"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
"Yeah, but you know what, maybe I'll wait 3 weeks. How's that? And tell her I was cleaning out my wallet and I just happened to run into her number."

Mike (Jon Favreau), "Swingers"

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Thoroughly disgusted with the way ALL politicians kowtow to Wall Street. It's big money giving the American workers the shaft. It's time to bring out the torches and pitchforks. "Death to King Louis!"


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Monday, March 30, 2009

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"I spend half the night talking to some girl who's looking around the room to see if there's somebody else who's more important she should be talking to. And it's like I'm supposed to be all happy 'cause she's wearing a backpack, you know?"

Mike (Jon Favreau), "Swingers"

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Can you really learn something from the movies? I bet you can find better clips than these. Good hunting.


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Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thanks, Louisville, you fucks. There goes my bracket.

I was eating at Bateman's last night as Villanova wins. Half the crowd cheered on that lay up the other half groaned. It was cheers for our brackets! That put me into money contention. Louisville, you fucks, ruined it today.

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"I wonder if you wonder."

Walter Neff (Fred McMurray), "Double Indemnity"


I wish I could write as well.


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Saturday, March 28, 2009



How much in the jar?
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

This is about 15 years of change. Do you know how much is in there? Care to take a guess?

It's a pickle jar 10" tall and 6" diameter. Nothing but silver should be in there (hopefully no pennies). The whole shebang weighs 40 lbs. I've been to several foreign countries in those years. Canadian loonies sometimes get mixed up as US coins.

How much do you think is in their? What foreign coins may be mixed in there? Any pennies?

Post your guess in comments.

Sullivan's Travels and O, Brother Where Art Thou?

The comedy stylings of Sturges and the madcap madness of the Coens.


It's a good thing that I'm not a star
You don't know how lucky you are
Though my record may say it
No one will play it
Sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year

Willie Nelson, "Sad Song and Waltzes"

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Girls rock! Literally. They rock.

You wonder if this is true. It is. They do rock. And can you wonder why?

Because. They rock. Nuff said.


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Friday, March 27, 2009
Someone smart agrees with me.

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I found an island in your arms
A country in your eyes

Arms that chain
Eyes that lied

The Doors, "Break on through (to the other side)"

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Rereading the seven volumes of Strawberry 100% (Ichigo 100%) in anticipation for next one supposedly due in April. I read at least two chapters a day, and I don't get more than a few panels before Junpei does something stupid at which I'm screaming at him. Or he doesn't make a move at which I'm groaning about the whole enterprise. Just stupidity on his part.

I've peeked at the ending and read the wikipedia entry so I know who he's ends up with. That's eleven volumes away though, but I can't help but wonder WTF is up with this guy.

All three girls dig him. And the other girls in the book dig him too. WTF just pick one of these girls. You know which one. But they are all so cute. Satsuki? She really, really, really likes you. Aya? She's too shy to express her feelings. Yui? Isn't she like your a little sister to you? Tsukasa? She's not your girlfriend no longer.

YARRGH! You make me crazy, Junpei.


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BrowserMetrics loves Nozomi!

Nozomi Sasaki!

She's got a new banner at the top of her blog, and it's made me smile.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Read this document and you'll laugh out loud numerous times. You'll see
newspeak in action. Here's a few choice nuggets.

"Those who like the health insurance they have now likely will not be
able to keep it because their employers will stop providing coverage."
(pg 6)

"Republicans believe that the tax code should not penalize savings and
thrift, especially in a period of economic
turmoil. Our plan would lower the capital gains tax and loosen
restrictions on various savings vehicles in order for individuals to
catch up and replace losses from the market." (pg 10)

"Americans realize that the future of energy is in alternative and
renewable sources. In order to promote the development of renewable and
alternative energy, Republicans support promoting the leasing of federal
lands which contain alternative energy such as oil shale." (pg 13)

"Democrats assume that the free-market system has failed and that a more
robust federal government must now rescue the nation. The American
people reject that notion and know, as Republicans do, that government
has failed and that this financial crisis is the result of decades of
misguided government policies that interfered with the free-market." (pg

"The government's interventions to date have generated market
uncertainty and an aversion to private lending and investment. The
government's strategy needs to minimize government interference in the
management of companies and provide a clear exit strategy." (pg 16)

Are these guys serious? This is the same stuff as the last 8 years!
Someone should go to every Republican and kick them in the crotch, both
male and female, for offering these same tired ideas.

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"I can't let you in cause you're old as fuck. For this club, you know, not for the earth."

Doorman (Craig Robinson), "Knocked Up"

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The Head Office in Gerontin, Texas, called and found that Mr. Brooks was not home. The answering machine picked up the call. As soon as he got home, Mr Brooks screened his messages. Sandwiched between two calls from Sheena and a call from a distant third cousin was the call from the Head Office. Mr. Brooks was disturbed.

"Hello, Charley? Where the fuck are you? We need your expertise in handling a serious situation developing in our foreign markets. Shit! It's like they were going to try and change the system. Crazy foreign bastards. And stupid. Anyway the Boss is steamed. He wants you to do something about it. All is clear. Expenses are taken care of. Just call us. This assignment is urgent, maximum

Mr. Brooks immediately returned the call. He said he would see what he could do. Then, with the enthusiasm of men going off to war, Mr. Brooks packed his bags and left town.

Whenever Mr. Brooks left his residence, Mrs. Shriff would look after his place. She would find often in the trash many newspaper clippings of certain foreign ambassadors' or of third world dictators' assassinations. However peculiar this must have seen to her at the time, she never thought much of her tenant as being interested in foreign affairs. She went about her business without special attention to the personal affairs of Mr. Brooks. Not until the day Mr. Brooks left on another business trip overseas did she find the hidden meaning behind the newspaper clippings.

The day after Mr. Brooks received the call from the Head Office, Mrs. Shriff stopped in to check on his apartment. She found to her surprise that in such a hurry to leave Mr. Brooks left the place in disarray. While cleaning up his mess she found strapped beneath a drawer three ammo clips. Then she knew. Beneath his mild mannered exterior, Mr. Brooks was someone far more dangerous than what she knew him to be. Mrs. Shriff kept this to herself.

It scared her at first, but she had past suspicion on his covert assignments to foreign countries. "Why doesn't he come home with interesting tales to tell?" she had thought to herself. Now she knows. Tales of murder and intrigue were not ones to be told to housewives. She just kept a watch on her resident watching for any strangeness in him. She watched, and she waited for him to come home.


Opening credits. Fun to watch?


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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
"The world is divided into two kinds of people, those who have friends and those who are lonely like poor Tuco."

Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez aka The Rat (Eli Wallach), "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly"

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Here's an illustration of what I meant by how awesome the crescent moon in the dawn looks with the morning star, Venus. I just love astronomy. Also, I know you've already bookmarked it, but you've got to keep going back to APOD (Astronomy Picture Of the Day). It really is frakking awesome.


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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

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"Remember folks, Jesus saves, but George Nelson withdraws."

George (Baby Face) Nelson (Michael Badalucco), "O, Brother, Where Art Though"


The final game in the World Baseball Classic looks to have been a good one. Big powerhouses of baseball slugging it out. The stands filled with fanatical fans. Clutch hitting. Clutch pitching. Some brilliant plays on defense. I should've watched it. Maybe you can too.

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Anyone up early this morning (and yesterday) see the spectacular crescent moon (and venus)?

It's a sight to behold. I think I'm loving it, but it won't last long as this morning it's so thin that tonight should be a new moon. But it was still a lovely moon over these two mornings.

My commute goes east and I spent all the drive watching the sky get brighter and the moon disappear. The color gradation was spectacular: a pink rosy horizon, that really pale blue of the morn, then the inky blue of the night sky. I don't remember any cars on the way.

I'm blown away by how beautiful these cold mornings are. Spring is officially here, but it don't feel that way.

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Don't know why.

Just got to post it.

Sometimes it's like coffee. And other times it's like riding a bike. Smiles in the morning. Smiles in the morning.


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Monday, March 23, 2009
I come to you, so silent in the night
So stealthy, so animal quiet
I'll be your savior, steadfast and true
I'll come to your emotional rescue

The Rolling Stones, "Emotional Rescue"

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Mmm. Cute asian goodness first thing Monday mornings. It's like coffee, but cute.


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Sunday, March 22, 2009
"Run and hide, asshole. Run and hide. If you should be picked up next week buying a hundred-thousand dollar sports car in Newport Beach, I am going to be supremely disappointed. Because I want my people to find you, and when they do, rest assured we are not going to hand you over to the police. So my advice to you again is this: run and hide. That is all that I ask."

Terry Benedict (Andy Garcia), Ocean's Eleven

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Because I am lazy like that. Here's one from a suggestion from Ms. FishTank. Don't blame me if it sucks. :P


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Saturday, March 21, 2009
"I'll never put on a lifejacket again."

Quint (Robert Shaw), Jaws

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Paul Krugman
Calculated Risks
Naked Capitalism

They really don't know what they're doing do they.

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Macross mixed with DS 9. Who knew?

So where you excited?

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IPhone OS 3 screen shots. Get them while they're hot.


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Friday, March 20, 2009
"The cemeteries of the world are full of indispensable men."

Charles de Gaulle

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Did I tell you love animation?

Today's link sent courtesy of my good friend AT. She never reads this site so still it's a big shout out.

You'll like the video. It's intriguing. Good while you have your morning joe.


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This is just a reminder that the series finally of Battlestar Galactica is on tonight.

Get your tivos programmed.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

This really saddens me. She was great as Elizabeth James, Lindsay
Lohan's mother, in the Parent Trap remake. I love that movie.

R.I.P Ms. Richardson. My thoughts are with her family and friends.

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My thoughts on AIG and their bonuses is best summed up in another quote
from NewsRadio.

"I get a ticket, I pay it. You get a ticket, you pay it. They get a
ticket, they don't pay no ticket, and that's why these free-loading
foreign diplomats should be dragged out of their cars and beaten like
the renegade outlaws they are."

Replace "ticket" with "run company and the nation into a ditch."
Replace "pay it" with "get no bonus."

Those who got the bonuses should keep it, but that doesn't mean that the
American people can't go over their house and beat them to recoup our
money. Violence solves nothing, but in this case it would be cathartic.
When are we, the people, gonna take back our country.

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"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many
of our people need it sorely on these accounts."

Mark Twain

(I have 300+ hours of vacation time)

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I have no idea what anime is this nendoroid from, but it is one of the most detailed I have seen. It's a get.


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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
"Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired
by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime."

Mark Twain

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That's a funny manga. I wish they would bring it for real to America.

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I wish animation would get out of the silliness that it is in today. There's plenty of stories to tell with animated characters, 2D or even stop motion. If only there were people creative enough to see animation's wonderfulness of uses.

Then I see today's link. I frown. Seth McFarlane is killing us. He's taken the latter day Simpson formula and jammed it into the bungholes of America with Family Guy, Patriotic Dad and this monstrosity. I know already what the shows going to be about without even watching a single episode.


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Tuesday, March 17, 2009
It took me three sitting, but I finally finished Millenium Actress. The first time it put me to sleep in twenty minutes. The second time just under ten. This last time was the pure sitting and then I found out how good of a love story it was.

Millennium Actress is an animated film by Satoshi Kon. He's another celebrated Japanese animation director famous for Paprika and Three Godfathers. I've seen Paprika but didn't think anything of it. I've partially seen Three Godfathers but didn't think anything of it. I almost didn't finish this film, but glad I did. Satoshi Kon while not as great as Miyazawa is a cut above Makoto Shinkai.

In Millennium Actress, a documentary crew goes to interview the reclusive titular actress, Chiyoko Fukiwara. Her story is told in flashbacks that are filmed like the movies she starred in. It plays around with the settings. What era are we in? Is this one of her movies? Are they saying the script or what she said in real life? And her story is one of finding the love of her life. She helps an left-leaning artist escape for a time from the police and falls in love with him. She doesn't seem him again until she follows him to Manchuria under the guise of being an actress. But the times are tough for them to meet as war follows and he is imprisoned because of his politics.

The movie plays out in how she yearns to reunite with him. She lives her life always looking for him and a chance to find him once again.

There is a prop that reminds me of Notorious. It is a key that Chiyoko longs to return to her love. And just like the key to the wine cellar in Notorious that was given back to Hitchcock from Ingrid Bergman at a celebration before he died. I liked how Millenium Actress reminded me of that.

One thing I love about animation is that it can tell many stories well. It is a stylistic choice that a strong creative person can use to great effect. I wish it would expand from the children story ghetto we've currently got it slotted into in the US.

4 of 5 stars.

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Itsuki-chan: 6 gears
Alice Alicia: 5 gears

It makes for an interesting drive. When I feel like I'm going 70 MPH, I want to shift it into sixth. There is no sixth in my VW, so those shifts go nowhere and I'm left with holding the stick in neutral for that split second before I slide it back into fifth. Luckily, I don't have a gear box with reverse in the furthest, lower right position or else it would be a horribly grinding noise and the transmission falling out of the the VW. It's one of those things that the mind adapts to quickly but stalls at some times. Funny that.

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"I guess Rush Limbaugh was busy so they trotted out the next most popular member of the Republican cabal."

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

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Just posting this for my own sake so that I can read it at work and understand why the fuck it didn't work the first time.


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Monday, March 16, 2009
Well here we go again, you've found yourself a friend that knows you well
But no matter what you do, it always feels as though you tripped and fell
So steady as she goes

The Raconteurs, "Steady, As She Goes"

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I'm thinking about going hightech on my bike. Screw iPhone it won't tell me enough of what I'm doing while I ride.


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Sunday, March 15, 2009
I was dragged kicking and screaming to He's Just Not That Into You. Do I have to know how foolish we make ourselves out to be as we try to find that special person?


With that being said, it was a strange movie that reveled in dating tropes that it tried so hard to make fun of. I guess that it is difficult, because we are all fools once. (Twice a fool is just stupid.)

3 of 5 stars.

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Watchmen is a movie. And it's a comic book, or in a more haughty phrase, a graphic novel. It's one hell of film though.

It's an adaptation of one of the most revered comic books. It sticks to it very much. There's a lot of talking. Not much action which is funny for a comic book movie. Yet, it was trying to capture what the comic book was all about.

Who was a hero? Rorschach, looking for the killer, but is too indebted to his honor system and world of good-bad, black-white, is done pretty well. The Comedian is plenty fascistic. The Night Owl finds himself grows from sad sack to kick ass. Dr. Manhattan and his blue organ blow shit up. Silk Spectre is pretty bad ass herself. Ozymandias is effeminate and cruel.

It's a good movie I'll admit, but I am a geek at heart.

The music was incongruous. It got in the way because it wasn't period.

4 of 5 stars.

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I'm in the hospital right now waiting for the operation. My operation is tomorrow, Monday, early in the morning. I get bored waiting for it to happen. Let me explain how much I have been waiting. First I had to wait to go to the hospital. By the way, I'm at the University of Maryland. Then when I got here, I had to wait at the admissions desk. Then I had some tests don on me. I hate needles. When they puncture your skin, it is sort of weird. It doesn't hurt, but when the needle is in the vein any sort of movement causes the weirdest setsation. After tests, I had to wait some more for my room to be ready (8-wets room 74). Right now I'm waiting for 9:0 when I (hopefully) fall asleep.

The operation, I hope, will be a success. I hope they don't have to shave my whole head. I would like to keep some hair on my head so Andrea can run her fingers through my hair. I love when she does that. It get me up. They're going to put some fiberglass type stuff to fill the depression. The surgeons are going to anchor the stuff to my skull with iron wires drilled o it. At 6:30 in the morning!! I have not woken up that early since early last school year.

I've seen this Star Trek about 20x's. It's pretty hilarious. Abraham Lincoln fighting. How Bogus. I can't believe he can kick-but.

I am going to have to learn how to write better.

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"It's K-K-K-Ken c-c-c-coming to k-k-k-kill me."

Otto (Kevin Kline), A Fish Called Wanda

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I've got nothing on this Sunday. There was a lot to talk about...


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Saturday, March 14, 2009
I have never gone cycling in anything less than 60 degrees except today. My weather widget is telling me that its 44 degrees fahrenheit out there, and I rode in that. At least there was no wind, but there was no sun either.

I was sitting eating breakfast with my mom when I got a text. During the text conversation, a cycle ride was brought up, "No bike ride today?" I texted back my excuses, but it's really humbling. I want to ride, but always find excuses. Not today.

What does it take to ride in this weather? I don't know so I gear up. My campy tights are warm. Unlike my knickers these go all the way down, and unlike my knickers these fit really well. I wear my compression t-shirt underneath which I wish was windproof, then a long sleeve winter jersey along with arm warmers. Finally a jacket. Also a warm skull cap and booties over my shoes. Am I warm? Somewhat, but its enough to keep the chill away. It's actually perfect.

So the ride was good. I took a route that I hadn't before. Up Lakeside into New Town. It's a hill and to get back onto Deer Park there's a short steep hill. It's tough but I did it.

Here's the damage: 14.15 miles, 59 minutes, averaging 14.5 MPH with a max of 38 MPH down Pleasant. Nice.

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"The ultimate expression of love is to do a double suicide."

Nozomu Itoshiki, "Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei"

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One month ago, it was Valentine's Day. In Japan, it's the girls who give chocolates to the guys. So, for payback, there's today, White Day, when the guy gives candy to the girls who gave them chocolates. Oh, how interesting the Japanese are. Now, it would be nice to receive chocolates from a girl. You wouldn't have to worry about if a girl likes you. She'll just give you chocolate as a way to show her interest. At least, that's what happens in manga. Then you're in like slim.


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Friday, March 13, 2009

Christmas 1990
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

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Under my thumb
The girl who once had me down
Under my thumb
The girl who once pushed me around

Its down to me
The difference in the clothes she wears
Down to me, the change has come,
Shes under my thumb

Aint it the truth babe?

The Rolling Stones, "Under My Thumb"

The ACM gave out its Turing award to a pioneer in computer programming, Barbara Liskov. This stands out for me because I am deeply indebted to her eponymous Liskov Substitution Principle. In plain English, if you have an object which inherits attributes from another object, then that derived object can and should stand in place of any other types of objects of the parent object. Hunh? It's the basis for Object-Oriented Programming and it governs the software development today. It makes programming slightly easier and it makes for cool extensions of the software.


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Thursday, March 12, 2009


Now hold on to me pretty baby
If you want to fly
I’m gonna melt the fever sugar
Rolling back your eyes

Shiny Toy Guns, "Le Disko"

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Oh, shit this is totally the bomb! Danny Choo, the geek in Tokyo, is Darth Vader. He's usually a stormtrooper, but for this set of photos he's the Sith Lord. WooHoo!


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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I posted a link to another remix of Kutiman's as a lotd, but soon after the site was flooded and taken down due to too much interest. Here's a slow jam that's in the Portishead vein. You need to listen to this stuff now because it's just plain awesome.

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Discomfort guides my tongue And bids me speak of nothing but despair.

William Shakespeare, "Richard II"

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Someone get me one of these!


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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

Dante, "Inferno"


It's 5:45 when I roll out of bed. Shower. Brush. Dress. I'm checking
email while listening to tunes on iPhone. I'm wanting to take off for
work, but decide on snacking: pan de sal and coffee for breakfast. Take
out the trash. Change the trashcan liner. Then it's to Itsuki-chan and
my morning commute.

I'm running from the darkness and into the light. West to east. The
dawn is comforting, but daybreak is coming.

I merge into traffic. It's a bit disorienting with the half-light of
the morn. All cars have their lights on and they dazzle me in the rear
view. We're going 80 MPH. But we're not awake yet. On this same
stretch of road during the day, we'd all be doing 65 MPH. Strange that
the morning commute makes you want to get to work faster. I wish I

I'm lost in thought. Trying to remember emails. Trying to craft emails
in my head. What should it say? How pathetic should I be? How
pathetic do I come off? This is pathetic, so concentrate on the road.

Then this blog post comes up. Driving fast to work. Watching dawn
break in the east. Tail-gaters with their lights disorienting me. This
blog post.

Did I just pass 95? Am I at work?

Forty-two minutes. Sit down. Compose the post -- 7:07 AM.

Good morning.

One more painting from Chris Bishop.


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Monday, March 09, 2009
An Apple NetBook? Isn't that what iPhone is for? Also, if they did do it wouldn't it be a giant iPhone? It'll also be their tablet we've been all waiting for!!!!!!1

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"A very small degree of hope is sufficient to create the birth of love."

Henri B. Stendahl

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Where can I find Nozomi Sasaki pictures?

You're welcome.


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Sunday, March 08, 2009

Does he find Arch Stanton in this clip?

(I'm wondering if I had already posted this video. Ahh, who cares? It's just plain awesome! My favorite movie!)

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When I woke up this morning on my couch, the news was on. I wondered why they're on at 5 AM? Oops. Daylight savings time kicked in and it was now 6. Why is there no sunlight? So, I had breakfast: oatmeal, coke, and a cup of coffee. I need to fuel up for my bike ride.

There is nothing better than to be on a bike in the cool early mornings. It so happen to be a Sunday coming off of winter and spring should be here soon. What was the temperature? Sixty-five degrees! Nice conditions for the first bike ride of the season.

Over the last two months, I've tried to work out. I've only done a few weeks and those were rather non-consecutive weeks. Sickness intervened both times. Yet, I feel ready. It's better to be doing than to be fake doing. I don't ride the stationery bike at the gym because it's so fake. I'm just hoping that I've built up a decent amount of cardio fitness to make today less hurting.

So I start gearing up, but "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" is on. I watch up until Tuco and Blondie make their pact. "Don't die on me, Blondie." Classic, but I have to go.

I'm gonna ride the Gios. Hmmm. I need to check its conditions, because it has been a while. Tires? Inflate them. Chain? Oiled? I don't know, maybe take it in for a tune up. Water? Yes. Clothes? Knickers and the Campy winter shirt which may be too warm for the cool Sunday morning.

I'm going out the front door for the normal route.

It's a little bit overcast. I wear my favorite Oakleys with the yellow tints. I am cool. In the morning as I warm up with a quick around the block.

Then down Pleasant Hill. Thirty-nine MPH! The air whips by making it cold. I'm happy bombing the hill, but worried a bit as the roads have some moisture. Still fast is fast. Smiling.

Afterwards into the woods and slow steady climb. I'm not tuckered out. Maybe my workouts are fine? But I'm not in any bike fit shape. My pedal stroke is okay, but how will it hold out? I sip a bit of water, must not forget about drinking even though it's not cold I will still dehydrate from all that caffein. My position on the bike is okay, I'm slightly comfortable. Must start using the drops, but I hate that position.

In no time I'm zipping around the back roads. Then comes the hill on Deer Park right around Soldier's Delight. It's not tall, but it is there as an indication of my fitness. I'm up it at 9 MPH, not good, but I'm not breathing to heavy. Down the backside of that hill and I'm doing the cruising thing at 22 MPH. I love this section. This ride was supposed to be an easy one, but I feel like I've been riding for two full weeks.

I'm on the turn. I'm on Nicodemus breaking 22 MPH again!. I'm climbing Church. No granny gear, but I'm tuckered a bit. Is this true fitness or just adrenaline from riding the first day?

So this was what it was: 12.45 miles, 50 minuetes, average 14.5 MPH, max 39 MPH. I'm hoping for another ride next weekend. I'm also hoping the numbers improve over the season.

I'll see you out there!

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I thought with this Daylight Savings Time that there will be sun at 6 AM on the dot. Boy am I wrong.


Still a whisper on my lips
Feeling in my finger tips
It's pulling at my skin

Feeling when I'm at my worst
Feeling as if I've been cursed
Real cold within

Days go by and still I think of you
Days when I couldn't live my life without you
Days go by and still I think of you
Days when I couldn't live my life without you
Without you

Dirty Vegas, "Days Go By"

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Yeah. It's another way that things you own can sometimes own you. I have to worry about things then maybe pay to get these things fixed. All the while, your bp goes up and you get upset stomach. I hate that.


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Saturday, March 07, 2009
Somethin's gonna stop this thing; it's goin' way too good
Don't know how, don't know when, but it's gonna happen soon

dadasarah, "Soon"

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This had to be a lotd awhile back. I just had to single out one that I thought was exemplary. Chris Bishop and his mighty Robot and Girls series. Pretty awesome.

Aren't they all?


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Friday, March 06, 2009

Health Camp in Waco, Texas - Round America Trip - In Search of Elvis and the World's Largest Chili Dog.
Originally uploaded by Round America.

I believe that these are words that don't really go well together.


I just want to know the shape you're in.
She don't write. She don't phone.
She don't send me flowers.
I'm waiting around the tiny home for hours, hours, hours, hours...

Screaming Blue Messiahs, "Talking Doll"

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This is awesome. It's the whole mash-up, FatBoy Slim thing going on. Plus it's a dub island stylee! I can appreciate that. Yumm.

The other songs aren't bad as well.


(ht kotke)

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Thursday, March 05, 2009
No one in the financial world really knows what they're doing. It's a con game, a scam. It's all pretend, but everyone thinks it's real so we must perpetuate that myth.


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I dont understand how a heart is a spade,
But somehow the vital connection is made.

Elastica, "Connection"

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Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Time goes by so slowly
for those who wait
No time to hesitate
Those who run seem to
have all the fun
I'm caught up
I don't know what to do

Madonna, "Hung Up"

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Software bugs are a funny thing. They are either inconceivably hard to find and fix or are so stupidly obvious that you slap your head in dismay at how stupidly obvious they are. Tracking them then solving them, that's the fun part of it all.


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Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

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There's one conveyor belt sushi in town. It's not that good. Cheap, but since you got there to stuff your face it ends up being the same price as any other sushi joint in town. It's also nothing but rolls. No maki sushi. No sashimi. Hardly any nagiri.

Now I feel like some sushi.


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Monday, March 02, 2009

BestBuy Anime Sale
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

50% Clearance. Why?

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Birth Life Death
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Following his 13th rule of living


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It's snowing. Once commited to getting to where you want to go, stay
there until this weather dies out. I knew that once I pulled out of my
driveway. I'm committed as Itsuki-chan and her LSD had me floating on
the snow as if I wasn't moving, but I was slowly.

The back roads are terrible. I witnessed a 7 series BMW backing up
because he couldn't get up Dolfield. That's only a 1% grade! Red Run
wasn't much better, but at least the traffic on it grooved some tracks
to the pavement.

The highways were much better. You could go fast, but that would be

If you really don't need to go, then you don't have to go. Curl up with
a good manga. Watch TCM. Do anything but drive. It's snowing.

I was anxious and couldn't stay hope. Once I left my driveway. I was
committed. Now I'm at work. And I want to get home. I'm waiting for
the snow to stop.

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"I look up. I look down. I look up. I look down."

Scottie (Jimmy Stewart), Vertigo

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March. It's snowing hard. Wow. We haven't seen this since last winter. Where were you last month? Now this would be awesome for snowboarding. Time to put the gaiters on, spray some moisture guard on your jeans and head out to Oregon Ridge for a snow day.


Last year was Rose McGowan. This year Alec Baldwin. I love watching the co-hosts to TCM's "The Essentials" they make movies fun. Alec Baldwin will make it funner.


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Sunday, March 01, 2009
"Just because you end a relationship with somebody doesn't mean you cut them out of your life."

Lisa Miller (Maura Tierney), NewsRadio, "Sweepsweek"

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And we keep paying these people? Keeping them afloat for things they stupidly did? Why again?

They should be thanking us every day.


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