Mike (Jon Favreau), "Swingers"
Labels: money baby money, qotd
Labels: money baby money, qotd
Labels: lotd, your rights
Labels: money baby money, twirly-wirly
Labels: qotd, stick up for yourself
Labels: lotd, stick up for yourself, time sink
Labels: money baby money, twirly-wirly
This is about 15 years of change. Do you know how much is in there? Care to take a guess?
It's a pickle jar 10" tall and 6" diameter. Nothing but silver should be in there (hopefully no pennies). The whole shebang weighs 40 lbs. I've been to several foreign countries in those years. Canadian loonies sometimes get mixed up as US coins.
How much do you think is in their? What foreign coins may be mixed in there? Any pennies?
Post your guess in comments.
Labels: movies
Labels: lotd, manga, stupidity, you'll need babelfish
Labels: Nozomi Sasaki, so kawaii, why am i telling you this?
Read this document and you'll laugh out loud numerous times. You'll see
newspeak in action. Here's a few choice nuggets.
"Those who like the health insurance they have now likely will not be
able to keep it because their employers will stop providing coverage."
(pg 6)
"Republicans believe that the tax code should not penalize savings and
thrift, especially in a period of economic
turmoil. Our plan would lower the capital gains tax and loosen
restrictions on various savings vehicles in order for individuals to
catch up and replace losses from the market." (pg 10)
"Americans realize that the future of energy is in alternative and
renewable sources. In order to promote the development of renewable and
alternative energy, Republicans support promoting the leasing of federal
lands which contain alternative energy such as oil shale." (pg 13)
"Democrats assume that the free-market system has failed and that a more
robust federal government must now rescue the nation. The American
people reject that notion and know, as Republicans do, that government
has failed and that this financial crisis is the result of decades of
misguided government policies that interfered with the free-market." (pg
"The government's interventions to date have generated market
uncertainty and an aversion to private lending and investment. The
government's strategy needs to minimize government interference in the
management of companies and provide a clear exit strategy." (pg 16)
Are these guys serious? This is the same stuff as the last 8 years!
Someone should go to every Republican and kick them in the crotch, both
male and female, for offering these same tired ideas.
Labels: fiction
Labels: movies, qotd, who's this guy?
Labels: lotd, science fiend
Labels: "blog as notepad", it's over
Labels: qotd
Labels: geeked, science fiend
Labels: anger and frustration, disaster
Labels: Apple, iPhone, lotd, screenshot
Labels: fright, qotd, spooky, that sinking feeling
This really saddens me. She was great as Elizabeth James, Lindsay
Lohan's mother, in the Parent Trap remake. I love that movie.
R.I.P Ms. Richardson. My thoughts are with her family and friends.
Labels: :-(, fare thee well
"I get a ticket, I pay it. You get a ticket, you pay it. They get a
ticket, they don't pay no ticket, and that's why these free-loading
foreign diplomats should be dragged out of their cars and beaten like
the renegade outlaws they are."
Replace "ticket" with "run company and the nation into a ditch."
Replace "pay it" with "get no bonus."
Those who got the bonuses should keep it, but that doesn't mean that the
American people can't go over their house and beat them to recoup our
money. Violence solves nothing, but in this case it would be cathartic.
When are we, the people, gonna take back our country.
Labels: anger and frustration, NewsRadio quote
Mark Twain
(I have 300+ hours of vacation time)
Labels: get off your butt, out there, qotd
Mark Twain
Labels: get off your butt, qotd
That's a funny manga. I wish they would bring it for real to America.
Labels: anime, Hitchcock, Ingrid Bergman, movies, Netflix Queue, nostalgia, thoughts
Labels: automotive, I'm a fool
Labels: gifts that keep on gifting, qotd
Labels: "blog as notepad", lotd, software development
Labels: I'm a fool, movies, thoughts
Labels: brrr, cycling, get off your butt
Its down to me
The difference in the clothes she wears
Down to me, the change has come,
Shes under my thumb
Aint it the truth babe?
The Rolling Stones, "Under My Thumb"
Labels: lotd, science fiend, software development
Labels: I'm a fool, qotd
Labels: lotd, science fiend
I'm running from the darkness and into the light. West to east. The
dawn is comforting, but daybreak is coming.
I merge into traffic. It's a bit disorienting with the half-light of
the morn. All cars have their lights on and they dazzle me in the rear
view. We're going 80 MPH. But we're not awake yet. On this same
stretch of road during the day, we'd all be doing 65 MPH. Strange that
the morning commute makes you want to get to work faster. I wish I
I'm lost in thought. Trying to remember emails. Trying to craft emails
in my head. What should it say? How pathetic should I be? How
pathetic do I come off? This is pathetic, so concentrate on the road.
Then this blog post comes up. Driving fast to work. Watching dawn
break in the east. Tail-gaters with their lights disorienting me. This
blog post.
Did I just pass 95? Am I at work?
Forty-two minutes. Sit down. Compose the post -- 7:07 AM.
Good morning.
Labels: lotd, Nozomi Sasaki
Labels: cycling, get off your butt
Labels: just asking
Labels: automotive, lotd
I believe that these are words that don't really go well together.
Labels: picture
Screaming Blue Messiahs, "Talking Doll"
Labels: lotd, the market, wankers
Elastica, "Connection"
Labels: ha ha, lotd, software development
Following his 13th rule of living
The back roads are terrible. I witnessed a 7 series BMW backing up
because he couldn't get up Dolfield. That's only a 1% grade! Red Run
wasn't much better, but at least the traffic on it grooved some tracks
to the pavement.
The highways were much better. You could go fast, but that would be
If you really don't need to go, then you don't have to go. Curl up with
a good manga. Watch TCM. Do anything but drive. It's snowing.
I was anxious and couldn't stay hope. Once I left my driveway. I was
committed. Now I'm at work. And I want to get home. I'm waiting for
the snow to stop.
Labels: automotive, wintry mix
Labels: woohoo
Labels: NewsRadio quote, qotd