Erik Satie's Gnossienne 1. I thought it highly nice to hear on All Hallow's Eve. Sounds as if someone's trailing you as you walk the neighborhood in search of candy.
Labels: music break
Labels: music break
Labels: animated, movies, Netflix Queue, review
Labels: step-by-step
Well, some dudes are trying to change the thermostat industry. Looks promising. Maybe I should get a job with them.
Labels: music break
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball cards, picture
Labels: Baltimore Orioles, baseball cards
Sorry that this is fuzzy. But iPhone 4s can't take pictures. This crab cake came from Dock of the Bay.
UPDATED: What's my email again?
Labels: egg on the face
Labels: health is your wealth, movies, review
Prior to the Carter administration, the Civil Aeronautics Board basically set airfares throughout the country. This sharply diminished price competition and induced airlines to compete on the basis of offering high-quality service. Then came deregulation, and both prices and quality fell sharply. It turns out that what tourists really want is to get where they're going, and what firms want is to pay less money to send their workers around the world. Glen Whitman cites the decline of the young attractive flight attendant as an example of this dynamic in action, but I think Megan McArdle is right to say that anti-discrimination laws and union protections are the bigger story here.
One way to look at this kind of issue is just to look at long-haul first class service. Even though it turns out that most travelers prefer cheaper flights to better flights, that's not a universal preference and airlines do offer the option of paying more money for better service. People flying first class generally get much nicer seats, better food, shorter lines, and more attention from flight attendants, but they're subject to the same labor market regulations, contract provisions, and norms as everyone else.
Labels: automotive, no new tale to tell
This opinion piece about Steve Job's legacy by a "journalist" is one of the most ill informed things I read all year. This "journalist" doesn't realize the contributions that Apple had give to the computer age. Let's see, the original Apple I computer is one of the first computers manufactured for regular consumers. Then you have the Macintosh which ushered in the GUI. Next, you have iPhone that changed the idea of what a mass market computing device is. Finally, the iPad which is where computers are going to go in the near future. This is just from the computer age, which is what we're living in today. Technology you see today has been advanced through Apple driven by Steve Jobs.
And I'm only addressing Job's impact on technology. He's very influential in design and in business practices. Plus, he did own a little movie production studio called Pixar. Ever heard of it?
What a git this Robert Samuelson is.
Labels: cooking
Labels: meta
Labels: Apple, fare thee well, genius
Labels: "la familia", mmm, picture, vacation