"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Monday, October 31, 2011

Erik Satie's Gnossienne 1. I thought it highly nice to hear on All Hallow's Eve. Sounds as if someone's trailing you as you walk the neighborhood in search of candy.


Nendoroid Melissa Seraphy

Queen Melissa wishes you a safe and happy Halloween!

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Saturday, October 29, 2011
Mushroom Soup

Once more, this morning I made some soup. It's gonna a be good because soup's good food whenever a nor'easter rolls through.

Today's soup is called a Hearty Mushroom Soup. It's main ingredients is mushrooms. The recipe calls for porcini and shiitake mushrooms. The porcini had to be steeped in the broth to rehydrate. After twenty minutes the broth took on a nice delicious brown color. The original recipe called for celery, but I didn't want to have several stalks sitting in my fridge so I abandoned that for some potato. Along with that I sautéed onions, orange bell pepper, and garlic in butter. Then I dumped in the mushrooms before adding the broth and 1/4 cup of barley. Boy, do I love barley.

As you know I'm looking out for my salt intake, although I wanted this soup to taste better. So I cut the salt down by half to 1/8 teaspoon after adding soy sauce and a dash of tabasco. The soup is also creamy. The recipe called for half and half plus some thickening agent in 2 tablespoons of flour.

After simmering for about 10 minutes, it's done. Garnish with some scallions.

Looks good. Tastes good.

I still need to learn how to chop things better. I left the potatoes and bell pepper pieces too big. I should've cut down more on the salt for my health and not for the taste especially I should've used less soy sauce. Now I need to make more soup stock. This time perhaps beef broth.

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Friday, October 28, 2011
Last year's Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film went to Toy Story 3. In the Annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool, most everyone picked it for the winner and the other one for How To Train Your Dragon was most likely a fat finger vote. I think we all need to change our minds. I have just watched the forgotten choice, Sylvain Chomet's L'illusionniste and couldn't be more impressed with it. Toy Story 3 can't compare to L'illusionniste.

The story tells the tale of a magician in 1959 whose fortunes are running out in Paris. He gets a billing in remote Scotland at a small pub wherein he meets a young lady. Impressed with his magical prowess, she follows him to Edinburgh, Scotland. The magician treats her like his daughter buying clothes and gifts for her while trying to keep up his illusionist trade. Yet, the era of magic as entertainment is dwindling and his ill fortune follows him so that it is impossible to make a living doing sleight of hand.

The film reminds me of the joie de vivre first 10 minutes of Pixar's Up and the silent melancholia of the early part of Wall●E. It is mainly a silent movie as the film makes do with gestures to convey the emotions of the story. What little dialog there is and what little speeches there are end up sounding like Esperanto. Chomet's animators make it all work though. The emotion of every scene is clearly conveyed in the hand drawn animation. The lack of words do not hinder such a sweet tale. It makes it all the more poignant. There is still a place for hand drawn animation.

In last year's Oscar Pool, I rooted for L'illusionniste to pull off an upset. It didn't but most likely because no one saw this movie. When you do, you'll change your mind. Toy Story 3 will just be a slight cream puff of a movie while L'illusionniste will be a full banquet of delight.

5 of 5 stars

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Android shoots itself in the foot.

One of the things that I wonder for all those Android fanbois is if they consider OS fragmentation a good thing for non-fanbois. I mean your all elite and shit, but what about your mom. Is the many versions of Android OS worth it for you average person? They don't care right until they buy an app (or download a free one) that doesn't work on their phone because it only works for a particular version.

And developers, can they really write apps that take advantage of things if you don't know what the hardware is going to be?

We were discussing flashlight apps in work today and a co-worker showed us one on his phone. Someone asked if it supported flashing, strobing, or signaling. He said yeah and proceeded to show us. While it was flashing out an SOS, it also was beeping. Another co-worker asked why do you need it to beep. He then tried to turn it off, but the app was unresponsive. He made an excuse for it. I didn't say anything, but I wondered how can you live like that.

Eventually, Google will understand. They'll figure it out the they have to be more than an ad salesman in the tech world.


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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This soup looks interesting to make. Scratch that. The stock, dashi, looks interesting to make, because if that's all there is to it. Well, I'm gonna go get some konbu and bonito flakes.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011
With winter quickly approaching and autumn finally settling in, I was thinking about making my home a little more energy efficient. I plan first to get a storm door for the front entryway, because I believe my front door is like a hole in the wall and it lets out a lot of the heat. Then I thought about a new programmable thermostat add it so that
I can control when and how much my furnace or AC goes off. I wondered how easy this would be to do. But then I got to thinking it would be nice to have a connected thermostat to check in on during the day.

Well, some dudes are trying to change the thermostat industry. Looks promising. Maybe I should get a job with them.


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Monday, October 24, 2011
Minorin Shh!

Minorin quiets the crowd.

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Cute asian playing Erik Satie's "Je te veux?" That's what I want to hear in the morning. Waltzes get no love nowadays, but you can't deny that the 3/4 time signature is pretty. 1-2-3, 1-2-3, up-down-down, loud-quiet-quiet. It's a fine for a musical interlude in the day. May this waltz smooth out the rest of your day.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Currently bought a few of packs of Topps Heritage 2011 baseball cards. They replicate the 1962 Topps cards, but with current players. I hated it first because I really didn't like the original cards. It grew on me though and now I like the look of the 2011 Heritage cards and have a particular liking towards the original. Here's a favorite Brooks Robinson card from my collection. It's 1962! I've had this one since the 1980s!

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All you need to know about The Three Musketeers (2011) is that Milla Jovovich stars as Mlle de Winter. She's the muse to Paul WS Anderson as she has starred in lots of his movies mostly Resident Evil. You could've told me that this was directed by Pitof or even Kurt Wimmer of Ultraviolet infamy as the movie progressed it had that campy feel of the worst of the worst films of this past decade. Yet, it didn't sink towards Uwe Boll infamy because it was campy enough to entertain, and that's all we want from a movie -- entertainment.

The movie had structural similarities to the Dumas book. Besides Milady de Winter, you had the cardinal, the 3 musketeers, the Buckingham and d'Artagnan. De Winter schemes with the Cardinal. The 3 musketeers befriend d'Artagnan. Those are the similarities. The rest of the plot could've, but could not be from the book. Sky ships! De Winter as a ninja?! The fat guy? Was this in the book?

Yet it was all fun. Pure entertainment. Like a resident evil, but better as things weren't as hokie. Campy but never dumb. Stupid but never retarded. Almost, almost straight from the mind of Dumas, but twisted into a steam punk novel. Ridiculous, but entertaining.

So the changes got me thinking about the original novel. I bet you the original serializations were treated as campy fun as well. Pure entertainment. Now we have to wait for the next installment.

3 of 5 stars

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Saturday, October 22, 2011
There are some harrowing moments in Paranormal Activity 3, but the advertised last 15 minutes sinks the movie. I think we all left the theatre feeling slightly ripped off.

I didn't see the second one. At least with the first one the motivational scare felt organic, part of the story. With the final 15 minutes of this one, it felt tacked on. Something to explain it all. You don't need to do that! It's all paranormal -- beyond normal. Nothing will make any sense.

Also, if you show it in the trailer, it's gotta be in the movie. It some kind of rip off if you ask me. And that's how I felt. Ripped off. That's not to say I wasn't frightened at times. Bloody Mary! The ghost in a sheet! The clean kitchen! Yeah, I was averting my eyes. That's just me.

Overall, it was not like the first one because that one was scary. The static camera shots just make me nervous. The lack of a musical soundtrack even more so. Without a musical cue, you don't know when to be scared. They did attempt to have a rumbling bass noise to help, but it wasn't enough to signify a scary moment.

If you watch it in the theatre, watch the cheapest showing. It's really short.

2 of 5 stars.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Sadly, no longer with the organization, Felix had his worst year as an Oriole. This is a 2010 Topps National Chicle. I like these cards and I like the way this one looks. If only Felix could've been as great as he looks on this card.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Crab cake!!
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Sorry that this is fuzzy. But iPhone 4s can't take pictures. This crab cake came from Dock of the Bay.

UPDATED: What's my email again?

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The CloudThe Cloud
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics

What? This looks like summer time! Miami

PE. S. Space I spoke this!

UPDATED: Because it needed rotating plus I really didn't know what my "post to flickr email" was

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

No idea if this is supposed to be funny. It must've occurred after the news and the 1st song by the musical guest because I'm not laughing and neither is the audience.


While my reaction to 50/50 wasn't about my father's passing in the past, it was about my own future. It had me dwelling on my own health status. Even before, I was apprehensive about seeing this movie. I know I don't like to think about my health because it scares me.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is confronted with his mortality in the form of cancer. It frightens everyone around him. His girlfriend can't handle it and bails from the relationship. His best friend, Seth Rogen, can't handle it, but sticks with him through thick and thin. He even gets him laid although the scene is as sexy as blue balls. All's said and done it is his family who handles it well. His mother already dealing with dementia in his dad is solid as a rock. Eventually, he turns to her for the strength to battle and you know she is there.

The movie is standard Hollywood uplifting fight story. Lots of the story beats you'll already know - the girlfriend and best buddy being just one of them. I wondered though if we were going to get the happy ending or the sad. I don't want to spoil it, but you won't be crying at the end.

Then there is the Anna Kendrick problem, or rather, patient-doctor problem. I don't know, but rather feeling good about this couple, I was a little creeped out. They had to make her young to make it seem as it was above her station to know that perhaps having feelings for your patient is too much. It was perhaps misguided even though the story line of a blossoming relationship added a touch of warmth.

But the take away for me in this movie is that death is there. It will kill you without regard to how healthy you are. Young. Old. It don't matter. We will all eventually pay the ferryman. And this was the most horrific aspect of the movie. Death is near. I can not get away.

3 of 5 stars.

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Since I had plenty of spinach and mushroom left over from the spinach mushroom barley soup, I figured to throw the leftovers into another Spanish Tortilla.

I tried a couple of different things this time around.


This time I also fried the potatoes with the spinach and mushrooms before throwing everything together in the pan. I was hoping that this would make the potatoes tastier, but since I didn't put enough salt, they still ended up being bland. I wonder what types of spices to use to make the potatoes tastier. Or maybe I should be using another potato? These are white potatoes. Would the others taste any better?

I also arranged the potatoes better in the pan. The presentation after flipping it out looks more appetizing.

I should've left the temperature the same from last time (325F) but increased it to 375. It came out overcooked as you can tell from the color of the egg.

One day I will find a more flavorful combination for my tortilla.

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Friday, October 14, 2011
Hey Dolph, take a memo on your Newton: beat up Martin.

Eat up Martha


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Thursday, October 13, 2011
Emailing something from google reader. You can ignore this or you can think that this is another Link of the Day.


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via ThinkProgress » Yglesias by Matthew Yglesias on 10/13/11

Prior to the Carter administration, the Civil Aeronautics Board basically set airfares throughout the country. This sharply diminished price competition and induced airlines to compete on the basis of offering high-quality service. Then came deregulation, and both prices and quality fell sharply. It turns out that what tourists really want is to get where they're going, and what firms want is to pay less money to send their workers around the world. Glen Whitman cites the decline of the young attractive flight attendant as an example of this dynamic in action, but I think Megan McArdle is right to say that anti-discrimination laws and union protections are the bigger story here.

One way to look at this kind of issue is just to look at long-haul first class service. Even though it turns out that most travelers prefer cheaper flights to better flights, that's not a universal preference and airlines do offer the option of paying more money for better service. People flying first class generally get much nicer seats, better food, shorter lines, and more attention from flight attendants, but they're subject to the same labor market regulations, contract provisions, and norms as everyone else.


Things you can do from here:


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Wednesday, October 12, 2011
One of the craziest things I do while commuting in the morning is that whenever traffic forces me to stomp the brakes, I take a look into my rear view mirror. I do it to watch the driver behind me either rear end me or swerve to miss.

This morning the traffic in the commute was cruising along at the standard 70 MPH. It was also bumper to bumper although I leave a car space in front. This leaves me susceptible to some wanker sneaking into that space.

I was watching this fellow make his way through traffic until he was behind me. He made me nervous.

We go under an overpass and seconds later I am hearing the sound of tires squealing. It was from the tractor trailer on my right hitting his brakes. The sound staccato.

I look up ahead. Cars are slowing down fast. I press firmly on the brakes closing the gap between me and the car ahead. That's when I look up into my rear view mirror. I try to catch a glimpse of the idiot behind me. He's swerving a bit to my right. Then he's swerving to my left and he's diving to my left. I don't even look to the cars I am going to hit. I watch the idiot end up on the shoulder akimbo to my car.

Crazy. We just missed each other. It was because of another rear end.

I need to stop peaking at cars behind me.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Punter! Just because you finally got a computer doesn't necessary means you've joined the digital age.

This opinion piece about Steve Job's legacy by a "journalist" is one of the most ill informed things I read all year. This "journalist" doesn't realize the contributions that Apple had give to the computer age. Let's see, the original Apple I computer is one of the first computers manufactured for regular consumers. Then you have the Macintosh which ushered in the GUI. Next, you have iPhone that changed the idea of what a mass market computing device is. Finally, the iPad which is where computers are going to go in the near future. This is just from the computer age, which is what we're living in today. Technology you see today has been advanced through Apple driven by Steve Jobs.

And I'm only addressing Job's impact on technology. He's very influential in design and in business practices. Plus, he did own a little movie production studio called Pixar. Ever heard of it?

What a git this Robert Samuelson is.


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Sunday, October 09, 2011
Spinach Mushroom Barley Soup

Probably needs more salt... but I really like the barley...


I'm working on my kitchen skills or as normal people would say - I'm learning to cook. It's a way to keep my sodium intake down to keep my blood pressure lower (not low as it will never be low again unless I work hard at it). I'm cooking the eponymous soup of the title from a recipe from The Big Book of Soups & Stews by Maryan Vollstedt.

I like barley and wanted to cook something with it. If you think of a barley soup, you usually think of Beef Barley Soup. Yet, I'm looking for something vegetarian, so that's why I'm leaving out the meat.

Last week, I made the vegetable stock. It's just a simple stewing of your normal stock vegetables: celery, leeks, onions, peppers, turnip. Plus some herbs in bay leaf and thyme. Black pepper but no salt also added. This stock has been frozen in the freezer for a week now and it will be the basis for the soup.

Now, I'm not gonna rehash the recipe here. I will put my cooking notes down so as to help me become better around the kitchen.

First of all learning kitchen skills one of the hardest things is measurement. The recipe called for a half cup of chopped red peppers. I had a big pepper and chopped it, but what is half a cup from this. It's the same with the mushrooms: one pound. What does this look like? I went by sight, but since I am a novice, I have no idea what these measurements looks like. They seem like I have too much.

Second, it takes longer than you think to prep the ingredients when you're a novice. I chopped the vegetables, but forgot about defrosting the spinach and the stock. I was left standing around with the vegetables simmering in the pot while it took a while for the stock to be melted.

Third, knife skills. I can't for the life of me dice or chop vegetables. They end up irregular sizes. Are the carrots too big? Are the mushrooms? In due time I'll know, but right now with my skills, the vegetables are too big.

So this is my adventure this morning. I'll let you know how it tastes.

UPDATE: Fourth, grains soak up water. I had put in half a cup of barley. The recipe originally called for a third of a cup. This looked meek. So I upped the measurement. After half an hour of simmering, the barley has soaked up tons of the stock. Rather than a soup, it looks like a stew.


Saturday, October 08, 2011
I'm kind of sick of politics right this moment, so I guess that catching the morning showing of The Ides of March somewhat trying. It also doesn't help when you can't figure out the central conflict of the movie. Plus, going in they sold it as a political thriller; yes there was some of that, but it was mostly a character drama -- what will Ryan Gosling learn? Speaking of who, this guys in every movie right now, hunh?

Anytime Evan Rachel Wood is in a movie watch out. She plays dangerous very well because she looks so innocent. You know it would come down to her getting into trouble with a capital T. Just pick up the phone.

The overall theme of the movie is that politics is dirty and will make even those with high minded ideas change their tune. I know. That's why I've been sick of politics lately.

3 of 5 stars

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I've been kind of slack since NewsRadio Quote Month ended. Even then, I let September slip by without many posts there at the end, but really stopped for October. I don't like to do that as this is my Social Network, and I like to blog -- mainly about nothing. Or about everything.

So, let me try to jump start my writing posts again. Maybe write about cooking. I'm trying out several different things with soup. I've already made some vegetable stock. I'm trying to stay vegetarian as much as possible, so my soup stock will feature vegetables. Now I'll have to use it for soup. Coming up some barley spinach mushroom soup. Later on perhaps just mushroom. I'm looking at the Japanese dashi but trying to figure out how to make it less salty.

That's another thing I have to worry about this time. My blood pressure. I've felt terrible the last two months. I'm hopeful I'll feel better from here on out.

So trust me. I'll start writing again.


Friday, October 07, 2011

Frights compliments of Nightmares Fear Factory of Niagara Canada

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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

That's what you see on Apple's home page this evening. Steve Jobs has died and has left us to a future of our own, one where we must decide what technology will be like on our own. That is daunting, but one which we will live in.

As for Steve, he's the man. You can't imagine. Or you could because he brought us the future. It's in your hands. It's on your desktop. And on your lap. It was his vision and we were glad for it.

He's made our present the future and our lives less complicated. Thank you once again.

Rest in peace, Steve, rest in peace.

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Monday, October 03, 2011
Hawaii 2010/To Hilo and Back/Clouds on Mauna Kea


One's Hawaii. The other's Iceland. There's lots of black lava on the two islands. If you've ever been, you'll notice the similarities. Especially, if you go to the Big Island. Little fluffy clouds.

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Sunday, October 02, 2011
Iceland: Pulsa

Spent some time today scanning some photos of the Baltic Cruise of 2001. Working my way backwards. Here's some hot dogs from Iceland: a red pulsa with remoulade, fried onions, and bacon. It's making me hungry.

I've already posted my vacation log. If you want to read about the day, then click here. Good times. Good times. Before I die, I would like to go back.

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