"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Thursday, July 31, 2008
"Based on the savage reviews proliferating on the web and in print, audiences and critics apparently desired a Wrath of Khan, when what they actually get is...The Search for Spock."

John Kenneth Muir in his review on The X-Files: I Want to Believe
@John Kenneth Muir's Reflections on Film/TV

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I know some of my readers don't like reading movie reviews. (Yes, I'm looking at you seed.) Here's a good one on The X-Files: I Want to Believe. Maybe, I am trying to get a handle of what I saw. I really wanted to like it, but instead the film ruminated upon things I didn't want to really think too deeply about in the summer. It also was more intellectually challenging than what I was looking for in an X-files film.


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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Kubla Khan"


The Fat War may be over, but there's still some mopping up to do.

It's been about four months since the end of that. And we've probably regressed and gained back the weight lost. I keep on cycling, and eating summer salads, but don't gain any muscle.

This plan sounds intriguing. Sounds it any way. Maybe. But if you do 25 pushups a minute, this will take 4 minutes to do in the end. That's gotta hurt.


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Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Now look at them yo-yos thats the way you do it
You play the guitar on the mtv
That aint workin thats the way you do it
Money for nothin and chicks for free

Dire Straits, "Money For Nothing"

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Here's a new search engine. What?! You use something other than google? Is there anything else besides google? I mean my statcounter when I check the search engine references are nothing but google. Maybe there's a stray AOL and a technorati search, but it's 100% google 99.98% of the time.


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Monday, July 28, 2008
This'll please the girls.

Four pandas born in captivity help the endangered species. Pretty cute. And wait until you see the pictures. Kawaii!


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Alas, my love, you do me wrong,
To cast me off discourteously.
For I have loved you well and long,
Delighting in your company.

Greensleeves, traditional English folk song


Sunday, July 27, 2008
Now they tell me!

"In a post-credits scene, Mulder and Scully, together in swimsuits in a boat on a tropical ocean, casually row toward an island while waving at a helicopter passing overhead."

Fuck, man. Who's got the torrent?


The X-Files: I Want to Believe was my most anticipated movie of the summer. I'm an unabashed fan of The X-Files and an even more bigger fan of the Scully character, so you know I was waiting for it: I wanted to believe.

If this was an episode of the series, and not a summer flick, it would've felt right at home in the seventh season of the show. The first three seasons were brilliant. The fourth and fifth seasons occurred at the show's height of popularity with the fifth season anticipating the first theatrical film. After the first movie, the underrated Fight the Future, the show began its slide to mediocrity. The sixth season was a let down. The seventh season had the cast wanting out. The eighth and ninth seasons were the show in decline both as a pop culture leader and a good story. In the age of George W Bush, the fucktard president, the government spying on you isn't a bug it's a feature, so being paranoid is actually recognizing the truth.

So, I Want to Believe is a seventh season episode on the big screen. We have the dynamics of Scully and Mulder already outed as a couple (the noromo in me hates it). Their relationship colored by their love for each other. We have the story with hints at religion and faith which signifies a very Scully-centric film. She always has to explore the meaning of her faith in both the natural world of science and the supernatural world of paranormal activities, and she comes back to believing in herself as Mulder does, too. We have the point of view of the series shifting to Scully. In season seven, David Duchovny wanted out and slowly drifted away from Fox Mulder, and the series began to focus on Gillian Anderson and Scully.

This film was all Scully's. She's the first of the couple to be shown. And she was doing what we all knew she would be doing after the show ended: a doctor saving lives. When you watch it and feel the emotion of the ending to both the show and the characters, you end up knowing now that The X-Files was as much about Scully as it was about Mulder. She was, in the Pilot, the person that introduces you to the show. She is the heart of the relationship of Mulder and Scully swinging from non-believer/sceptic to a believer in Mulder. She's just plain awesome. And to find that a summer flick devoting time to the female lead is jarring especially one so intellectual.

And that's what was wrong with the film. It was not a summer movie. Like The Dark Knight its story is suited for darker evenings than the sunny skies of July. The exploration of faith and relationships, the lack of action, and wordiness of the film add up to a December prestige film rather than a summer blockbuster. And I was ready for a summer blockbuster. I wanted aliens, time travelers or ESP'ers. What I got was religion again, which as the series waned bored me. I needed them to chase something and that something to be more mysterious and harder to explain than a real serial killer.

But I got Scully. And I got Mulder. Both of them on the big screen made me happy. This was their swan song. Pairing this film with the first, you'll find the wide range of stories inherent in the show. Only thing was it was a summer film not an episode on the television.

2 of 5 stars.

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"Freedom is the oxygen of the soul."

Moshe Dayan

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Working at IniTech sucks. I need to go indie!

Or I just keep on dreaming about it. The antithesis of yoga. Not even the doing. Nor the trying.


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Saturday, July 26, 2008
"A true patriot is a lover of his country who rebukes and does not excuse its sins."

Frederick Douglass

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Let's go biking. The Danes do it. Now the French are doing it.

Ride to work. Ride for exercise.

Just ride. For the fun of it. For the thrill of it. For the sport of it.


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Friday, July 25, 2008
As you know, I've been riding my Kona PaddyWagon as my Gios is on the bike stand. I broke a spoke on my rear wheel. It was a Campagnolo Proton wheel so changing the spoke out is somewhat difficult because Campy uses some proprietary spokes when they build their own wheels. You can't just go down to your bike store to get new spokes. You have to get a set of replacements. I got my from Brandford Bikes out in Seattle. Somewhat pricey, but the shop was charging me $20.00 for the service, before they had to go an order a the set.

You'll also need a 5.5mm hex nut driver as it makes it easier to reach the nipple top. So to replace the spoke, remove the tire and the rim tape to expose the top of the nipple. The Protons have been discontinued but you can find the steps in the Neutron manual which are very similar wheels.

I broke the spoke on the cassette side. The spokes are straight pull at the hub that's why you need specialized spokes. I also broke the spoke that use to reside closer to the center of the hub. The spokes cross over each other so I had to loosen the spoke that the broken spoke shared the slot in the hub. You then replace the spoke as normal. Put the other spoke back. And start tightening things up. True the wheel before you start putting the rim tape and tire back on.

That's all you need to do. (I'm not done as I'm still trying to figure out how to true the wheel.

Good luck.

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The Truth Is Out There.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm so digging these acoustic covers of the Aya Hirano songs from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. These have been playing non-stop on my iPhone, via these YouTube videos, and on the radio.

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School Rumble ends at 283 chapters. (;_;)

There's going to be another School Rumble though! School Rumble Z.

It ends just as I thought it was going to get good. Plus it ends on the most mysterious of notes. Short and curt. No wrap up of Eri x Harima or Yakumo x Harima. Nothing about the girls of 1-D even from last couple of weeks. Nothing about the rival class of 2-D. They just ended it. It's just an ending. Reminds me of History of the World Part I. That's one big ending.

I hope they can get these to America so I can complete my bookshelf.

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"No matter how paranoid you are, you're not paranoid enough."

Susanne Modeski (Signy Coleman), The X-Files, "Unusual Suspects"

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After viewing the video, I already know the answer to the question, "Alien autopsy, fact or fiction?" Needless to say, it's a real as the zipper of the alien suit the dead guy was wearing.


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Wednesday, July 23, 2008
"Your scientists have yet to discover how neural networks create self-consciousness, let alone how the human brain processes two-dimensional retinal images into the three-dimensional phenomenon known as perception. Yet you somehow brazenly declare that seeing is believing!"

Man in Black (Jesse 'the Body' Ventura), The X-Files, "Jose Chung's From Outerspace"

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I'm typing this post up late at night. No, not as late as Marge at The Fish Tank stays up, but close to the witching hour 12 midnight. So when I type clicked on the link to today's site to make sure it works, it launches the browser's java console. My machine spikes on its performance meter. The rain outside seems to start up. And I get goose bumps. I hope there's nothing there.


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Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Stage 16 of le Tour was a monster. It went over the highest paved road in Europe over the Cime de la Bonette-Rastafond about 2900 meters high. That's about 9000 feet! That's crazy.

The first rider through crashes on the descent. Crazy! He wins the the LeGrange prize for crossing the highest peak of this years tour. Then he crashes. He would've won if he stayed out in front. It's insane that they can go down those slopes at 60mph. I've hit 47 mph for a short time. It's fun to fly but can be somewhat dangerous. I'm no descender because I haven't ridden any thing big so I don't have enough practice.

I'm no climber either. Riding only tiny hills.

What a fun tour. The first five places are less than a minute apart. And we have another huge day tomorrow: 3 hors categorie climbs culminating on the infamous, indomitable l'Alpe d'Huez. Ooo, I can't wait.


Senator John McCain is too dishonest to be president. For the candidate who claims to be better at foreign policy and correct about the US policy in Iraq, he doesn't seem to know shit. It's as if he's making it up as he goes along. He's just plain lying about what he knows.

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"You know, there are worse ways to go, but I can't think of a more undignified way than autoerotic asphyxiation."

Clyde Bruckman (Peter Boyle), The X-Files, "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose"

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The Big Foot hoax was squashed several years ago when after the man who shot the most famous Big Foot footage revealed it was just a guy in a gorilla suit after all. Yet, some people don't take that revelation as the truth. Big Foot may still be out there. These guys will still be on the lookout.


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Monday, July 21, 2008
Yesterday, I washed both my cars. And it kind of sucked because just washing feels somewhat lame.

Late last century with my Mk II VW Jetta, I could have cared less about washing it. It was a light green almost aqua color that hardly showed any dirt. I think I washed it every quarter even less so when I was feeling less than satisfied with her.

When I bought my Mk IV VW Jetta, I barely thought about keeping it clean. Until the second year. Then I was a detailing fiend. I was washing the car once a week. I waxed and polished it twice that year (and the following two years). I even new why and how to use a clay bar. It was perfect for the first four years.

Then it became tough to find time to wash the car. In my new house, I don't get any shade until the late afternoon around 3. It makes it tough to spend the four hours to really detail the car. That's just a wash, polish and a wax. It gets too late in the evening to finish it off.

Now with the Mini Cooper, the detailing bug is back. I want to keep the Cooper a nice shiny red. I also want to get the Jetta back to being a beautiful blue. When will I have time to keep this up? What are you doing later?

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"There's been another unsubstantiated UFO sighting in the Heartland of America. We've gotta get there right away."

Special Agent Fox Mulder, The Simpsons, "The Springfield Files"

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Senator John McCain is too stupid to be president. Whatever policies he comes up with are not the correct ones to enable the US regain its global leadership. He embraces the Republican rhetoric which got us in this mess in the first place, and he has changed his views on many of his original standards.

I heard an aunt call Barack Obama a phony. I can't believe that at all. Can you compare a candidate from the honest Democratic Party to the snake oil salesman of the lying Republican Party? I think McCain is a con artist who will swindle the American people out of the last shred of American decency in the world view for a chance to become president. Lord knows he makes shit up as he goes along. And the fucking stupid national press doesn't care.

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Which Robotech character are you most like?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Dana Sterling

Daughter of Max and Miriya Sterling, Dana is not only the first child born from a union between the two races, but she is also the first child born from the womb of a clone. Dana is among the first graduates of the Robotech Military Academy founded in the aftermath of the First Robotech War.

Scott Bernard


Dana Sterling


Max Sterling


Nova Satori


Rick Hunter


Lynn Minmei


Lisa Hayes


Annie LaBelle


Marie Crystal


Lancer a.k.a. Yellow Dancer


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There's a lot of space in space. There's a lot of stars, too. There's got to be a planet orbiting a star just as Earth orbits the sun. The planet could even have similar conditions that support life like here on Earth. The life forms may be similar to Earth or they could be more advanced. They could have technology we only dream of in our science fiction stories. They could visit us. Or not. Do you think they're out there? Do you think that they've been here?

I'm not too sure, but some people do believe. Who am I to argue?


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Sunday, July 20, 2008
Since cutting back on my Netflix watching, I haven't been too concerned when holding onto a film. It takes me a few days to get to my latest red envelope and a few days to send it right back.

My latest was the Japanese romantic comedy, Densha Otoko (Train Man). I've watched it twice and feel that I like it.

It's the story of a Japanese otaku who saves a woman on a train from a drunken salary man. The savior gets a nice thank you gift from her, and they end up going out for dinner. You can imagine where it goes from here: straight to love.

What's interesting about the film is that it was inspired by a seemingly true tale on 2channel, a Japanese message board. The eponymous Train Man wrote the tale onto this message board and received the help of its denizens to woo this girl.

Could this have been real? Or was it another internet hoax?

I don't know but I liked the simple tale of geek falling for the girl. Or the girl falling for the geek. Simply adorable. And so heartwarming. It's for all the inhabitants of the internet who get no love and want to aspire to that transcendent state.

The film follows the Train Man as he gets up the nerve to ask her out. His internet buddies cheering him on. He cleans himself up to not be too geeky and to be more human. His internet buddies guide and coach him. He falls for the girl and his internet buddies help him move their relationship forward. His internet buddies also gain from him as they take on assess their lives, loves and relationships they have in the meatspace.

While this is not for everyone, it's really enjoyable for those lovelorn geeks in all of us. And also Miki Nakatani is cute.

4 of 5 stars.

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The Dark Knight

On the Marvel-DC comics divide, I fall squarely in the Marvel camp. I know the rudimentary aspects of the DC universe. I know the major characters, their origins and even some of their story lines. I know some of the tangibles of the DC universe, but honestly, I really don't care too much with any of the DC heroes. They were too "SuperFriend-ly" for me and seem to have that wholesomeness still grafted onto them. For what they are they can not be too dark.

Enter the new revisionist take on DC. Starting with Infinity Crisis, DC begins to remake themselves into a more grittier universe. Batman always being so dark takes on the mantle of chief dark character in the DC universe. Frank Miller writes the ultimate Batman tale of urban grit and grime in the immortal, The Dark Knight Returns, and ever since then it's been a brooding, sinister, hard boiled Gotham for the Batman to prowl.

Tim Burton makes a splash with Batman and adds some color to Bruce Wayne's Gotham. It was a joyous romp taking inspiration from Miller's The Dark Knight, but adding some sense of whimsy and playfulness to Gotham. Burton knew that he's doing a comic book movie. His main character is a man in a tight fitting suit. While embracing Miller's Darkness, Burton weaved into the Batman movie a feel of enjoyment in the comic book.

Almost twenty years on and the DC universe goes through another revision to make it more darker. Superman has a kid. And Batman, well, he's dark and all.

The first Batman movie of this century, Batman Begins, takes place in the more modern Gotham. It's like a version of New York in an alternate time. Yet, it still had some fun as a comic book movie: Ra's Al Ghul, the Scarecrow.

The Dark Knight lacks any sense of comic book-ness and instead goes for reality. You know it when the Joker's sense of playfulness arises from being completely psychotic. The film is not a summer comic book movie to enjoy, but one to sit in the dark and meditate on what darkness lies in men's souls. Is the Batman dark? Is the Joker dark? Their souls are joyless in this movie and the seriousness hurts it as a fun time.

And it was forty minutes too long with several endings. I thought the Joker was the main baddy. He's joined by TwoFace. And then the Penguin, Mr. Freeze and Poison Ivy would show up next. Yet, if they did, it would ruin the seriousness of the movie, because we must be shown that in all of us there is a darkness and a happiness battling it out all the time. Except for the Joker who is a loon.

So The Dark Knight bored me. Every turn in the plot made me cringe. "What more is there," I thought exasperated! And can't they capture one guy shooting at the mayor while surrounded by the entire police force? I mean this was at a police funeral with everyone on high alert. I mean everyone. Right down to the mayor's wife! Everyone should've been ready and when the shots occurred not twenty feet from the mayor and twenty feet from several hundred officers the best the police could do was duck and cover?! How convenient. Let's just add another forty minutes to the movie. It'll just suck all fun from what should've been a comic book romp of ass kicking goodness.

And that's my problem with The Dark Knight. Its soul as a comic book movie probably died with Heath Ledger. They wanted to make it more serious in tribute to the fallen actor so that the audience can remember him as a serious actor not as a man dressed up as a clown. Yet, the clown show is what we wanted to see. His jokes were not funny, just ask the guy the guy about the pencil.

Most likely, my reaction to the film comes from my Marvel fandom. Not one to associate myself to much with the DC universe, I could care less about their major characters. They bore me. So too with this film.

2 of 5 stars.

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"By reputation. He's an Oxford-educated psychologist who wrote a monograph on serial killers and the occult, which helped catch Monty Props in 1988. Generally thought of as the best analytical mind in the Bureau. He had a nickname at the Academy... Spooky Mulder."

Special Agent Dana Scully, The X-Files, "Pilot"

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Some weird way to raise money for your campaign. XKCD. 3000.


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Saturday, July 19, 2008
"The reason I don't make my freethrows is because I believe nothing in life is free."

Shaquille O'Neal

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Didi Senft is famous.

To those who follow the Tour de France.

He's the Devil.

He chases after the peloton waving his pitchfork and encouraging the cyclists on.

For as long as I have been watching the Tour, he's always made an appearance. He finally showed up on Wednesday's stage. Yet we won't see the last of him. Expect him at l'Alpe d'Huez. He's going to stick that pitchfork on the yellow jersery holder and hopefully make him win.

He's a sight to behold.


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Friday, July 18, 2008
Ooh, baby (Ooh, baby)
It's making me crazy (It's making me crazy)
Everytime I look around
Everytime I look around (Everytime I look around)
Everytime I look around
It's in my face

OMC, "How Bizarre"

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I have probably linked to this already. But you can't get enough of this one. So prescient. So true. And yet when it was written a lot of that stuff was tongue in cheek. I can't believe how true it became. So sad. How fucking sad! We are a poorer nation for having President Fucktard, George Bush, as our leader. What a fucking fucktard.


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Thursday, July 17, 2008

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Happy iCal Day for those running Tiger and before. For those running
Leopard, forget about it.


Consumers buying smaller, but more expensive cars? I can attest to
that. My MCS's base price is $22k. After the options I added to that
the car was $28k. And I probably could've gone higher if I wanted to
keep it a reasonable price after the addition of taxes, tags and fees.

Funny thing about that article is reading people getting leather in a
Ford Focus. It's not known to be a luxury car, but you make it so with
the addition of leather. Insane thinking, but I also can't go without
the leather. I wish I got the red though. And more color in the
interior. It would've been cool to have, but it would've busted my

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"Barack, he's talking down to black people. I want to cut his nuts off."

Jesse Jackson

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Question is, "Are there really adult Pokemon fans?"



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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
"Football is all very well a good game for rough girls, but not for delicate boys."

Oscar Wilde

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I saw a post on TUAW where the author, after reading an interview with one an Apple VP in charge of hardware, laments that Apple deems "cut and paste" a low priority. I think that John Gruber at DaringFireball.net (It's a daily read, right?) tries to make sense of "cut and paste's" low priority. He's right in a way.

I really don't miss it much. It would be handy, and I can see the need. I just wonder how would you implement such a feature.

Look at what's available in the two versions of iPhone: the touchscreen, home button, on-off button, mute switch, and volumes. Which of these would you use to implement "copy and paste?" How would you even select the item? Tap-drag? Three finger tapping? Press home button while tapping? Some of these gestures feel awkward. Some of them are uncomfortable. I wonder what Apple will do. And can we live with it for the next 30 years?


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I would be remiss if I forget to note that today would've been Barbara Stanwyck's 101st birthday.

Watch one of her movies today. Let me suggest Walk on the Wild Side. It's got a little bit of yuri flavor to it. And a fiesty Jane Fonda.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

This dude just rocks those drums. Awesomeness!

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"There is no ghost so difficult to lay as the ghost of an injury."

Alexander Smith, Scottish Poet and Essayist

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Hey do you like to write? Try this out. Or think about it. The "Pinoy Neil Gaiman?"


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Monday, July 14, 2008
It's July 14, therefore it's Bastille Day. And another day on the Tour. It's the monster stage of this year's Tour" Pau-Hautacam. It's got two hors category climbs, the Tourmalet and the ski town of Hautacam.

What a battle on those two slopes! It brought the GC contenders to the fore and showed who the pretenders are. Cadel Evens, Frank Schleck and the American, Christian Vande Velde in the former, and Valverde in the latter.

That's just awesome.

Let's go for a ride up the side of a mountain!

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Dr.Sergio Ramos
Email: sergioramos2414@yahoo.com

Dear friend,

Business Opportunity

I am Dr.Sergio Ramos, head of international banking of UNICAJA Bank a private banking based in Madrid, Spain. I am contacting you concerning a deceased customer, and an investment he placed under our banks management 3years ago. A few years ago, the client, now deceased made a deposit of 10.3 million Euros. I was assigned to manage this account and turn over same over various investments. I followed his instructions and invested his funds in high yield areas and have been monitoring the investment.

At Maturity of the investment, I made attempts to reach him and get his go ahead to turn over the investments but got no response. I made intense but futile efforts to locate him. I consequently passed the task of locating him to the internal investigations department which soon confirmed that my client had passed on. A person who suited his description was declared dead of a heart attack in Cannes, South of France. The bank immediately launched an investigation into possible surviving next of kin to come forward to claim his estate. If you are familiar with private banking affairs, those who patronize our services usually prefer anonymity, but also some levels of detachment from conventional
processes. In his bio-data form, he listed no next of kin.

In the field of private banking, opening an account with us means no one will know of its existence,accounts are rarely held under a name; depositors use numbers and codes to make the accounts anonymous. This bank even gives the choice to depositors of having their mail sent to them or held at the bank itself, ensuring that there are no traces
of the account and as I said, rarely do they nominate next of kin. Private banking clients apart from not nominating next of kin also usually in most cases leave wills in our care, in this case; our now deceased client died without leaving a will.

My official capacity dictates that I am the only party to supervise the investigation and the only party to receive the results of the investigation. It is quite clear now that our client died with no known or identifiable family members. This leaves me as the only person with the full picture of what the prevailing situation is in relation to the deposit of the deceased client. According to normal practice, my bank will by the end of this year broadcast a request for statements of claim. Failing to receive viable claims they will most probably revert the deposit to the Government. I am prepared to put you forward as next of kin and approve same with a view to release the deposit to you as the closest surviving relation.Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you in the ratio of 60/40 in my favour.

This will not be too difficult, counting on the fact that I will be on hand to guarantee the funds are released to you, using my official position.This can be done with your cooperation in a few working days.At your request, I will provide further information.It is of paramount importance that you do not contact me via the bank mailing system or switch board
telephones about this project as all official lines are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our total Quality Management Policy. I will therefore be inclined to feign ignorance if this happens as i await your response via the above contacts.


Dr.Sergio Ramos

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Angelina Jolie gives birth in France!


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Sunday, July 13, 2008
Hellboy II: The Golden Army

While TheSeed was sleeping and Marge was fighting to keep awake, I was struggling to block the headache induced by new car fumes. We were all trying to watch Hellboy II.

This one had a lot more action. It was quicker paced and it had more laughs. I was missing that one dude from the first movie, but he was written out because he stood out like a sore thumb. Hellboy is still a great character and Ron Perlman is the perfect actor for that role. Abe Sapien gets no love from the writers, but watching it you would've guessed the ending anyway since it will always be that way for fate-intwined twins. Johann Krauss was hilarious. He is a cartoon character what with the voice of Ludwig von Drake!

I don't know if this was del Tormo's Hellboy or Mignola's. I can't imagine Mignola writing something featuring that menagerie of creatures. They were all too vivid. I haven't read the Hellboy comics too much, but they don't seem to dabble in ancient mythological history of elves, but of Lovecraftian design. The monsters were more del Tormo.

3 of 5 stars.

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Mini Cooper S
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Rally racer!


You know I bought a couple of new rides this year. I had to pick up the old one at my mom's. Since my main bike is illin' with a broken spoke, I had to go on a ride with the single speed PaddyWagon. One gear. And I think there were some slight hills from my home to my mom's.

I thought about it yesterday and was slightly apprehensive. Can I climb the hills without my granny/low gear? The route is releatively flat, but the only one that would've been scary was the hill on Walnut. I think it's about 0.2 miles but probably a good 6-8% grade.

So, I get on the road with the PaddyWagon, and it takes a while to warm up. It's a slight uphill on Pleasant and I'm panting a little bit. Hmmm. Nothing bad for a bit. Once I get on Gwynnbrook, it's a steady climb, but I keep a nice tempo and speed of about 13 mph. I get to the hill on Walnut, and grind up it, out of the saddle, and feeling it, but I make it through. Not bad without any lower gearing.

Maybe, I should ride my normal ride without the low gear safety net? I'll see...

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"It must be very strange to be President Bush. A man of extraordinary vision and brilliance approaching to genius, he can't get anyone to notice. He is like a great painter or musician who is ahead of his time, and who unveils one masterpiece after another to a reception that, when not bored, is hostile."

John Hinderaker, PowerLine Blog, July 28, 2005

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When I was a wee lass living on Cedarhurst Drive, I had a birthday party in which I received a model kit of the USS New Jersey. It was an easy thing to assemble, and I loved to look at it and play with it with my army men.

One day my older brother got the HMS Hood as a model kit. I have no idea why. So we tried to put it together, but failed miserably. We didn't understand the concept of glue. The hull never stayed together properly as we tried to assemble it. Then we hit on a brilliant plan. (I would like to say he did, but I have to include myself as a source of blame in this dunce affair.) We decided to melt the plastic together. For this, we used matches.

"Hold the hull together," he said, "while I hold the match underneath it and melt the two sides." Brilliant last words.

As you can tell, it turned into a disaster. The flame burned through the plastic putting a big hole in the hull. My brother became so mad at the outcome that he snatched the model from my hands and snapped it in two.

There went our model ship building craze as we knew that we didn't have the patience to build one.

Yet, thirty years later, I feel like building model ships. Here's a link to one that would be cool. I guess I have to learn what modeling is all about.


Historical footnote: the HMS Hood was sunk in naval combat with the German battleship, Bismark, on May 24, 1941.

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Saturday, July 12, 2008
IPhone looks to be a winner in Japan. All those naysayers seemed to be wrong as there are lines as long as there are here in the states.

(Read before DaringFireball linked it)

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It's killing me. Way overpowering.

Things I've learned buying a new car.

Purchasing options a la carte makes it fun. It can also be expensive.

Taxes suck and makes your car more pricier than you imagined it to be. They also reduce the number of options you can choose as you want to keep the car on budget and affordable.

Owning a car has many hidden costs. The tires. The maintenance. Not to mention gas and insurance. Owning two cars, the costs aren't so hidden. Twice the gas. Twice the insurance. Half as fun to own.

Watch for extensive hard sell at the close for extended warranty. Or life time tires. Or extra road side assistance. You feel that your pressing your luck when ignoring those options. Especially, that damn lifetime of tires!

Watching really does make the pot not boil. I can't believe how slow the last few weeks went. Really slow. Down payment on May 31. The days crawled by. On board a ship on June 18. The days inch forward. In the States on June 28. In the dealership on July 4. In my hands on the 11th. Those days in between were interminably long.

Am I going to be Senor Detailer again?

Why won't that new car smell go away!?

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Chickity china the chinese chicken
You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin
Watchin x-files with no lights on, were dans la maison
I hope the smoking mans in this one

"One Week," Bare Naked Ladies

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IPhone 2.0 and the new AppStore. Woohoo! Now if only I knew which applications are cool to use.


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Friday, July 11, 2008

Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

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I hit a beat and swing a note as if my name was David Ruffin
Quick to toast an MC just like an english muffin

Grand Puba, "One For All"


Aya Hirano was the voice of Haruhi Suzumiya. She's big in Japan. And, seemingly, like all idols, she's got a blog. It's in Japanese, but each of her posts is accompanied by a picture. I like to look at them, because it is either her cuteness or something she's eating at the time. (Sometimes its also of stuff in Japan.)


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Thursday, July 10, 2008
Finally. After a couple of very weak chapters, School Rumble comes back to the main reason to read it: Eri v. Yakumo. The previous chapters had Eri and Harima finally making a couple, at least a pretend one. It seemed that Yakumo was out of the picture. She's back in. Onigiri is on!

I'm conflicted because it seemed to be that Yakumo gave up, so I was somewhat happy that Eri won. Yet, damn I can't give up on Yakumo. Go quiet girl! Go!

Also, the scans were cleaned up better and it looks better too.

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"You know something Fox. Right now in Europe they're trying some 80 year-old camp guard for Nazi war crimes. And all around our country they got guys on death row for murdering 1, 2, 3 guys. And they probably deserve what they're going to get. But you & I... we know a couple of people that are personally responsible for the death of what, 50,000 non-military personnel? Librarians, teachers, doctors, women, children. All dead! We've wiped-out entire cultures! And for what? Not one C.I.A. agent has ever been tried, much less accused of any crimes. You guys think you're above the law. Well, you ain't above mine."

Nico Toscani (Steven Seagal), Above the Law

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Today's the day!


Tomorrow?! But in this age of the global economy, iPhone should be
going available in a few hours half a world away. Awesome hunh, right?
I hope those buying get what they want.

I'm more interested in firmware 2.0 and getting some cool apps. iPhone
3 3G is gonna be the one to buy.

One year + 11 days = 3G iPhone! <3

The Democrat led Congress shows their true contempt for the American people by taking it upon themselves to champion corporate interests above the people's. No one should be above the law, presidents and companies included.


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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Yes. Tama-chan! Miya-miya! #blah# #blah# sensei deshou?

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"My fellow Americans. As a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball, but
tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward, upward not forward,
and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom."

Kodos, "Treehouse of Horror VII," The Simpsons

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Every year I miss Otakon. One year was Gigi's wedding. Another was the Eat a Peach ride. Perhaps this year will be different. I want to pick up that awesome Zentradi figure. Hmm. Maybe.


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Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Wall E: Amazing first hour. Silent film. Second hour a little bit shaky as a story. Liked the deranged robot room like the robot torture chamber in Jedi.

4 of 5 stars.

Hancock: Unexpected. Surprised. Somewhat delighted. Amazed that some Hollywood producer would have the nerve to create a comic book character without the comic book. First movie in a while that tried to establish its own universe. You knew from the first minute you realized that Charlize Theron was in the movie that something was going to happen.

3 of 5 stars.

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Reading all this manga and watching all this anime makes you hungry for some Japanese food, especially sushi. I've had my fill lately. And it's great, but I wanted more. So I decided to read Trevor Corson's book on the sushi, The Zen of Fish.

It is an accounting of the history of this delicious cuisine. It starts in medieval Japan and winds its way up to the present United States where we are crazy for it. The book describes the origins as a simple meal to preserve fish and ends with crazy American rolls.

It also tells the tale of apprentice sushi chefs being trained in the California Sushi Academy. They learn to fine art of sushi making. And in true American style, they become sushi masters in a week whereas in Japan it would've taken them a lifetime. The students are all interesting to meet, but I was in it for the fish.

For the most part, Corson weaves the history of sushi with episodes of the students learning, but he also adds in chapters devoted to the fish of sushi. There's chapters on squid (ika) and octopus (tako), fresh water (unagi) and salt water eel (anego, mmmm), and of course tuna. The chicken of the sea if it's white, but the most delectable if its otoro. These are the chapters that I found most fascinating. And I had to try each of these at least. So far in my sushi eating I've played it safe, but I need to eat more. This book does well for a guide on what is what.

Overall, it was a fined read, a good summertime, lazy sunday page turner. I took longer than expected to read, but all that manga gets in the way. I recommend it as it teaches lots about sushi culture in Japan and in America.


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"My life is a darkroom. One. Dark. Room."

Lydia (Winona Ryder), Beetle Juice


This is either hilarious or very annoying. I think the music is funny. I think the editing is good. Yet, I am annoyed that that stupid tune will linger in my ears for the rest of the day.

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Will Shipley wrote a little library/media collection application called Delicious Library which was recently rewritten for Leopard. In this 2.0 version, he finds an awesome bug. It's an epic tale of debugging wherein you get down into the mind of a developer. The best part is the fact that he thought it through while playing a video game. That's always the case. For inspiration will strike in the oddest of moments.

Read the tale. Buy the software. Delicious Library 2.0 is a fine application to have on your new Mac.


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Monday, July 07, 2008
Sometimes I dream with open eyes,
I dream of falling in love.

To be in love
Must be the sweetest feeling that a girl can feel
To be in love...
To live a dream
With somebody you care about like no one else.
A special man... A dearest man
Who needs to share his life with you alone.
Who'll hold you close and feel things
That only love brings
To know that he is all your own

To be my love,
My love must be much more than any other man
To be my love...
To share my dream
My hero, he must take me where no other can
Where we will find a brand new world
A world of things we've never seen before
Where silver suns have golden moons
Each year has thirteen Junes
That's what must be for me...
To be in love...

To Be in Love, Lynn Minmei

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If they are really making a live action Robotech movie, then they're gonna need to cast the trio of Sammy, Kim, and Vanessa real well. Because if they miss out on this casting, the rest of the movie's gonna suck. Of course, we all know it's gonna suck because it isn't the way we imagine it. My imagination is much better than some Hollywood corporation.


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Sunday, July 06, 2008
To experience a stage of Le Tour sounds fucking awesome. Lots of pain and suffering, but I can imagine the speed and the pace.

I wonder if I'll ever ride in a group that large. Or up a mountain that big. Or feel the suffering that the professionals would.

I should be riding more. So should you.

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I knew it wasn't just me who thought that there are too many dudes who can be mistaken for Zach Braff.

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We only have ourselves to blame for this predicament we're in.

If we only decided on higher gas taxes years ago.

If we only decided to build more fuel efficient cars.

If we only decided that SUVs or large trucks were ridiculous.

If our leaders would lead.

If our collective conscience would understand.

We wouldn't be in this mess.

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"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution

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I need a cute asian girlfriend. These are really cute. Almost kittenish cute. So kawaii! XD


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Saturday, July 05, 2008
I need a French girlfriend.

That's right, the first stage of Le Tour de France just finished up and I'm watching the podium ceremonies for those especially hot podium girls. They're in yellow! They're in blue! They're in white! And red! That's the best thing about watching the stage.

On to the action though and Alesandro Valverde makes a cheeky move at the end up a tough climb to Plumelac in Bretegne to get the first stage win, the yellow jersey, and the kiss on the cheeks by the podium girls. What a sweet finish. It was a quick right hander on a narrow bridge then up 2 kms up to the finish. And there were some nice attacks, but in the end it was Valverde.

I think I should get out on my bike. I think you should, too.


"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

President George W Bush, Fucktard

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I need a Japanese girlfriend! One that looks like Sasaki Nozomi. This girls is absolutely cute as hell. She gives me nosebleeds! XD


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Friday, July 04, 2008

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"I am leaving soon and you'll forgive me if I speak bluntly. The universe grows smaller every day and the threat of aggression by any group anywhere can no longer be tolerated. There must be security for all or no one is secure. Now this does not mean giving up any freedom, except the freedom to act irresponsibly. Your ancestors knew this when they made laws to govern themselves and hired policemen to enforce them. We, of the other planets, have long accepted this principle. We have an organization for the mutual protection of all planets and for the complete elimination of aggression. The test of any such higher authority is, of course, the police force that supports it. For our policemen we created a race of robots. Their function is to patrol the planets in spaceships like this one and preserve the peace. In matters of aggression we have given them absolute power over us. This power cannot be revoked. A t the first signs of violence they act automatically against the aggressor. The penalty for provoking their action is too terrible to risk. The result is we live in peace without arms or armies, secure in the knowledge that we are free from aggression and war, free to pursue more profitable enterprises. Now, we do not pretend to have achieved perfection, but we do have a system, and it works. I came here to give you these facts. It is no concern of ours how you run your own planet, but if you threaten to extend your violence, this Earth of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder. Your choice is simple: join us and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliteration. We shall be waiting for your answer. The decision rests with you."

Klaatu, The Day the Earth Stood Stilll

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Wall-E and how it was made. From the perspective of the director of photography. Pretty neat stuff, but I always wonder what a DP would be doing in an animated movie?


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Thursday, July 03, 2008
"Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony."

Dennis (Michael Palin), Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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BuyNLarge is the new Walmart.


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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Mason-Dixon Line
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

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"Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty -- a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture."

Bertrand Russell

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Back before I was a Master at Computer Science, I had to take a class for Computer and Human Interactions. This tried to impart in all the students the need to design for the user. There were GUI tips. Web design tips. Keyboard layout tips. Mousing tips. Joystick and computer input device tips. All was spelled out to help us students understand that the computer was a tool for humans.

One of the important people in the field of human compatibility was Bruce Tognazzini who wrote a lot about it. Here's his take on iPhone from last year. I can't believe it has been one whole year since iPhone introduction. In another few days.... 3G!


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Tuesday, July 01, 2008
"I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president."

Gen. Wesley Clark talking about Sen. John McCain

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Last night (or this morning), I had a dream that we went surfing.

CapitolSwell, TheSeed, and I, plus our childhood buddy, debo, went to
the beach. I don't know which but there were waves there. We went out
and the waves were piddling. TheSeed said that he felt something touch
his feet. I didn't believe him until I felt something myself. I caught
a small wave. I thought I wouldn't have been able to ride, but I had no

The waves were reflecting off a wall or a jetty. Whatever it was it was
out in the ocean and we would ride very close to it.

Afterwards we stopped by a surf shop and tried on the new rubber Nikes.
I think you could've gone surfing in them. The shop was going out of
business and all they had were the shoes.

Summertime and the dreams are surreal.


Windows OS X! Ha ha!

They just need to chuck all the old baggage and start from scratch. No backward compatibility as well. Fuck those users who don't want to go forward into the future. Let them suck on XP or Vista. It's time for the future.


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