It's the end of the PC era. We're headed for software on mobile devices. I still work at Initech. Why?
And your life and good memories fit into a small garbage bag. Tossed away. Thrown out for new ones.
I need to get some people together to help me make new ones.
You ready?
Now look at it here. I kept telling myself to buy APPL but never did. Who knew you could become a millionaire betting on APPL? It still keeps going up and up!
Today's link is blocked at work. I hope this is correct.
Along those lines, I picked up Michael Lewis's The Big Short:Inside the Doomsday Machine. Lewis is good story-teller. He identifies a person or people at the center of a trend or situation and tell their tales. Often those tales make them into heroes. In Moneyball, Lewis writes about the rise of sabrmetricians in baseball with the Oakland Atheletic's GM, Billy Beane, the living embodiment of the story. In The Blind Side, the hero is Michael Oher, a talented left tackle to bodyguard quarterbacks. In Liar's Poker, the hero is the author the only sane person to realize that Wall Street is run by a bunch of crooks: smart people would best be served to avoid the ruthlessness of business.
In The Blind Side, the heroes are the people who made mad cash on the financial meltdown of 2000s. They took a look at the madness, saw it for what it was, and made bets against it. At first, they were incredulous that everyone didn't see it their way. Then it began to bother them. They began to suspect that the financial industry was a bunch of hucksters making money any way they can, but especially by lying.
As I read this book, I was at first fascinated by the people who bet short against the market. They looked as if they were the only honest ones -- honest with themselves and honest with their clients that the financial world is just a bunch of crooks. Then I read from my RSS feed which debunks The Big Short. After that, I didn't find it so fascinating. I didn't read it with much enthusiasm, and it got slower and less interesting.
For what it's worth, the financial market and their handling of the mortgage crises is criminal. No one knew anything which lead the mortgage market susceptible to fraud and looting. The lenders making easy money made it easy to ignore their standards. The banks making easy money made it easy to leverage themselves dangerously. The investment firms making easy money made it easy to find new, more innovative ways to fuck us. They all lied to themselves. If they hadn't learned, there is no such thing as a free lunch.
This is how our world works. It is run by a bunch of greedy crooks. They'll fuck our shit up for their glory. Those who sell. Those who buy. Those who go long. Those who short. It is a game to make the most money any way possible.
I finished The Big Short earlier this week. What I know is this: the financial money racket is filled with assholes.
Labels: bookish
Now here's a product I can get behind! Beer! It's what's in my hand. Not really but beer is always good. And sharing with a young hottie is even better.
Once again, buy things based on the hotness of the girl in the commercial. So run, don't walk or drive to your local bar and drink, drink, drink all the beer you can. It doesn't have to be a Heineken.
Labels: commerce, disaster, drunkeness
This girl is hot. The car or whatever you call that thing. Not.
I suggest you buy things based on the hotness of the girls in the commercial.
I'm at my local Lexus dealer.
I think this is their best song yet. I'm thinking it's their "Lost My Music," a song I first dismiss but then absolutely love. It also helps that it's easier to play on a guitar than any of their other songs. O, Mio, why must you write such cheese ball fun songs?
So I had some expectations. I've already thought The Dark Knight was overrated. I was expecting more of the same.
Except it was different. Hard to explain. But I think it was very much steeped in comic books and comic book movies. Didn't take the medium too seriously. Adam West as Nic Cage made me laugh. There was some music I recognized from some other movies.
I think I want to watch it again.
4 of 5 stars.
The first stereo my parents bought for themselves when they came to America. It has stereo FM, an 8-track and a phonograph player. We've moved this stereo house to house. From the house in Crownsville, to the apartment in Catonsville, to Cedarhurst and on to Greenspring, it's been there. I remember Elvis on an 8-track. I remember the 45s played on it with a weird adapter that I used as my beta-capsule. Bye bye old technology. Bye bye. (Isn't vinyl making a comeback? When are cassette tapes?)
We chose the wrong technology. Not VHS, but Beta. Why? I have no idea, but I think we trusted the Sony name more than any of the other fly by night companies. Whatever happened to Sony?
Labels: everything must go, junk
We were having our 20th class reunion.
We meet up before.
She is much more friendly reminding me of our good times together. We're touching each other, embracing, kissing, flirting. We make plans to go to the beach.
The reunion is a success. Lots of 80s. Out and away from the city. Long drive.
I disappear from the party for several hours all the time worried that I will miss her. I do. I keep waiting and hoping to get back to the reunion. I need to get back to hugging and the holding. I keep thinking of her.
She's still as young, fresh and innocent as I remember. She hasn't changed one bit from my memories.
I get back to the reunion which is winding down. We're talking chatting with classmates. We're really friendly with each other.
The morning after we're having breakfast at a big table. I'm holding her. She's smiling and laughing. We're at a big table across from a classmate. The table is still a mess from the party before. You're so far away. I think this table can move out a bit so we can slide to the middle. We move closer to our classmate all the while in an embrace, my arm around her waist and her head gently resting on my shoulder.
We're a couple in my dream flushed with that early rush of love.

Don't remember the date. Must be sometime in 1995. Look at those pars! And how I closed out strong. I remember the last hole. Flopped the approach right up close to the pin, but the yips kicked in.
Labels: everything must go, junk, nostalgia
Please come to the east coast and let us witness your splendour. Or on the other hand, I'll go visit cousin Bob in the HI just to watch a movie.
Thanks to kami-sama,
Oh, snap! The english dub of Haruhi Suzumiya no Shoshitsu coming to the United States. You can watch it legitimately in SF and in Hawaii when it comes out this summer. I can't wait. Sweet, Nagato! Sweet, Asahina-san! Sweet, Suzumiya-sama! This is some good news.
Labels: anime, anticipation, lotd, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The view from my season ticket seats. It'll be a long season.
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, picture
"Wait," you say, "Didn't you already move seven years ago?"
Yes. But I finally started moving things out of my old room to make way for my brother to move in with his family.
It hit me as I took down my nostalgia board. This is all my memories and keepsakes, and they all must be thrown away. That was pretty hard to do. Throw it away. The prom boutonnieres: thrown away. The field day ribbons: trashed. Meg Ryan shrine: down, destroyed, and garbaged. Gone. Those things that are part of me. Gone.
It was the pack rat in me that saved it. I am cursed by this need to keep all minutiae of my life. I guess it happens because of the need to fill my empty life. They are there to remind me of good times I had.
Then there were the junk that I kept because I thought it would come in handy some day. Aren't they all like that for a pack rat? I had magazines about the internet. How to make web pages? How to choose the right ISP? Ha ha! I had old Outside mags, Wired mags, and porn. Threw that away. Then I had to clear the junk drawer. All old wires thrown away. Who knows if it was mine? It could've been CapSwells. I threw away GameBoy games. Old videos. VHS tapes. It all goes.
Still, there's plenty left to throw -- books and clothing. I never know what to do with it. Recycle. I wonder where I can take old books.
These things are going away from my life. I hope I can remember them in my memories.
Labels: better late than never, nostalgia, yup
I've bought season tickets just to keep abreast of the team. I'll be there when they win. I'll be there when they lose. Hopefully, more wins that losses. I'm expecting a 75 win season from them -- just a several games shy of .500, a winning season, because that's a realistic expectation. So I'm going to be rooting for them.
My tickets for Opening Day was extra, so I chose not to sit in my season ticket seats. I've got 13 games there. I need a different angle. I'm in the upper deck section 348 close to the railing. It's on the third base side and you get pretty views of all the hits.
This I was actually a we. I invited my nephew to watch since he's got spring break. This is actually the first uncle-ish thing I did for the kid. Weird. I must suck as an uncle. He'll enjoy this though. Baseball could be his sport.
We take the light rail up from Severn. First time I travelled north to go to the Yard. It's filled with strange sights, but the trains are packed. They are filled with happy Birds fans. The first visit to Birdland of the year fills everyone with joy. The nephew and I pile into the train.
We get to the yard and join the throngs of fans amassing at the gate. First, we get some soda and drinks to bring in. After entering, we get some snacks. First hot dog of the year. We make it to our seats. The atmosphere was electric. The weather was cold though. Lucky we brought our jackets. We get to our seats and cheer on the opening day ceremonies. Brooks and Boog throw out the ceremonial first pitch.
The night before, the Birds won their first game of the season. The team looks to make it two in a row. Brad Bergesen, the ace of last season, is the starter. He doesn't have it today, the top of the first inning he allows 3 runs. Our line up is raring to go.
We get those 3 runs back in the bottom half. But then our bats go cold, while Bergesen struggles all game. He allows the leadoff batters to reach base and he struggles to end innings. Meanwhile, Toronto's starter who was wobbly in the first, walking three, settles down and gets several strikeouts. Come on! Where are our bats?
In the fourth inning, the nephew and I go for food. Last year, it was easy to get food. Walk up there was no line. Opening day is different, and we spend two innings in line missing Toronto go up 2 runs and the Orioles tying it up with Tejeda's 2 run homer. The visitors go up again, but we storm back and take the lead. Pie pinch running for god, Matt Weiters, takes it from first to home on a single by Cesar Izturis. Last, year C-Izzy hit a homer in the bottom of the eighth to win the opener. This year it looked as if he got the game winner again. Pie was dead to rights out, but the catcher could not handle the ball. Why he was sent is a mystery? These great seats we had made all this plainly visible. Pie was only rounding third as the relay was coming home. He would've been out by three steps if the catch was made properly. Yet, Pie scores! PIE SCORES! THE ORIOLES ARE UP!
And then our closer comes in. The least said the better. Mike Gonzales's line for the game 0.2 of an inning 1 walk, 1 passed ball, 2 hits, 2 earned runs. The Boo Birds were out in force. I was shaking my head. The nephew was booing loudly too. Gonzales wouldn't be getting the grief he's been getting if his delivery wasn't so unorthodox. It's a rocking motion which exaggerates his wildness.
But we lost. The final was 7-6. Blown save and all.
We cram back into the light rail and go home. Leaving the sad times behind. Maybe next time we'll win. Next time is Monday. Who wants to go?
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball
I'm at the game.
Use this thread to chat about how terrible (or good) the team is today.
Here's the great Oriole, Brooks Robinson. Mr. Oriole if you ask me. (Sorry, Cal. You're just another O) It's his 1962 Topps Card.

Here's Brooks again with a groovy 1972 Topps card.

Here's the 2010 outfield. Thank god for Adam Jones.

Come on Bawlmore! Come on Orioles! Come on Os!
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, baseball cards
The expectations are high for the fans. We're told the team is on the right path. The team is better than it was last year with the addition of free agents and with the maturation of our young stars. The team will win more games.
Expectations can be dashed with reality.
Will the free agents add hits and runs while maintaining a solid defense? Will our young players fulfill the potential that baseball scouts say they have? Will our pitching solidify into quality starters and solid bullpen work? Will the team score more runs and give up less runs than last year? Will they make all games competitive?
The two games so far make the case for the negative. Our hopes were high. Now we wonder if we were deluding ourselves.
But let's see. We still have 160 left.
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball, whining, winners
Mio singing is better than Yui singing.
Here's the ending of K-ON!!. The second season. More Mio. More Azu-nyan. More Sawako-sensei. More adventures of the girls in Houkogo Tea Time.
As for the actual episode, I forgot how slow they were.
Greenberg stars Ben Stiller as the eponymous main male character trying to re-establish himself after being released from rehab. He house sits at his successful brother's house in LA for the weeks his brother is away on vacation in Vietnam. He establishes a a rapport with his brother's personal assistant, and they begin a slow-step, tango of a relationship that's dysfunctional and redeeming. It's just another indie film plot.
Now I state that Stiller is the main male character, but the personal assistant played by Great Gerwig is every bit the main character, too. She's the second lead and it is through her that we learn of him. I would almost say she's the lead. The film opens up following her story and it takes 20 minutes before we get to Stiller. All the while you wonder what is up with this girl. She's a personal assistant, a glorified gopher, but it pays the bills and allows for the partying till dawn lifestyle she finds herself with.
These two find each other. Real quick and real sudden. And real. It had the audience gasping. "No way!" Very interesting if you think about it. I kept wondering how they each felt about the other. She would've just expected? He would've wanted it? Where did that come from?
The movie goes by just as every indie movie goes. Not much action, but plenty of character development. Stiller's character gains something from her, but I don't she gains anything from him except for companionship. She may understand him, but that understanding wasn't built on seeing who he is, but who she is. She accepts him because he finally accepts himself.
I thought the early part of the movie was slow and uninteresting. The later part got to be better. Perhaps it was because the amusing scene when Greenberg confronts the youth. It really is scary on how he nails the fear and the awe inherent at looking at the next generation.
Decent movie for the time I was in the theatre.
3 of 5 stars.
Of course, I went to see this after hearing CapSwell's short terse acknowledgement of it. I never know with that dude. It sounds good, but it may be bad.
This. This was bad.
2 of 5 stars.
Google? Been there. Done that.
Slashdot? Yawn.
Youtube? Flwarthe!
Yup, boring. With the world as crazy as it is today, those April Fool's jokes fit right in, and you can't tell if it's a joke or not. Plus, the world today is a joke. We're just fools inhabiting it.
Labels: egg on the face