"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Saturday, April 30, 2011
The Official Royal Wedding photographs

Thanks to the British Monarchy for these photos. Congratulations to these two. I remember when the groom's parents were married.


Tried this one back in 2008. Glad to see I've moved up a notch. Slowly but surely I am going to clear out the whole list. Starting up the Netflix download... NOW!! You too can join in here.

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Trying to figure out which of these two shows are the best ones this season:
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai, easily shortened to AnoHana, or Hanasaku Iroha. One's with moe girls and the other one has moe girls, too.

What say you? Anything good this season?

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Friday, April 29, 2011
I wanted use "girls" in the title of this post, but thought better of it. It's more mature that way.

There has to be a Pam or Erin in every office. A woman who's like the office version of the girl next door. Slightly quirky though but every bit as lovable. You know the type because she sits across from you, or she's your cube mate. Yup. There's one at every job.

Stop by her desk to chat her up. Have a laugh over at the water cooler. Joust in line for the microwave. It's all good. It's all flirting and every guy's angling to do it. Nothing over the top, but all in good fun. Because she's like that.

Yup. You know the type. Sometimes she makes you smile. Other times you make her smile. With her at work you could be smiling all the time. Wonderful.


I'm hoping that you enjoyed the past week's music breaks. It puts you in the island mood. If you want to learn more about some of the rock steady and ska from the latter half of the week, check out today's link. Then get thee to Amazon and purchase, purchase, purchase....


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Prince Buster! Prince Buster y'all. If you ain't feeling this groove, then I feel sorry for you.

I first heard this tune as a cover on the Trojan Ska box set by the Specials/Beat. That's a great box set and a great tune if you can purchase, purchase. That is all.

But don't forget to get up and dance!

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Thursday, April 28, 2011


*bong* *bong*


So goes my imagination of Akira, Katsuhiro Otomo's sci-fi manga masterpiece, as I read through Jason Thompson's overview of it at ANN. I saw the anime years ago what the U now calls the Cosford Cinema. Big as life on the big screen with all that chaos of Neo-Tokyo, it was an amazing experience and came to epitomizes anime when I was a young buck.

But today's link gives you a reading of the manga that didn't make it very much into the anime. So there was more to it? Yeah, I would guess so, because the anime at times is confusing.

I do have few issues of the original US run of the "comic." They are pretty cool issues with a very distinct cover design. I should scan a few as the issues signify that this is not a kid's book: this is AWESOME!

And still, "Tetsuo!" rings in my ears...


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Roots reggae goes beyond Bob Marley. I need to learn who, what, where, and why. The when is now! Damn. This is a clever groove. I am feeling it. Wish it were with the girls of my dreams.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tokyo Hunter is my go to guy for those hard to get nendoroids. Need to go get some...

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It's not always dub music here on my blog. You'll occasionally get some rock steady. Now I can't tell to much the difference between rock steady and ska. Don't they sound a like? The riddim? Very, very close. Just trying to understand what the riddims are doing.

If you're in your cube: Get up! Get up! GET UP! GET UP! You just have to move your body to the rock steady.

F yeah!

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011
If you're not playing, you will be.


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Looking for some killer dubs. Dancehall classics. Damn, this is one fine beat.

Sometimes I wish I was back in Miami, driving down Ocean Ave, scoping out the honies, put pumping out some serious dubs.

Then other times I wish I was cruising around 695 Baltimore beltway 4:00 AM under some ganja haze pumping out some serious dubs.

Dubs man. I can't get enough of em.


Monday, April 25, 2011
Before this snippet of dream goes away...

Of course it involves S.

We were running away from some kind of war. I believe we were in COD4. I had the gun. She was following me. I'll be your protection.

We're separated.

Later, I ask some guy in another squad if he had seen S.C. He comes back. She's alright. She's got a message for me: "Kiss me the next time you see me. You know you want to."

... I liked the last line.

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A genre of YouTube videos that have become a favorite of mine, besides the covers, are the spinning record video. Put some vinyl on the turntable, point your video camera at it, start her spinning, listen to the music, and jam with the grooves. I am particularly fond of the Jamaican grooves you can find. I wish we can get these as MP3z.


Chasing tunes on YouTube and I always look for covers of songs. I like covers. There's just something fun about them. How the artist covering the song changes it around or how they don't, it's great to listen to a familiar song done in a less then familiar way.

Go check out this site that categorizes and compiles covers of songs. I've barely scratched the surface there, but it'll lead you to some nice covers.


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Saturday, April 23, 2011
When Artificial Intelligence goes dumb.

It's an interesting item, because it is an example dumb computing. Dumb computing is dangerous. If they don't learn, how do we? WOPR should show us the way.


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Friday, April 22, 2011
Tonight's Orioles game was postponed so I ended up at the movies to catch Water For Elephants with Mom. I don't know which I was dreading more those Damn Yankees drubbing our Orioles or a Robert Pattinson movie. I hate those Damn Yankees, but I think I would prefer that than this movie.

Robert Pattinson is Jacob. Go Team Jacob! He's a Polish veterinary student who ends up in the small time circus. At first, he's just a carnie, but later is hired on to look after the animals especially the eponymous elephant who will bring fame and fortune to the circus owner/ringleader. Of course, he falls for the owner's wife. Cristoph Waltz is the ringleader and he's still a Nazi; this time manic depressive. It is a classic love triangle story. I'm giving you a cursory summation of the plot, but you can guess how it all ends.

Pattinson's Jacob was barely out of college. Living in upstate New York, he is naive to the ways of the circus. They're freaks, clowns, grifters and movers who know the world better than him. Pattinson's Jacob just wanders the circus wide eyed. Even after joining the family circus, he's still naive. I couldn't believe Reese Witherspoon's Marlena would fall for him. I just couldn't believe Pattinson's acting. He witnesses Waltz's iron fist control of the circus, and he gaily strolls into the love triangle believing he was the better man. It made me shake my head, roll my eyes, and sigh wishing he would get a clue. Is that how the book went? I bet it read better.

I wanted to get out of the theatre in order to read the book.

2 of 5 stars

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"No one goes there anymore. It's too crowded."

Yogi Berra

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Thursday, April 21, 2011



Wednesday, April 20, 2011
This girl I know needs some shelter
She don’t believe anyone can help her
She’s doing so much harm
She’s doing so much damage
But you don’t want to get involve
You tell her she can manage
You can’t change the way she feels
But you can put your arms around her

Massive Attack, “Protection”

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Just bought one of these SSD drives from OWC. I'm using as my storage disk for music and photos. Or rather, I am planning to use it, but like the last hard drive I bought, I haven't gone through the steps to break down both media libraries and transfer them to that drive.

Yup, it's a network drive hanging off the Airport Express. I chose an SSD drive so that I don't have to worry about spinning disc failure. I, also, want to connect it to Mobile Me and Back To My Mac so that I can access it from the road. Yet, I can't really figure out how that all works. I have yet to successfully log onto my Mini from outside the house. I'm even having trouble with logging onto it via remote desktop while I am home.

All this network computing -- it's all ridiculous.


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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My 19th century Baltimore Orioles nickname is "Murder Mittens".

Take The 19th-Century Baltimore Orioles Nickname Generator today!

Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

I think I tweeted this. You see what you miss when you don't follow me on twitter!

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This flash video player has one of the worst embed HTML I've ever seen. Haven't these vevo dudes taken a look at how YouTube does it? I mean, come on, what year are we in?

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Monday, April 18, 2011
I'm not sure if the link of the day will continue to work. Doesn't it look like a dynamic link?

Anyhow, it's because I'm gonna get a new surfboard!


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Sunday, April 17, 2011
Moe Asakura Ryouko

She's wearing oven mitts. The scene before she was bringing hotpot, nabe, to her neighbor to share. She left the pot there with the leftovers and is now on her way home. She's trying to get our attention.

This is one of the moe-est scenes from The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. I completely find it awesome for the oven mitts. Who knew?

Oh, and Asakura Ryouko, she's dangerous.

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Saturday, April 16, 2011
Just hanging out waiting on things as they smoke em. Lost in all this is that we're just in a parking lot after a bull roast. Maybe we could've done this in a safer position at a better time.

I'm done smoking.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Friday, April 15, 2011
Did I watch Your Highness or was I high and imagined it all?

I really did. Those days are behind me.

It's not as bad as the reviews have made it out to be. It's a spoof on sword and sorcery films from the 80s. James Franco was hilarious. The robot bird was funny too. Danny McBride is always good for a few chuckles. Rasmus Hardiker, the McBride's squire, was funny as well perhaps the funniest of them all. Natalie Portman in another film was saddled with silliness, but it's good that she talks non-serious roles. Wasn't she the Oscar winner for Best Actress? Hunh?

Anyway, it's not so bad. Get high and I bet it would be funnier. At least the lecherous puppet wizard was strange and funny.

3 of 5 stars.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011
"But you know what uses even less power than the Flash Player for Android? Not installing it."

"Flash on Android: Look but don't touch," Neil McAllister

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Because PUSA is fun and transports me back to 1996.

I just love how you can find so many fun covers on YouTube.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Mancave? Fancave!

These dudes get the envious task to watch all MLB baseball games this season from a high tech apartment in New York City. I would've given it a big "meh," if not for the Orioles fan, Ryan Wagner, being one of the dudes. I only found out from the Adam Jones and his tweets about his visit the other day. Since the Orioles are in NYC, I believe a couple of them have visited the place.

What a weird way to spend the season.


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Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Snippets of a dream.

I awoke this morning happy and sad at the same time. This one may just be very, very weird, and the twists and turns should make it terrible, but still, I endured and awoke smiling. I believe anytime I think about her (or them or the Ur-girl), I'll be happy. The closest I'll get to a female. *sigh*

S came out of my brother's room. I was surprised.

We're downstairs. She meets my parents. Dinner? Lunch? It was cold outside
and everyone's on the couch watching television.

S and bro? They are on the couch together. Her hand's in his. I am jealous.

I go upstairs and check my brother's bedroom. There's only one bed. I am jealous.

I punch the walls. I punch the windows. I storm into my room. My feelings are hurt. This a betrayal! I thought *we* were friends. How could she? How could he?

I try calling CapitolSwell on my cell. Pick up so I can bitch. No answer.

She comes into my room with her little dog. I confront her straight up. "Are you going out with my brother?" She laughs at that. How do I interpret this?

My sister-in-law is there! How do I interpret this?

S looks at the pictures on the wall. She likes one of my self-portraits. I say that's not the best one. It's too dark in color and tone and muddy. There's another self-portrait in around here because I am vain like that. The colorful one hangs in the hall. She likes it too. Is she making small talk? She's smiling and gay.

She's got to be leaving soon. I pick up her dog who had pooped on the floor. She picks up the poop and throws it down the drain.

We try to catch up. I think she likes me now.

She says, "Where's my ribbon for my 30?" What does that mean? Are we that young, because I feel like my 39 year old self. I give her a hug and wish her a happy birthday. Sister-in-law also wishes her well. We are friends now. I think she likes me.

I wake up. What a delicious dream.

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If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


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Monday, April 11, 2011
Did movie going go out of fashion? Is it no longer social? Or has it changed into something else?

We watch lots of movies, but no longer together. What does that do for our common experience?

Imagine watching Star Wars for the first time as a downloaded iTunes file. Would it be as awesome? Would it be mind blowing? Would you watch it all the way through mesmerized? Or would you have it playing in the background as you facebook your friends? Could you feel the anticipation of getting back in line at the theatre to see it again? Or would you rather press play again?


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K-ON! Nendoroid Petites

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Saturday, April 09, 2011
What's in the box?


April 8, 2011: Detroit Tigers

First season ticket game of the season.

We were in first. We won. We're still in first.

But this photo says it all. Beer, food, buds, and baseball. The green field. The cool night.

Baseball is back.

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Wednesday, April 06, 2011
"I think they started out with the goal of being open, but they are learning that this approach doesn’t work in the world of phones where tight tolerances on user experience require much more coordination between hardware and software."

iOS versus Android: OS Footprint is not a Proxy for Application Footprint

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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

I can't tell you how much watching this Working x K-ON! cross over MAD brought a smile to my face. You'll just have to trust me.

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Monday, April 04, 2011
Source Code is a science fiction film of the time paradox mode. Can you travel back in time and kill your grandfather and still live? Can you travel back in time into another body and live on afterwards?

The Source Code is the capability to travel back in time from the remnants of a dead brain. You go back in time because of a brain in a jar. It also helps if you were one as well.

This movie reminded me a little bit about 12 Monkeys or La Jetée. Go back in time to save the future.

Not the best movie, but not the worst. I'll forget about this in a few weeks. Luckily, I'm blogging it.

3 of 5 stars.

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3 and 0. That's the Orioles record as they go into Opening Day at Camden Yards. They are in first place. Of course, it's still only the first week, but it is still nice to say.

It's hard to believe. We swept the Division champs, Tampa Bay, using awesome pitching and timely hitting. The starting pitchers all pitched well and the worst of the bunch, Zach Britton, has an ERA of 1.50. The other starters all have 0.00 ERA. That Britton, he sucks!

The hitting wasn't what I was looking for though. They weren't as dynamic and powerful as I thought they would be. Hopefully, the bats will awake and be a force to reckon with.

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Friday, April 01, 2011

My favorite Beatles tune. Something about that guitar part.


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