Pvt. Hudson (Bill Paxton), Aliens
Pvt. Hudson (Bill Paxton), Aliens
Looks as if we need to be thinking about cycling as an alternative to driving to work. It would do us all some good. First, it would save us on a gas. Second, it would get us fitter. Third, it would get us all on the roads together, talking, chatting and enjoying the world around us so much better than stuck in a car in traffic. Only if I lived closer to work...
Today's link is to an article about making cycling a means of commuting. It mentions the Copenhagen Cycle Chic website of pretty girls on bikes in Denmark. That's always awesome.
Labels: lotd, mmm, zettai ryouiki
First up is Manahlo Dargis's demolition of Wanted, the action flick opening up today. It's a beautiful takedown. I wish I can write my reviews like that for when I need to pan a film.
Next is Devid Edelstein's review of Wall-E. Simply amazing. And the movie sounds awesome as well.
Hmm. What to watch this weekend?
Labels: cycling, Le Tour de France, lotd, sports
Blaine, The X-files, "Jose Chung's From Outer Space"
Labels: qotd, Scully, The X-Files
Labels: anime, lotd, tsundere goodness
3rd Law of Robotics, Isaac Asimov
Well, I just finished Masakazu Katsura's I"s a second time. Yes, I read it a while ago on OneManga, but decided to read it again because Borders had all 15 volumes ready to be purchased. And so I did. It's still an amazing read.
Ichitaka Seto is a fool in love with his classmate, Iori Yoshizuki. He's also have to fend off the advances of Itsuki Akiba and Izumi Isozaki while hoping he doesn't fall for Aiko Asou. You know, standard harem fare. But true love finds a way.
Ichitaka is a fool. He should've said something earlier, but then we wouldn't have had 15 volumes to read. Iori is cute as a button, but needs to express her love for him as well. It's damn near amazing that they did get together in the end. Itsuki and Izumi are there as road blocks. He's a fool for entertaining them. Aiko almost, almost made it impossible for this story to have a happy ending. But the fool becomes the prince and makes Iori's day.
I am a sucker for this story. And I am glad I read it a second time. Purchased it to help further getting stupid, sappy crap like this made. More, please, because it warms my heart.
Labels: I'm a fool, I"s, love, manga
Do we really need those pesky flash animated ad banners? Do we want to download a flash file just to see a commercial? I don't know about you, but I don't.
How about video? How about it? There's already a youtube application and quicktime, while it doesn't embed it on the web page it does launch a standalone viewer.
Games? Maybe. But with the appstore coming, and the free iPhone SDK, I'm sure you'll find something to like.
So there are alternatives to Flash. You can live without it on iPhone. You already do. Live with that. Kill Flash dead.
2nd Law of Robotics, Isaac Asimov
"Klaatu. Barada nikto."
Agent 13 is disguised as a tree.
Jaime shows up.
Agent 99 almost had us believing in Barabara Feldon. I wish she was there. I loved her as a kid. I wonder if she did do a cameo?
They had Zigfried.
Would you believe...? Missed it by that much. Cone of silence.
2 of 5 stars.
1st Law of Robotics, Isaac Asimov
Labels: disaster, independence, lotd
From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore -
Nameless here for evermore.
Edgar Allen Poe, The Raven
Labels: anime, I'm a fool, lotd, tsundere goodness
Isaac Asimov
Take a look at these and get your mind blown today!
You. The bike. Closing the gap on the Italians. Rossinni's Barber of Seville playing.
As long as those damn Italian bastards don't fuck with you, it's a great day to be on a bike.
Why aren't you out there?
Labels: cycling, get off your butt, movies
Save her Harima! You're our only hope!
Labels: love, manga, school rumble
Nicholas Negroponte
But it does seem to sum up the problem with the movies nowadays. What to do when you've place your characters in an unbelievable, tenuous situation? You nuke the fridge! What absurdity! I like that, but it is the worst way to get out of a jam.
Plus, the fridge thing flying over the heads of the doomed nazis was absolutely brilliant. One step further down the bizarre that was Indy 4.
Labels: hunh?
Anyhow, she's got a new album coming out. Check the link for a preview of the title track.
BTW, she's cute as all get out as well.
Labels: lotd, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
1983 World Series Champions
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
I lost the last one by placing it there.
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, picture
Please pay first
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Closing in on $60.00!
Labels: picture, the market
Scene from a ride
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Mantua Mill Rd. Beautiful farm country. I saw horses here.
Corporations are not above the law. They should be held to the same as you and I. Burn them down.
Sent from my iPhone
Labels: wankers
One guy involved with three or more girls.
What a dilemma for the guy!
And you know that the guy's an idiot? And the girls are hot? Even the ugly geek girl in glasses, she's hot, too!
He'll pursue them all. Yet, does he get the girl of his dreams? The one he deserves? Or does he let them all go so as to not hurt any of them? I don't know, but it's fun and interesting.
Strawberry 100% and I"s are what I'm reading. I like them both. I"s is completed, but Strawberry 100% is gonna take a while.
Labels: ha ha, I'm a fool, manga
While Hulk is bigger and badder, it played well for fan boys. They had some tv show stuff. They had some marvel stuff. They even had the leader. I want more big forehead dude in my movies.
What it didn't have was a purpose. Was it a resetting of the Hulk franchise? Or was it another spandex hero movie? I don't know, but it was always moving forward. It hit the ground running. I thought the opening montage was extended throughout the movie. No need for a plot. Hulk just goes.
2 of 5 stars.
Labels: geeked, lotd, science fiend
For all you stupid people complaining about Flash support on iPhone. The number one reason is that Flash is a performance pig. You may not feel it with an octocore Intel Mac, or whatever the latest is for Windows, but it cripples older computers like no ones business. On my PPC Macs, the performance meter is spiked. On my PC in the lab at work, a four year old Dell, it spikes the task manager. Flash is just the suck.
Hopefully, once everyone has iPhone, Flash will go the way of RealMedia -- a dinosaur in the days of mammals. Suck it Adobe!
Animal Mother, Full Metal Jacket
For today anyway.
I'm on the lookout for sights that can point out some good manga. I know the genres. I just don't know what's good, worth spending my money on, worth reading, or worth getting wrapped up around.
Well not exactly.
It looks like they want to get their populace to slim down. Perhaps it's all the rice that they eat. I wonder if we can do that in the States?
Labels: get off your butt, lotd
Dean Wormer, Animal House
Labels: lotd
H.G. Wells
But over the weekend statcounter went down. If you visited this site at the time, you would've had to have waited until the request for the statcounter badge timed out before you saw any content. Sorry again.
Those guys at statcounter also are sorry. And they'll tell you how it happened. Blow by blow and in excruciating technical detail. Hunh? Whatever! But it's good to know that they don't keep you in the dark.
They'll make amends next time.
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, hunh?, sports
William Saroyan, The Noiseless Tenor

Here's the latest trivia from earlier this morning on imdb. This was completely wrong and it changed as I was typing up this post, but reading it was funny.
I think the answer should be "My Two Dads."
Today's link tells you a story of the internet and the World Wide Web. It seems ancient to dwell on it, but it's best to know how you got to the place you are going. With iPhone 2.0, it'll be a hell of a future, so let's not forget the past. Let's celebrate it with the creators of our future.
Labels: geeked, lotd, NewsRadio quote
"Five meters?! Four meters?!?! Three meters!!"
"That can't be right! That's right inside the room!"
"Do something Gorman!"
"Oh! You want some too?!"
Labels: just asking, movies
Hang the blessed DJ
Because the music that they constantly play
Panic, The Smiths
Labels: qotd
Labels: anime, Bamboo Blade, commerce, lotd
So, I come home itching to ride. In my mind, I want to do a longer route, but haven't had the inclination to just do it. Today could be the day. I'm feeling fine. I ate spaghetti for dinner last night and for lunch today. Carbo-loaded!
I load up the trusty old steed, drink a few glasses of water, then push off from the door and head to the same old route -- down Pleasant. I bomb it hitting 42 mph. The bike is a little squirrely today as I'm not sure that it has the proper tire inflation. At the bottom of the hill, some dumb lady stops at the one lane bridge and I lock my brakes. I need to practice that better. I skid up besides her. While trying to slow down, I was downshifting my gears, but I also instinctively back up my cranks causing me to throw the chain. I fix it on the side of the road.
When I get back to the route, I have to hurry across the bridge chased by a car. On I go through the cool woods, left at Deerpark, bombing past the Ravens training facility. I eventually end up in New Town climbing the first hill. I have to drop it into the granny gear, because I'm not warmed up yet. I do the loop then right, instead of left, onto Deerpark and through Soldier's Delight I go. I was startled by a bunch of gay-ass teenagers. I give them the finger, daring them to come back. Fuckers.
I take Berryman's lane to Reisterstown Road where I do a u-turn, but then I head for the SPCA of Baltimore County. That's downhill, so when I reach it I turn around a climb back up. Not bad.
Back to Church where there's another hill. I climb again not bad. I'm flying at this point maintaining the 15 mph average. I head for the other hill on Church, climb it and head for the Tollgate hill. Before that I bomb another long hill. My bike has a relatively short wheel base, so all the bumps, dips and cracks in the asphalt were jarring. On the Tollgate climb, I practice spinning, concentrating on my form. I know now that I have to lower my seat as I bounce around too much while in the saddle. It'll be just a smidge (2cm) lower next time.
Once more around the block and I am home.
Flew through that hour and it was fun. I have to do that again sometime.
Dave Neiwart sums up my problems with the consertive side of the political spectrum embodied by the modern Republican party.
Labels: unfinished drafts, wankers
I often wonder what I would do if I got caught out in a thunderstorm while out on a bike ride. You see, my bike is steel, all the better to be nice conduit of electrical energy. I'm riding a lightning rod. So when a storm comes up, should I abandon my trusty steed and duck for cover? I don't know. I hope to not find out. I'm a little bit scared thinking about it.
Snow Leopard is not as fearsome sounding as ocelot would've been, but that's what Apple's giving us. No new features, but supposedly changes under the hood.
First and foremost, I hope they do some optimization. Make OS X run faster on my MBP. Make it consume less battery.
Next should be some bug fixes. Fix whatever is scary. Then fix the security of the OS. Just make it better.
From a programming perspective, the multi-core programming doo-hicky has to be explained more. I want to know how to make an octocore mac scream. That would be nice.
Labels: Apple, commerce, geeked, Macs, mmm, software development

I always wondered how spammers filled their spam email with snippets of text. You've read it. It defeats your spam blocker with the random text, and when you read it it almost makes sense. Almost.
So now my Annie Hall review is infamous. It's probably clogging up the internet pipes as we speak. More interesting is if I ever receive it back.
Can anyone decode the unicode text and tell me what it means?
Here it is in full: (with additional line breaks added by me)
Beijing China
This weekend was the hottest so far for the summer. It was record temps and high humidity, and it was hot enough to send out a code red for extreme conditions. Whatever you do don't do anything to strenuous during the peak daylight hours.
I was stupid, and went out shortly before noon. I figured to get a ride in and jump in the pool afterwards.
The ride began somewhat fun. A right onto Greenspring and a quick jaunt to Caves. There must've been a tail wind, because I was flying. I really thought I was in shape, but it's been two months since the fatwars and I'm home as a veteran so I deserved my rest and pie. I've lost all conditioning since then, but I am mentally thinking I am okay. With the tailwind, it looked as if I was flying and the conditioning was still there. On the turn around on Park Heights, the tailwind became a headwind and reality set in.
I was pedaling, but seemed to go nowhere, 12mph! And it was slow. The melting tarmac added to the problem. As I crested the hill and down the other side into the valley, the heat began to build. Halfway through the ride, I knew I had to get out of there as the heat was becoming oppressive. I was going to have to take the shortcut -- up Dover Road.
I have never ridden up Dover Road. And it was only my fifth day in the saddle all season. Dover Road rises up a hill for at least half a mile. It's probably not good to take it on the hottest day. And it wasn't. I made it a third of the way, got off and walked the rest of the way up. My spirit was broken. I bonked. I spun the rest of the way home.
I was hurting for the next half hour trying to cool down and get hydrated. It was really something.
The next day though was fun. A tad earlier in the day. Less humidity. A slight wind. It was great. And I was running quick. I think it's coming back. The feeling of the need to go for a ride. I'm starting to smile.
Labels: cycling
And that's what it was. Lots of politics surrounded featuring the bone-headed-ness of the entire Middle East problem. And it made you laugh if it weren't so funny. Good for Adam Sandler to make fun of that issue, because it is pretty stupid when you think about it.
This movie was a good popcorn flick. It's what summer is all about. Stupid fun. And it had some morals to share with the world -- deep down we're all the same. Our ambition, your ambition, they are all the same dream. Let's stop this fighting and do something we all agree on is great...
... DISCO!!!!!
I got to admit the middle east inflected pop music used in the soundtrack is great. I was wondering if Ofra Haza would show up? Good beats. Good eats. Fun summertime pastime to while away in AC away from the heat.
It's not for everyone, but turn off your brain and it'll be fine.
3 of 5 stars.
Labels: Apple
Woody Allen
Why am I not one of them? And why are these lame people joining now? I've been predicting for years that Mac development is the way to go. Now it looks to have come true. Dang!
Labels: Apple, lotd, software development
I've been reading X-Men comics since forever, since whenever I started reading them. I came along around the same time as Kitty Pryde. She was the young, newbie, learning her powers, learning her place in the world, and learning her place on the team. She may not have been the most powerful of X-Men, at times she was annoying, yet, she was scrappy and smart, and a computer geek, too. You had to give her her due just because she could battle the brood, evil mutants and all sorts of nasty characters and still remain standing. Lacking the cosmic level power doesn't mean you can't still kick ass.
So, she joins her place in the X-Men team and becomes integral to it. I loved that. It was the good glory years of reading X-Men. Colossus and her, Wolverine and Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Storm that was the X-Men.
Whedon blows that up and sends Kitty Pryde hurtling forever through space. I thought Whedon was all about the strong girl. Kitty Pryde would've been that girl, the Buffy if you will. Yet, she's still hurtling through space. She saved the world. And got the thankless prize of hurtling through space.
We'll miss you Kitty Pryde. I hope you return soon.
We'll miss Joss Whedon's take on the X-Men. I hope some other writers can continue with fine stories.
I'll be waiting.
Labels: comics
Here's a site showing news stories with big pictures.
Henry Cabot Lodge
Labels: conservation, lotd
The tabs don't look right. They're flush against the content of the browser box. They don't stand out enough to tell which tab you're browsing.
What's with the swap of the application menus and the location bar? Is that a Vista thing and is that pretty retarded?
What's with that toolbar for home, print and rss field? It looks lonely out there like its waiting to be used in an Office toolbar.
Why are the back buttons round, but the refresh and stop buttons square?
What is wrong with the people in Redmond? Is this the best they can do?
Just eat!
Labels: "blog as notepad", lotd, mmm
BoingBoing points out a Wired article about game coders wanting to support the voice actors in there quest for royalties from recording vocals for games only if they can get a slice of the profits too. I say fooey on them.
The main thing about the actors is that they have a union to back them up. They have the clout with many other unions to help them in on this. What does the game coder have?
Maybe if game coders would think about unionizing they may have some leverage to ask for royalties as well. But if they keep the "To each his own" philosophy then, screw 'em.
Now, I am not saying that they don't deserve any royalties. As a programmer/software engineer myself I support getting paid. They do the most amazing work and don't get credit for it. But what gets me is the libertarian like politics that pervade the software industry.
Labels: hunh?, unfinished drafts
Ground Floor & Registration
Originally uploaded by Gernot Poetsch.
All your bases belong to us.
Sheesh. The wonders of OS X now extended to iPhone. Cocoa. Sweet god in heaven why am I still working at InitTech?
Labels: Apple
Can you believe any of this or is this a joke?
Toro is junk food and fake rice?
"Maa! Maa! Maa! Maa!"
"Oh! Toh! Toh! Toh!"
Labels: ha ha
Steve Job's keynote will probably hit a few of these right off the bat and I think that someone is going to call out bingo in the hall.
While the game is cool and all the poster created for it is awesome. It's a tweak on the infamous Wired article of ten years ago.
Wired advocated for dismantling Apple then. Yet, here we are today and the company is at the vanguard of personal computing and electronic gadgets. Ha! Ha! And it would look like the keynot will introduce even more cool gadgets that'll have the rest of the world trying to catch up. Good luck!
Williams (Jim Kelly), Enter the Dragon
Boy, does Miya-Miya have a dark side! She's supposedly the pink of the group, but everyone knows she's also the black. She's happiest with her acorn-head boyfriend, and also happiest hitting someone. She's cute and scary. Don't cross her. Watch out. She'll crush your nuts!
Labels: anime, Bamboo Blade, fright, lotd
Lee (Bruce Lee), Enter the Dragon
Here's the Twitter folks admitting to issues with their social network. The questions are phrased in a condescending tone conveying the incredulousness of their situation. "You're site runs on only one db server?! You update by hand?! What kind of idiots are you?" It's admirable that the Twitter folks even answered such grueling questions.
Will I be able to fess up the same way if I'm on a software project to nowheresville?
Labels: lotd, oops, software development

I just finished up Bamboo Blade. I think I have a new favorite. So fun. Not overtly showing fanservice. Tama-chan is the bomb.

And Miya Miya. Yanderekko to the max.

Miya Miya.
Labels: anime, Bamboo Blade, why am i telling you this?
Maid cafes!
Imagine if they did that in the US. Furry cafes! That would be a site to behold.
Mother Teresa
Dried squid flavor anyone?
O's v Red Sox
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Celebrated Marge's birthday watching the Orioles lose to the Red Sox, 6-3. These were really good seats and I haven't sat this close since InitTech corporate seats along the third base side. Oops, we did sit behind home plate last time for the remainder of a rain delayed game.
Red Sox nation was in full effect. They were cheering for Manny Ramirez hitting his 500th homer. Boy, the place was crawling with lousy Red Sox fans. I think I hate them more than Yankees fans.
Was fun to heckle them and their team even in the losing effort. They would taunt back and say, "Scoreboard," or "Who's in last place?" but the best retort is "Who cares?" Show 'em it don't mean a thing really and you don't label your life around a silly game.
Still, it's fun to drink beer, yell at millionaires and enjoy stupid, fun times.
Labels: sports
Labels: anime, I'm a fool, Kimikiss Pure Rouge, lotd