"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I should've been posting more from Hawaii, but who could think about using a computer when you're in paradise? I couldn't do that, but I did keep my travel journal which should go up sometime in 2011. For now, let me write down some recollections that could've been part of a blog post, but failed to materialize.

The flight out is the suck.
Can't you just drop us off here?
Hawaii has more radio stations playing reggae as Jamaica. I presume.
The Big Island looks just like Iceland, except for the palm trees.
There are no plants on the west side of the Big Island, then you go up over Mauna Kea and lushness abounds.
These clubs make me have the same game? Maybe I should hit a driver more often?
Bob is a crazy driver.
This road is painted onto the side of Mauna Kea, then paved, then under construction.
I need Dramamine.
Stars are cool. Wish I could see the Milky Way. Or a galaxy. But that fuzziness in Orion's sword is still pretty cool.
That dude was a star geek.
This lagoon is pretty cool.
That paddle boarder is way out there. So are we.
Is this turtle mating? No. It's getting its teeth cleaned. Or did it just ate that fish?
Snorkeling, meh?
This breakfast is awesome. Eggs sunny side up on rice with some sausage? Over easy with mahi? Yeah it's good.
More fish.
Go to Big Island Candies.
Must remember how to rent a car. Or a van. Or at least something on this island!
Nendoroids on vacation. Nakano!
Is place is the fake Hawaii?
The west side of Oahu is the real Hawaii. Too real.
Can we go to the North Shore now?
Shave Ice!
I can really crank a driver. Never new that.
My iron play is gone. The hell!?!
Eagle! No. Birdie!
I haven't had any fruit yet.
This guy can cook!
A lot!
Lechon! Is awesome.
But it's awesome.
Ramen. No. Sushi. Yes.
Everyone drives the speed limit in Hawaii. When you're in paradise, what's the hurry?
Did I just go to Tokyo?
What kind of crazy tees does 88 Tees serve? Only the Japanese can like them.
Bob has an awesome view. Plus these Diamond Head breaks look smooth and easy.
We need Hawaiian Sun drinks on the mainland.
This hotel is hip.

There's probably more, but I probably can't remember any of it. It was a great time. I wonder how long it will take to get back.

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Party's Over
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

The Hawaiian Vacation is done. I am sad. Back to he daily grind. Can't wait to see all the photos.

Share your memories.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bob's Slice if Heaven
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Last evening by the lagoon. It's windy, cloudy, and cool. The sun is coming down. But i still want to Jump into the water. I can't leave without a final swim in the lagoon. Here i go!

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Friday, November 26, 2010

The real Hawaii
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Sunset Beach November 26, 2010

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

This us the real Hawaii.

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Rick And A Hard Place
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Finding some time in Thanksgiving to read a book. Under a palm tree, near the beach, in some shade.

Happy Thansgiving! To all friends of BrowserMetrics.

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Plenty to be thankful for.

Food. Family. Friends. Work. Paycheck. Vacation funds. Rainy day funds. Savings account. Hawaii. Mango. Passion orange guava. Sushi. Burgers and fries. Hot dogs. Sports. Cycling. Season tickets. Grand slams. Game winning RBI. Buck Showalter. Koji. Luuuuuuuuke. Kids. Babies. Parents. Lola. Really Cute Asians. Mini Cooper S. Anime girls. Nendoroids. Mio, Ritsu, Azusa, Yui, Mugi. K-ON!! Manga. Comics. Steering wheels. Brakes. Peace. Love. Happiness.

Happy Thanksgiving.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Eat the real
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

The real Hawaii is found between nudie bars inside a Korean Yakanuki. My real Hawaiian adventure has taken that surreal turn.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The aftermath of the party. Last of the cake. And we inky have thanksgiving coming up.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010
If you told me that I would be on the island of Oahu and that I would not have yet seen Honolulu or Waikiki Beach, I would've told you that you're crazy. And yet I've been here since Saturday and haven't see the night lights of the city on the Pacific. Do I miss it? Not really but that town is Hawaii.

We've been on the west side for a while. Nothing out here but locals. And touristas of the cloistered kind. Consider myself that type.

Golf. The beach. The lagoon. Snorkeling. The pool. Is this the Hawaiian vacation I wanted?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Done With The Ocean
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Hey, SPF 50, hide me the sun. Let's get to the real beach. Not the pool or this fake lagoon. Needs some real waves and scary riptides. And I need the sunshine. Cloudy is the suck.

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I had wanted to write at least daily from the road. Yet I have not posted too much. And what u have is messed up pictures and lots of nonsense.

If you want to read a real travel log, head on over to Jay's and read about his trip to Africa.

Blogging with an iPhone is more of a hassle. Time for a MacBook Air.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Saturday, November 20, 2010
This Ko Olina place sure doesn't feel like Hawaii. I saw a pirate ship. You only see that in Vegas and Disney. We're not in either if those places. There's a lot if kids running around the beach that it feels like Typhoon Lagoon. That would be Disney as well. So far I am underwhelmed with this place. Where is the real Hawaii?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Working For Da Man
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Buying lots of short bread cookies from Big Island Candies. Watching them make cookies reminds me of the fact that I am missing work. What day is it?

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Thursday, November 18, 2010
Looking over those last few posts from the start of the Hawaiian vacation, I notice that it's a mess. I'm trying to give you, my readers, live updates, but if they are to look as funny as they have maybe I should stop.

I'm torn on how to update. While I like taking some pictures and post them, what should I use: email to Flickr or BlogPress? They both post differently and make the pictures appear different. I'm more used to using Flickr but I thought BlogPress would make it better. Yet, I like having the photo posts saved out to Flickr for better archiving.

The other aspect of blogging on the road is that of time. I should enjoy the vacation every precious second. Let me stop posting, but I like to jeep the blog alive with posts. You'll keep hearing from me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Usin the new fangled iPhone as entertainment

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What happens when you're stuck on this flight an miscalculate the flight time? You go crazy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Love this rendition. Poignant. Almost unrecognizable yet still Fuwa Fuwa Time. Her take on the chorus, the humming, reminds me of the final episode. Melancholy.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010
VLA Radio Antenna

Courtesy of tjblackwell.

Science searches always to determine why, what, how. It is always questioning, looking, searching, peering deeper and deeper into the mystery of life and the universe. Is it all there is? Is this all there is? Years ago, I read Brian Greene's The Elegant Universe. It blew my mind. We will find out lots of things. Keep searching.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010
I'm testing this out. This looks awkward doesn't it? Is that normal or am I crazy?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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What we got is what we deserved. Those who need to tell us what we got need to tell us better. Those who know have to let others know. Those who disseminate have to inform. Make us smart. Make us informed. Listen and learn. What we deserved is what we got.

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Friday, November 12, 2010
Because biking is awesome. And people on bikes is awesome.

It makes me want to commute to work on a bike.


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Thursday, November 11, 2010
These are crazy freaking me out, because they don't move and then they do. Whaaatttt!

It's like the tombstone in front of the Haunted Mansion at Disney: the eyes are closed, then they are open.


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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Stopped by Lids looking for a new Miami cap.

They don't even stock 'em.

O, how the mighty have fallen. Dang.

The U must ride again!


Thanks for all the input to my upgrade question. I got plenty of responses, all good and helpful.

The order of options went as follows: 1) new laptop 2) iPad 3) iPhone.

We're gonna go with the laptop. It upgrades her to the 2010s and positions her for the future of computing. Later maybe an iPad is in the future. The iPhone would be a step too far for her. She barely uses her phone already.

I can't wait for this new machine.

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Monday, November 08, 2010
"Gotta nuke something."

Nelson Muntz, "The Simpsons" ep 4F01 "Lisa's Date with Density"

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My mom's main computer is a G3 iBook circa 2005/2006 (Not truly sure), and she's looking for a new computing experience. What should she get? An iPad? A new Apple laptop? An iPhone? Switch to the cheaper Wintel 7 platform? I have no idea and this post is trying to solicit responses and advice from my blog friends, all two of them!

Anyway, my brother has been suggesting an iPhone. He thinks she's ready for the touch interface. I think she is too, but her computing hardware is sorely lacking. You need a MacIntel machine to actually run the latest iTunes to manage the iPhone. On top of buying a new iPhone, she'll still have to upgrade her laptop. Is that the best solution?

I suggested and iPad. I thought it wouldn't need iTunes to manage it, but the more I think about the problem, the more it resembles the iPhone issue. She will still need an laptop to manage content on the iPad directly. Is this necessary and can she get away with using the iPad as a main computer?

I was wanting to get her an upgrade to a new MacBook. I don't want her to as having the computing power is negated by what she uses the computer for: web-surfing and email. It would be a complete waste unless she begins to migrate to the computing age.

What say you? What's the best upgrade path for her?

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Friday, November 05, 2010
Ponyo or The Princess and the Frog? Faced with this choice, my niece went with the safe comforts of the Disney production instead of the Studio Ghibli film. Who can blame her as The Princess and the Frog had a princess, and Ponyo, well, it had a creepy human faced fish. So what sets an animated movie from Japan from those produced in the United States?

Character matter? Probably not. Ponyo is derived from The Little Mermaid. There is a princess except she's not pretty. She's a fish with a face. She's not an ugly duckling but a true ugly duck. You can't make her beautiful just by removing her glasses and putting down her hair.

I just wondering if there was a difference...

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Thursday, November 04, 2010

Every other day, my favorite Ho-kago Tea Time song changes. One day it's "Fude Pen," and another day I slip back to loving "Fuwa Fuwa Time." Then I chase them down on YouTube to see how other folks interpret the songs.

Love this acoustic version of "No, Thank You!" that maybe, currently, at this moment, it's my favorite. Oops! Just heard the piano arrangement of "Fuwa Fuwa Time." Here we go again.

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Tuesday, November 02, 2010
While Filipinos don't celebrate the Day of the Dead like they do in Mexico, we still commemorate our dearly departed on the 2nd of November. We stop by the cemetery and remember our departed loved ones.

I completely forgot. Here's to hoping one of us made it to the cemetery to put a remembrance on our departed loved ones' graves.


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From Preston Sturges' great political satire, The Great McGinty.

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Monday, November 01, 2010

Who doesn't like cute girls running around your computer screen in the morning? Is this better than coffee?

I had always thought that those asian girl groups where too big. I still do. You can barely tell the girls' voices apart in this song. It's tough to put faces to verses. They're all starting to look the same: cute!

Korean always sounded harsh on my ears. Looking at these girls while they sing, now it doesn't.

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