.15
weather.com 1.08
nytimes.com 1.13
netflix.com 0.79
southwest.com 0.77
livejournal.com 0.68
slate.com 1.11
salon.com 1.13
sportingnews.com 1.94
autoblog.com 1.94
animenewsnetwork.com 1.04
dailykos.com 1.56

Try it out here. You should post your results there or here. I think it would be okay to post it there. Here, we'll just make fun of you. >_<

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Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US

Title to the Aug. 6, 2001 President's Daily Brief while vacationing on his Crawford, TX ranch

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It's the day before the 2008 Olympics in China. For all their advances in commerce and capitalism, let's not forget how totalitarian the regime is. Their staging of the Olympics is a propoganda device meant to show the world that they are ready to be a part of it. Yet, they can still do what they did almost twenty years ago except now with a corporate logo.


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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Best cover evah!!!!!!!!!!11!11!!!!!!


The movie feels like it's a half hour too long.

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This is interesting, too. On this day, besides Hiroshima, the Spanish town of Guernica was devastated by German bombs. It's another sad memory for mankind.

Hanging in the Rénia Sofia is Picasso's La Guernica painted in response to the tragedy of that day. It's perhaps the most visited painting in that museum.

When we visited last year (it's been almost year?), there were crowds around it. The scene reminded me of seeing the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. People were intensely studying it and contemplating the horrors of the day. They say it's one of the more humanistic of paintings. You see it and you wonder how we could do such a thing. Man can be so unkind to his fellows.

It'll be an everlasting testament to evil.

In Hiroshima, there still exists burnt out shell of the Hiroshima Prefecture Industrial Promotion Hall. It signifies our yearning for peace. Can't we all just get along?

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At 8:15 AM sixty-three years ago, the Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. In an instant, 140,000 people were killed, and the fate of the world was changed. Who knows if the war in the Pacific could've been won without the bomb? Who knows what we had unleashed? It is a legacy that remains with us to this day. Should we have been the ones to use it? If not us, would they have used on us or our allies?


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"It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant."

Sen Barack Obama (D-Illinois) describing the GOP on their ridiculing of his "properly inflated tires" tip

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Tuesday, August 05, 2008
"Cowards die many times before their deaths
The valiant never taste of death but once."

William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

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Stopped by the grocery store this morning to get some lunch. I had decided on instant ramen because I'm in the mood. Did you know that ramen is such a big thing in Japan that they have a museum dedicated to it? I wonder if the US has a hot dog museum? And where it is so that I can visit it.


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Monday, August 04, 2008
I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, the Republican party is too stupid to run the government. They are critiizing Obama over telling people that properly inflated tires and well tuned automobiles can help you save on gas. I wonder if Republicans are going to start driving down the road on four flat tires. What a bunch of dopes!

This idea of properly inflated tires is so controversial that tire and car manufactures, not to mention AAA, suggest that it is a good thing to keep them properly inflated. How fucking stupid are these morons!?

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"Because it's there."

Sir Edmund Hillary when asked why climb Mt. Everest

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If you had read Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air, then you know how dangerous K2 is. Here's some news that K2 has claimed another 11 livesk, and there are still some climbers stuck in the death zone.


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Sunday, August 03, 2008
Born yesterday!

6 lbs 5 oz of joy!

Happy birthday, little one!

Welcome to Earth! >_<


“Giving birth is like taking your lower lip and forcing it over your head."

Carol Burnett

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The more and more you watch John McCain's campaign the more and more you get the feeling that he's just a grumpy old man. He keeps thinking that he deserves to be president by virtue of his service to the country as a Vietnam POW. He feels that he's entitled to the office. It's just like an old white guy to always demand it his way.

His veterans status doesn't automatically qualify him for the presidency. He should be a leader, but I don't think he is. He's more like the current fucktard president: wanting it because he's John McCain and who are you to fuck with him? John McCain is not fit for the presidency.


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Saturday, August 02, 2008
"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates' loot on Treasure Island and at the bottom of the Spanish Main... and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life."

Walt Disney

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The US has got another manga publication from the folks at Yen Press. It's nothing like Shojo Beat or Shonen Jump. It's got both styles of stories plus Korean Manwha and good ol' US manga-style comics.

It's in stores right now, so get it. Or you can borrow my copy.


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Friday, August 01, 2008
"You know, I don't pay attention to John McCain's ads, although I do notice he doesn't seem to have anything to say very positive about himself. He seems to only be talking about me. You need to ask John McCain what he's for and not just what he's against."

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illinois) responding to John McCain attack ads

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I saw this a few days back, but posting it now because its hilarious.

I caught both Bamboo Blade and Kimikiss Pure Rouge on Veoh by watching a fansub. A fansub is an amateur translation. They makes it easy to watch the latest anime from Japan. It also makes it easy to watch what may not make it to the States. Kimikiss just doesn't seem to be for the American market which just wants Naruto, Bleach, or more DragonBall. The fansubbers try their best, but at times they just get things so wrong. It happens because they want to get it out quick. These are some classic unintentional (maybe) mistakes.


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