"The intel on this wasn't 100%."
Friday, October 31, 2008

Hallow's Eve Ride
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Stopped in Whitehall 10 miles from Ashland. TheSeed's all tuckered out. Lunch. Then more riding.


One. Two. Freddy's comming for you
Three. Four. Better lock the door
Five. Six. Grab your crufix
Seven. Eight. Gonna stay up late
Nine. Ten. Never sleep again

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Because there probably is no better place in the whole entire, United States to wait for aliens, espers, or time travelers.

Doo. Doo. Doo. Dou. Daaaaa!

Happy Halloween!


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Thursday, October 30, 2008
"The man who once asked me about my wedding date returned my gaze with a stare, shook the hand of the strangers to the right and left of me and continued out the door."

Maeve Reston, LA Times

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Rush Limbaugh is a pathetic person. Here he his complaining about the moderates in the Republican party going over to Obama. He says good riddance. I say good luck. For all you fools who thought Republicans were decent people, Rush Limbaugh is the embodiment of the current Republican, narrow-minded and prejudiced. It is not enough to think different, but you must think like Rush. I can't wait for Tuesday to see his head asplode.


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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What are they selling? What are they saying? What's with the dog? Is that a black person speaking Japanese? Is that manga? Can I read manga on MY iPhone, real manga and not the scanlations I can find on the web? Will it stream anime in Japan? Why can't it stream anime in the US? My netflix queue is backed up with anime that I haven't gotten to. They need a nendroid holding one of these...

The wonders of technology never cease to amaze!

(ht apple otaku)

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Coffee?  Tea?  Or me?

It's beginning to feel like autumn. There's a chill in the air. So mornings start off nice with a hot cup of coffee. Then, after lunch a cup of hot tea is nice as well. At night, some hot chocolate would help ease the day to slumber. And some Nozomi wouldn't be bad at all.

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"Playoffs? Don't talk about playoffs. Are you kidding me? Playoffs? I'm
just hoping we can win a game, another game."

Jim Mora former NFL coach

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Why should those old fogies in Florida decide the outcome of the election? Why living in a thoroughly blue state with no chance for your red fool of a candidate keep you from appreciating your vote? Why should we have to worry about what the two people who live in Idaho and the four people in North Dakota need in their next president? Why do we still have an electoral college?

I don't know. I don't really care. I live in a thoroughly blue state that will always seem to do the right thing for me to worry about. I treat voting as a civic duty. I missed out on it for ten years, and when I did get to vote, the stupid old fogies elected president fucktard.

If you want your vote to count, then you should support the national popular vote referendum or whatever they call it. Even if you don't, you should visit the site to understand why our system may be antiquated.


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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

CapitolSwell gets his wish

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See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

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John McCain was endorsed by al Qaeda. Who knew?

Seems to me to be correct. If you want the US to remain in its current downward trjectory, vote McCain. That's what al Qaeda wants: a continuation of the ruinous policies of president fucktard.

So to do damage to al Qaeda's plan, vote Obama. A vote for Obama is a vote against terrorists.


All my hurt
All of your tears
Our whole world
Smoke and mirrors

Thievery Corporation, "The Mirror Conspiracy"

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Why do I have to learn these things from the Onion?


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Originally uploaded by Barack Obama.

Senator Obama commanding his election campaign. We've got one more week until we do this. Let's do this.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Oy! Captures the whole "zettai ryouiki" of the main character. Somewhat catchy as well. Damn anime.

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(ht daringfireball.net)

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Umm... Mmm...
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

I'm just completely enamored. I would write something pithy, but I'm speechless. Rather, I have to much to say, but can't or else I will lose my wholesome image.

Once again, thanks to Really Cute Asians dot Com for the pictures.

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Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'awl's neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller

Vincent Price in Michael Jackson's "Thriller"

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It's only a few more days until the scariest day of the year is here.
No, not November 4th, Election Day, but Halloween. To get you in the
mood, here's a nice summary and recommendation of 13 frightening manga.
Search these out to get your Japanese horror creep on. Or you can do
like me and re-read a good book of ghost stories. Anyway, it's that
time of year to feel a bit vulnerable in your bed at night.


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Sunday, October 26, 2008
"I am absolutely certain that Connecticut's going to have the good sense to send Joe Lieberman back to the United States Senate."

Sen. Obama (D-Ill.) circa election 2006

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I hope when the Democrats get the majority in the Senate that they kick Joe Lieberman out of the caucus. Ever since he cried about not winning the dem nomination for Senate in 2006, he's been nothing but a pain in the ass for the dems. It gives the Republicans an excuse to point to a former dem and dem vp candidate, and say that they should be more like that wanker. When the dems win, I hope no one has to listen to Lieberman anymore.

If I recall, Obama supported Lieberman in his "independent" bid for the Senate. How does that look now?


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Saturday, October 25, 2008
"Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted line. He caught every other fish."

Steven Wright

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I love sushi. What do you do when you find out that it's not environmentally friendly of a meal? When you can get sushi at the Royal Farms store, we have overfished the oceans. When you find out that tuna has high concentrations of mercury, we have poisoned our food supplies. What is a sushi lover to do?

Perhaps, change his habits? I would like to, but, damn, unagi is in the "eco-worst" column. What can replace that?


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Friday, October 24, 2008

redandjonny young stormtroopers in love
Originally uploaded by RedandJonny.

On our trip through the galaxy, far, far, away, we visited a little tiny back water of a planet, Tatooine. They had the cutest space bar there. If not for the wretched hive of scum and villainy loitering around the place and scrounging up rebel trade cargo, then this hole in the wall bar would've been the perfect place. As it is, I recommend the snazzle tea. It will straighten your knickers and put hair on your bantha. Good drink.

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“I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interests of organizations, specifically banks and others, were such as that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the firms.”

Alan Greenspan, Former Chief of the Federal Reserve

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In my GoogleReader feeds, I have a number of economic commentators. They've been a good read to understanding what this financial turmoil is all about. Yet, all their posts have been depressing for quite sometime, so I usually skip over them and mark them read. I have no time to get depressed when I am already depressed.

Still, today's link caught my eye earlier this week. It's Barry Ritholtz explaining who to blame for this mess. Not really, but he does explain some of the key causes that enabled the problem to fester.


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Thursday, October 23, 2008
I am so on the pre-order list for this.

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The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

Article 9 part 2 of the Japanese Constitution

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Taco Bell is trying to go out of business. That is if tacos don't cost too much for them to make. For any base stolen during the Fall Classic, they'll give away a taco. Did anyone steal a base last night?


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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
TheSeed had to post to his more hoighty-toighty blog that my comments are disabled. I did nothing to change my layout and/or setup on blogger. So I check out BloggerBuzz for anything new.

Guess what? They updated the commenting functionality for blogger. They added some kind of drop-down menu or embedded comment form. It's on by default. They say it works for all types of templates. I'm using a custom old style layout. The new commenting system didn't work out of the box. I have had to reset to using the old, full page style. Thanks, a lot, blogger! I had to spend some time figuring out what happened. They should've just notified us of the new style rather than going ahead and executing the change immediately. Do they even regression test this stuff? SHEESH. I wonder what the new commenting forms look like.

Anyway, you can now harass me in the comments. But remember, this site is for kids.

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blog readability test

That's disappointing.

I can't guess whether it's the topics or the writing that generated this result. I know I write about meaningless stuff, but I try to write well, clear and concise. I guess doing so may make it easier to understand. I'm not so high-falutin' here. I'm just a regular guy, a "Joe the Plumber" type of guy.


Christ in the mirror
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Jesus appearing in the shower mist in the mornings.

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Originally uploaded by duroyal420.

TheSeed asked me the other day, "Why do you like the Japanese ships?"

He was referring to the IJN Yamato model on my coffee table.

"I'm wanting to build out the Imperial Japanese Navy fleet."

"I'm also fascinated by the Nagato."

Here's a look at a completed model of the IJN Nagato. It was the only Japanese battleship to survive WWII. The US confiscated it as the spoils of war and used her at the atomic testing grounds on Bikini Atoll. She sank after the second of two atomic bomb tests.

Nagato is also the name of my favorite character from The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzimiya. I like to consider her the mascot for my MacBookPro.

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"My friend, you have seen this incident, based on sworn testimony. Can
you prove that it didn't happen?"

Criswell, Plan 9 from Outer Space

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Socialism? Funny that you should mention it, Senor McCain. As Matthew
Yglesias points out, your pal, Palin, seems to be right in the middle of
a socialist collective in Alaska. The government has nationalized the
means of production. Alaskans own the oil, which in turns funds the
state. Rugged Alaskans? Do these guys even work? That's rhetorical,
but it does get into how silly leveling charges of socialism at Obama
are. If I do recall, it is the current, Republican administration, that
is in the midst of nationalizing the banks.


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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Night clouds 26 june
Originally uploaded by omarrun.

These are some spooky cloud formations. They almost seem like some kind of alien space craft under camouflage. Any minute now, the alien mother ships will emerge from the clouds and disgorge their attack crafts.

Plus, what's with the trees in the front. I thought there were none in Iceland.


My back is spineless. My belly is yellow. I am the American non-voter.

The Simpsons, "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington"

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Nobel prize winning economist, Paul Krugman, explains what will help Joe the Plumber. That guy ain't got nothing that Mario and Luigi can't fix.



Monday, October 20, 2008
"In this present crisis, government is not a solution to our problem;
government is the problem."

President Ronald Reagan, First Inaugural Address

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They concluded the presidential debates last Wednesday, but not all candidates were invited. In fact, only the Democratic and Republican nominees were allowed. (Or at least that was my impression as I didn't watch any of the debates.) There are others running for the Presidency, like these guys.

Come on now. "Who the hell are you? One bastard goes in, another one comes out."

We're scraping the bottom, when I start linking to Alan Keyes's candidacy. But here at BrowserMetrics, I post and let you decide. Whether to laugh or cry for these sad saps. Hopefully, your mom will vote for you.


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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mellisa Seraphy 06
Originally uploaded by figuephot.

I can, without doubt, say this is my favorite figure even though I have don't have it. I see it offered on ebay for $150 and on Amazon for $164 and I am tempted to make that purchase. Whatever for?

This is also a Halloween post.


"Secretary Powell's recent presentation at the UN showed the extent to which we have Iraq under an audio and visual microscope. Given that, I was impressed not by the vastness of evidence presented by the Secretary, but rather by its sketchiness."

Howard Dean (2/17/2003)

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They concluded the presidential debates last night, but not all candidates were invited. In fact, only the Democratic and Republican nominees were allowed. (Or at least that was my impression as I didn't watch any of the debates.) There are others running for the Presidency, former congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, for one.

Cynthia McKinney is running on the Green ticket. She beat out Ralph Nader. Nader must be such a loser that even the Greens don't want him to lead. McKinney might be more of the same. While I admire some of what the Greens stand for (environmental policies?,) why vote for these losers who will never get a chance to enact any of those policies you cherish?

The Green Party has an all woman ticket. Sarah Palin take note.


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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Originally uploaded by Barack Obama.

That's a lot of people.

They hear Senator Obama's call for change.

"So Senator McCain can keep trying to attack me and distract you – but it’s not going to work. Not this time – not now. Because while my opponent thinks this campaign is all about me – the truth is, this campaign is about you. Your jobs. Your health care. Your retirement. Your children’s future. That’s what this election is about. That’s what I’m fighting for. Because I can take 2 more weeks of these attacks from John McCain, but the American people can’t take four more years of the same failed policies and the same divisive politics."


"It is well that war is so terrible -- we should grow too fond of it."

Robert E. Lee

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They concluded the presidential debates last night, but not all candidates were invited. In fact, only the Democratic and Republican nominees were allowed. (Or at least that was my impression as I didn't watch any of the debates.) There are others running for the Presidency, Dr. Chuck Baldwin, for one.

Dr. Chuck Baldwin is the Constitution Party's nominee. I have no idea who he is or what they stand for, but it can't be good when you leave the Republican party because George W Bush wasn't right-wing enough. Sounds to me like they're way Right on issues, a very scary place to be. It's thin air out there, so thin, as to make you incoherent. I wonder if his policies are? Or are they very coherent, but scary, frightening?

Someone click this link and tell me.


Disclaimer: I'm just going through the other candidates' websites to provide you, the reader, information. I don't endorse any of them (except Obama). It's to help you, the reader, decide on whom you will choose. I'm just wondering, "How the fuck are you still undecided after eight years?"

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Friday, October 17, 2008
Apple asks, "Which MacBook are you?"

TheSeed will probably answer, "none of the above."

I'm the old school, last gen, aluminum MacBook Pro. Can I be the next
gen PowerBook user?

Taking a look at that page, the MacBook Air is pretty sorry looking, so
last year's model. When will it get the new cosmetics to make it sleek
and sexy like its brethren?

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"I'm astounded that this issue is being trotted out again. Based on
what I saw in 2004 and 2006, it's a scare tactic."

David Iglesias, unduly fired US attorney about the newly opened "voter
fraud" investigations

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They concluded the presidential debates Wednesday, but not all candidates were invited. In fact, only the Democratic and Republican nominees were allowed. (Or at least that was my impression as I didn't watch any of the debates.) There are others running for the Presidency, Bob Barr, for one.

I have no clue about this dude. From reading his Wikipedia entry, the item that stands out most is that he was one of the congressional leaders in the impeachment of Bill Clinton. I say, "Get a fucking life, you cocksucking twat." Barr is running under the Libertarian Party flag. I would think that libertarians would value personal freedom in the form of receiving a BJ once in awhile. He must've only come to this conclusion recently. How can you be the Presidential nominee of the party Party and be against BJs?


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Thursday, October 16, 2008
I'm all psyched to play my imported PSP game, Macross Ace Frontier, but I don't have a PSP. So I stop by Best Buy.

So very, very close to purchasing one, but decided against it. I had the box in hand comparing which one I should buy. Madden '09? Gods of War? Plain black for $30 less? Ratchet & Clank? Why?

In the end, like Robert Deniro in Heat, I walked. Thirty seconds. Gone.

Turns out it was smart decision. Today was the quiet release of an updated PSP: the PSP 3000. You can get it in that Ratchet & Clank bundle. I'll just wait for the non-bundled one next month. Meanwhile, I'm brushing up on my kanji.

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"All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets."

Travis Bickle (Robert Deniro), "Taxi Driver"

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They concluded the presidential debates last night, but not all candidates were invited. In fact, only the Democratic and Republican nominees were allowed. (Or at least that was my impression as I didn't watch any of the debates.) There are others running for the Presidency, Ralph Nader, for one.

He has run in the last couple of presidential elections. In the 2000 elections, some of the more liberal voters cast their votes for Nader rather than Gore. They believed that Al Gore wasn't liberal enough coming from a centrist, Democratic administration, and that he would kowtow to the whims of whomever is pulling the strings in the country. I can't believe it. I want to say, "Thanks, you cocksucking twats." You're the reason for the eight years of ineffectiveness and stupidity that has become of the United States. If I wasn't angrier at the dumb Republican voters, you'd surely get plenty of my wrath.

But Nader is still running this year. Let's hope no one votes for him.


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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blue Lagoon - Bláa lónið
Originally uploaded by timopfahl.

Wish it was cold so that runoff from the geothermal powerplants can keep me warm.

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"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied
or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race,
color, or previous condition of servitude."

Amendment XV, The United States Constitution

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This should be tomorrow's link of the day, but I am posting it for you
today to remind you that it will be Boss's Day. You should get your
boss a nice card, some candy, and some flowers. You should pat them on
the back and say, "Thanks, for letting me keep my job." When your
performance appraisals come through, that suck-up maneuver will not be
wasted, and you will be rewarded with another year of work.

Boss's Day was devised by the Chamber of Commerce. It was probably a
self-congratulatory move by them and was created to remind the workers
who really is in charge. I imagine celebrations taking place in the
little conference room. Everyone looking like they want to be somewhere
else. The boss comes in and everyone mumbles an unenthusiastic chorus
of "For he's a jolly good fellow." Small talk follows for a few minutes
while the cake is being handed out, but when it's gone everyone is back
to their desks. Only the boss lounges around chatting with the
suck-ups. I think this was an episode of "The Office?"



Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Originally uploaded by ivy_windchaser.

Smart for the Obama supporters. Dumb for the McCain guys. Plain stupid for the rest of us. Just show your support at the polls in three weeks, then you can trash as many signs asa possible.


"I mean the updates are cute and all... but I think I actually prefer the refurb of previous gen. I like the old silver keys."

TheSeed, hoisted from comments in today's "Link of the Day"

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Trying to get a jump on the Apple presentation today, DaringFireball goes over the Engadget rumor of the latest MacBooks. Looks to be the real deal here. We'll know for sure by this afternoon. But it doesn't excite me. I wonder if they're gonna announce a new MacMini.


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Monday, October 13, 2008
I'm up early after a dream of sharks and minnows. Dreams come easy when
your bed is overheated from the unseasonal warmth. There's no sunlight
yet, and the darkness outside is calm. You can just about hear the
construction workers arriving at the plot of land across the street.
They leave their pickup trucks idling as they get some warmth and finish
up their coffee.

I get ready for work, shower, brush my teeth, and iron my pants. I put
on a slightly wrinkled shirt that I hope will seem less wrinkled by my
activity during the day. It's going to be warm again, but I do put on a
jacket to ward the morning chill.

My car, newly washed, has dew covering it, yet, it still sparkles from
the wash. I lament that I don't get to see it in a more pristine state,
but that happens when you don't park it in the garage.

The wiper clears the condensation from the windshield. The car isn't
warm enough to keep the condensation reforming on the windshield. Each
successive pass of the blades slowly clears my vision.

I have a bill to mail. It's Columbus Day, and the post office is
closed. I sit in my car contemplating whether to mail it. Should I use
the drive up mailboxes? They are probably stuffed with Sunday's mail.
They will probably stuffed with Monday's mail as well. Should I use the
drop slot in the post office itself? This doesn't get serviced until
the afternoon. It's the last thing they check before leaving.

The bill is due Wednesday. Will it arrive on time?

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"Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World."

Christopher Columbus


Don't know how entertaining these YouTube videos of the 1929 stock
market crash, because I am stuck behind the corporate firewall. The
descriptions sound awesome.


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Sunday, October 12, 2008
Damn, it's hot. Eighty degrees in the shade and we're in October makes it hot for the season.

I can't stand it. I love autumn, my favorite season. The nights are getting shorter. There should be a chill in the air. Yet, it is not happening, and it completely bums me out.

I washed my car this afternoon. I should've gone twenty mile bike ride. I was wearing shorts. It's October and the chill hasn't hit yet.

We have a couple more days of this weather before autumn shows up. Hopefully, I'll get my favorite season back.


Because She made woman in her image. Mmm. Girls are so nice and yummy.

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Thank you Really Cute Asians dot com. And thank you Lord.

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"You were in a four-G inverted dive with a MiG28?"

Charlie (Kelly McGillis), "Top Gun"


Like being cool, being a maverick means you don't say it out loud. Hint. Hint. Ms. Palin. If you tell people you are a maverick, then you ain't.

John McCain ain't no maverick. He's just a hot head.


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Saturday, October 11, 2008
It's only 9:00 PM, and we're checking out the Wicked Woods at my nephew's school. They say that there are ghosts there, but all I see is people in white sheets. There's nothing wicked or evil here.

My nephew has one of those glow in the dark footballs. He wants to through it around by the Wicked Woods. He drags me to the school's field which is only bathed in the ghosts lights from the Wicked Woods and the parking lot seventy-five yards away.

I can barely see the football, but we throw and throw and throw it across darkness to each other. One time I overthrow him and hit people in line for the ghosts maze. The kid throws a perfect spiral back to me. Thank god that we're in the dark and no one can see my lame passes. My nephew can't either.

We throw and throw and throw it to each other as the ghosts and goblins take the guests through the wicked woods.

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“The Internet? Is that thing still around?”

Homer Simpson

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Looking for manga yesterday and sadly Borders did not have the latest volume of one of the series I am reading, Black God. O well. Just looking for manga


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Friday, October 10, 2008

Do you see a ghost in this picture? The Travel Channel is hosting, right now, ghost hunters in Gettysburg, PA. Don't look behind you!


Tora! Tora! Tora!

Sent from my iPhone


I didn't see any of the debates. My blood pressure is borderline high
already. I didn't watch any of the news coverage of them as well. I
have no idea what any of the presidential candidates really plan to do
once elected. I could care less as my vote is for removing the
Republicans from office, any and all of them.


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"*&mumble-mumble&*," the counter girl said.

It doesn't register. What? Let me go through the scenarios of what
they say here at Starbuck's when you're at the counter.

"Broderic." Yes, they usually ask for your name to write on your cup.

The counter girl stares at me.

I lean forward. "Uhh." What next? I already placed my order?

"Grande white mocha?"

The counter girl continues to stare.

I now want to say, "What did you ask," but my mind is stuck. I need
that coffee.

"W-w-w-what did you say?"

"Morning," she states.

"Oh! Good morning." Thanks for telling me. Your blank stare doesn't
help. Your quiet voice didn't help.

I repeat my order. "I guess I need the coffee more..." I manage to
stammer out.

I guess I need coffee more this morning. How do I manage to drive to
work on the other days?

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Thursday, October 09, 2008
This is a good article on the problems with living in Owings Mills. It starts with the mall and with its steep decline into shopping irrelevancy so does the place as a place to live. The author gives a good detailed discussion about the metro problems and its disjointed place in this place.

They are starting to build the bridge next to me, and the field across the street has been laid bare. I wonder how things are going to look around here in a year or two. And can I ride my bike anymore?

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Someone has let out the ugly, and that someone's name is John McCain. I hope this doesn't portend a JFK, MLK, RFK moment, but who knows with the loons on the Republican side.


"Across this country this is the agenda I have set before my fellow
prisoners and the same standards of clarity and candor must now be
applied to my opponent."

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)

(Yes we're incarcerated with this bunch of loons running the country)

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I'm watching a co-workers USB fan cool her down in this unseasonably
warm, humid day, and I wish I had one. That's a great use of the unused
USB ports on my work desktop. I doubt that the IT department would like
it though.

I'm looking for cool USB devices. I've seen a few: coffee mug warmer,
refrigerator, christmas tree, fake fish tank. I've also seen some crazy
devices out of Japan, most notably a simulated bomb. It doesn't blow up
by acts as a countdown timer. I would like to get these "humping dogs"
as they are hilarious except that they won't be so hilarious the next

Have you seen any cool USB devices?


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Wednesday, October 08, 2008
"One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us."

Kurt Vonnegut

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I'm in a love-hate mode. I'm in a pirating mode. I'm in a take it for me mode. I just need to watch some anime. And to watch some of the ones I want, I have to turn to finding fansubs. You'll usually find them on the underground.

Now I'm not saying do it, but you got to do what you got to do.

Get me some anime!


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Tuesday, October 07, 2008
I wonder who's watching the debate?

Who's winning?

Go Obama!


"There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in."

Deepak Chopra

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The Programmatic Programmers are offering an iPhone development workshop. I would love to go. I doubt I will. I don't even write code. That's so sad.


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Monday, October 06, 2008
Q: What is the role of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan?

A: Afghanistan will lead to further security of our economy. It is, somebody was saying this morning, a toxic waste there on Wall Street. Well, it was unfortunate. That manifestation that we saw with that invasion of Georgia shows us some steps backwards that Russia has recently taken away from the race toward a more coordinated and a much more stringent oversight regime government can play a very, very appropriate role in the oversight that has to exercise all options out there on Wall Street. That's the reform that we've got to play an appropriate role in the stringent oversight, making sure that these weapons of mass destruction, that nuclear weapons are not given to those hands of Ahmadinejad, not that he would allow terrorists to be a multi-faceted solution that has shown his foresight, his pragmatism, and his leadership abilities.

Sarah Palin interview generator

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Recently, at a dinner party at my mom's for a friend of a friend, one of the guests asked me about the Republican VP nominee. Ugh. Really. It isn't polite to bring up politics at the dinner table, but I was game. I said that I can't understand a word she's saying, and every time she's on tv I cringe. It's more likely that I find it outright embarrassing for her to be so incoherent in front of the whole nation. You could probably get a whole room of monkeys pounding away at typewriters, and they would produce a more coherent mishmash of nouns, verbs, and adjectives to form a competent thought.

How are we to take seriously this VP candidate when you know that the man who put her on the ticket is so insincere?


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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Tina Fey. Still hot. Sarah Palin. Ugh, forget about it.


"I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal."

President Abe Lincoln


I always dream of traveling around the world. Haven't really done it too much. Exploration. Now would be fun.


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Saturday, October 04, 2008
Before you slip into unconsciousness
I would like to have another kiss

The Doors, "The Crystal Ship"

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Friday, October 03, 2008
Oboete imasu ka me to me ga atta toki wo
Oboete imasu ka te to te ga fureatta toki
Sore wa hajimete no ai no tabidachi deshita

( Do you remember? The time when our eyes first met?
Do you remember? The time when our hands first touched?
That was the very first time I set out on the journey of love.
I love you so. )

Lynn Minmei, "Ai Oboete Imasu Ka (Do you remember love)"

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As CapitolSwell would urge you to do: Get involved!


(ht Barack Obama)

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Watch hyakko 01 in Anime  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

Instead of watching the VP debates because of being afraid for what Sarah Palin might say, I decided to watch Hyakko in raw japanese. I don't understand a word they say much like when listening to Sarah Palin. At least my blood isn't boiling.

I could only find the raw version but I am hopeful that a subbed version would come along. I wonder what's going on.

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Watch Toradora Episode 1 [Subbed] in Anime  |  View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

The new TV season is just starting. Torador looks interesting. It's another love romantic comedy set in high school. I doubt we'll find another Macross Frontier this season.

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It's the end of the world as we know it
And I feel fine

R.E.M., "End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)"

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Lance Armstrong is going to race in the 2009 edition of Le Tour. It's time to get ready for the showdown, when the past meets the present and the future of cycling is determined. It's going to be exciting.

I want to be there, but on my bike.

Here's a little tour that you can do which will follow the Tour around. It's pretty pricey, but very easy on the legs. You average about 50 miles per day. That's easy! of course it could be one day of 100 miles and the next of 2 miles. Either way, it sounds like fun. Maybe I have to start getting in shape.


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Wednesday, October 01, 2008
The computer programmers and system designers in Eagle Eye should never build their system to resemble HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Just that shape alone, the iconic red, soulless eye, would signify that it is going to eventually turn on its maker. It will gain consciousness and decide to eliminate the human species because they are the problem.

The movie is hard to believe. It was setting up for a big twist ending, but never got there because they threw away reality and conjured up a big, fat, fake fantasy. If your going to make a paranoid thriller, you need tons of paranoia and a little bit of thrills. It was a movie that wanted to mix in paranoia about the government, but didn't make anyone worried enough about how pervasive computer profiling is. I wish the Lone Gunmen were alive to make us remember that, "No matter how paranoid you are, you aren't paranoid enough."

The movie was good for what it was -- car chases, loud noise, and quick-cut action. It's good to let your brain wander, so that you don't think too much about the computer profiling. Maybe, you should also be highly paranoid as well? Unfortunately, the movie plods along to a conclusion that you know is inevitable. You could plot it using a computer profile of many action flicks that have come before it.

2 of 5 stars.

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Ghost Town should've capitalized on the spectral tone of the film and opened up closer to Halloween. Instead it opens up in the doldrums of September, barely making a peep in the b.o. chart, and sinking from sight as if it was one of the ghosts who fulfilled their wish. That's too bad as there is some charm found within this movie.

Ricky Gervais, and his British shtick which he perfected on shows such as Extra and The UK Office, is the leading man to try and right the wrongs of ill fated Tea Leoni and Greg Kinnear. Gervais is supposed to make the ending to Leoni and Kinnear's marriage final so that Kinnear can join the great shmucks in heaven or hell or somewhere in the afterlife that is not on Earth. Gervais is a crack up and his wit is perfect for the role of a dentist who wants nothing more than to be left alone. I imagine this will be the way some dentists imagine their humor to be. You really can't be belly-laughing or guffawing while your dentist is drilling teeth. You can only tee-hee and force a smile through the fingers in your mouth.

I would watch anything with Tea Leoni in it, and I did. She's one of the more unsung comediennes that never get the right role. She's almost there, but her Egytologist doesn't really register until her heart is broken. Someone save her and make her smile. Perhaps the dentist.

Kinnear is Kinnear. Smug. He gets Gervais to be his mouthpiece to reconcile with his ex. You can bet Kinnear is going to crack smart on Gervais. It was fun to watch American comedy versus British comedy. With Tea Leoni right in the middle. I was waiting for Rita Mae to show up or The Specials to sing their song, but it wouldn't have happened. Too bad it may have lively up the scene.

While not a perfect romantic comedy (did the courting couple even kiss once?), it has its charms. Don't expect too much, and you get not enough. Ghost Town was just as ephemeral as the dead guys in it.

3 of 5 stars.

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"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."

J. Wellington Wimpy of "Popeye" infamy

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Whew, now that NewsRadio Quote Month is over I can go back to using
boring old titles for these posts again. Darn. Every time I do
NewsRadio Quote Month, I always think that I have run out of quotes, but
then I keep finding ones that I haven't used yet. I thought perhaps
this was its final year, but maybe we'll see it again next year.

Today, we're going back in time to the year 2001. Google, in honor of
their tenth anniversary has a special site where you can search there
index as if it was the year 2001. That's the earliest index they have
on hand. Check it out. I wonder if BrowserMetrics can be found then?


(ht daringfireball.net)

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